OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

First mor9n you got a tax break that increaased your pay check .
Next lets talk about bernies plan free health care for all should raise your taxes by about 20 g a house hold .d.destroy the economy kill jobs and investments in America
bologna and bologna, fear mongered super duper. We are the richest country in the world and and have the worst inequality and upward Mobility and benefits of any of them by far thanks to you idiots and your scumbag Heroes. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible...
The one tax graph you really need to know
Washington Post

View attachment 256187
Sep 19, 2012 · This is what the American tax system really looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans ...

Your liberal state and your liberal locality are screwing you.
You're a liberal idiot.
My liberal locality voted 73% Trump. You get what you pay for and I have always been happy to pay my taxes. In fact I used to just skip the returns and leave my refund to them.speak for your own liberal State and locality. New York is the empire State and the greatest state in the country.

Wow, not that I'm surprised that you did it but I am surprised that you so boldly boasted on a public forum that you are guilty of tax fraud by not filing tax returns. Someone who knows you could turn you in for a handsome reward. Perhaps all your Socialist friends would pass the hat and pay your taxes, fines and late fees. You know, in that Socialist spirit.
I would have gotten a refund every year. They don't mind.
Try getting your facts straight, super dupe of the greedy idiot rich GOP.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Washington Post

View attachment 256191
Sep 19, 2012 · This is what the American tax system really looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans ...

So, who uses state and local services more? Are you telling me that POOR people should not invest in their community?

Does a rich person with 2 kids take MORE/LESS out of the school system as the poorer person?

Are you saying that a rich person should pay for your kids to go to school? Who had those kids?

Are you saying the poor person, should drive on roads for free? If so, why?

Remember Franco---------->you do NOT want us involved in ANY way, with what you do in your bedroom. Then do NOT make us responsible, for what YOU DO in your bedroom, by making us pay for it! If you can't pay for it, then don't do it, or don't whine when you have to!
I am saying we need a progressive tax system where the rich pay their fair share and we invest in America and Americans, not this crappy unequal unfair country the GOP is producing here the last 35 years. Your propaganda machine is the worst thing there is. Absolute garbage.
whats the richs fair share to me its if they pay the same as evrryone not more pinhead
Every tax system in the modern world has always been progressive for a good reason. Other what a flat tax is a giveaway to the rich and then there is not enough money to invest in the middle class and infrastructure. We always used to spend 2% on maintenance, since Reagan 1% basically. Roads suck airports -everything's falling apart

And your fix for infrastructure is “bring in more wetbacks to use the fuck out of it”....You dumbmothafuckers!
Actually I want to end the problem with a national ID card and enforcement along with amnesty for Worthy hard-working immigrants-the only way this will happen.. On the other hand the GOP and you invite them in with no such thing. The wall is stupid and will not do a damn thing and is fascist. You are a perfect chump of billionaires who love cheap easily bullied labor and seem to like this going on forever. That way you don't worry about living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good vacations and infrastructure. and you call me stupid. LOL
Right mainly middle-class and working class... Also the skyrocketing local taxes and fees are also mainly paid by them. Basically the Non Rich Basically pay twice as high state and local taxes percentage wise as the richest...
First mor9n you got a tax break that increaased your pay check .
Next lets talk about bernies plan free health care for all should raise your taxes by about 20 g a house hold .d.destroy the economy kill jobs and investments in America
bologna and bologna, fear mongered super duper. We are the richest country in the world and and have the worst inequality and upward Mobility and benefits of any of them by far thanks to you idiots and your scumbag Heroes. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible...
The one tax graph you really need to know
Washington Post

View attachment 256187
Sep 19, 2012 · This is what the American tax system really looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans ...

Your liberal state and your liberal locality are screwing you.
You're a liberal idiot.
My liberal locality voted 73% Trump. You get what you pay for and I have always been happy to pay my taxes. In fact I used to just skip the returns and leave my refund to them.speak for your own liberal State and locality. New York is the empire State and the greatest state in the country.

"New York is the greatest state in the country"
Now that is some real funny shit...I gotta know, by what metric is Loon York the greatest state in the nation?
First mor9n you got a tax break that increaased your pay check .
Next lets talk about bernies plan free health care for all should raise your taxes by about 20 g a house hold .d.destroy the economy kill jobs and investments in America
bologna and bologna, fear mongered super duper. We are the richest country in the world and and have the worst inequality and upward Mobility and benefits of any of them by far thanks to you idiots and your scumbag Heroes. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible...
The one tax graph you really need to know
Washington Post

View attachment 256187
Sep 19, 2012 · This is what the American tax system really looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans ...

Your liberal state and your liberal locality are screwing you.
You're a liberal idiot.
My liberal locality voted 73% Trump. You get what you pay for and I have always been happy to pay my taxes. In fact I used to just skip the returns and leave my refund to them.speak for your own liberal State and locality. New York is the empire State and the greatest state in the country.

"New York is the greatest state in the country"
Now that is some real funny shit...I gotta know, by what metric is Loon York the greatest state in the nation?
It's like California without all the new population of Mexicans. New York has everything and always did. And we have four seasons so people don't get stupid.
For the Progressives here who can do nothing but whine and call names. Why anyone responds to them, I have no clue. They just throw out lies call names and then they break out laughing.

