OK, So Trump's Campaign Should be Imploding Any Day Now

He is an Albatross around the neck of the GOP. :banana:
No ,the 'albatross' would be Hillary Clinton around the neck of the DNC, especially with the on-going CRIMINAL investigation being conducted by the FBI.

Trump is the eventual result of the pressure building up inside a 'pot' that finally blows the lid right off the pot. Washington Establishment politicians on BOTH sides have ignored Americans for decades, and the American people have decided 'enough is enough', no more 'Non-Representative' 'Oligarchist Ruling' government. Think this is only a GOP thing? That's why thousands of Democrats just walked away from the party recently. Hillary is an 'insider', a Washington Establishment elitist 're-tread'.

Trump could very well be the deat of the GOP, especially if they - who forced Trump to take an oath of loyalty, that he would not become a 3rd party candidate if he lost the nomination - attempt to run their own '3rd Party' / 'ALTERNATE Party Candidate' if Trump wins. This would be a direct slap to the faces of all their base / members and other Americans who have rejected the party's attempt to AGAIN dictate who the candidate will be. This will be the GOP's giant middle finger to citizens, making it obvious 'we don't give a damn what you think or say'.

At the same time, Democrats sent that same message to the Washington Establishment Progressive Liberals in 2012 when they served up an historical, record-setting loss by refusing to support / vote for their candidates. So far in the DNC primaries they have continued to show their lack of support for the 2 NON-racially diverse, Washington Establishment re-treads forced upon them, seen through the dismal turn-out numbers, just like in 2012.

Neither party's leaders are listening to the people, so the election results in November may just come down to which party gets hammered / bit in the ass by their constituents / the American people the LEAST.
The Democrat and Republican professional political class been predicting it since last July, so its gotta happen soon or it wont matter.

Trump will have the nomination before his campaign can collapse.

So, any day now.....

They won't even be able to have a brokered convention, he'll have too many delegates.

Their only decision now is whether they just want to fall on the sword and run someone on an independent ticket.

Obviously that gives it to Hillary, but they may decide it's worth it.

How could handing the Presidency to a corrupt criminal Democrat be 'worth it?' If it is Trump, they'll back him. Many many Americans don't wanna see Clinton in there.
The Democrat and Republican professional political class been predicting it since last July, so its gotta happen soon or it wont matter.

Trump will have the nomination before his campaign can collapse.

So, any day now.....

They won't even be able to have a brokered convention, he'll have too many delegates.

Their only decision now is whether they just want to fall on the sword and run someone on an independent ticket.

Obviously that gives it to Hillary, but they may decide it's worth it.

How could handing the Presidency to a corrupt criminal Democrat be 'worth it?' If it is Trump, they'll back him. Many many Americans don't wanna see Clinton in there.
They think he's a horrific representative of the party, a lousy representative of the country and can't be trusted while in office.

They're obviously pretty scared about what he would do to the Republican brand long term.
Every time I think the retards have finally hit bottom, they go and prove just how wrong I am.

I fall for it every election. I say to myself, "They can't possible outdo the level of stupidity they achieved last time."

And then they show me I should have more faith in their ability to fuck up.
Lol so not only is Trump proving you wrong, but now the retards are as well?

Maybe you should reconsider who the retard is, genius.
Trump's like garlic--you love him or you hate him. What are all you Trump supporters going to do if he loses the presidential election? It worries me.
Every time I think the retards have finally hit bottom, they go and prove just how wrong I am.

I fall for it every election. I say to myself, "They can't possible outdo the level of stupidity they achieved last time."

And then they show me I should have more faith in their ability to fuck up.
Lol so not only is Trump proving you wrong, but now the retards are as well?

Maybe you should reconsider who the retard is, genius.

I still think half of the true conservatives will sit at home in November. The playbook needs to be rewritten after the Thumping, or Trumping, as one may call it.
Every time I think the retards have finally hit bottom, they go and prove just how wrong I am.

I fall for it every election. I say to myself, "They can't possible outdo the level of stupidity they achieved last time."

And then they show me I should have more faith in their ability to fuck up.
Lol so not only is Trump proving you wrong, but now the retards are as well?

Maybe you should reconsider who the retard is, genius.
Trump's like garlic--you love him or you hate him. What are all you Trump supporters going to do if he loses the presidential election? It worries me.

They will blame the Neocons that stayed at home in November.
Every time I think the retards have finally hit bottom, they go and prove just how wrong I am.

I fall for it every election. I say to myself, "They can't possible outdo the level of stupidity they achieved last time."

And then they show me I should have more faith in their ability to fuck up.
Lol so not only is Trump proving you wrong, but now the retards are as well?

Maybe you should reconsider who the retard is, genius.

I still think half of the true conservatives will sit at home in November. The playbook needs to be rewritten after the Thumping, or Trumping, as one may call it.
I agree. I think a lot of normal conservative voters will sit this one out.
The Democrat and Republican professional political class been predicting it since last July, so its gotta happen soon or it wont matter.

Trump will have the nomination before his campaign can collapse.

