ok is trying to alienate teachers?

I am. 25 years. Voice major, play piano, guitar and ukulele. Put on hundreds of concerts for hundreds of audience members at every one. I have taught approx 150 children PER DAY for my entire career. That would be three districts in two states in 8 buildings. Thousands and thousands of children.

So. What of it?
As I said, I’m sure you’re very good at what you do. My comment was not directed towards you, obviously. It was directed at someone acting like they know all of the ins and outs of securing access to an online account, and that the logistics of how to accomplish securing such was their only argument, when it’s clearly not. I think what you fail to see or understand is that just because you’re a conservative Christian teacher of 25 years, and have integrity and honor in your profession, that doesn’t mean every other teacher does. Is it your stance that there aren’t teachers out there that are doing the wrong things in their classrooms?
Little by little, Leftist teachers and school administrators have injected the schools into profoundly intimate and personal areas of children's - and hence, their family's - lives. At first, it was, "Well, parents don't teach the kids about human reproduction, so if we [the teachers] don't do it, they will learn about it in the streets." Then they insisted on teaching the kids about birth control, giving the children the impression that it was perfectly normal and acceptable for them to be having sex with each other. Then, when the AIDS epidemic hit, they taught our kids about homosexuality, anal sex, and how homosexuality and lesbianism were perfectly "normal" (without mentioning that such are anti-biological, and homosexuals are in the very low single-digit percentages of the population. Then, "we" sat by while the schools taught our boys and girls that one's sex/gender IS A MATTER OF OPINION(!), again in spite of mountains of scientific literature to the contrary...and if we don't just TAKE IT, we are troglodytes, "deniers," "phobes" of various kinds and again making trouble for our schools.

So religious parents have had to just put up with all this SHIT, without complaint. In fact, parents who complained have been branded as all sorts of troublemakers for nothing more than asking that their children NOT be taught amoral bullshit that runs counter to the lessons that the parents are trying to impart to their impressionable offspring .

And a legislator in Oklahoma is apparently preparing to introduce legislation that make the purveyors of this garbage personally liable for foisting it on our kids without our permission - certainly the linked news account is at least 75% erroneous, and we are supposed to be outraged at THIS!!!!!

What about those of us were outraged at everything done until now? I know. Shut up and take it.
Oh, a purist.

Yes, it always works in theory. I know.
Lady, the only thing on display here is your lack of imagination and respect for the inalienable rights--inalienable! rights!--of natural law, not my impracticality.

I seriously doubt that you even grasp what the Supreme Court did to the public education system and why. You are exhibit A of the dumbed-down conformity of collectivist think.

We have the decision needed to take lefties' hegemony down. Universal school choice now via vouchers and tax incentives!

Collectivist systems are impractical, destablizing and unsustainable!

Get the hell out of way!

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Lady, the only thing on display here is your lack of imagination and respect for the inalienable rights--inalienable! rights!--of natural law, not my impracticality.

I seriously doubt that you even grasp what the Supreme Court did to the public education system and why. You are exhibit A of the dumbed-down conformity of collectivist think.

We have the decision needed to take lefties' hegemony down. Universal school choice now via vouchers and tax exemptions!

Collectivist systems are impractical, destablizing and unsustainable!

Get the hell out of way!

You didn't read your link.
I most certainly did, and the next step is to directely address the

I most certainly did. The next step is to directly address the issue regarding the several states' responsibility to uphold educational liberty, whereby they must provide universal choice.
No. If you did you would realize the Supreme Court was basing on their decision that it was NOT taxpayer dollars paying for those vouchers.

Florida has had a similar program for special education student where businesses and individuals donate the funds. I left in 2006 and it was going strong even back then.

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