Okay, so who's right?

They are not the brightest bunch.
Lol you brainwashed libstains supporting hillary discredits any of your posts that discredits anybody.

You don't really have a clear point to make do you? Just these grandiose statements that don't require you to have a grasp of the conversation. I guess when Trump when full derp it opened up the floodgates for his little minions to do the same.
Lol Hillary is done. It's over. Time to get a job.

What else you got? If you want to hurt my feelings then stop being a little bitch about it and do it.
Lol I don't give a shit about your feelings.
Just don't pick your nose.
Your head might cave in.

Well, at least you're speaking from experience now.
Lol you brainwashed libstains supporting hillary discredits any of your posts that discredits anybody.

You don't really have a clear point to make do you? Just these grandiose statements that don't require you to have a grasp of the conversation. I guess when Trump when full derp it opened up the floodgates for his little minions to do the same.
Lol Hillary is done. It's over. Time to get a job.

What else you got? If you want to hurt my feelings then stop being a little bitch about it and do it.
Lol I don't give a shit about your feelings.
Just don't pick your nose.
Your head might cave in.

Well, at least you're speaking from experience now.
Lol! You Takers crack me up!!!!!!!
I have seen an awakening of sorts on the right but it doesn't appear to be a full realization of reality. The right has just glommed onto a new authority figure who appears to be nothing more than a demagogue.

demagogue? how is a successful businessman, who is not a politician, doesn't need the job, and is using a lot of his own money a demagogue? Were Washington and Lincoln demagogues?

Maybe you don't like the media created persona of Trump, that's fine. But he is exactly what this country needs right now. Someone who owes no favors to special interests or foreign power brokers and who can do what is needed without fear of blackmail.

Hillary can be blackmailed by any number of groups, including the Saudis, Soros, China, and every hacker in the world who has her "lost" emails.
Yes.....a demagogue.

A demagogue /ˈdɛməɡɒɡ/ (from Greek δημαγωγός, a popular leader, a leader of the mob, from δῆμος, people, populace, the commons + ἀγωγός leading, leader)[1] or rabble-rouser is a leader in a democracy who gains popularity by exploiting prejudice and ignorance among the common people, whipping up the passions of the crowd and shutting down reasoned deliberation.[1][2][3][4] Demagogues have usually advocated immediate, violent action to address a national crisis while accusing moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness or disloyalty.

It is Trump's persona that I don't like. I don't believe the media has distorted it but as I don't have cable/satelite maybe I'm not the best judge. And he lacks the one thing I think is critical to the job, intelligence.

it takes intelligence, strategy, and the ability to work with all kinds of people to create a multi billion dollar company. You are making your decisions based or a false characterization created by the media and the jealous leftists.

the exploitation of prejudice is what is being practiced by the hildebeast. prejudice against whites, Christians, successful people, independent people, jews, southerners, and anyone else who does not bow to the gods or political correctness.

you seem like a smart person, but you are missing what is actually going on.
I think I have a fairly good handle on what is going on and I am basing my impressions of Trump on my own observations. Public speaking exposes him to these criticisms to say nothing of his history in business.

His history in business? Being successful and making a lot of money and creating thousands of jobs? Wow, how awful.

What exactly do you expect to find in his tax returns? Tell us what you think is in them that is so terrible. What are you looking for?

he gets audited every year, don't you think the IRS would be all over him if he was cheating?

But I do understand the tax return demands. The dems will pull out one page from hundreds, make up lies about what it says, and try to take the discussion off of Hillary's lying, corruption, and ill health. You are fooling no one.
His history in business?
Yes of course, he has a history and there are things that might give a person pause as to his decision making. The Taj Mahal and Trump Soho come to mind immediately. And it was the Soho that drove him into the arms of Russian investors in the first place. Are you telling me you are voting for someone that you know nothing about?

What exactly do you expect to find in his tax returns?
I don't care about his tax returns, I even stated as much earlier in this thread.
What do you know about real democracy? Russia had democracy traditions for a centuries, when USA wasn't created yet :)))


Thanks for the history lesson, go tell Putin to fuck himself and see what happens.

