oil gusher in california

Thus far we have explored only 20% of the planet for oil, new and improved technology is allowing us to explore new areas for oil.

Where is your link corroborating that assertion that we've only explored 20%? Landmass? Does that include the deep ocean? What is considered 100%? And how far down?

Your entire argument is speculation.


You: There's plenty of oil here.
Me: OK, where? Support your claim.
You: I don't have to link, it's in the ground. duh!

Generally, when trading opinions on the intrawebz, it's standard procedure to back up your work with corroboration. For the dozenth time, please show where you're getting your assertion that there is "plenty" here in the U.S. Let's settle on a ballpark figure for proven reserve totals here. Doesn't have to be specific. Can you handle that? Where is the light crude (which our empire is entirely built upon)?.... If you're referring instead to far more expensive heavier, dirtier shale and tar sands, say that, and then we can cover that particular fail.

Gosh, I dunno "scientist." Because light crude has returned a 200:1 down to 20:1 ratio for return on energy investment over the years, and light crude is why we are where we are today - empire? Meanwhile heavy oil is around 3:1 down to 1.5:1, and will NOT sustain 7% growth by even the lamest extrapolation? This has been covered countless times throughout this forum, but clearly you're just the latest slow pony.

And I suggest you refrain from comparative reading comprehension levels. You've allready exhibited a fundamental lack of education in that particular area.

Ah, no. That would be you. But not just in reading comprehension, you obviously don't even know your own alleged industry. You "do science," but you're just a bit fuzzy on the profound differences between light crude and kerogen/bitumen.

Wow, are you over your head on this topic.

Really? According to the US Department of Energy the US has approximately 1.2 TRILLION barrels of oil waiting to be pumped out.

DOE - Fossil Energy: DOE's Oil Recovery R&D Program

DOE - Fossil Energy Techline: New CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology Could Greatly Boost U.S. Oil Supplies

And heavy crude is not kerogen or bitumen either, those are closer to tar, but go ahead and tell yourself how brilliant you are, you're an audience of one.

You can leave now bucko, you're far to ignorant to partake in a reasonable discussion.
Egad Walleyes, do you actually believe that no one will read the links you post? 430 Billion barrels technically recoverable. Technically recoverable as in at a far greater cost.

DOE - Fossil Energy: DOE's Oil Recovery R&D Program

Large volumes of technically recoverable domestic oil resources remain undeveloped and are yet to be discovered in the United States, and this potential associated with CO2-EOR represents just a portion, albeit large, of this potential. Undeveloped domestic oil resources still in the ground (in-place) total 1,124 billion barrels. Of this large in-place resource, 430 billon barrels is estimated to be technically recoverable. This resource includes undiscovered oil, "stranded" light
oil amenable to CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technologies, unconventional oil (deep heavy oil and tar sands) and new petroleum concepts (residual oil in reservoir transition zones).
Ropey, what you believe is irrelevant. What can you prove? King Hubbert made a rock solid prediction in 1956 concerning the peak oil of the US. And missed by only a year. If there were big untapped fields in the US, nothing would stop the oil companies from tapping those fields.

Frauds like Walleyes can lie all he cares to concerning the Hubbert Curve. It has been right on thus far.

Old Crock, I gave you a "Peak Geothermal" thread, seriously I did that specifically for you, you keep bringing up Geothermal so lets have it out over in "peak geothermal". You linked to the Geysers as a great example of what we can do with Geothermal, I being the Electrical Power Research Institute Analyst have spent a few months solid working at Calenergy geothermal plants on the Salton Sea, thus I am compared to you a Geothermal god.

So run your mouth and post your links in "peak geothermal"

Old Crock where are you, The Geysers is a rare, unique, one of a kind custom built Geothemal plant that cannot be copied anywhere else in the world, its actually the best of all geothermal plants, not by a little, but by a lot, thats why the Green nuts site this plant. Only thing is you can never duplicate this plant.
And so I am to believe a dumbass poster on an internet message board over the scientists at MIT.


