Ohio woman sues says she was fired for voting for Obama


Oh bullshit. The disputed vote counts were in democrat controlled districts. Plus the DNC was able to convince a judge to throw out all absentee ballots from military personnel stationed over seas.
Also, it was Joe Lieberman who INSISTED the decision was best left to the courts.
Also, those dimpled chads....Yeah, the only way that condition could be recreated was if there were more than one card inserted into the voting machine.
Please, it's over. The correct person won the election.
You are just bitter.

I keep explaining to you guys, until 2008 when the asshole fired me over the medical bills, I was as rightwing, angry and mean-spirited as the rest of you are. Then that guy showed me who my real enemies were.

I voted for Bush in 2000. And 2004. And I truly lived to regret it. Because I was voting against my own economic interests. Had Gore continued the Clinton economy and avoided the Bush wars, we'd have all been better off.

Now, you can come up with all sort of excuses why the abortion was legitimate, but the fact is, it was still an Abortion. We got a president most of the people who voted didn't want. he proceeded to fuck up, well, everything.

Tell ya what. The GOP establishment is acting too much like democrats. That's why the last two GOP candidates lost to Obama.
As far as the rest of the thing is concerned, your death knell claim is pure bullshit.
THere are 30 states with GOP governors. There are 24 states with GOP controlled legislatures. And those are not all in the South.
A bunch of dicks? How so? Explain.

I love this excuse. The No True Scotsman Fallacy. Romney and McCain lost because they weren't real conservatives. They didn't nearly hate gays and commies enough. Or something.

Personally, I think McCain got a bad deal. He paid dearly for what a complete fuckwad Bush was. He'd have probably made an okay president.

Romney was everything you guys wanted. He was the "let's screw the working man for polo ponies" ideal.

And he lost.

You keep explaining? No, you beat the drums of liberal talking points on the issue thinking that if the story gets repeated enough people will start to believe it.
Romney? Yer kidding right? If what your state is true then why did 3.5 million conservatives decide to NOT vote in 2012?
Do you really believe the POTUS has that much power? Would it have made a difference?
If so, then why cannot Obama get every single thing he wants? Oh, blame the system of checks and balances. As far as your side is concerned, the agenda of the POTUS is sacrosanct. It is not to be questioned for any reason and agreement is not only desired, it is required.
Well newsflash, Obama had two full years of democrat control in both houses of Congress and still to this day no one will even touch the questions as to why Obama did not get everything he wanted. Even though the answer is plain as vanilla. Obama's agenda was so far left, that even the democrat establishment could not hold their collective nose long enough to vote "aye".
I could probably respond to your drivel by pointing out how many time you use first person pronouns to show how selfish and egotistical you are, but that would be a waste of time. You still wouldn't get the point.


Working? Living at home with mommy and bagging groceries?

Both of my parents died when I was 19. Sorry, man. But please don't let that stand in your way.

You said you were working at 16 big deal. And at 19 you were an adult so you should have had no problem being on your own.

No I said a business owner doesn't need a reason to eliminate a job.

I don't deal with buyers in my business. Vendors deal with me.

What bad behavior? I have never once broken a law. You just want to push your idea of morals on everyone else even by force.

Poor baby. Someone was mean to you. Man the fuck up.

Yawn, I deal with you small businessmen in the real world all day. You are all a bunch of laughable tinpots. As evil as I think corporations are, small businessmen are far worse. All the ego and little of the accomplishment.

Go ahead and think that but. I'm doing just fine whether or not you believe it. I will retire financially secure because that is my plan and I always do whatever it takes to finish what I start.

You however blame everyone else for your problems.

A serious character flaw.

You voted for the guy who called the half of us that work for a living "Moochers" (actually, a lot more than half) and bragged about how he liked to fire people and how Corporations were people to.

In short, we finally got a Republican who didn't slather the Plutocracy with a healthy dose of Jesus (mostly because the Mormon Jesus is a totally different character than the Christian Jesus.)

Don't go disowning him because he lost.

Who did i vote for? You have no idea who I voted for. I'll give you a hint. It wasn't a republican or a democrat.

And since i am an atheist I don't give a shit about Jesus.
I pulled this quote specifically to make a point here.
"Go ahead and think that but. I'm doing just fine whether or not you believe it. I will retire financially secure because that is my plan and I always do whatever it takes to finish what I start."
Joe will show how he believes a job is an entitlement by responding with some to the effect that you should never retire and close up shop. What are your employees supposed to to when you decide to call it a career. You owe it to them to keep working.
Furthermore, notice Joe's repeated complaints. He states that employers make "promises".
He protests how he was fired for using his medical insurance. He states his employment was indeed a contract position and that HE believes the employer owed him another position in the company once the contract ended. Another indication that Joe sees a job as an entitlement.
Of course neither you nor I look upon employment as an entitlement, however there are a lot of people like Joe who believe employment is something a business "owes".
In conclusion we are dealing with irrational beliefs.