More than 44% of Americans pay no federal income tax
By Quentin Fottrell
Published: Feb 26, 2019 5:45 a.m. ET
The Tax Policy Center estimates how many people paid no federal individual income taxes in 2018
Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Tax-filing season has begun. Americans have until April 15 to file their income taxes. There’s been some good news for workers over the last year: Unemployment hovers at 3.9% and average hourly earnings rose by 3.2% on the year in December. And nearly half of Americans don’t owe a dime of federal income tax.

Approximately 76.4 million or 44.4% of Americans won’t pay any federal income tax in 2018, up from 72.6 million people or 43.2% in 2016 before President Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, according to estimates from the Tax Policy Center, a nonprofit joint venture by the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution, which are both Washington, D.C.-based think tanks. That’s below the 50% peak during the Great Recession. They still obviously pay sales tax, property taxes and other taxes.
More than 44% of Americans pay no federal income tax

No, don't even bother to post about state and local taxes. This is about Federal Income Taxes. People control how much they pay in local taxes by where they choose to live.
bologna and bologna, fear mongered super duper. We are the richest country in the world and and have the worst inequality and upward Mobility and benefits of any of them by far thanks to you idiots and your scumbag Heroes. Only garbage propaganda makes it possible...
The one tax graph you really need to know
Washington Post

View attachment 256187
Sep 19, 2012 · This is what the American tax system really looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans ...

Your liberal state and your liberal locality are screwing you.
You're a liberal idiot.
My liberal locality voted 73% Trump. You get what you pay for and I have always been happy to pay my taxes. In fact I used to just skip the returns and leave my refund to them.speak for your own liberal State and locality. New York is the empire State and the greatest state in the country.

Wow, not that I'm surprised that you did it but I am surprised that you so boldly boasted on a public forum that you are guilty of tax fraud by not filing tax returns. Someone who knows you could turn you in for a handsome reward. Perhaps all your Socialist friends would pass the hat and pay your taxes, fines and late fees. You know, in that Socialist spirit.
I would have gotten a refund every year. They don't mind.

Tax fraud. Income tax evasion. Way to go!
Most of that stuff has nothing to do with government, super dupe, and every other modern country manages it, except here,thanks to this scumbag greedy idiot GOP and it's brainwashed silly dupes like you
dude, you know absolutely nothing about taxes. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

He knows absolutely NOTHING, about anything, lol.

WAIT, WAIT, isn't he the guy from Illinois, or was it another Leftist?

Well SUPER DUPER, explain to all these nice people on here, how charming and delightful Illinois, put a special tax on cell phone service of...……...20% higher than most any other place in the country?

Now people may ask, "Whosure, why did Illinois do that, and why did their citizens agree?"

ANSWER-------------------> They talked their citizens into it, because they needed the revenue for the OLYMPIC village they were going to build, when they won the Olympic bid!

Hold on a second, they didn't win the Olympic bid, you say!

EXACTLY, but the tax remains-)

But Whosure, that is only 1 measly example of crooked Leftists screwing their peeps.

Well, how about Pennsylvania putting in a special 10% tax on spirits to rebuild a town destroyed by flood in the early 1900s. They DID use it to rebuild the town...……….which is exactly why the citizens agreed to it across the state. Funny though, the town was rebuilt 80yrs ago, but the tax still remains, lol. (Illinois must have learned this trick from them)

How many have cable TV and internet on here? Did you get the speel about 59.95, or maybe 89.95, or whatever number? Did you EVER look at your bill to figure out why? Look at the TAXES on it! Most of you are paying through the nose to the government.

People should really look up hidden taxes. If they really knew how much of many of the items you purchase are taxes, you would be screaming. On that part, FRANCO is 100% correct. Funny thing is--------------->instead of demanding they lower them, he insists that somehow, certain people pay more, so as other people pay less. He sees NOTHING WRONG with the taxing part, just who pays them, or rather...…………..that some people have to pay them that he decides shouldn't have to.

Now that is a TRUE SOCIALIST, and everyone reading this should understand that!
Try getting your facts straight, super dupe of the greedy idiot rich GOP.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Washington Post

View attachment 256191
Sep 19, 2012 · This is what the American tax system really looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans ...

So, who uses state and local services more? Are you telling me that POOR people should not invest in their community?

Does a rich person with 2 kids take MORE/LESS out of the school system as the poorer person?

Are you saying that a rich person should pay for your kids to go to school? Who had those kids?

Are you saying the poor person, should drive on roads for free? If so, why?

Remember Franco---------->you do NOT want us involved in ANY way, with what you do in your bedroom. Then do NOT make us responsible, for what YOU DO in your bedroom, by making us pay for it! If you can't pay for it, then don't do it, or don't whine when you have to!
I am saying we need a progressive tax system where the rich pay their fair share and we invest in America and Americans, not this crappy unequal unfair country the GOP is producing here the last 35 years. Your propaganda machine is the worst thing there is. Absolute garbage.
What is fair share?
Illinois is as crooked as they come. That is why people are fleeing it. They have no answer for that, and I was seeing Pritzker wants to raise taxes on business, lol. They are going under, hope you get out before it happens.
On the other hand they give a lot of money in federal taxes to crap red states that need the help. A lot of the supposed corruption is GOP propaganda of course...

Fascinating! I thought we were all Americans, and now you want to classify states by "crap" red states. Aren't we all supposed to be on the same page unless there is a national election going on?

Honestly, I do not see much difference between red/blue states, except for the governance. We all care about our kids, our nation, and worry about war, etc.

