OK, Groomers

Just as the hardcore Left spectacularly over-used the term "racist" and ruined and trivialized a terribly important word for their own cynical perceived advantage, the GQP is doing the same with this.

It really is amazing, how similar and absolutely destructive and ugly the two ends of the spectrum can be.
So calling everyone who doesn’t like America hating Obama a racist is the equivalent to calling adults demanding to talk to 7 year olds about sexual perversions a groomer.

You’re consistent.
Always striking out with your whataboutisms.
Just as the hardcore Left spectacularly over-used the term "racist" and ruined and trivialized a terribly important word for their own cynical perceived advantage, the GQP is doing the same with this.

It really is amazing, how similar and absolutely destructive and ugly the two ends of the spectrum can be.

I almost never heard it, before this specific bill. This bill is the current issue of the day. In relation to this bill, it makes complete sense to discuss "grooming".

THe left uses the term "Racism" very differently than that.
We can see what the LGBT did to the Boy Scouts.
The Boy Scout have gone bankrupt because they have over 80,000 sex abuse cases against them.

LGBQT was not the Boy Scouts problem.
Pedophilia by poorly screened leaders was.
Faith is not the Catholic Church's problem.
Pedophile priests, and the covering for them, was.

40+ years ago....long before folks were coming out of the closet.....I had a colleague who was big in the Scouts statewide management and he told me he twice had to fire 'leaders' because of 'inappropriate' behavior. Back then they didn't go to the police.

To try to say the LGBQT community is a Boy Scout problem is silly....and uninformed.
In my opinion, it is just one more boogeyman the TDS'r demographic uses to scare folks.....like Mexican rapists, MS-13, Caravans, ANTIFA, BLM, 'Woke', 'Fascist', illegal immigrants, rampant crime, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Create the fear of a boogeyman and then claim....."I alone can fix it." It is the fantasy of fools.



  • how about striking if you’re told to tell your 3rd graders about sexual perversions?

  • Where are teachers told to tell 3rd graders about sexual perversions? Be specific
  • But somehow saying teachers are groomers is gonna work out great. Yep

Poster SweetSue, after reading your posts over the last year, it is clear you and I frequently enough wear different colored jerseys. And that's cool. No harm, no foul. But here, I think you are deadsolidperfectly correct on calling out anyone who is into this shriek about 'teachers are groomers'.
It is utter and complete.......jackassery. And corrosive to our culture.

I know many teachers. Teachers as a category of people....are among my most favorite. They are educated. They try hard to stay current and informed. They all are pretty darn good with our language and able to convey their thinking in an articulate manner. And all of them that I know....love their students. If they have a complaint.....it is about the misinformed/ill-informed/uninformed assertive parents.

For anyone...including posters here....to claim that there is a growing problem with our American teachers "grooming" their students for a gay or lesbian or trans life is not only jackassery.....it is anti-social quakery. It damages America and our society.

Just as the hardcore Left spectacularly over-used the term "racist" and ruined and trivialized a terribly important word for their own cynical perceived advantage, the GQP is doing the same with this.

It really is amazing, how similar and absolutely destructive and ugly the two ends of the spectrum can be.
What the left did with the term "racist" was done over decades of indiscriminate and malicious misuse of the word. You cannot say the same for the right's use of the term "groomer" because the meme has only very recently emerged.
What the left did with the term "racist" was done over decades of indiscriminate and malicious misuse of the word. You cannot say the same for the right's use of the term "groomer" because the meme has only very recently emerged.
I'm talking about the tactic of calling everyone who dares to disagree with you a "pedophile". "Groomer" is just another version. Same thing.

You are MTG. MTG is you. That's today's GQP.

LGBQT was not the Boy Scouts problem.
Pedophilia by poorly screened leaders was.
Faith is not the Catholic Church's problem.
Pedophile priests, and the covering for them, was.

40+ years ago....long before folks were coming out of the closet.....I had a colleague who was big in the Scouts statewide management and he told me he twice had to fire 'leaders' because of 'inappropriate' behavior. Back then they didn't go to the police.

To try to say the LGBQT community is a Boy Scout problem is silly....and uninformed.
In my opinion, it is just one more boogeyman the TDS'r demographic uses to scare folks.....like Mexican rapists, MS-13, Caravans, ANTIFA, BLM, 'Woke', 'Fascist', illegal immigrants, rampant crime, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Create the fear of a boogeyman and then claim....."I alone can fix it." It is the fantasy of fools.





Poster SweetSue, after reading your posts over the last year, it is clear you and I frequently enough wear different colored jerseys. And that's cool. No harm, no foul. But here, I think you are deadsolidperfectly correct on calling out anyone who is into this shriek about 'teachers are groomers'.
It is utter and complete.......jackassery. And corrosive to our culture.

I know many teachers. Teachers as a category of people....are among my most favorite. They are educated. They try hard to stay current and informed. They all are pretty darn good with our language and able to convey their thinking in an articulate manner. And all of them that I know....love their students. If they have a complaint.....it is about the misinformed/ill-informed/uninformed assertive parents.

For anyone...including posters here....to claim that there is a growing problem with our American teachers "grooming" their students for a gay or lesbian or trans life is not only jackassery.....it is anti-social quakery. It damages America and our society.

