OK, So Trump's Campaign Should be Imploding Any Day Now

Not really that hard so far- both of the 'Hispanic candidates" are Cuban American

Most 'Hispanic Americans" are not.

However- if Trump wins Florida- with the large Cuban American population there- Rubio should fold.

But I hope he doesn't.

Rubio will win Florida....the polls are a joke.
They will blame the Neocons that stayed at home in November.
Nobody needs the fucking neocons. All they are good for is money and they bought control of the GOP under Bush in the late 1980s and they have wrecked the GOP ever sense.

They intensely fear the rank and file of the GOP waking up to the long list of shenanigans and now it has finally happened.
I agree. I think a lot of normal conservative voters will sit this one out.
Why? Trump is winning all the conservative demographics in almost every state, strong conservatives, moderate conservatives, etc.

The neocons are lying to you in order to continue clinging to power in the GOP and they are losing it.

And that will be a GOOD thing for the GOP as they break out of the neocon elitism and make a broad appeal to US voters that target EVERYONE and not the Identity Politics divide and rule game.
Saw this on Facebook and thought it hilarious!



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Trump is Neocon on Steroids.

If you define "neocon" as a militaristic foreign policy I agree. Trump was a draft-dodger and neither of his sons have enlisted so there's that. And I have to pretty much agree with how we're handling ISIS now since the Iraqis didn't have the stomach to defend their own country. Why should we rid them of another set of thugs....for what?
I agree. I think a lot of normal conservative voters will sit this one out.
Why? Trump is winning all the conservative demographics in almost every state, strong conservatives, moderate conservatives, etc.

The neocons are lying to you in order to continue clinging to power in the GOP and they are losing it.

And that will be a GOOD thing for the GOP as they break out of the neocon elitism and make a broad appeal to US voters that target EVERYONE and not the Identity Politics divide and rule game.
They aren't lying to me. I don't listen to their BS. Just like I don't listen to Trumps.
Trump is Neocon on Steroids.

Apparently you dont know what a neocon is.

Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While neoconservatism is concerned primarily with foreign policy, there is also some discussion of internal economic policies. Neoconservatism generally endorses free markets and capitalism, favoring supply-side economics, but it has several disagreements with classical liberalism and fiscal conservatism: Irving Kristol states that neocons are more relaxed about budget deficits and tend to reject the Hayekian notion that the growth of government influence on society and public welfare is "the road to serfdom."[91] Indeed, to safeguard democracy, government intervention and budget deficits may sometimes be necessary, Kristol argues....
In putting these themes into practice, neo-conservatives:

  1. Analyze international issues in black-and-white, absolute moral categories. They are fortified by a conviction that they alone hold the moral high ground and argue that disagreement is tantamount to defeatism.
  2. Focus on the "unipolar" power of the United States, seeing the use of military force as the first, not the last, option of foreign policy. They repudiate the "lessons of Vietnam," which they interpret as undermining American will toward the use of force, and embrace the "lessons of Munich," interpreted as establishing the virtues of preemptive military action.
  3. Disdain conventional diplomatic agencies such as the State Department and conventional country-specific, realist, and pragmatic, analysis. They are hostile toward nonmilitary multilateral institutions and instinctively antagonistic toward international treaties and agreements. "Global unilateralism" is their watchword. They are fortified by international criticism, believing that it confirms American virtue.
  4. Look to the Reagan administration as the exemplar of all these virtues and seek to establish their version of Reagan's legacy as the Republican and national orthodoxy....
This is all explicitly rejected by Trump and he laughs at it. He wants a multipolar global power system, not the unipolar model the neocons crave. He wants fair trade not Free-For-All trade, and the neocons cave on all our trade negotiations because they are more concerned about strengthening our alliances than being fair with the American middle class.

And read the list of neocon intellectuals and publications; everyone of them hate Trump.
He is doing a fantastic job- I frankly never expected him to get this far.

I love watching the GOP eat itself over this primary.

Neither Rubio or Cruz will drop out- and they split the evangelical vote almost evenly.

My hope is a crazy GOP Convention where the GOP tries to ramrod a Rubio through the convention and the GOP ends up splitting into two parties.....

There is talk of Paul Ryan, who is chair of the Republican Party when the convention opens, might open up all the delegates to vote for whom they wish, by simply saying 'The chair proposes releasing all delegates from the obligations to their candidates. Do I hear an aye? The chair calls for a voice vote. In the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. All delegates are released from their obligations to vote for their candidates.'

then the whole thing hinges on who has been able to finangle stealth supporters among the delegate elections at the state conventions.