Sincerely, I am not going to devolve our conversation into "crap" red states, or "garbage" blue states. If we follow OUR constitution, we can basically choose how "crappy," or "garbagy" we want our local government to be. That is the freedom we enjoy! If my state chooses to have gravel state roads because we do not want to pay for them, or your state chooses to have roads paved in gold, it is a LOCAL choice! As long as we pay or save locally, why should anyone else be involved, and we are the ones who will enjoy, or suffer, the consequences.

It is when Washington INSISTS on "one form fits all," that we lose our freedom of choice as states. Would you like me to insist your roads be paved with gravel, or gold? That your autos need no pollution control, or that you MUST drive an electric car?

That is what I PERCEIVE you want, and you want YOUR agenda in control of Washington, to impose your will on the rest of us.

Look, I could care less if your state wants infanticide, even if I think it is wrong. If the citizens of your state are willing to buy it, who am I to tell them they can not. It is NOT covered in the constitution of this country, so I have very little influence on your decision. In fact, ABORTION is not addressed any place in the constitution, and that is how Americans should view it. You don't like it, then handle it in your state, for your state. Our constitution is pretty narrow, if you actually read it.

It is when Washington decides to impose its will upon the states that I cringe. FOR INSTANCE----------------->You want healthcare for all? Then do it in YOUR STATE like Massachusetts did! You want a green new deal? Put it in your state! You want free college? You have a state, do it! You want to give illegals everything for free? You have a state, invoke it! NOBODY has stopped you yet, look at California. Over 40% of the population there, doesn't even use English as their primary language. What does that tell you, and how can you claim anyone has interfered?!?!?!?!

As long as you leave the rest of us alone, WE DON'T CARE! You want to pay higher taxes, GO FOR IT! And you know what, if it is utopia as you claim, those great states will start repopulating! Like I said, "just leave us alone."
Yes back to the eighteenth century, great idea. Actually blue States pay for the red States paving of their gravel roads LOL... States rights are code for back to the good old days of slavery LOL. The age of information is going to take care of you pal. Your facts are all wrong by the way LOL.

Code? Code!?!?!?! That is the most uneducated bunch of nonsense I have ever heard. What do you think, we just sit here and try and figure a way to screw other Americans?

Because we ask you to leave us alone, that is code for us screwing you? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds!

Honestly, I give up on you, lol. I don't sit and try and figure a way to take your money, I vote for you to get tax breaks. The only thing I contemplate, is how to stop people like YOU from taking MY money. If anything, YOU are trying to screw ME!
the Democratic party and I want to cut taxes on regular people and raise them on the rich, this is totally out of hand.
Who are regular people? 44% already pay zip. And 1% pay 85% of all taxes. So who you referring to?

Now I ask you, how is that fair?
dude, you know absolutely nothing about taxes. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

He knows absolutely NOTHING, about anything, lol.

WAIT, WAIT, isn't he the guy from Illinois, or was it another Leftist?

Well SUPER DUPER, explain to all these nice people on here, how charming and delightful Illinois, put a special tax on cell phone service of...……...20% higher than most any other place in the country?

Now people may ask, "Whosure, why did Illinois do that, and why did their citizens agree?"

ANSWER-------------------> They talked their citizens into it, because they needed the revenue for the OLYMPIC village they were going to build, when they won the Olympic bid!

Hold on a second, they didn't win the Olympic bid, you say!

EXACTLY, but the tax remains-)

But Whosure, that is only 1 measly example of crooked Leftists screwing their peeps.

Well, how about Pennsylvania putting in a special 10% tax on spirits to rebuild a town destroyed by flood in the early 1900s. They DID use it to rebuild the town...……….which is exactly why the citizens agreed to it across the state. Funny though, the town was rebuilt 80yrs ago, but the tax still remains, lol. (Illinois must have learned this trick from them)

How many have cable TV and internet on here? Did you get the speel about 59.95, or maybe 89.95, or whatever number? Did you EVER look at your bill to figure out why? Look at the TAXES on it! Most of you are paying through the nose to the government.

People should really look up hidden taxes. If they really knew how much of many of the items you purchase are taxes, you would be screaming. On that part, FRANCO is 100% correct. Funny thing is--------------->instead of demanding they lower them, he insists that somehow, certain people pay more, so as other people pay less. He sees NOTHING WRONG with the taxing part, just who pays them, or rather...…………..that some people have to pay them that he decides shouldn't have to.

Now that is a TRUE SOCIALIST, and everyone reading this should understand that!
Try getting your facts straight, super dupe of the greedy idiot rich GOP.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Washington Post

View attachment 256191
Sep 19, 2012 · This is what the American tax system really looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans ...

So, who uses state and local services more? Are you telling me that POOR people should not invest in their community?

Does a rich person with 2 kids take MORE/LESS out of the school system as the poorer person?

Are you saying that a rich person should pay for your kids to go to school? Who had those kids?

Are you saying the poor person, should drive on roads for free? If so, why?

Remember Franco---------->you do NOT want us involved in ANY way, with what you do in your bedroom. Then do NOT make us responsible, for what YOU DO in your bedroom, by making us pay for it! If you can't pay for it, then don't do it, or don't whine when you have to!
I am saying we need a progressive tax system where the rich pay their fair share and we invest in America and Americans, not this crappy unequal unfair country the GOP is producing here the last 35 years. Your propaganda machine is the worst thing there is. Absolute garbage.
What is fair share?
Reagan had success with 50% before he made it 28% and ruined us all.
On the other hand they give a lot of money in federal taxes to crap red states that need the help. A lot of the supposed corruption is GOP propaganda of course...