So, any day now.....

Every time I think the retards have finally hit bottom, they go and prove just how wrong I am.

I fall for it every election. I say to myself, "They can't possible outdo the level of stupidity they achieved last time."

And then they show me I should have more faith in their ability to fuck up.
Yep. They are their own worst enemy. I gave up on them years ago.
Every time I think the retards have finally hit bottom, they go and prove just how wrong I am.

I fall for it every election. I say to myself, "They can't possible outdo the level of stupidity they achieved last time."

And then they show me I should have more faith in their ability to fuck up.
Lol so not only is Trump proving you wrong, but now the retards are as well?

Maybe you should reconsider who the retard is, genius.
Trump's like garlic--you love him or you hate him. What are all you Trump supporters going to do if he loses the presidential election? It worries me.

They will blame the Neocons that stayed at home in November.
It will fall on deaf ears since they sat out the last two and handed the office to Obama twice.

You reap what you sow
Trump must be doing something right. The whole establishment, along with the demorat and the repuke party members being against him. The big donors, banks, wall street, and news media control everything as usual. Still, his message is right on. Control the borders, stop the mosly muslim refugee invasion, and stop the shitty trade pacts that has made America and American workers losers against foreign countries.
This is like hearing the Kentucky Derby is "over" at the quarter-pole. :lol:
I know you are unfailingly optimistic, but do the math. The RNC can't decide what the best way is to stop Trump, and it's too late if a miracle doesn't happen. Trump will be the nominee.
The Democrat and Republican professional political class been predicting it since last July, so its gotta happen soon or it wont matter.

Trump will have the nomination before his campaign can collapse.

So, any day now.....

Well they've been thin-slicing his lead by laser-pointed ads in very localized areas to keep the content off the radar of the national media stations. I believe the radio ads in SC and robo calls had Trump shaking in his boots. If they went national with the content of those ads, they'd have Trump completely obliterated overnight. But they've thrown the dice against the wall and decided to keep on the down low about the topic state by state. Their top strategic adviser doesn't want the truth about the topic to get out: how few people support it in truth....and how many of those people make up Trump's devoted followers.

And no, the topic isn't jobs or illegal immigrants. The less the GOP talks about the topic openly, the more Trumpsters distrust them and believe the establishment candidates would sweep this important visceral issue under the rug like they did all last year as it was making its way to the US Supreme Court.

You can't really blame the Trumpsters for defecting and staying defected. The conspicuous silence is like a BULL HORN in the pubs, the schoolhouses and the factories...and churches across the nation...

The first is TV ad, but the robo calls had this as their transcript:

"The announcer says, "Stop! What does she mean by forward motion? What's he agreeing to? It's not about tolerance anymore. It's about mandatory celebration. It's about forcing people to bake cakes and forcing people to photograph gay weddings. Forcing clergy to officiate. It's about transgender bathrooms in your child's school. It's about tearing down our Judeo-Christian values. It's about tearing down our America. " Pro-Cruz SuperPAC Slams Trump For Confederate Flag Removal, Gay Rights

This next video played until recently when the owner made it "private"...but in it, if you can gain access (it was an interview on Fox News the day after SC primary with Donald Trump), you would hear that his extremely subdued, even grieving demeanor here... he even says in this interview that he is now "fighting for his life" after he discussed Cruz's "tough...very tough" last minute robo-calls (see first video here)... Donald Trump himself in this interview alludes as to how fearful he is of the gay marriage topic and how damaging it is to his campaign given his recent past soft stance on it. Cue up to :44-1:12 The "fighting for my life" comment is cued at 2:38-2:53

And finally, Trump's friend on the set of the Apprentice show, George Takei tells it like it is about Trump's actual stance on the issue. Trump calls gay marriage beautiful and that Trump actually supports gay marriage but will say anything to his "base" to get elected..

Cue 1:14-1:58 (Trump calls gay marriage "beautiful") .....& ...(where Takai says Trump supports gay marriage but will say anything to get elected) > 3:59- 5:19....

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He is an Albatross around the neck of the GOP. :banana:
Didn't they make Trump sign something that he would stand behind the republican nominee?
So why don't they back Trump, are they afraid of what is going to happen to there business as usual.
They aren't wanting Trump out because they are worried about the common people .

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There are these two old "mainstream" Republican women who hit the coffee shop 'most every morning. They hate Trump.
They jones for a moderate.
But they swear they won't sit this one out.
They have had their (ample) bellies so full of Obama (an by inference The Democrat Party) that they say that if the choice is Clinton, Sanders or Trump....and if Trump has "666" painted on his forehead...they'd swallow hard and vote for him. One has told her liberal grand-daughters (she has 11) that if Hillary wins they are disinherited. Serious business - and, like all liberals they are avaricious so their cars now sport Trump stickers.
Nice to see young people understand on which side their bread is buttered.
Good they can pick up the slack for me this time. I'm not wasting my time standing in line to vote for another kook I can't stand on the slim chance it keeps another dem out of office. Been there done that. Waste of time.

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