ok is trying to alienate teachers?

You really think banks don't get hacked? Ever hear of identity theft? Ever watch the news?
I work as a risk analyst for one of the largest financial institutions in the country, I know what's possible and what's not. What are you, a music teacher?
Yes, I would due to laws like the one being pushed in the OP. If a teacher has to be worried about being sued for anything that might come out of their mouth during a 1000 hours of school each year anyone worth their salt would walk away.

Teachers shouldn't be saying things they could be sued for.
I work as a risk analyst for one of the largest financial institutions in the country, I know what's possible and what's not. What are you, a music teacher?
I would be the last person you'd want to teach music.

The proposed act, named the “Students’ Religious Belief Protection Act” mean parents can demand the removal of any book with perceived anti-religious content from school. Subjects like LGBTQ issues, evolution, the big bang theory and even birth control could be off the table.

Teachers could be sued a minimum of $10,000 “per incident, per individual” and the fines would be paid “from personal resources” not from school funds or from individuals or groups. If the teacher is unable to pay, they will be fired, under the legislation.

i simply cannot believe the absolute stupidity of trying to fine teachers...in the age of everyone is offended by something

Great news. Since the education establishment can't do its job anymore without caving in to assorted pedophile fronts and other deviants and gimps it's high time for such legislation restricting their capacity to induce mental illnesses in children and teens. Education degree programs no longer produce graduates capable of handling any of those subjects sanely, any more than they can produce real journalists.
It's guys like this that end up getting exposed for molesting their children.

No, that would be faggots; they make up maybe 1% of the population but commit from 35% to over 50% of all kiddie rapes, and they also infiltrate churches, scout groups, school staffs, anything to get near kids. Then they sue for 'discrimination n stuff' when they are weeded out by sane people who don't want the vermin near their kids, and then sick people like you run around defending them and getting them their jobs back.
I just figured it out. These people think the "public" in "public school" indicates they're obliged to make everything going on in any constantly transparent, videoed, subject to lawsuit, etc. Whereas, privacy is king at a "private school." For instance, they would never dare question what's being taught in their neighborhood Catholic School. Perish the thought!

Think "public library" vs. "private."
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What about the other ,99% you failed to account for?

You claim homosexuals are only one in a thousand?
They are, but in todays society the Marxist wants everyone to think they are more. Just like commercials with blacks in it, almost every commercial has black people yet are only 12% of the population, reason? Because they want to pander to the progressives because if they dont, the blacks will burn their businesses to the ground....
I never said there was.

I said parents have a right to know exactly what is going on in the classroom.

The only way to know that is to actually watch a class.

Why do you people have such a problem with this?

You have a right to know what's going on WITH YOUR CHILD.

You do NOT have the right to know what's going on with every other child. They are minors. This is already established with Special Ed.
Interestingly, within a section titled "Overview of 4 Types of Public Schools," this major private blog purporting to help evaluate "Public Schools" lists the following:
  • Charter School – A charter school is almost a hybrid between a traditional public school and a private school – the school is free but parents must submit applications for their child to attend. Anyone can start a charter school and apply for state funding. However, if the school doesn’t mean certain standards within 3 to 5 years, that funding will be withdrawn and the school will close. Teachers and administrators at charter schools have more autonomy than most public schools.
Pffft! I really don't think that description means(sic) my standards.

But "the school is free" don'tcha know!
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I just figured it out. These people think the "public" in "public school" indicates they're obliged to make everything going on in any constantly transparent, videoed, subject to lawsuit, etc. Whereas, privacy is king at a "private school." For instance, they would never dare question what's being taught in their neighborhood Catholic School. Perish the thought!

Think "public library" vs. "private."

Similar conversation going on in a FB forum I'm in. Thankfully, the majority are decent, trust their teachers, and think this is a terrible idea. It's only those with an ax to grind against teachers who think this is a great idea. So great they don't care what it does to the children.

Go figure that one
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I taught in an inner city middle school that was rated the worst in the state. I also taught in a DoD school for dependents on an Army post that was one of the best schools in the nation. They can't explain how that happens.

Here's one they can never explain either:

Please explain to me how the nonbinary teacher in Berkeley is just the same as the teachers in small towns in Nebraska who grocery shop, live, work, and go to church in the same tiny towns as their students.

Right. I'm sure, however, they are somehow, magically, Marxist plants shipped in from a factory.

It's all so ridiculous.
Even if there was no issue, parents have the right to see classes being taught.

Why any teacher or parent has a problem with that is the real question.

I am a public employee. Any parent can see every single one of my past evaluations going back 25+ years. They can read my emails. They can see how much money I make. I have never had a problem with this. I work for the public. They can see my stuff.

But, once more maybe will get it through your thick SKULL


I'm getting a little freaked out by your insistence that this happen. Not for nefarious reasons. You just really, really have it out for teachers. It's strange.
Teachers get marked down in observations if we did not circulate throughout the classrooms during instruction. It cuts down on discipline problems, ensures all students are on task and allows you to address students directly without having the whole class from suffering through it.

This in spades. I can redirect a students' behavior without saying a single word if I just move closer.

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