Fascinating! I thought we were all Americans, and now you want to classify states by "crap" red states. Aren't we all supposed to be on the same page unless there is a national election going on?

Honestly, I do not see much difference between red/blue states, except for the governance. We all care about our kids, our nation, and worry about war, etc.

Sincerely, I am not going to devolve our conversation into "crap" red states, or "garbage" blue states. If we follow OUR constitution, we can basically choose how "crappy," or "garbagy" we want our local government to be. That is the freedom we enjoy! If my state chooses to have gravel state roads because we do not want to pay for them, or your state chooses to have roads paved in gold, it is a LOCAL choice! As long as we pay or save locally, why should anyone else be involved, and we are the ones who will enjoy, or suffer, the consequences.

It is when Washington INSISTS on "one form fits all," that we lose our freedom of choice as states. Would you like me to insist your roads be paved with gravel, or gold? That your autos need no pollution control, or that you MUST drive an electric car?

That is what I PERCEIVE you want, and you want YOUR agenda in control of Washington, to impose your will on the rest of us.

Look, I could care less if your state wants infanticide, even if I think it is wrong. If the citizens of your state are willing to buy it, who am I to tell them they can not. It is NOT covered in the constitution of this country, so I have very little influence on your decision. In fact, ABORTION is not addressed any place in the constitution, and that is how Americans should view it. You don't like it, then handle it in your state, for your state. Our constitution is pretty narrow, if you actually read it.

It is when Washington decides to impose its will upon the states that I cringe. FOR INSTANCE----------------->You want healthcare for all? Then do it in YOUR STATE like Massachusetts did! You want a green new deal? Put it in your state! You want free college? You have a state, do it! You want to give illegals everything for free? You have a state, invoke it! NOBODY has stopped you yet, look at California. Over 40% of the population there, doesn't even use English as their primary language. What does that tell you, and how can you claim anyone has interfered?!?!?!?!

As long as you leave the rest of us alone, WE DON'T CARE! You want to pay higher taxes, GO FOR IT! And you know what, if it is utopia as you claim, those great states will start repopulating! Like I said, "just leave us alone."
Yes back to the eighteenth century, great idea. Actually blue States pay for the red States paving of their gravel roads LOL... States rights are code for back to the good old days of slavery LOL. The age of information is going to take care of you pal. Your facts are all wrong by the way LOL.

Code? Code!?!?!?! That is the most uneducated bunch of nonsense I have ever heard. What do you think, we just sit here and try and figure a way to screw other Americans?

Because we ask you to leave us alone, that is code for us screwing you? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds!

Honestly, I give up on you, lol. I don't sit and try and figure a way to take your money, I vote for you to get tax breaks. The only thing I contemplate, is how to stop people like YOU from taking MY money. If anything, YOU are trying to screw ME!
the Democratic party and I want to cut taxes on regular people and raise them on the rich, this is totally out of hand.
Who are regular people? 44% already pay zip. And 1% pay 85% of all taxes. So who you referring to?

Now I ask you, how is that fair?
Dear total dupe. If you count all taxes and fees everyone pays between 20 and 30%. And the rich get all the new wealth and there is not enough money to invest in infrastructure and the middle class. Education etc
The one tax graph you really need to know
Washington Post

View attachment 256187
Sep 19, 2012 · This is what the American tax system really looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans ...

Your liberal state and your liberal locality are screwing you.
You're a liberal idiot.
My liberal locality voted 73% Trump. You get what you pay for and I have always been happy to pay my taxes. In fact I used to just skip the returns and leave my refund to them.speak for your own liberal State and locality. New York is the empire State and the greatest state in the country.

Wow, not that I'm surprised that you did it but I am surprised that you so boldly boasted on a public forum that you are guilty of tax fraud by not filing tax returns. Someone who knows you could turn you in for a handsome reward. Perhaps all your Socialist friends would pass the hat and pay your taxes, fines and late fees. You know, in that Socialist spirit.
I would have gotten a refund every year. They don't mind.

Tax fraud. Income tax evasion. Way to go!
Nobody cares if you have a refund coming, idiot.
On the other hand they give a lot of money in federal taxes to crap red states that need the help. A lot of the supposed corruption is GOP propaganda of course...

Fascinating! I thought we were all Americans, and now you want to classify states by "crap" red states. Aren't we all supposed to be on the same page unless there is a national election going on?

Honestly, I do not see much difference between red/blue states, except for the governance. We all care about our kids, our nation, and worry about war, etc.

Sincerely, I am not going to devolve our conversation into "crap" red states, or "garbage" blue states. If we follow OUR constitution, we can basically choose how "crappy," or "garbagy" we want our local government to be. That is the freedom we enjoy! If my state chooses to have gravel state roads because we do not want to pay for them, or your state chooses to have roads paved in gold, it is a LOCAL choice! As long as we pay or save locally, why should anyone else be involved, and we are the ones who will enjoy, or suffer, the consequences.

It is when Washington INSISTS on "one form fits all," that we lose our freedom of choice as states. Would you like me to insist your roads be paved with gravel, or gold? That your autos need no pollution control, or that you MUST drive an electric car?