Everywhere on Earth, a few miles below the surface, the bedrock is hot, and the deeper you go the hotter it gets. In some places, water heated by this hot rock comes naturally to the surface or close to it, where it can be easily tapped to drive a turbine and generate electricity.

But where naturally heated water is not available at or near the surface, this process can be recreated by drilling one very deep well to inject water into the ground, and another well nearby to pump that water back to the surface after it has been heated by passing through cracks in the hot rock. Such systems are known as Engineered Geothermal Systems, or EGS.

A 2006 report by an 18-member team led by MIT Professor Jefferson Tester (now emeritus, and working at Cornell University) found that more than 2,000 times the total annual energy use of the United States could be supplied, using existing technology, from EGS systems, and perhaps 10 times as much with improved technology.
Believe whatever you want. I'm not trying to convince you. You are demanding I convince you. I find that humorous.

Peak Geothermal is a theory and has its facts to shore it up. The link I posted is quite another theory and as such has its own facts to shore it up.

There are others. Yet you seem stuck to concrete thinking that this theory is without equal. As a theory with supported facts, it's simply arguable.

Not provable.

There is no world general scientific consensus. Stick to your linear point of view if you will, but demanding more fluid thinkers to skew to your line of reference is rather weak logic.

Continue on though. I doubt if I will remain since I said all that I needed to on the subject already and I have already heard your view before. Since it is the Western school of thought, it was the first one I studied.

Have a good night.
The Gold Hypothesis may account for some oil, but hardly the most of it. And the there have been no fields of oil found at the bottom of granitic bodies.
I posted this in another thread but the significance is Peak Oil shattering

I believe that Peak Oil is an exaggerated symptom that is used to raise current prices. Saudi Arabia and OPEC has the ability to produce more oil than they do currently, and most peak oil predictions are based without using many of the updates to estimated oil reserves.

Technological advances have allowed us to extract more oil and will allow us to extract more oil than we have previously. Peak oil might be coming, but I personally do not believe that we are not close to having reached it.

Ah, finally a grown-up who might wanna actually discuss the data. Very good.

That's quite a statement there. .... I'll ask you specifically then: What makes you believe Saudi can produce more oil than they do currently? Because the Saudis say so? No one is allowed to independently verify their reserves. ... But, ok. More in what way? Longterm? Can Saudi go way up to, say, 30 million per day? And maintain that rate for say, 5 years? More? ... Or are you talking about a short burst in output to make up for a shock elsewhere in the fungible game? .... How about the same for, apparently, OPEC overall? From where did you arrive at that assertion? How many billions of barrels do you honestly believe Saudi even has left? Let's start there.

Odd that someone would think that way, considering Saudi is currently injecting sea water into many of their existing fields (usually a death knell sign) in a rather transparently desperate attempt to push up what is left. Then there's their aggressive investment in expanding their offshore infrastructure. Why would they need to move in that far-more expensive direction if they had so much spare capacity already?

Either way... As Saudi goes, so goes world oil production.

Some do not believe it at all:

An entirely alternative theory of oil formation has existed since the early 1950’s in Russia, almost unknown to the West. It claims conventional American biological origins theory is an unscientific absurdity that is un-provable. They point to the fact that western geologists have repeatedly predicted finite oil over the past century, only to then find more, lots more.

Not only has this alternative explanation of the origins of oil and gas existed in theory. The emergence of Russia and prior of the USSR as the world’s largest oil producer and natural gas producer has been based on the application of the theory in practice. This has geopolitical consequences of staggering magnitude.

The Russian Cold War-era topic regarding an isolated circle of 1950s hard-liner scientists desperate to counter U.S. hegemony on global oil contracts has been broached many times here and everywhere. Thomas Gold's book as well. ... Ultimately, abiotic theory doesn't hold up, ... but it can be extrapolated nicely, in that it IS true that traces of methane can be produced under extreme pressure deep under ground.