Who did i vote for? You have no idea who I voted for. I'll give you a hint. It wasn't a republican or a democrat.

And since i am an atheist I don't give a shit about Jesus.

I know guy, even though Romney was your everything, you claim you didn't vote for him. Really.

Man, I've never seen the GOP disown their losers this fast. It's amazing to me.

See you're doing it again. You're projecting your need to follow on everyone else.

No wonder you can't make it on your own.

Guy, if it weren't for the "Jesus" bullshit, your philosophy wouldn't fly. We wouldn't have people voting for the interests of the 1%.

And that's what really scares you. It isn't "socialism", it's Democracy. As awesome as a businessman you think you are, your worst nightmare would be the wage slaves (who are probably more responsible for your success than you are) actually having a say in things.

You have no idea what my philosophy is because you are incapable of thinking outside of your 2 dimensional pigeonhole.

And no one who works for me gets paid less than 16 dollars an hour and i have 3 out of the ten making over 75K a year. So don't you worry about my employees. The last thing they need is an idiot like you looking out for them.
Not good enough as far as Joe is concerned. They should have free medical, a month of paid vacation strong one sided work rules which favor the worker 100%...Because after all you are a mean spirited greedy business owner who has screwing as many people as possible before you retire to a Florida based gated community of million dollar homes that according to Joe, not one of the people living in those homes earned a dime to pay for them but just screwed others out of their entitlements to get there. Sheesh. I have a headache.
Oh, one other thing...He will say you don't pay your people enough. LOL!!
heres your problem you brain cell wanting masters.

We are a democracy.

In a democracy everyone gets to vote.

How many laborers are there compared to CEOs?

now you know why you lose elections huh

meh... (facepalm...) we are NOT a democracy...

we are a republic...

how many times does that fact have to be repeated before it penetrates all those thick skulls out there...?

and, if it ever does, would you numbskulls even be able to cite the difference between a democracy and a republic...?

and why a republic is better'n a democracy...?
A business owner should have the right to fire anyone he wants at any time for any reason.

An employee does not have a right to a job provided by someone else.

No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

You're fucking stupid!!

Using your logic once you hire someone you can never fire them.

"treat them decently" = "never fire them"?
No, but once they've given them a job, they have to treat them decently.


Or do you think that if someone refused to give her boss a "Lewinsky", she should be fired with no recourse to law?

You're fucking stupid!!

Using your logic once you hire someone you can never fire them.

"treat them decently" = "never fire them"?

Did you see the post where Joe said

Firing them = murdering them?
If you don't support the business why should the business support you?

As a business person I can fire anyone I want for any reason I believe is good enough. I may have to allow them to collect unemployment but I do not have to have them work for me.

How would her employer know who she voted for? If she flaunted it at work then she could be dismissed for "bad attitude" or a bad influence on morale or wearing the wrong color of socks!

Uh huh....

And you'd tell said employee that to his/her face when firing them, right?

You have no idea what my philosophy is because you are incapable of thinking outside of your 2 dimensional pigeonhole.

And no one who works for me gets paid less than 16 dollars an hour and i have 3 out of the ten making over 75K a year. So don't you worry about my employees. The last thing they need is an idiot like you looking out for them.

Guy, Your Philosophy is on display here every day...

It looks like this.

Not good enough as far as Joe is concerned. They should have free medical, a month of paid vacation strong one sided work rules which favor the worker 100%...Because after all you are a mean spirited greedy business owner who has screwing as many people as possible before you retire to a Florida based gated community of million dollar homes that according to Joe, not one of the people living in those homes earned a dime to pay for them but just screwed others out of their entitlements to get there. Sheesh. I have a headache.
Oh, one other thing...He will say you don't pay your people enough. LOL!!

Pretty much covers it...

Frankly, it amazes me how you guys crap yourselves when someone calls shennanigans on your bullshit.
heres your problem you brain cell wanting masters.

We are a democracy.

In a democracy everyone gets to vote.

How many laborers are there compared to CEOs?

now you know why you lose elections huh

meh... (facepalm...) we are NOT a democracy...

we are a republic...

how many times does that fact have to be repeated before it penetrates all those thick skulls out there...?

and, if it ever does, would you numbskulls even be able to cite the difference between a democracy and a republic...?

and why a republic is better'n a democracy...?
She doesn't care. TM creates and lives in the reality she chooses.
Quite frankly, I think the little dog in her avatar does all the typing for her.
If you don't support the business why should the business support you?

As a business person I can fire anyone I want for any reason I believe is good enough. I may have to allow them to collect unemployment but I do not have to have them work for me.

How would her employer know who she voted for? If she flaunted it at work then she could be dismissed for "bad attitude" or a bad influence on morale or wearing the wrong color of socks!

Uh huh....

And you'd tell said employee that to his/her face when firing them, right?

Yep.. Why not. It's not personal. It's business.
What are we talking about here?
Did you see the post where Joe said

Firing them = murdering them?

