Oil Executives Testify in Congress on High Gas Prices

One reason is fewer Federal land oil exploration leases signed by Obama.
Note under Obama 7 of 8 years were fewer leases than the year before.

So, we imported less oil from Russia because we had less Federal land oil exploration leases signed by Obama.

That does not really make much sense, but if you say so.

Under Trump each year there were more leases except 2020 ...Covid influence.

Yet each year under Trump Russian oil imports grew, so I guess there is a correlation between Russian imports and leases in the US.

Who would have thunk it
So, we imported less oil from Russia because we had less Federal land oil exploration leases signed by Obama.

That does not really make much sense, but if you say so.

Yet each year under Trump Russian oil imports grew, so I guess there is a correlation between Russian imports and leases in the US.

Who would have thunk it
Well that's why gas prices in 2020 nationally averaged $1.938/gallon.
Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 10.19.38 AM.png
Well that's why gas prices in 2020 nationally averaged $1.938/gallon.

Yep, gas prices were low because we imported massive amounts of oil from Russia and demand was in the toilet due to a pandemic. The good old days.

Then US producers slashed production by 26% and the POTUS got Russia and SA to slash theirs even more.

And the result of that is we are where we are today.
Why did the capitalist pigs slash production when gasoline was so cheap,

Why did the number one capitalist threaten Russia and SA into slashing production when gasoline was so cheap?
Because if the price per barrel falls too low US producers go bust. The US has the highest lift costs in the world.
Yep, gas prices were low because we imported massive amounts of oil from Russia and demand was in the toilet due to a pandemic. The good old days.

Then US producers slashed production by 26% and the POTUS got Russia and SA to slash theirs even more.

And the result of that is we are where we are today.
You wrote...."massive amounts from Russia"????
FACT:6% from Russia?? Is that "MASSIVE"?

So in 2019 the US imported 9 million bpd.
AND did you note the Export column... 8.47 bpd ...exported... net .67 million bpd.
Now the next point is you'll say "then how were we "energy independent"????

The Trump administration on Friday announced it would open up over 720,000 acres of federal land in California for oil and gas development, ending a five-year moratorium on leases in the state.
Biden cancelled!
President Donald Trump has made it a priority to speed permitting and reduce regulation as a way to boost production of oil, gas and coal from public lands - an agenda that has pleased the energy and mining industries but outraged environmentalists concerned about pollution and climate change.
Biden prefers that the USA IS NOT energy independent as it was for the FIRST time In 2019, as was the case in March, the U.S. produced slightly more energy than it consumed.
Specifically, Americans used about 100.2 quadrillion Btu of energy and produced about 101 quadrillion Btu.
Broken down by month, there were seven months in 2019 where energy production outpaced energy consumption.
Previously, the U.S. had been a net energy importer since 1952.
AND did you note the Export column... 8.47 bpd ...exported... net .67 million bpd.
Now the next point is you'll say "then how were we "energy independent"????

The Trump administration on Friday announced it would open up over 720,000 acres of federal land in California for oil and gas development, ending a five-year moratorium on leases in the state.
Biden cancelled!
President Donald Trump has made it a priority to speed permitting and reduce regulation as a way to boost production of oil, gas and coal from public lands - an agenda that has pleased the energy and mining industries but outraged environmentalists concerned about pollution and climate change.
Biden prefers that the USA IS NOT energy independent as it was for the FIRST time In 2019, as was the case in March, the U.S. produced slightly more energy than it consumed.
Specifically, Americans used about 100.2 quadrillion Btu of energy and produced about 101 quadrillion Btu.
Broken down by month, there were seven months in 2019 where energy production outpaced energy consumption.
Previously, the U.S. had been a net energy importer since 1952.
We still imported more than we exported. Imports are cheaper than US crude.
Because if the price per barrel falls too low US producers go bust. The US has the highest lift costs in the world.
Prove it! Why do you make any bold, subjective, personal observation? That's what people with Zero IQ do!
Prove it!
Prove it! Why do you make any bold, subjective, personal observation? That's what people with Zero IQ do!
Prove it!
Oil needs to be $88/bbl to make US Shale oil productive.

Oil needs to be $88/bbl to make US Shale oil productive.

That's good info...and looking at your link though I didn't see $88/bbl for US shale... I saw $73 though so
your close!

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