That is what I PERCEIVE you want, and you want YOUR agenda in control of Washington, to impose your will on the rest of us.

Look, I could care less if your state wants infanticide, even if I think it is wrong. If the citizens of your state are willing to buy it, who am I to tell them they can not. It is NOT covered in the constitution of this country, so I have very little influence on your decision. In fact, ABORTION is not addressed any place in the constitution, and that is how Americans should view it. You don't like it, then handle it in your state, for your state. Our constitution is pretty narrow, if you actually read it.

It is when Washington decides to impose its will upon the states that I cringe. FOR INSTANCE----------------->You want healthcare for all? Then do it in YOUR STATE like Massachusetts did! You want a green new deal? Put it in your state! You want free college? You have a state, do it! You want to give illegals everything for free? You have a state, invoke it! NOBODY has stopped you yet, look at California. Over 40% of the population there, doesn't even use English as their primary language. What does that tell you, and how can you claim anyone has interfered?!?!?!?!

As long as you leave the rest of us alone, WE DON'T CARE! You want to pay higher taxes, GO FOR IT! And you know what, if it is utopia as you claim, those great states will start repopulating! Like I said, "just leave us alone."
Yes back to the eighteenth century, great idea. Actually blue States pay for the red States paving of their gravel roads LOL... States rights are code for back to the good old days of slavery LOL. The age of information is going to take care of you pal. Your facts are all wrong by the way LOL.

Code? Code!?!?!?! That is the most uneducated bunch of nonsense I have ever heard. What do you think, we just sit here and try and figure a way to screw other Americans?

Because we ask you to leave us alone, that is code for us screwing you? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds!

Honestly, I give up on you, lol. I don't sit and try and figure a way to take your money, I vote for you to get tax breaks. The only thing I contemplate, is how to stop people like YOU from taking MY money. If anything, YOU are trying to screw ME!
the Democratic party and I want to cut taxes on regular people and raise them on the rich, this is totally out of hand.
Who are regular people? 44% already pay zip. And 1% pay 85% of all taxes. So who you referring to?

Now I ask you, how is that fair?
Do you think you could manage to talk about something beside federal income taxes? Of course the one percent earns 85% of all the income now, dumbass.
Fascinating! I thought we were all Americans, and now you want to classify states by "crap" red states. Aren't we all supposed to be on the same page unless there is a national election going on?

Honestly, I do not see much difference between red/blue states, except for the governance. We all care about our kids, our nation, and worry about war, etc.

Sincerely, I am not going to devolve our conversation into "crap" red states, or "garbage" blue states. If we follow OUR constitution, we can basically choose how "crappy," or "garbagy" we want our local government to be. That is the freedom we enjoy! If my state chooses to have gravel state roads because we do not want to pay for them, or your state chooses to have roads paved in gold, it is a LOCAL choice! As long as we pay or save locally, why should anyone else be involved, and we are the ones who will enjoy, or suffer, the consequences.

It is when Washington INSISTS on "one form fits all," that we lose our freedom of choice as states. Would you like me to insist your roads be paved with gravel, or gold? That your autos need no pollution control, or that you MUST drive an electric car?

That is what I PERCEIVE you want, and you want YOUR agenda in control of Washington, to impose your will on the rest of us.

Look, I could care less if your state wants infanticide, even if I think it is wrong. If the citizens of your state are willing to buy it, who am I to tell them they can not. It is NOT covered in the constitution of this country, so I have very little influence on your decision. In fact, ABORTION is not addressed any place in the constitution, and that is how Americans should view it. You don't like it, then handle it in your state, for your state. Our constitution is pretty narrow, if you actually read it.

It is when Washington decides to impose its will upon the states that I cringe. FOR INSTANCE----------------->You want healthcare for all? Then do it in YOUR STATE like Massachusetts did! You want a green new deal? Put it in your state! You want free college? You have a state, do it! You want to give illegals everything for free? You have a state, invoke it! NOBODY has stopped you yet, look at California. Over 40% of the population there, doesn't even use English as their primary language. What does that tell you, and how can you claim anyone has interfered?!?!?!?!

As long as you leave the rest of us alone, WE DON'T CARE! You want to pay higher taxes, GO FOR IT! And you know what, if it is utopia as you claim, those great states will start repopulating! Like I said, "just leave us alone."
Yes back to the eighteenth century, great idea. Actually blue States pay for the red States paving of their gravel roads LOL... States rights are code for back to the good old days of slavery LOL. The age of information is going to take care of you pal. Your facts are all wrong by the way LOL.

Code? Code!?!?!?! That is the most uneducated bunch of nonsense I have ever heard. What do you think, we just sit here and try and figure a way to screw other Americans?

Because we ask you to leave us alone, that is code for us screwing you? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds!

Honestly, I give up on you, lol. I don't sit and try and figure a way to take your money, I vote for you to get tax breaks. The only thing I contemplate, is how to stop people like YOU from taking MY money. If anything, YOU are trying to screw ME!
the Democratic party and I want to cut taxes on regular people and raise them on the rich, this is totally out of hand.
Who are regular people? 44% already pay zip. And 1% pay 85% of all taxes. So who you referring to?

Now I ask you, how is that fair?
Do you think you could manage to talk about something beside federal income taxes? Of course the one percent earns 85% of all the income now, dumbass.
Of course the one percent earns 85% of all the income now,

Liar. Dupe.
He knows absolutely NOTHING, about anything, lol.

