ok is trying to alienate teachers?

The next step is to directly address the issue regarding the several states' responsibility to uphold educational liberty, whereby they must provide universal choice.
Yeah, good luck with that wishful "direct" assault upon the Constitutional liberty of States to provide secular education, free of religious sanction and dogma. Never going to happen. Even this crap 5-4 decision has little prayer of not being reversed within the decade.

Thump your Bibles in your special private schools or home schools all you want. Your Me!, Me!, Me! self-obsessed choice has been available all along. Want extra? Pay for it. Quit coming over here trying to suck off the public teat. Be grateful the rest of us are still willing to handle your rejects and bus your spoiled brats around.
Yeah, good luck with that wishful "direct" assault upon the Constitutional liberty of States to provide secular education, free of religious sanction and dogma. Never going to happen. Even this crap 5-4 decision has little prayer of not being reversed within the decade.

Thump your Bibles in your special private schools or home schools all you want. Your Me!, Me!, Me! self-obsessed choice has been available all along. Want extra? Pay for it. Quit coming over here trying to suck off the public teat. Be grateful the rest of us are still willing to handle your rejects and bus your spoiled brats around.
Bullshit! Sans universal school choice wherein the money follows the child to the school of parents' choice is precisely what natural and constitutional law demand. Take your collectivist, balkanizing education system, indeed, your humanist filth and stupidity and shove it up your ass. No justice, no peace, you fascist whore. Universal school choice now or burn the bitch down!
Bullshit! Sans universal school choice wherein the money follows the child to the school of parents' choice is precisely what natural and constitutional law demand. Take your collectivist, balkanizing education system, indeed, your humanist filth and stupidity and shove it up your ass. No justice, no peace, you fascist whore. Universal school choice now or burn the bitch down!
You should seek mental health treatment.
As I said, I’m sure you’re very good at what you do. My comment was not directed towards you, obviously. It was directed at someone acting like they know all of the ins and outs of securing access to an online account, and that the logistics of how to accomplish securing such was their only argument, when it’s clearly not. I think what you fail to see or understand is that just because you’re a conservative Christian teacher of 25 years, and have integrity and honor in your profession, that doesn’t mean every other teacher does. Is it your stance that there aren’t teachers out there that are doing the wrong things in their classrooms?

It never has been and it is now. I love my profession and I love teaching children. Because I do, I have little tolerance for people who are in the profession who do not. Blessedly, I teach in a great district and don't encounter many.

I do encounter too many people with horrid ideas for how to fix education and teaching. Live streaming the classroom is one such idea, and not because I'm afraid anyone will see my teaching. It's because of student privacy and all the issues cited in this thread. It is why the bill cited excludes PE and Special Ed students--little do the politicians know those same reasons apply to every classroom, at least in elementary school.
You're a nincompoop, an Orwellian stooge.

Politics and the English language​

Perhaps one of the ironies of using writers’ names as adjectives is that they become saddled with the very things that they were warning us about. Dickensian, for example, has become synonymous with the worst aspects of a class-ridden Victorian society, while Kafkaesque refers to the dehumanising effects of the individual’s encounter with inflexible state bureaucracy.

Orwell’s name will forever be associated with totalitarianism and the manipulation of language in order to maintain state control. This is particularly ironic given that in an essay of 1946 – Politics and the English Language – he was keen to champion plain speaking in political discourse. His rules for writing contain pieces of advice that remain invaluable for all writers and public commentators. For example: “Never use a long word where a short one will do”, “If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out”, and “Break any of these rules rather than say anything outright barbarous.”
So what is the point of a couple hours a year spent watching 1000 hours of videos? If they can schedule multiple appointments over the course of a school year to watch the videos they could do the same thing to come to the classroom itself
You don;t realize that a parent sitting in the classroom changes the behavior of both the students and the teacher so you don;t ever get an accurate picture of what really goes on.

And talk about being embarrassing to the kid.

There is absolutely no reason that a teacher cannot be videoed while teaching a class
You don;t realize that a parent sitting in the classroom changes the behavior of both the students and the teacher so you don;t ever get an accurate picture of what really goes on.

And talk about being embarrassing to the kid.

There is absolutely no reason that a teacher cannot be videoed while teaching a class

You're unteachable

No wonder you hated school and hate teachers.
You're unteachable

No wonder you hated school and hate teachers.
Where did I say I hate teachers?

Stop making shit up.

Why is it you don;t want people to know what you actually do in the classroom? Got something to hide?
I am a public employee. Any parent can see every single one of my past evaluations going back 25+ years. They can read my emails. They can see how much money I make. I have never had a problem with this. I work for the public. They can see my stuff.

But, once more maybe will get it through your thick SKULL


I'm getting a little freaked out by your insistence that this happen. Not for nefarious reasons. You just really, really have it out for teachers. It's strange.
If a parent can sit in your class there is NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE watching it on video and the parent will get a better picture of what's going on because the mere presence of a parent in the classroom will change your and the students' behavior
Where did I say I hate teachers?

Stop making shit up.

Why is it you don;t want people to know what you actually do in the classroom? Got something to hide?

Because it has been explained to you how detrimental this is to CHILDREN and the classroom environment by an educator of 25 years experience and many other people on this thread and you don't care. You will eviscerate the privacy of children even to the point of violating state law and make the classroom miserable for children just to get at the teachers.
Because it has been explained to you how detrimental this is to CHILDREN and the classroom environment by an educator of 25 years experience and many other people on this thread and you don't care. You will eviscerate the privacy of children even to the point of violating state law and make the classroom miserable for children just to get at the teachers.
The kids won;t even realize it.

They are so used to cameras being everywhere this day and age.

You haven't given any valid reasons and any and all "problems" you have brought up are easily addressed.

Just be honest and say you don't want people to actually see what goes on in your classroom
The kids won;t even realize it.

They are so used to cameras being everywhere this day and age.

You haven't given any valid reasons and any and all "problems" you have brought up are easily addressed.

Just be honest and say you don't want people to actually see what goes on in your classroom

You already told me the kids need to stay stationary--little kids, now--so they can be filmed.

Right. Genius.

I can't believe you didn't get spanked enough in this thread. You actually returned for more.

Some people are just unteachable
You already told me the kids need to stay stationary--little kids, now--so they can be filmed.

Right. Genius.

I can't believe you didn't get spanked enough in this thread. You actually returned for more.

Some people are just unteachable
I never said the kids need to stay stationary there you go making shit up again.

Tell me what is the difference between a parent sitting in your class and that same parent watching a video of a class?

The answer is absofuckinglutely nothing
I never said the kids need to stay stationary there you go making shit up again.

Tell me what is the difference between a parent sitting in you class and that same parent watching a video of a class?

The answer is absofuckinglutely nothing

You don't allow parents who have NO CUSTODY orders, by law, into your classroom. The custodial parents, BY LAW, consent to not having their children videotaped or photographed.

So. AGAIN. YOU tell ME how you avoid having those children videotaped when you have a live stream going without greatly decreasing the quality of instruction. GO, genius.

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