Oil Is Dropping

Did he say that a Tesla at 2022 prices and a Civic at 2014 prices (your comparison) would even out in cost? Not so sure he did.
I used the 2022 price for both. I even rounded up the cost of the Civic to $25,000 to be nice.

But yes, electric cars are not yet as economical. Which is not surprising. Gas cars had a bit of a head start.
Well, electric cars have actually been around since 1890. And even then they could not compete and were beaten out by internal combustion.
Not at $17,000 you didn't. That's what I meant.
The comparison has to be fair. MSRP. And I rounded UP the Civic MSRP.

My negotiating skills are legendary in my family. No one buys a car without me there. Or a TV. Or anything which costs more than $100.
Well, electric cars have actually been around since 1890. And even then they could not compete and were beaten out by internal combustion.
But have not been mass produced and had the profit motive behind their improvement for very long.

Tech will improve. Once we get over the hump with capacitors, gas cars qill quickly fizzle.
But have not been mass produced and had the profit motive behind their improvement for very long.

Tech will improve. Once we get over the hump with capacitors, gas cars qill quickly fizzle.
I've always hoped for hydrogen fuel cell cars myself.

Or a Mr. Fusion. :lol:
Oil is below $100 today. Down from the peak on March 8.

Good news. Thank god.

I get emails from my local gas station and they sent one which said they are now able to lower their prices.

I blame Biden!

Thank God then you publish the reason why and God wasn't involved.

Youre all paranoid about the God shit
Yes, I'm sure every Trumptard is silently hoping it goes back up. They can't breathe if they don't have something to be pissed at Biden about.
Irrelevant. Gas never went above $3 under Trump. The damage is already done with Biden. Democrats will be toast on November.
This has actually been one of the more fun topics, guys.

All kidding aside, I hope oil keeps dropping. Presidents really have very little to do with the price of oil.

When I give credit to Biden, in most cases I am being facetious. I do that because of the credit others give Trump without ever assigning blame to him for failures.

Low oil prices are good for America and for the world. Let's all pray it keeps going down.

Presidents have far less power than we give them credit or blame for.

Someone wants us to be divided. They want us at each other's throats.

Yes, I hate Trump. Yes, others hate Biden. The biggest reasons I hate Trump are for his character, his wild spending, and his innate inability to tell the truth. In fourth place is my anger at him for making Obamacare immortal and UHC inevitable.

That isn't to say Biden is not on my shit list. As I have posted a few times, this asshole is probably going to spend more than Trump and that really pisses me off. And as most of you know, the federal debt is my number one issue, far and above any others. People cruelly make fun of his congenital stutter and his gaffes and think that means he has dementia. Biden has stuttered his entire life, and worked very hard to overcome it. And he has been making boneheaded gaffes for as long as he has been in public service.

What scares me about Biden is that he is NOT demented. What scares me is that he knows how to get shit done. And the shit he wants to get done will bankrupt our country and bring us to our knees.

Good night. God bless.

Oh. And EVs suck!
I was born and raised in California. I enjoy the weather all 12 months. Where else can someone Surf at Ocean Beach (San Francisco) in the morning, and in the late afternoon head to the mountains and snow ski under the lights on the same day (Soda Springs, 3 hours drive from The City).
I did that in South Carolina, water skied in the mourning on lake hartwell ( by Clemson death valley football stadium ) hoped in my car and drove 20 minutes to the mountains of North Carolina and snow skied at night.

Big fucking deal not impressed

Yes, I'm sure every Trumptard is silently hoping it goes back up. They can't breathe if they don't have something to be pissed at Biden about.
I would be mightily impressed if Joe Biden could lower the price of gasoline.
But, one, he has a vested interest in keeping the price of fossil fuels artificially high.
Thereby pleasing his advisors, green wieners and keeping the earth from turning into a flaming barbecue briquet.

Two, he would have to then explain if he could manipulate gas prices, why have gas prices risen so
precipitously over the last year plus (well before any conflict in Ukraine)?

And three, what's in it for Joe? His constituency all believe in exorbitant gasoline prices.
They almost cream in their pants when the possibility of non fossil fuel autos are on the Biden
agenda as a mandatory order from Joe...just like face masks and social distancing.
Car dealers love it. Credit Unions and banks love it. Pete Buttigieg loves the idea of constructing a nation wide web of bicycle lanes on interstate highways for the poors who have to pedal to work like they do
in the Netherlands or China.

And four, think of family vacations in the mountains by bike. Taking grandma from San Francisco to
Lake Tahoe, just her and her oxygen tanks and tubes of Ben Gay. Nothing says family togetherness like all
taking turns on the road side giving CPR resuscitation to old granny.
"Be careful, McKenna! Don't break another of grandma's ribs! She only has so many left.
Compress her sternum gently, honey" says mom helpfully.
Boise, why not give your sister some help"
"Aw mom, do I have to? She fucks everything up!"
"Now watch your language" dad says. " I think grandma can still hear you kids fighting.
You know she doesn't like foul language.
C'mon everyone. Just 148 miles to go before we can reach a camp ground and I think the
sun will be up for most of that."
"Hey, says mom. "Maybe we can see a bear family too," she says hopefully.
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I did that in South Carolina, water skied in the mourning on lake hartwell ( by Clemson death valley football stadium ) hoped in my car and drove 20 minutes to the mountains of North Carolina and snow skied at night.

Big fucking deal not impressed

Water skied? Ain't nothing compared to big waves.
BULLSHIT: First of all, how many people drive 342 miles everyday? For those who are driving long distances, I posted this link which explains there are Superchargers on this map:

Next, most long distance drivers stop for coffee, meals, the toilet and/or a stretch every two to three hours. Top range in a Tesla is a bit more than 300 miles and that would be five to six hours.

How many MPG does a Honda Civic get at highway speeds? How many gallons of gas does a Civic hold?

BTW: The average driver:
  • spends 55 minutes a day behind the wheel
  • Drives 29 miles a day
You can look it up.
You live in leftist looney fantasy land.

I will go to war before I own one of those shit boxes in their current state and cost.

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