WAIT, WAIT, isn't he the guy from Illinois, or was it another Leftist?

Well SUPER DUPER, explain to all these nice people on here, how charming and delightful Illinois, put a special tax on cell phone service of...……...20% higher than most any other place in the country?

Now people may ask, "Whosure, why did Illinois do that, and why did their citizens agree?"

ANSWER-------------------> They talked their citizens into it, because they needed the revenue for the OLYMPIC village they were going to build, when they won the Olympic bid!

Hold on a second, they didn't win the Olympic bid, you say!

EXACTLY, but the tax remains-)

But Whosure, that is only 1 measly example of crooked Leftists screwing their peeps.

Well, how about Pennsylvania putting in a special 10% tax on spirits to rebuild a town destroyed by flood in the early 1900s. They DID use it to rebuild the town...……….which is exactly why the citizens agreed to it across the state. Funny though, the town was rebuilt 80yrs ago, but the tax still remains, lol. (Illinois must have learned this trick from them)

How many have cable TV and internet on here? Did you get the speel about 59.95, or maybe 89.95, or whatever number? Did you EVER look at your bill to figure out why? Look at the TAXES on it! Most of you are paying through the nose to the government.

People should really look up hidden taxes. If they really knew how much of many of the items you purchase are taxes, you would be screaming. On that part, FRANCO is 100% correct. Funny thing is--------------->instead of demanding they lower them, he insists that somehow, certain people pay more, so as other people pay less. He sees NOTHING WRONG with the taxing part, just who pays them, or rather...…………..that some people have to pay them that he decides shouldn't have to.

Now that is a TRUE SOCIALIST, and everyone reading this should understand that!
Try getting your facts straight, super dupe of the greedy idiot rich GOP.
The one tax graph you really need to know
Washington Post

View attachment 256191
Sep 19, 2012 · This is what the American tax system really looks like: Not 47 percent paying nothing, but everybody paying something, and most Americans ...

So, who uses state and local services more? Are you telling me that POOR people should not invest in their community?

Does a rich person with 2 kids take MORE/LESS out of the school system as the poorer person?

Are you saying that a rich person should pay for your kids to go to school? Who had those kids?

Are you saying the poor person, should drive on roads for free? If so, why?

Remember Franco---------->you do NOT want us involved in ANY way, with what you do in your bedroom. Then do NOT make us responsible, for what YOU DO in your bedroom, by making us pay for it! If you can't pay for it, then don't do it, or don't whine when you have to!
I am saying we need a progressive tax system where the rich pay their fair share and we invest in America and Americans, not this crappy unequal unfair country the GOP is producing here the last 35 years. Your propaganda machine is the worst thing there is. Absolute garbage.
What is fair share?
Reagan had success with 50% before he made it 28% and ruined us all.
why didn't you answer that direct question? I give two shits what Reagan did or didn't do. I asked you to define fair share and really want to know why you avoid the answer every time I ask? You use the word, surely you know why.
Your liberal state and your liberal locality are screwing you.
You're a liberal idiot.
My liberal locality voted 73% Trump. You get what you pay for and I have always been happy to pay my taxes. In fact I used to just skip the returns and leave my refund to them.speak for your own liberal State and locality. New York is the empire State and the greatest state in the country.

Wow, not that I'm surprised that you did it but I am surprised that you so boldly boasted on a public forum that you are guilty of tax fraud by not filing tax returns. Someone who knows you could turn you in for a handsome reward. Perhaps all your Socialist friends would pass the hat and pay your taxes, fines and late fees. You know, in that Socialist spirit.
I would have gotten a refund every year. They don't mind.

Tax fraud. Income tax evasion. Way to go!
Nobody cares if you have a refund coming, idiot.
Fascinating! I thought we were all Americans, and now you want to classify states by "crap" red states. Aren't we all supposed to be on the same page unless there is a national election going on?

Honestly, I do not see much difference between red/blue states, except for the governance. We all care about our kids, our nation, and worry about war, etc.

Sincerely, I am not going to devolve our conversation into "crap" red states, or "garbage" blue states. If we follow OUR constitution, we can basically choose how "crappy," or "garbagy" we want our local government to be. That is the freedom we enjoy! If my state chooses to have gravel state roads because we do not want to pay for them, or your state chooses to have roads paved in gold, it is a LOCAL choice! As long as we pay or save locally, why should anyone else be involved, and we are the ones who will enjoy, or suffer, the consequences.

It is when Washington INSISTS on "one form fits all," that we lose our freedom of choice as states. Would you like me to insist your roads be paved with gravel, or gold? That your autos need no pollution control, or that you MUST drive an electric car?

That is what I PERCEIVE you want, and you want YOUR agenda in control of Washington, to impose your will on the rest of us.

Look, I could care less if your state wants infanticide, even if I think it is wrong. If the citizens of your state are willing to buy it, who am I to tell them they can not. It is NOT covered in the constitution of this country, so I have very little influence on your decision. In fact, ABORTION is not addressed any place in the constitution, and that is how Americans should view it. You don't like it, then handle it in your state, for your state. Our constitution is pretty narrow, if you actually read it.

