OK Republicans……Who would make a better President? Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis or Mike Pence?

Who would make a better President in 2024?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • Ron DeSantis

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 21.1%

  • Total voters
As I said, politics is downstream from culture. Culture determines the future of politics. Republicans are powerless, even when they're in the majority, because they've let the Democrats control and warp the culture.
"How do you keep them down on the farm after they've seen... Paree'?".
He had no power to order them back. They would have told him to pound sand and there's nothing he could do about it. Even if he'd fled DC and refused to perform the certification ceremony it would have accomplished nothing. In his absence Sen. Leahy (D) would do it, per the Constitution.
Yes he did. In fact they changed the law right after his decision not to, preventing another VP from exercising his or her right to do that. Do some research before you open your mouth.
I was a Republican for 35 years until Bush invaded Iraq. You just have a bad batch of quasi criminal losers.
Pence betrayed the country when he did not send the electors back to each disputed state. Period.
Bullshit! He stopped a planned overthrow of free elections, wild eye supporters and leadership actively disavowing their oath to the constitution. Most patriotic Americans that support the Constituion and Rule of law thank him, for that action of clarity in the face of a President that would usurp the power of the Constitution and will of the people for personal benefit and control.
Yes he did. In fact they changed the law right after his decision not to preventing another VP from exercising his or her right to do that.
If the VP had that power then how come it has never been used before? Gore would have definitely used the power to block Bush from becoming President, for example.
I originally would have said DeSantis as I still really like him and think that he would make a great president someday, but I think that it was too soon for him to enter the race as Trump is a much stronger candidate than him. Hopefully if he doesn't win that DeSantis will run again though.
Republicans have a tough choice ahead. The candidate they select will decide the path of the country and the electability in the General Election

Choose your poison
Anybody but the demented babbling meat sack currently installed.
I predict Biden will bail at the last minute. Dem women voters will insist on a female candidate, there will be a war of the wenches for the Dem nomination.
I really hope he does bail out. Sooner rather than later.

Just say something about intending to be a transitional President. Wanting to spend time with the loved ones. And something about passing the torch. Easy.
Repeat after me: Mike Pence will never be President.

I didn't think that he had a chance even before he pulled a Judas and betrayed Trump. Oh and another guy that I would really like to see become president someday is Vivek Ramaswamy, but it's much too soon for him too. I can also totally see Kari Lake becoming the first woman president too. I would totally vote for her!! :D
another guy that I would really like to see become president someday is Vivek Ramaswamy

Yeah, he killed it yesterday.

So did DeSantis.

Those two and Trump are the only candidates worth considering.

Haley honestly did a good job, but she's way too much of a neocon for my liking.
Repeat after me: Mike Pence will never be President.
I would not make it a mantra, if you are a patriot, but it is true. Someone that does not support an "ends justifies the means" disregard for the constitution and founding father's intent in writing it, will not be the choice of the MAGA crowd of what was once the Republican Party.
I would not make it a mantra, if you are a patriot, but it is true.

I don't need to make it a mantra.

That would suggest a degree of longevity that simply isn't applicable when it comes to Pence's career.

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