OK Republicans……Who would make a better President? Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis or Mike Pence?

Who would make a better President in 2024?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 15 39.5%
  • Ron DeSantis

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Mike Pence

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 21.1%

  • Total voters
Going way back….I voted for Reagan and Bush

I live in NJ and have voted for Chris Christie and have voted for my Congressman Chris Smith who is Republican

Locally, most elected representatives at the town and county levels are Republican
Sure ya did, Sparky. :laughing0301:
Republicans have a tough choice ahead. The candidate they select will decide the path of the country and the electability in the General Election

Choose your poison
Of the declared Republican candidates...

1. Trump - been president, showed us what he's got.

2. DeSantis - accomplished great stuff for Florida. Californians agree.

3. Ramaswamy - no political background, but strong conservative and very intelligent.

4. Nikki Haley - getting into RINO territory here, but she made a lot of direct and Conservative points a couple of days ago in the Tucker interview that I found very appealing.

5. Tim Scott - he'd be mountains better than Biden, Kamala, or Newsom.

I'm not interested in Pence, Christie, or Hutchinson, but would vote for them against a Dem, including Manchin.
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You are bloviating. These things were won. It is streamlining them that needs to be done. In reality at the capitol building, it was a bunch of sober people who were partying. Progs push this because the sucking of the government pig tits must continue. Pelosi has had some questions of her allegiance to the nation. All of it not questioned. She is corrupted. Get it. She is a criminal. She does not believe in what she pushes because she abuses those things.
What imaginary crime you going to charge pelosi with?

Biden is right wing. It's just your perspective is so warped.
Republicans have a tough choice ahead. The candidate they select will decide the path of the country and the electability in the General Election

Choose your poison
To this point in time......looks like you and your partisan smacks f**ked up big time.......
DeSantis is the only one who proved himself as an executive in high office.
He has been a very good governor for Florida, on many levels.
The left wants you to ignore all that and instead think of him as a transphobe, anti-gay hater.
And that is all they want to talk about with him.

President Trump proved himself in a higher executive office.
I'm not a Republican but of the declared candidates DeSantis is the best. He's actually fighting the Culture War. Because politics is downstream from culture this is actually the most important thing right now. Republicans surrendered in the Culture War decades ago and now we're chopping off kids' dicks and calling them girls. Trump talks about the Culture War, but in his 4 years he did nothing to fight it. Pence and the rest of the Neocons are cheese eating surrender monkeys. Vivek has the enthusiasm for fighting the Culture War, but seems clueless about the mechanics of government. Besides I don't want a brown person in the White House.