Ok, I'll tell to tovarisch Putin your view of situation ;)

Sounds like a dumb threat. I guess that kind of proves my point.

Ha-ha, you're just like a rabbit, seeing threat anywhere! :) The world is really big and scary, it includes Putin and so on.... Boom! :)

Not a serious threat, I assumed you were making a joke about it. Still proves my point.

What is really could be serious in our world - we cannot change it... All other things are just a cards for playing in something like poker :)
Yes, they were and that's exactly the point. glad you finally got it.
You are still belly up in the stream of life.
watching you flounder and gasp as your beloved Hillary chokes and gasps. LOL, you amuse me with your partisan bullshit and failed attempts at insulting your betters.
As always I am voting for Johnson. HRC has hit a bad spot, yes, and watch her grasp Donnie and pull him down with her.
your idiocy is confirmed. pot head Johnson has zero chance, but feel free to waste your vote.
You have given us three years of hilarity at your expense, and I am glad you are not slowing down. An informed, moral American, imo, cannot vote for either of them.

as I said, feel free to waste your vote, no one cares who you vote for or what lunacy is revolving around in your tiny brain.

Either the hildebeast or Trump will be the next president. If Hillary wins, Kaine will be president because she is too sick to hold the office for 4 years. Do you really want that idiot running the country?
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?
Paul Ryan. Vladimir Putin is a serious dirt-bag and an authoritarian who very much mirrors Sadam Hussein (though not quite as bad). It's not at all surprising that a life-long liberal like Donald Trump would admire an authoritarian.

Liberals aren't the ones defending Putin, please stop lying.
Donald Trump is a liberal sweetie. I would highly recommend doing some research on this before forcing me to expose your lack of knowledge in front of everyone.
You are revealing your linear ill-conceived thinking again. Ryan is a conservative and happens to be correct. Putin is a RW fascist who is enamored with authoritarianism, as are many of our regressive Alt Right crazies who support Donald. You are right, though, Patriot, than Trump is certainly no conservative.

^^^^^ a perfect example of ill conceived thinking, and ignorance of what is really going on in the world.
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?
Paul Ryan. Vladimir Putin is a serious dirt-bag and an authoritarian who very much mirrors Sadam Hussein (though not quite as bad). It's not at all surprising that a life-long liberal like Donald Trump would admire an authoritarian.

Liberals aren't the ones defending Putin, please stop lying.
Donald Trump is a liberal sweetie. I would highly recommend doing some research on this before forcing me to expose your lack of knowledge in front of everyone.
You are revealing your linear ill-conceived thinking again. Ryan is a conservative and happens to be correct. Putin is a RW fascist who is enamored with authoritarianism, as are many of our regressive Alt Right crazies who support Donald. You are right, though, Patriot, than Trump is certainly no conservative.
Ryan supports Corporate Fascism.
You are still belly up in the stream of life.
watching you flounder and gasp as your beloved Hillary chokes and gasps. LOL, you amuse me with your partisan bullshit and failed attempts at insulting your betters.
As always I am voting for Johnson. HRC has hit a bad spot, yes, and watch her grasp Donnie and pull him down with her.
your idiocy is confirmed. pot head Johnson has zero chance, but feel free to waste your vote.
You have given us three years of hilarity at your expense, and I am glad you are not slowing down. An informed, moral American, imo, cannot vote for either of them.

as I said, feel free to waste your vote, no one cares who you vote for or what lunacy is revolving around in your tiny brain.

Either the hildebeast or Trump will be the next president. If Hillary wins, Kaine will be president because she is too sick to hold the office for 4 years. Do you really want that idiot running the country?
Do you really want someone like Trump who has shown he is absolutely erratic and megalomaniacal?
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?
Paul Ryan. Vladimir Putin is a serious dirt-bag and an authoritarian who very much mirrors Sadam Hussein (though not quite as bad). It's not at all surprising that a life-long liberal like Donald Trump would admire an authoritarian.