It is when Washington decides to impose its will upon the states that I cringe. FOR INSTANCE----------------->You want healthcare for all? Then do it in YOUR STATE like Massachusetts did! You want a green new deal? Put it in your state! You want free college? You have a state, do it! You want to give illegals everything for free? You have a state, invoke it! NOBODY has stopped you yet, look at California. Over 40% of the population there, doesn't even use English as their primary language. What does that tell you, and how can you claim anyone has interfered?!?!?!?!

As long as you leave the rest of us alone, WE DON'T CARE! You want to pay higher taxes, GO FOR IT! And you know what, if it is utopia as you claim, those great states will start repopulating! Like I said, "just leave us alone."
Yes back to the eighteenth century, great idea. Actually blue States pay for the red States paving of their gravel roads LOL... States rights are code for back to the good old days of slavery LOL. The age of information is going to take care of you pal. Your facts are all wrong by the way LOL.

Code? Code!?!?!?! That is the most uneducated bunch of nonsense I have ever heard. What do you think, we just sit here and try and figure a way to screw other Americans?

Because we ask you to leave us alone, that is code for us screwing you? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds!

Honestly, I give up on you, lol. I don't sit and try and figure a way to take your money, I vote for you to get tax breaks. The only thing I contemplate, is how to stop people like YOU from taking MY money. If anything, YOU are trying to screw ME!
the Democratic party and I want to cut taxes on regular people and raise them on the rich, this is totally out of hand.
Who are regular people? 44% already pay zip. And 1% pay 85% of all taxes. So who you referring to?

Now I ask you, how is that fair?
Do you think you could manage to talk about something beside federal income taxes? Of course the one percent earns 85% of all the income now, dumbass.
well Cuz, that isn't what I said, and how nice to again show the board how you deflect and lie about what others write. that's a bad habit son.

Again, for the general viewing team, the 1%ers pay 85% of the taxes in this country. Just know that fact. Scumbags such as franco, deceive for reasons in here. never allow the truth. beat up the truth and anyone who dares to speak or post it. Right Frances?
Fascinating! I thought we were all Americans, and now you want to classify states by "crap" red states. Aren't we all supposed to be on the same page unless there is a national election going on?

Honestly, I do not see much difference between red/blue states, except for the governance. We all care about our kids, our nation, and worry about war, etc.

Sincerely, I am not going to devolve our conversation into "crap" red states, or "garbage" blue states. If we follow OUR constitution, we can basically choose how "crappy," or "garbagy" we want our local government to be. That is the freedom we enjoy! If my state chooses to have gravel state roads because we do not want to pay for them, or your state chooses to have roads paved in gold, it is a LOCAL choice! As long as we pay or save locally, why should anyone else be involved, and we are the ones who will enjoy, or suffer, the consequences.

It is when Washington INSISTS on "one form fits all," that we lose our freedom of choice as states. Would you like me to insist your roads be paved with gravel, or gold? That your autos need no pollution control, or that you MUST drive an electric car?

That is what I PERCEIVE you want, and you want YOUR agenda in control of Washington, to impose your will on the rest of us.

Look, I could care less if your state wants infanticide, even if I think it is wrong. If the citizens of your state are willing to buy it, who am I to tell them they can not. It is NOT covered in the constitution of this country, so I have very little influence on your decision. In fact, ABORTION is not addressed any place in the constitution, and that is how Americans should view it. You don't like it, then handle it in your state, for your state. Our constitution is pretty narrow, if you actually read it.

It is when Washington decides to impose its will upon the states that I cringe. FOR INSTANCE----------------->You want healthcare for all? Then do it in YOUR STATE like Massachusetts did! You want a green new deal? Put it in your state! You want free college? You have a state, do it! You want to give illegals everything for free? You have a state, invoke it! NOBODY has stopped you yet, look at California. Over 40% of the population there, doesn't even use English as their primary language. What does that tell you, and how can you claim anyone has interfered?!?!?!?!

As long as you leave the rest of us alone, WE DON'T CARE! You want to pay higher taxes, GO FOR IT! And you know what, if it is utopia as you claim, those great states will start repopulating! Like I said, "just leave us alone."
Yes back to the eighteenth century, great idea. Actually blue States pay for the red States paving of their gravel roads LOL... States rights are code for back to the good old days of slavery LOL. The age of information is going to take care of you pal. Your facts are all wrong by the way LOL.

Code? Code!?!?!?! That is the most uneducated bunch of nonsense I have ever heard. What do you think, we just sit here and try and figure a way to screw other Americans?

Because we ask you to leave us alone, that is code for us screwing you? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds!

Honestly, I give up on you, lol. I don't sit and try and figure a way to take your money, I vote for you to get tax breaks. The only thing I contemplate, is how to stop people like YOU from taking MY money. If anything, YOU are trying to screw ME!
the Democratic party and I want to cut taxes on regular people and raise them on the rich, this is totally out of hand.
Who are regular people? 44% already pay zip. And 1% pay 85% of all taxes. So who you referring to?

Now I ask you, how is that fair?
Dear total dupe. If you count all taxes and fees everyone pays between 20 and 30%. And the rich get all the new wealth and there is not enough money to invest in infrastructure and the middle class. Education etc
so dupe, let's see how your education paid off,
do rich folks buy more property?
do rich folks buy more toys?
do rich people dine out and stay at expensive hotels and resorts?
Do rich folk travel more?
Overall, Who spends more?

Now, if someone spends more, do they pay more of those taxes and fees?

Property tax
Gas tax
Sales tax
county, local, excise tax
user tax
liquor tax
cigarette tax
who spends more son? do you even have an education to truthfully answer? I doubt it.