Ok, fair enough, I didn't.

It's okay, I never actually said that, but Skull Head obviously feels some sort of remorse over someone's life he fucked up.

No...the person he let go fucked up his own life by doing a poor job.
You see Joe, it works this way. When a person is at fault in their own discharge from employment, the management did not decide to fire that person., The worker made the decision. They did that by nor performing as agreed when they were hired. Remember, on the day of hire the employer and employee enter into an agreement. That is the employee agrees to perform assigned tasks while the employer agrees to compensate the employee for successful completion of said tasks.
If the employee violates the agreement, it is THEY who have decided they no longer wish to be a part of the company.
Not good enough as far as Joe is concerned. They should have free medical, a month of paid vacation strong one sided work rules which favor the worker 100%...Because after all you are a mean spirited greedy business owner who has screwing as many people as possible before you retire to a Florida based gated community of million dollar homes that according to Joe, not one of the people living in those homes earned a dime to pay for them but just screwed others out of their entitlements to get there. Sheesh. I have a headache.
Oh, one other thing...He will say you don't pay your people enough. LOL!!

Pretty much covers it...

Frankly, it amazes me how you guys crap yourselves when someone calls shennanigans on your bullshit.
Genius, I was being facetious. Sometimes the utter lack of intelligence of some people truly amazes.
Ok, fair enough, I didn't.

It's okay, I never actually said that, but Skull Head obviously feels some sort of remorse over someone's life he fucked up.

No...the person he let go fucked up his own life by doing a poor job.
You see Joe, it works this way. When a person is at fault in their own discharge from employment, the management did not decide to fire that person., The worker made the decision. They did that by nor performing as agreed when they were hired. Remember, on the day of hire the employer and employee enter into an agreement. That is the employee agrees to perform assigned tasks while the employer agrees to compensate the employee for successful completion of said tasks.
If the employee violates the agreement, it is THEY who have decided they no longer wish to be a part of the company.

The problem with that is, then the employer is also obligated to live up to their end of the agreement, is he not?

Now, keep in mind, we aren't talking about a person in this thread who was fired for her performance. We are talking about a person who was fired because her boss didn't like who she voted for.

I've seen an employee of 14 years fired because she was gay.
I've seen women fired because they got pregnant.
I was personally fired (despite six years of glowing performance evaluations) because I ran up too many medical bills one year.

Now, if you are going to insist on making so many things contingent on employment, and not just garuntee every citizen health care and a job like those nasty European Socialists do. (Damn them with their higher standard of living and their longer life expectencies!) then you really should be insisting on holding the employer to his end of the agreement, should you not?

Or to put it a way even a greedy douchebag can understand. If you are a fair employer who only fires people for cause, and you are paying through the nose for unemployment insurance and taxes, the guy who is out there firing his wage slaves because he doesn't like who they are sleeping with or who they voted for is kind of acting badly at your expense, isn't he?
Not good enough as far as Joe is concerned. They should have free medical, a month of paid vacation strong one sided work rules which favor the worker 100%...Because after all you are a mean spirited greedy business owner who has screwing as many people as possible before you retire to a Florida based gated community of million dollar homes that according to Joe, not one of the people living in those homes earned a dime to pay for them but just screwed others out of their entitlements to get there. Sheesh. I have a headache.
Oh, one other thing...He will say you don't pay your people enough. LOL!!

Pretty much covers it...

Frankly, it amazes me how you guys crap yourselves when someone calls shennanigans on your bullshit.
Genius, I was being facetious. Sometimes the utter lack of intelligence of some people truly amazes.

Oh, I know you were being facetious. The fact you consider common fucking decency to be "socialism" or whatever kind of tells me the brain rot that is modern conservatism.

The country worked better when it was unionized and the rich paid their fair share.

Sorry, it just did. I'm old enough to remember it.
Did you see the post where Joe said

Firing them = murdering them?

Ok, fair enough, I didn't.

It's okay, I never actually said that, but Skull Head obviously feels some sort of remorse over someone's life he fucked up.

No you said in response to my question, "So firing someone is akin to murder now?"

I've known people who've died after they've gotten fired, so, yeah, I put them up there in the same category of fucking evil.

So firing someone is an equivalent evil to murder in your twisted mind.

BTW it's basically saying firing equals murder. After all if they are the same type of evil how are they different?
Ok, fair enough, I didn't.

It's okay, I never actually said that, but Skull Head obviously feels some sort of remorse over someone's life he fucked up.

No you said in response to my question, "So firing someone is akin to murder now?"

I've known people who've died after they've gotten fired, so, yeah, I put them up there in the same category of fucking evil.

So firing someone is an equivalent evil to murder in your twisted mind.

BTW it's basically saying firing equals murder. After all if they are the same type of evil how are they different?

So you concede I didn't call firing murder, then?

Nice of you to be honest. Now if we can get you to be less of a douche, that'd be something.

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