Liberals aren't the ones defending Putin, please stop lying.
Donald Trump is a liberal sweetie. I would highly recommend doing some research on this before forcing me to expose your lack of knowledge in front of everyone.
You are revealing your linear ill-conceived thinking again. Ryan is a conservative and happens to be correct. Putin is a RW fascist who is enamored with authoritarianism, as are many of our regressive Alt Right crazies who support Donald. You are right, though, Patriot, than Trump is certainly no conservative.
^^^^^ a perfect example of ill conceived thinking, and ignorance of what is really going on in the world.
You are entitled to your silly thinking, blowfish. You are an Alt Right crazy, after all.
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?
Paul Ryan. Vladimir Putin is a serious dirt-bag and an authoritarian who very much mirrors Sadam Hussein (though not quite as bad). It's not at all surprising that a life-long liberal like Donald Trump would admire an authoritarian.

Liberals aren't the ones defending Putin, please stop lying.
Donald Trump is a liberal sweetie. I would highly recommend doing some research on this before forcing me to expose your lack of knowledge in front of everyone.
You are revealing your linear ill-conceived thinking again. Ryan is a conservative and happens to be correct. Putin is a RW fascist who is enamored with authoritarianism, as are many of our regressive Alt Right crazies who support Donald. You are right, though, Patriot, than Trump is certainly no conservative.
Ryan supports Corporate Fascism.
So does Obama and Clinton and Trump. They love public-private enterprises.
watching you flounder and gasp as your beloved Hillary chokes and gasps. LOL, you amuse me with your partisan bullshit and failed attempts at insulting your betters.
As always I am voting for Johnson. HRC has hit a bad spot, yes, and watch her grasp Donnie and pull him down with her.
your idiocy is confirmed. pot head Johnson has zero chance, but feel free to waste your vote.
You have given us three years of hilarity at your expense, and I am glad you are not slowing down. An informed, moral American, imo, cannot vote for either of them.

as I said, feel free to waste your vote, no one cares who you vote for or what lunacy is revolving around in your tiny brain.

Either the hildebeast or Trump will be the next president. If Hillary wins, Kaine will be president because she is too sick to hold the office for 4 years. Do you really want that idiot running the country?
Do you really want someone like Trump who has shown he is absolutely erratic and megalomaniacal?

Trump has been a successful businessman for his entire life. One does not achieve that level of success by being erratic or megalomaniacal. It is true that all politicians are narcissists. That's just the way it is.

Trump is exactly what the country needs. He knows how to win, he knows how to manage money, he owes no favors to special interests or foreign powers.

Clinton is the poster child for political corruption and malfeasance.
Paul Ryan. Vladimir Putin is a serious dirt-bag and an authoritarian who very much mirrors Sadam Hussein (though not quite as bad). It's not at all surprising that a life-long liberal like Donald Trump would admire an authoritarian.

Liberals aren't the ones defending Putin, please stop lying.
Donald Trump is a liberal sweetie. I would highly recommend doing some research on this before forcing me to expose your lack of knowledge in front of everyone.
You are revealing your linear ill-conceived thinking again. Ryan is a conservative and happens to be correct. Putin is a RW fascist who is enamored with authoritarianism, as are many of our regressive Alt Right crazies who support Donald. You are right, though, Patriot, than Trump is certainly no conservative.
^^^^^ a perfect example of ill conceived thinking, and ignorance of what is really going on in the world.
You are entitled to your silly thinking, blowfish. You are an Alt Right crazy, after all.

"alt right"
another meaningless term created by the desperate dem/libs and their corrupt candidate.
Paul Ryan, who thinks Putin is a bad guy, or, Donald Trump, who worships Putin?

Putin is not a friend to our country.

Donald Trump has business ties to Russia.

The Russian people are good people. There is no reason why we cannot have good mutually productive relations with Russia.

Putin would respect a Trump presidency because strength respects strength. Putin has made obozo the laughing stock of the world and would do the same to HRC

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