I think this might be where the Establishment lets Rubio or Romney, lol, steal the nomination.
There is talk of Paul Ryan, who is chair of the Republican Party when the convention opens, might open up all the delegates to vote for whom they wish, by simply saying 'The chair proposes releasing all delegates from the obligations to their candidates. Do I hear an aye? The chair calls for a voice vote. In the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. All delegates are released from their obligations to vote for their candidates.'

then the whole thing hinges on who has been able to finangle stealth supporters among the delegate elections at the state conventions.

I think this might be where the Establishment lets Rubio or Romney, lol, steal the nomination.

Holy shit! I didn't know this....talk about the fur flying....that should be on pay-per-view if it happens.
He is doing a fantastic job- I frankly never expected him to get this far.

I love watching the GOP eat itself over this primary.

Neither Rubio or Cruz will drop out- and they split the evangelical vote almost evenly.

My hope is a crazy GOP Convention where the GOP tries to ramrod a Rubio through the convention and the GOP ends up splitting into two parties.....

There is talk of Paul Ryan, who is chair of the Republican Party when the convention opens, might open up all the delegates to vote for whom they wish, by simply saying 'The chair proposes releasing all delegates from the obligations to their candidates. Do I hear an aye? The chair calls for a voice vote. In the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. All delegates are released from their obligations to vote for their candidates.'

then the whole thing hinges on who has been able to finangle stealth supporters among the delegate elections at the state conventions.

I think this might be where the Establishment lets Rubio or Romney, lol, steal the nomination.

I think it is fascinating to watch- and if the GOP does try it- it will be the end of the GOP as an effective political party in the United States- this would split the GOP apart.

Personally, I think if it comes down to it, the GOP establishment will kowtow to Donald rather than see the Party implode- but I am looking forward to the entire spectacle!
I think it is fascinating to watch- and if the GOP does try it- it will be the end of the GOP as an effective political party in the United States- this would split the GOP apart.

Personally, I think if it comes down to it, the GOP establishment will kowtow to Donald rather than see the Party implode- but I am looking forward to the entire spectacle!

You'd be wrong. We just know Trump for what he is....a man who's championed and financed liberal causes and politicians for 40 years. Leopards don't change their spots so fast. Be advised the Old Guard will fight him tooth and nail in the next two weeks, all spring and summer if necessary until and at the convention. Personally, if he wins the delegates I think he should be the nominee. If not, the GOP will never be trusted again to abide by it's primaries.
There is talk of Paul Ryan, who is chair of the Republican Party when the convention opens, might open up all the delegates to vote for whom they wish, by simply saying 'The chair proposes releasing all delegates from the obligations to their candidates. Do I hear an aye? The chair calls for a voice vote. In the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. All delegates are released from their obligations to vote for their candidates.'

then the whole thing hinges on who has been able to finangle stealth supporters among the delegate elections at the state conventions.

I think this might be where the Establishment lets Rubio or Romney, lol, steal the nomination.

Holy shit! I didn't know this....talk about the fur flying....that should be on pay-per-view if it happens.
I would laugh. Trumps head would explode. LOL
I think it is fascinating to watch- and if the GOP does try it- it will be the end of the GOP as an effective political party in the United States- this would split the GOP apart.

Personally, I think if it comes down to it, the GOP establishment will kowtow to Donald rather than see the Party implode- but I am looking forward to the entire spectacle!

You'd be wrong. We just know Trump for what he is....a man who's championed and financed liberal causes and politicians for 40 years. Leopards don't change their spots so fast. Be advised the Old Guard will fight him tooth and nail in the next two weeks, all spring and summer if necessary until and at the convention. Personally, if he wins the delegates I think he should be the nominee. If not, the GOP will never be trusted again to abide by it's primaries.

Oh I wouldn't put money on any conclusion in this bizarre race- I am mostly just enjoying the show and munching on popcorn.
Oh I wouldn't put money on any conclusion in this bizarre race- I am mostly just enjoying the show and munching on popcorn.

That reminds me....I have a bag of "movie butter" Pop Secret left from last night >>>>>>>>>>>
I don't think anyone has said that for a while. maybe you should try reading actual sources for a change and stay away from breitbart and the other nutter sites.

it's your republicans who are having a nervous breakdown. we think it's funny.

I'm very disappointed about what's happened with Drudge and Breitbart.....they've been conned by Trump's personality. Or they'd rather Queen Hilly were in the WH so they'd have something to bitch about. Where would Hannity be without Obama?

first of all, the whole "messiah" and "queen" thing don't impress anyone because no one sees the president as "messiah" or her as "queen". as to breitbart, etc... the whole rush Limbaugh school of debate, which trump seems to have perfected is geared solely to creating anger and revving up readership/listenership. the angrier the right is, the better they do.

so I agree with you that a huge amount of the fervor is ginned up. I am appalled by what's gone on the past 7 years. and I'm very sad at the number of people willing to break things because they're throwing a giant temper tantrum. whether you're a republican or a democrat, that should be troubling.

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