BTW, not all of those taxes are federal. did you even know that? naw.
Fascinating! I thought we were all Americans, and now you want to classify states by "crap" red states. Aren't we all supposed to be on the same page unless there is a national election going on?

Honestly, I do not see much difference between red/blue states, except for the governance. We all care about our kids, our nation, and worry about war, etc.

Sincerely, I am not going to devolve our conversation into "crap" red states, or "garbage" blue states. If we follow OUR constitution, we can basically choose how "crappy," or "garbagy" we want our local government to be. That is the freedom we enjoy! If my state chooses to have gravel state roads because we do not want to pay for them, or your state chooses to have roads paved in gold, it is a LOCAL choice! As long as we pay or save locally, why should anyone else be involved, and we are the ones who will enjoy, or suffer, the consequences.

It is when Washington INSISTS on "one form fits all," that we lose our freedom of choice as states. Would you like me to insist your roads be paved with gravel, or gold? That your autos need no pollution control, or that you MUST drive an electric car?

That is what I PERCEIVE you want, and you want YOUR agenda in control of Washington, to impose your will on the rest of us.

Look, I could care less if your state wants infanticide, even if I think it is wrong. If the citizens of your state are willing to buy it, who am I to tell them they can not. It is NOT covered in the constitution of this country, so I have very little influence on your decision. In fact, ABORTION is not addressed any place in the constitution, and that is how Americans should view it. You don't like it, then handle it in your state, for your state. Our constitution is pretty narrow, if you actually read it.

It is when Washington decides to impose its will upon the states that I cringe. FOR INSTANCE----------------->You want healthcare for all? Then do it in YOUR STATE like Massachusetts did! You want a green new deal? Put it in your state! You want free college? You have a state, do it! You want to give illegals everything for free? You have a state, invoke it! NOBODY has stopped you yet, look at California. Over 40% of the population there, doesn't even use English as their primary language. What does that tell you, and how can you claim anyone has interfered?!?!?!?!

As long as you leave the rest of us alone, WE DON'T CARE! You want to pay higher taxes, GO FOR IT! And you know what, if it is utopia as you claim, those great states will start repopulating! Like I said, "just leave us alone."
Yes back to the eighteenth century, great idea. Actually blue States pay for the red States paving of their gravel roads LOL... States rights are code for back to the good old days of slavery LOL. The age of information is going to take care of you pal. Your facts are all wrong by the way LOL.

Code? Code!?!?!?! That is the most uneducated bunch of nonsense I have ever heard. What do you think, we just sit here and try and figure a way to screw other Americans?

Because we ask you to leave us alone, that is code for us screwing you? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds!

Honestly, I give up on you, lol. I don't sit and try and figure a way to take your money, I vote for you to get tax breaks. The only thing I contemplate, is how to stop people like YOU from taking MY money. If anything, YOU are trying to screw ME!
the Democratic party and I want to cut taxes on regular people and raise them on the rich, this is totally out of hand.
Who are regular people? 44% already pay zip. And 1% pay 85% of all taxes. So who you referring to?

Now I ask you, how is that fair?
Dear total dupe. If you count all taxes and fees everyone pays between 20 and 30%. And the rich get all the new wealth and there is not enough money to invest in infrastructure and the middle class. Education etc
BTW, math question ewwwwww, if Joe spends 1000 dollars a year and pays 30% taxes and Joe blow spends 100,000 a year and pays 30%, who paid more? that's fair?

What's fair is those who spend more will pay more.

As, those who earn more will pay more in payroll taxes
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...

Or, you have to be screwing the govt over, in order to be making an absolute killing out of it.

We still won't know how much the rich are playing in taxes before or after, the catch must be they were paying little before, and they'll be paying fucking nothing after. In fact the govt will pay them to be rich.
Your a idiot the top few percent of wealthy people and corporations pay the majority of taxes.
if you count all taxes, we have a flat tax system that is a giveaway to the rich after 35 years of GOP controlling top tax rates. Every time they cut tax federal taxes, state and local taxes and fees which kill the Non rich go up. Meanwhile dupes like you can only think about federal income taxes, the only progressive tax we have which now brings in the same amount of money as payroll taxes. Google the only tax graph you need to know and wake up and smell the coffee, super duper.

if you count all taxes, we have a flat tax system that is a giveaway to the rich after 35 years of GOP controlling top tax rates.

Ummm...The Dems controlled the House all through Reagan's and GHW Bush's tenure.
And weren't those 2 twats, Obama and Clinton, President for 16 years?
With control of the House and Senate for their first 2 years?

Why didn't they give us Dem tax rates again?

Every time they cut tax federal taxes, state and local taxes and fees which kill the Non rich go up

Bullshit. Look at the Trump cut. How does that force New York to raise your state taxes?
Has Cuomo raised your taxes yet? Your town?
Answer the same questions for the Bush tax cuts. For the Reagan tax cuts.

Again moron we d9nt have a flat tax
francoHFW where'd you go? No whitty come backs? Pull out the math books to do the math? Where'd you go?

I'm still looking for the answer to the what is fair question. you-hooo
francoHFW where'd you go? No whitty come backs? Pull out the math books to do the math? Where'd you go?

I'm still looking for the answer to the what is fair question. you-hooo
you don't read what I say or the link I gave you so just shut the f**** up, troll

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