Either way, it's also irrelevant. Maybe oil IS abiotic, and does magically seap up from the core of the Earth. Great!! ... So then where is it?

Why do so many international entities all produce data that essentially all agrees that new discoveries are simply NOT keeping up with existing dying capacity? Haven't for many years.
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Jiggs, where is the link to your Peak Oil theory.

All over this forum, and all over the internet.

What part are you fuzzy about, at this point? I mean, besides all of it?

Jiggs linked to three threads and the link was not there. I challenged Jiggs to give me the link to the theory Jiggs kept referring to and as you can see, Jiggs has no link.
Jiggs, where is the link to your Peak Oil theory.

All over this forum, and all over the internet.

What part are you fuzzy about, at this point? I mean, besides all of it?

Jiggs linked to three threads and the link was not there. I challenged Jiggs to give me the link to the theory Jiggs kept referring to and as you can see, Jiggs has no link.

Again, dipshit... Go to "The Google" and type "peak oil"... You should get thousands of options.
mdn has been given King Hubberts work many times. It has even been pointed out to him that it was published in that radical left wing pinko publication, the Houston Journal of Oil and Gas.
All over this forum, and all over the internet.

What part are you fuzzy about, at this point? I mean, besides all of it?

Jiggs linked to three threads and the link was not there. I challenged Jiggs to give me the link to the theory Jiggs kept referring to and as you can see, Jiggs has no link.

Again, dipshit... Go to "The Google" and type "peak oil"... You should get thousands of options.

I want the option you claim, I want the option you refuse to provide, I dont want thousands, I want to see your option, your theory, you run your mouth and run from the challenge, you know so much, post the theory you refer to, I followed your past links and they were pure bullshit.

If all you do is go to google and type peak oil, then you are the dipshit, you are a moron, and there is no debate, its about who pays the most for your "key phrase", "peak oil".

Thats how google works, you can bid on phrases so that your ideology dominates the search.

Challenged again and again, its plain to see you cannot support your ideas nor posts.
Could someone please explain "Peak Oil" to me, and just the facts, please. And the short version please. I've gotta say, I don't know much about it.

Peak oil is a religion. Like all religions it has its symbols (the bell shaped curve), its Bible from whence all knowledge is derived from a Prophet (Hubberts 1956 work titled "Nuclear Energy and the Fossil Fuels"), and like all religions it requires belief above all else.

The dogma are substantial, they are usually contradicted by reality, but they must be internalized, they must be defended, and they cannot be contradicted. Those who contradict the dogma soon find themselves banned, censored, called names, etc etc.

The technical definition of peak oil is that the production rate of oil will one day reach a maximum from which it shall retreat, never to return. No one disputes that in a finite system, the production of any finite thing within it cannot increase forever (maybe some of the abiotic crowd would give you an argument with this one).

The consequences tend to be where the rub is. Peak oilers want the world to die, yuppies in particular, Humvee owners if possible, and if you don't plan on becoming Amish...well....you don't believe enough yet. Peakers consider themselves smarter, more analytical, in tune with the geosciences because of this "special" knowledge they have. Growing tomatos in their kitchen windows they dream of the day when the fuel stops, the mutant zombie bikers prowl the devastated suburban neighborhoods, and their ability to grow those tomatos and use their AR15's will save them.

Basically, they have just dressed up their own Rapture scenario. A perfect fit with the religious zealotry which drives them to learn to grow a tomato in a window box. Some have Communion, Peakers have that tomato. It means they will be saved, when oil peaks.

Of course, they react violently when you point these religious aspects out to them. To them it can't be a religion because they base it on the science as laid down by the Prophet Hubbert. He actually was a scientist, and a darn good one. They use scientific sounding acronyms like EROEI, they pretend to discuss the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (with the level of understanding of pre-schoolers), they convert Hubberts original hand drawn bell shaped curve into something of mathematical precision...and then genuflect at its symmetry.