Despite what the gay community claims---men raping boys is GAY (not hetero)..ergo all of those MEN raping children in the boyscouts was in deed a GAY thing no matter how you cut and slice it. The gay community are the ones who forced the boy scouts into allow in gay males---and sure enough the gay males raped the boys in their charge.
I admire your aplomb as so many attack your profession indiscriminately. I have been guilty of doing so, and you are the reason that I am able to bring myself back to center on this issue when the news I hear makes me so frustrated, and especially when the leftists here try to justify the actions of the teachers who are indeed guilty.

Thank you.

I love my profession. I love teaching. I can't imagine doing anything else with my life. It's awful to see so many young teachers leaving--they had dreams like I did at their age. Their dreams are dying. I can't imagine frankly. But I don't blame them. We just cannot do what society has asked us to do with the absolute basement level respect we get.

No one should do this. Not even for the kids--and I adore kids. (Not in a creepy groomer way.)
Despite what the gay community claims---men raping boys is GAY (not hetero).

I disagree.
Though I am not qualified to parse the definitions of 'gay'.
In my view, pedophilia is a criminal aberration. One can be a gay man, a gay woman.......and not be a pedophile.
One can be a pedophile who likes young boys.....and not be gay. One can be a pedophile who likes little girls.....and not be gay.
I'm talking about the tactic of calling everyone who dares to disagree with you a "pedophile". "Groomer" is just another version. Same thing.

You are MTG. MTG is you. That's today's GQP.
Please quote either me personally or Ms. Taylor Greene calling any specific person a pedophile simply because they disagree with me or with her.
What the left did with the term "racist" was done over decades of indiscriminate and malicious misuse of the word. You cannot say the same for the right's use of the term "groomer" because the meme has only very recently emerged.

More to the point, “racist” has come to be a widely-used slur against conservatives in general, even when there is no evidence of any genuine racism on the part of those against whom the slur is being used, while “groomer” is being directed at those who, undeniably, are openly engaging in, advocating, or defending actual abusive sexual grooming of children.
I'm talking about the tactic of calling everyone who dares to disagree with you a "pedophile". "Groomer" is just another version. Same thing.

I dare you to point out any significant instances of “groomer” being used against someone who is not, in fact, defending, advocating, or engaging in the sexual abuse of children.
I disagree.
Though I am not qualified to parse the definitions of 'gay'.
In my view, pedophilia is a criminal aberration. One can be a gay man, a gay woman.......and not be a pedophile.
One can be a pedophile who likes young boys.....and not be gay. One can be a pedophile who likes little girls.....and not be gay.

Words have meanings.

homosexuality, or “gay” is about sexual interest in, or activity with, others of the same biological sex.

Now it happens that little boys are almost as often subject to physical sexual abuse as little girls are. Yet homosexuals make up less than 4% of the population.

Who's raping little boys? It's not heterosexuals men who do that. By definition, a heterosexual man, if he was a pedophile, would only be interested in raping little girls.

It's that 4% or less who are fucking little boys.

When 4% or less of the population accounts for nearly half of all childfuckers, you have to know, you have to admit, that there is something very wrong with that 4% or less.
Why does it not surprise me to see that a certain user here thinks that sexually abusing children is funny?

Any "teacher" that advocates teaching CHILDREN about sex, is a lousy, chickenshit teacher who goosesteps out of fear instead of advocating for children to BE children. When I was in school, if my teachers tried to indoctrinate my "lessons" in sexual perversions because it was the "in" thing to do, my parents would have had a cow and done something about it. Not just because they were my parents and it was their duty to teach me about the birds and the bees (not the birds and the birds), because it was the honorable and moral thing to do. Teaching children is supposed to be that which helps them in future with the studies...history, science, math, english comp, reading, writing, etc. NOT do the PARENTS job of things done in a bedroom for physical entertainment of their bodies that are NOT the "norm". So, in my opinion, any "teacher" following that agenda against their own personal morals (unless they are pervs themselves), those "teachers" are just instigating and "grooming" not the kids welfare of future endeavors but instead brainwashing them to embrace that which is disgusting and perverted....out of "fear" for their own selves in their own careers. Kinda long the sayings of "I was just doing my job and therefore exempt for my participation", which is a cop out.
And? Homeschooled kids are by far the most advanced in both education and manors. You may have the best school in the world, but it’s no match for kids being taught in groups of 1-10.
Manors? Who just told SweetSue92 she needed to take an English class?

BTW, your homeschooled stats are not verified by any legitimate source. What about my Special Ed students who were removed from the public school by their parents when they were 13? Think they ever cracked a book again? They were dodging mandatory attendance laws.
Bullshit! Let's see your link! I know that was likely the case in the Marines, but not the Boy Scouts. The Boy Scouts were forced to accept gay members by a court order.

Yes, in 2015 the Boy Scouts lifted the ban on gay leaders. None of the abuse cases in the courts today are from after 2015. They go back to the 70s.

In the early 80s the Boy Scouts implemented the Youth Protection program to deal with the problem of sex abuse by its leaders.

In 1991 the NY Times did an investigation into the abuse of boy scouts by their leaders.

All of this took place long before the Boy Scouts allowed gay leaders.


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