Oil Is Dropping

VW Diesel Rabbit in the 80s got 45 to 50 mpg.

No computer.........No BS..............Was efficient as hell and gets better gas mileage than the new FANCY COMPUTER CHIP CARS of today.

But hey.............an engine needs a sensor to tell the computer I'M STARTING.

My cousin had a Rabbit back then. He said every time a semi passed him on the highway, his wheels lifted off the road.

That's how you get high mileage. Make your car out of tin foil. :lol:
My cousin had a Rabbit back then. He said every time a semi passed him on the highway, his wheels lifted off the road.

That's how you get high mileage. Make your car out of tin foil. :lol:
They were lighter........And they still got you from A to b........Cheap and efficient. Hell our Regency got 35 mpg with a V6 and was comfortable as hell.

I aslo owned a Plymouth Champ that got 35 mpg
There has been far more oil production in the US in Biden's first year than during Trump's first year.

Saudi Arabia is exporting less oil right now than they were during the pandemic.

The problem is not here. Or Biden.
Cancelling means of transport certainly does not help the supply. You can't deny that.
So a Tesla owner has to stop every 200 miles to recharge, and it still takes longer than gassing up. And you have to hope there is a supercharger station on your route!

And their tiniest car costs $50,000. The rest are far north of $100,000.

If I buy a Honda Civic for $25,000, how many miles will you have to drive to make up for the gas savings?
BULLSHIT: First of all, how many people drive 342 miles everyday? For those who are driving long distances, I posted this link which explains there are Superchargers on this map:

Next, most long distance drivers stop for coffee, meals, the toilet and/or a stretch every two to three hours. Top range in a Tesla is a bit more than 300 miles and that would be five to six hours.

How many MPG does a Honda Civic get at highway speeds? How many gallons of gas does a Civic hold?

BTW: The average driver:
  • spends 55 minutes a day behind the wheel
  • Drives 29 miles a day
You can look it up.
BULLSHIT: First of all, how many people drive 342 miles everyday? For those who are driving long distances, I posted this link which explains there are Superchargers on this map:

Next, most long distance drivers stop for coffee, meals, the toilet and/or a stretch every two to three hours. Top range in a Tesla is a bit more than 300 miles and that would be five to six hours.

How many MPG does a Honda Civic get at highway speeds? How many gallons of gas does a Civic hold?

BTW: The average driver:
  • spends 55 minutes a day behind the wheel
  • Drives 29 miles a day
You can look it up.
My mother owns a Tesla.

On the rare times she drives somewhere 300+ miles away, she rents a car.
Supply and demand. Demand skyrocketed to the highest level ever after the pandemic. So there's one factor in inflation.

Obama and Trump and the Fed printed/borrowed/injected trillions and trillion and trillion and trillion and trillions of dollars into the economy.

The expected inflation during their presidencies didn't occur because the velocity of money was slow.

Despite Trump and Obama's artificial juicing of our GDP by massively expanding government spending, economic growth during their presidencies was sluggish.

All that cash was buried in the national back yard going nowhere. Most in bank vaults.

Post pandemic, consumer demand skyrocketed to the moon. All that cash was dug up and the velocity of money blasted off. People ran out and bought houses and have created another housing bubble because there are not enough houses to meet that sudden demand. House prices are now higher than they were during the last bubble. And all the same bidding war insanity is going on. The bank vaults are wide open now.

People started ordering a lot more shit from China. There are more shipping containers being used than ever before. There is an actual container shortage. So our ports are snagged.

And so forth and so on.

And that is why we have inflation today. Our chickens have come home to roost.

That is the Reader's Digest version.
BULLSHIT: First of all, how many people drive 342 miles everyday? For those who are driving long distances, I posted this link which explains there are Superchargers on this map:

Next, most long distance drivers stop for coffee, meals, the toilet and/or a stretch every two to three hours. Top range in a Tesla is a bit more than 300 miles and that would be five to six hours.

How many MPG does a Honda Civic get at highway speeds? How many gallons of gas does a Civic hold?

BTW: The average driver:
  • spends 55 minutes a day behind the wheel
  • Drives 29 miles a day
You can look it up.
My daughter's Honda Civic gets 30 mpg. Even better on the highway.

As I demonstrated in post 126, a Tesla owner will never catch up to the gas savings. Ever.

I rounded down to 30 mpg, just to be fair.

Imagine if I used 42 mpg!
A silly thing to say, as you are comparing a luxury car to one of the 3 cheapest cars on the market.

A more honest comparison would be a Nissan leaf .
I'm not the one who linked to Telsa. Our resident EV owner did.
Yes, I'm sure every Trumptard is silently hoping it goes back up. They can't breathe if they don't have something to be pissed at Biden about.
You still don't get it. Your political masters did all of this crap. They do not even listen to the people anymore. And then you buy into their propaganda blaming everything but what they have done for any problems.
A baseline 2022 Nissan Leaf MSRP is $31,670.

A baseline 2022 Honda Civic MSRP is $22,350.

A price difference of $9,320.

There's a reason why a Leaf costs less than a Tesla. It has serious drawbacks.

Depending on your Nissan Leaf model, Nissan guarantees 107 miles of highway driving a day without recharging the battery. But intense city street driving will make your battery lose its charge around 90 miles.

Only 107 miles! And that is only if you drive in a perfect temperature, remember.

A Nissan Leaf replacement battery pack costs anywhere from $3,500 to $6,500.


Temperatures above 90°F affect electric car batteries without heat resistance negatively. And though Nissan’s battery placement under the Leaf’s floor ensures tolerance to pretty much everything, it still cannot handle extreme heat situations well.

Your daily mileage determines your battery’s heat tolerance; fewer than 10 miles a day will significantly improve its life span. Also, because the battery outputs heat when it’s charging,
recharging the battery midday when the sun is beating down won’t do it any good.

Okay. So as long as you drive less than 10 miles a day (WTF!?!) and don't drive your Leaf or charge it during the summer, you'll be just fine.

Are you kidding me?


$4 gas, 30 mpg (just to be nice). You will have to drive your Leaf 70,000 miles to break even!

Then if you are lucky enough to live in perfect weather, you can wait until 100,000 miles to shell out $3500 to $6500 for a new battery.

A Honda Civic battery is about a hundred bucks.

But yes, electric cars are not yet as economical. Which is not surprising. Gas cars had a bit of a head start.
Trillions of dollars will be spent that need not be. A matter a few years or so for the expansion of electric vehicles from the time they become more routine. The green deal is a scam. Much of the savings will be with technology we already have or close to improving on like A/C Heat compressors, insulation additions, longer lasting roof shingles, improved windows for homes and business and the like. And they will take full credit for it.
Sounds like the drain off of the strategic reserves finally hit. How long did that work last time?
That was only 50 million barrels from the Strategic Reserve.

The US consumes 20 million of barrels a day.

So, yeah. Two and a half days worth.

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