He's not that brown.
Have you ever voted for a Democrat?
The current Democrat in the Oval Office opened the border on his first day in office, and the resultant Cartel fentanyl is currently killing an average of 300 Americans per diem. I promise you I will never, never, never vote Democrat for the duration of my life. They're nothing but crazy makers. :hmpf: My sister lost a son to bad drug a few years back. He got some kind of nutty concoction that took away his reasoning, and although he was one of the best-looking, obedient and smartest kids I ever had the joy of being an aunt to, his dose made him behave in such a strange manner, a man shot him for trespassing on his yard spewing all kinds of crazy language and refusal to leave when told to get out of his yard and never come back. :( I think of my nephew's cheerful disposition when he visited my home just a few days before he was killed for smart-mouthing and trespassing on someone else's yard. Drugs turn nice people into nutcases and loudmouths. That was so not like him at all. :( My sister wept every day for 3 years over losing her beautiful son. And I think of the Democrat negligence of opening that border where 9-year olds are being sex trafficked and unwanted poisons are being passed off as every kind of stress relief on the market that result in 300 American deaths every day since Biden welcomed all the world's dangerous criminals released from prisons worldwide and being sent to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California's southern borders while Biden shells out billions on their luxury five-star hotel suites, free phones, free food and gargantuan fiscal starters for coming to America. Nobody housed our European colonists nor passed out freebies and foods to white people when they disembarked from the Mayflower. The Democrats are not on America's side when they inflated the hell out of people's bring-home pay that brought deep despair to millions who were having trouble buying for food. And how do the Democrats treat widows on farms? They demand widows pay thousands upon thousands of dollars as homeowners' taxes. It's a human disgrace.
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The current Democrat in the Oval Office opened the border on his first day in office, and the resultant Cartel fentanyl is currently killing an average of 300 Americans per diem. I promise you I will never, never, never vote Democrat for the duration of my life. They're nothing but crazy makers. :hmpf: My sister lost a son to bad drug a few years back. He got some kind of nutty concoction that took away his reasoning, and although he was one of the best-looking, obedient and smartest kids I ever had the joy of being an aunt to, his dose made him behave in such a strange manner, a man shot him for trespassing on his yard spewing all kinds of crazy language and refusal to leave when told to get out of his yard and never come back. :( I think of my nephew's cheerful disposition when he visited my home just a few days before he was killed for smart-mouthing and trespassing on someone else's yard. Drugs turn nice people into nutcases and loudmouths. That was so not like him at all. :( My sister wept every day for 3 years over losing her beautiful son. And I think of the Democrat negligence of opening that border where 9-year olds are being sex trafficked and unwanted poisons are being passed off as every kind of stress relief on the market that result in 300 American deaths every day since Biden welcomed all the world's dangerous criminals released from prisons worldwide and being sent to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California's southern borders while Biden shells out billions on their luxury five-star hotel suites, free phones, free food and gargantuan fiscal starters for coming to America. Nobody housed our European colonists nor passed out freebies and foods to white people when they disembarked from the Mayflower. The Democrats are not on America's side when they inflated the hell out of people's bring-home pay that brought deep despair to millions who were having trouble buying for food. And how do the Democrats treat widows on farms? They demand widows pay thousands upon thousands of dollars as homeowners' taxes. It's a human disgrace.
Maybe we should just build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
What imaginary crime you going to charge pelosi with?

Biden is right wing. It's just your perspective is so warped.
The antiwar people of the 1960's. Were their perspectives warped? They are a fair percentage of the Prog power base today from that era. Pelosi is corrupted. She lived her whole life as privileged. She does not believe in what she does. For she would not abuse her dictums in her own life if she did.
The antiwar people of the 1960's. Were their perspectives warped? They are a fair percentage of the Prog power base today from that era. Pelosi is corrupted. She lived her whole life as privileged. She does not believe in what she does. For she would not abuse her dictums in her own life if she did.
I am no fan of pelosi, dummy. What crime you going to charge her with though?
All those bribes from China using the Mexican Cartels to kill America's young (300,000+ so far), and the Ukraine that Biden accepted the big bucks and firing their country's top cop? Needless to mention the fluffing of defunding the police who are down on crimes of all levels. It seems to make Bongino's blood boil because he speaks for the betterment of the American people as does President Trump. So far, Biden has opened the door to the Chinese poisoning the fentanyl from Mexican Cartels who are now dictating to the Mexican government how high they must jump, and are they also using layering to pull Biden's strings to damage people in his own country? I dread to think it. I think Dr. Jill Biden should encourage her man to leave before he gets worse. Unfortunately, as bright as she is, she could probably not outsmart his oversized ego.

I guess God will give America back to the patriots who protect it today. He's got the whole world in His hands. He has heard his people and seniors crying about retail prices under Biden's grim spend-a-thon and attempts to destroy the energy businesses in America. That Chinese money can't buy God nor the people who believe in him.

Take your meds.
I cannot morally vote for any candidate that is a mega millionaire or billionaire they cannot relate whatsoever to average real people.
Republicans have a tough choice ahead. The candidate they select will decide the path of the country and the electability in the General Election

Choose your poison
If I chose poison it would be a democrat.

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