OK police haters why do some blacks act this way?

Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
How about being a black: Aerospace Engineer, Astronaut, Astrophysicist, Physician, Software Engineer, Biotechnologist, Immunologist, Chemist, Mechanical Engineer, Nurse, Police Officer, Federal Law Enforcement (FBI, NSA, CIA, DIS), Fireman, Laboratory Technologist, Lawyer, Business Leader, politician and oh yes, president. Blacks occupy and have occupied all of these fields. There is no "glass ceiling" for blacks, as one having been a president, twice, shows. As blacks amount to only 14.8% of the total U.S., population, concentrated primarily in the large inner-cities and taking away the number of children in that figure, black have a single digit population, overall. And, if whites were so rampantly racist, we suck at it, for you wouldn't have blacks in not only the fields I mentioned, but many of the other fields as well.
So, while there are no doubt some knuckle-dragging racist whites out there, they control little to nothing and it was whites who not only voted for Obama in substantial numbers, but did so, twice. The primary reason inner-city blacks are crying....victim and racism, is because the so-called Democrat Party leaders keep feeding them the same B.S., every election period.
If blacks in the inner-city want improvement, they need to do the following:
1. Demand and obtain better quality schools (no more "dumbing down" of material). It's the bigotry of low-expectations.
2. Force kids to focus on learning in the improved schools.
3. Not every kid is good at learning via the same method as another child. Teaching those quality materials must be tailored to the best way a student learns.
4. Find a way to reward success as they learn.
5. Negative influence children/teens must also be tutored by those students that really want to succeed.
6. Steer teens away from gangs. Period.
7. Try to get their fathers investing time in their lives, unless said fathers would be a negative influence on them.
How about trying to be a black in the negative inner-city culture:
1. You think that succeeding in school is "trying to be white." It isn't. It's trying to succeed in life. Whether you are in Kenya, South Korea, Denmark, or Dubai, to succeed means you become proficient in the language of that nation, study and work hard towards your goal.
2. You think that success is being profitable at selling illegal-drugs, because you can a great deal of money, quickly. Then, you bitch when are arrested and thrown behind bars. It shows laziness; the laziness of not wanting to actually study and go for a career that doesn't involve the risk of getting arrested, again and again.
3. Your role models are drug dealers, gang leaders and gangsta rappers who disrespect the women, calling them bitches. Why? Because you have no decent father figure in your home and your mother is either working two jobs to keep you fed, or a negative role model herself.
4. You project blame onto law enforcement for interfering in your criminal activities, when you should be looking in the mirror to see who is to really blame.
5. You keep electing the same Democrat politicians who continue giving you scraps to get your vote, while you stagnate in the inner-cities.
I don't doubt there are some racist cops out there but the main problem I see is cops being too prone to bullying.
And that comes from too little accountability.

I don't doubt you'll make any excuse possible to justify the different way cops treat suspects based soley on race. The white guy in the truck said, "I will fucking kill you" to a sworn officer of the law. Nothing happened to him. As far as I know, he's still free as a bird.

Sounds like you're accusing the patient cop of being racist because he didn't kill the white guy. Is that what you guys mean by equality? More unwarranted white men getting gunned down by police?

Sounds like you're in favor of cops going wild-west on any black suspect but appreciate the kindness and loving attitude they take toward white suspect who tell them, "I will fucking kill you." Is that what you mean by equality--for whites only?
I don't doubt there are some racist cops out there but the main problem I see is cops being too prone to bullying.
And that comes from too little accountability.

I don't doubt you'll make any excuse possible to justify the different way cops treat suspects based soley on race. The white guy in the truck said, "I will fucking kill you" to a sworn officer of the law. Nothing happened to him. As far as I know, he's still free as a bird.
I'm on my phone so I'm not going to try and watch the video right now but some people are just talking shit and some people are seriously dangerous and it takes a LOT of experience to tell the difference.
And you will still get it wrong sometimes.

You being completely uninformed is not a surprise to anyone.
Neither is you acting like a trolling pita.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
I don't have to go back that far, it's just a good example.

50 or 60 years ago it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife in most of this country.

But that got better and so will the rest if people would quit fucking it up.

Look at a large number of arguments here and elsewhere. We have a president that called those who tried to air their complaints SOB's.
You think every member of my wife's family liked having a peckerwood at the table?

That shit goes both ways.

It takes time to rub all the sharp edges off.

So people should just accept getting killed until we do that?
Well quit doing shit that makes people feel like they need to kill you before you kill them.

Cops are predators, they hunt people.

That's going to end.
You better hope not.
They're the reason there's not anyone REALLY hunting young black guys down.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.
Why don't you try being a minority in some other country?

Bet you'll be back here before long.

Because America and other countries treat minorities badly is suppose to say what?
It's supposed to say that it could be a damn sight worse.
At least we try to make things better.

Some of us, anyway.

Not nearly enough.
Name another country that fought a war to free people that most folks didn't even consider human at the time.

I'll wait.

When you have to go back 150 years to find something..............
I don't have to go back that far, it's just a good example.

50 or 60 years ago it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife in most of this country.

But that got better and so will the rest if people would quit fucking it up.

Look at a large number of arguments here and elsewhere. We have a president that called those who tried to air their complaints SOB's.
You think every member of my wife's family liked having a peckerwood at the table?

That shit goes both ways.

It takes time to rub all the sharp edges off.

So people should just accept getting killed until we do that?
Well quit doing shit that makes people feel like they need to kill you before you kill them.

Cops are predators, they hunt people.

That's going to end.
So you want to defund the police until you need them?
What if one of your family members had been raped, wouldn't you want a cop hunting the guilty down?
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

All you need....

As long as they can articulate the specific facts in evidence that would lead a reasonable person to believe criminal activity may be afoot, they're good.

In the first part of the video they explain why the car was stopped and why the tag number was ran.
Nice police work

She could have made an argument in court that they had no reasonable suspicion to justify running her plate in the first place. And she could have claimed the plate switch was accidental, she got the plates mixed up when she changed vehicles.

I'm about 90% sure I could have talked my way out of that, even if the car smelled like weed.

As to why black people act like this, it's mostly the women, because many of them (not all, or even most) are simply crazy and thrive on conflict to the point that they appear damn near rabid, and unfortunately for the black community, the number of fatherless households leave too many young black men being raised by these fucking psycho bitches.

That's why.

Here's my experience
While on the night shift I observed a vehicle sitting at a green light it sat through two or three green lights then proceeded to move after the light changed once again. So I followed the car for a couple of blocks it then pulled over to the curb. So I conduct a traffic stop 17 year old kid stolen tag, no DL and blew .08 I had probul cause to stop because of his eradic driving behavior

Is that when you called the police?
OK police haters why do some blacks act this way?

Some Black people do act that way. So do some white people, some Hispanic people, some Asian people, and maybe even a Jew or two (although, I can't say I've ever seen that).

It's not about race, it's about IQ.
Try being an officer for even one shift.

Try being a black man in this country.

Try being a black police officer...

Perhaps when you live on the Democratic Plantation and your masters tell you cops are racist and you should tell them off when they stop you and not obey their orders — you listen to your masters and give the cops a hard time.

Hint...Your Democratic masters are hoping you get beat up or shot and someone films it. That way what happened to you will help keep other blacks on the plantation voting for Democrats who will defund or eliminate police departments.

Your masters tell you you are oppressed by structural racism in a nation that elected a black president twice. Another hint...It’s your Democrat masters who are racist and have been keeping you down for generations.

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