Thats the basics.
OK, dumb ass. Here it is again.

Peak oil primer and links | Energy Bulletin

Of the 65 largest oil producing countries in the world, up to 54 have passed their peak of production and are now in decline, including the USA in 1970, Indonesia in 1997, Australia in 2000, the UK in 1999, Norway in 2001, and Mexico in 2004. Hubbert's methods, as well as other methodologies, have been used to make various projections about the global oil peak, with results ranging from 'already peaked', to the more optimistic 2035. Many of the official sources of data used to model oil peak such as OPEC figures, oil company reports, and the USGS discovery projections, upon which the international energy agencies base their own reports, can be shown to be frighteningly unreliable. In November 2009, the International Energy Agency's World Economic Outlook report stated that oil and gas liquids were not expected to peak until 2030, at significantly higher levels than today, however this was met by rebukes from internal whistleblowers who argued that the figures are more political than scientific. In response to the questionable reliability of IEA reports, several notable scientists have attempted independent studies, most famously, Colin Campbell and associates with the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO).
Superpowers like China and Russia are contracting with countries all over the world for more oil exploration.
Could someone please explain "Peak Oil" to me, and just the facts, please. And the short version please. I've gotta say, I don't know much about it.

The ramifications of that crushed demand, however, is major dislocation of the global food conveyor belt, and ever-increasing civil disruption (perpetual recession all the way to great depression... and, if things get too desperate - war).

Peak oil explains almost everything happening in global conflict zones, and western geopolitics today - from 9/11 ......

As you see, it is a "End of The World" Theory, and a weak theory at that. Generally it is bantered about in Sophomore Sociology classes to prevent students from hibernating, and most realise that it is as realistic a possiblility of Alien Abduction.

However, like any wacko theory, there's going to be a few who worship it.
Like any dumb ass Conservative, you will dismiss anything that does not fit your idea of the "Way things oughta be", without the slightest investigation. As stated before, Hubbert developed the model for peak oil in 1948 and published it in the Houston Journal of Oil and Gas in 1956. He predicted the peak for the US in 1970. It occured in 1971.
Superpowers like China and Russia are contracting with countries all over the world for more oil exploration.

They surely have. And this is the result.

Peak oil primer and links | Energy Bulletin

So when will oil peak globally?
Later in life M. King Hubbert predicted a global oil peak between 1995 and 2000. He may have been close to the mark, except that the geopolitically induced oil shocks of the 1970s slowed the growth of our use of oil.

As represented in the following figure, global oil discovery peaked in the late 1960s. Since the mid-1980s, oil companies have been finding less oil than we have been consuming.
Superpowers like China and Russia are contracting with countries all over the world for more oil exploration.

They surely have. And this is the result.

Peak oil primer and links | Energy Bulletin

So when will oil peak globally?
Later in life M. King Hubbert predicted a global oil peak between 1995 and 2000. He may have been close to the mark, except that the geopolitically induced oil shocks of the 1970s slowed the growth of our use of oil.

As represented in the following figure, global oil discovery peaked in the late 1960s. Since the mid-1980s, oil companies have been finding less oil than we have been consuming.

So how many months are left before there is no oil?
Superpowers like China and Russia are contracting with countries all over the world for more oil exploration.

They surely have. And this is the result.

Peak oil primer and links | Energy Bulletin

So when will oil peak globally?
Later in life M. King Hubbert predicted a global oil peak between 1995 and 2000. He may have been close to the mark, except that the geopolitically induced oil shocks of the 1970s slowed the growth of our use of oil.

As represented in the following figure, global oil discovery peaked in the late 1960s. Since the mid-1980s, oil companies have been finding less oil than we have been consuming.

Countries who don't want to be relegated to the third world drill for oil.

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