Oil Is Dropping

When you take a road trip, how often do you have to stop and charge the car? How long does it take?

Or are you stuck at home because you can't drive more than 300 miles?

Oil is below $100 today. Down from the peak on March 8.

Good news. Thank god.

I get emails from my local gas station and they sent one which said they are now able to lower their prices.

I blame Biden!

Were you cheering when we were the leading energy produer in the world while President Trump was in the white house?
oil prices wouldn't be as high as they are if not for bumbling stumbling biden
So you really think after covid we would be seeing these prices under Trump? What makes you think that? Gas was going down while Trumps economy was going up. Why would that have changed over the last year?
Our economy has been growing far greater under Biden than Trump. Trump never got even close to the 4 to 6 percent growth he promised.

Also, gas was not going down while Trump was President. It started at $2.45 in January 2017, and ended at $2.42 in January 2021. In between, it got as high as $2.98.

Our economy has been growing far greater under Biden than Trump. Trump never got even close to the 4 to 6 percent growth he promised.

Also, gas was not going down while Trump was President. It started at $2.45 in January 2017, and ended at $2.42 in January 2021. In between, it got as high as $2.98.

thats a lie but we come to find out just how much you will believe any lie
Those new jobs are not new jobs they are jobs that existed and being filled strike 2
We are not all pretend liberal business owners billionaires who hang out on a political site that only Russian Trolls and liberal trannys post on.
The mouth breathers are hitting the panic button now that mating season is around the corner & they can't troll the local trailer parks in their lifted pick ups trolling for tail. Can't swing the gas.
Our economy has been growing far greater under Biden than Trump. Trump never got even close to the 4 to 6 percent growth he promised.

Also, gas was not going down while Trump was President. It started at $2.45 in January 2017, and ended at $2.42 in January 2021. In between, it got as high as $2.98.

So business reopening after democrats shut them down for no reason is …. Growth? 🤣🤣🤣
That car has all the price of a vette and all the performance of a Pinto.

If government were really interested in forcing us to buy shitty no-range gutless battery cars to to "save the planet" they would give subsidies to make them 1/2 the cost of gas cars.

Fat chance. It's all bullshit and you know it.
Because oil prices are decided on the global market, and prices are up all over the world.
. In fact, your question is so silly and has such and obvious, easy answer, that I think the burden lies on YOU to argue why gas prices would not have risen, if the orange pile of shit were still president.
They seem to bleev Trump would have done something magical but never say what.
Our economy has been growing far greater under Biden than Trump. Trump never got even close to the 4 to 6 percent growth he promised.

Also, gas was not going down while Trump was President. It started at $2.45 in January 2017, and ended at $2.42 in January 2021. In between, it got as high as $2.98.

Artificially manufactured by commie shutdowns being reversed.

Nice try.
So a Tesla owner has to stop every 200 miles to recharge, and it still takes longer than gassing up. And you have to hope there is a supercharger station on your route!

And their tiniest car costs $50,000. The rest are far north of $100,000.

If I buy a Honda Civic for $25,000, how many miles will you have to drive to make up for the gas savings?

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