Okay, so who's right?

[Letting a failing company go through a bankruptcy is the best thing for the company, the employees, and its creditors.
Actually Red....the best thing for a company is to be successful and avoid the horrible mismanagement that leads to bankruptcy.

You keep trying to give the example of GM as the reason for why Trump is awesome. That's like giving Adolf Hitler as an example for why Saddam Hussein is awesome. Yes - GM would have been a billion times better off filing for bankruptcy (or closing their doors). But the fact that you need to point to one of the biggest failed entities of the modern era to support Trump speaks volumes.

Why aren't you comparing Trump to Berkshire Hathaway? Or Microsoft? Or Apple? Oh yeah...because those organizations have flourished and didn't require bankruptcy for mismanagement by leadership.
3 small Trump companies went through bankruptcy. The vast majority of his companies are making good profits, paying good wages, and providing good benefits to employees and shareholders. You lefties make it sound like the entire Trump enterprise went bankrupt, and that is far from what actually happened. you are also full of shit on the GM bailout as I explained in my previous post.
Lefty? I'm a Constitutional conservative chief. And Trump has bankrupted SIX companies - not three. And where am I "full of shit on GM"? I've said they should have been left to go out of business or filed for bankruptcy. You are the quintessential liberal. You're supporting a life-long progressive and you resort to lying when the truth isn't flattering for your candidate.

bankruptcy is the best solution for a failing business. GM and Chrysler, their employees, and their creditors would all have been much better off if they had gone through bankruptcy proceedings. who would have been worse off? the UAW.

and who are you supporting? you claim to be a constitutional conservative, then who is your candidate? the hildebeast? pot head Johnson? crazy Dr Stein?

If you are truly what you say you are then there is only one option, Trump.
Neither Trump nor Clinton are any answer except to people who don't get it.

Regardless of whom is elected, American begins the next morning to impeach them or make them an ineffective one-term president that accomplishes nothing.

pretty pessimistic view of our country, Jake. But we are very divided, more divided than ever before-------------who gets the credit for that? I say Obama, the biased media, and intolerant people on both sides.
Hopefully, you won't persist in obfuscating.

*blows candles*

Morality is not black and white. If saying that is obfuscating, then so be it.


but you didn't address the question. is dumb donald the putin sycophant right or is decades of US policy, as expressed by ryan correct?

try to address the actual question.

do you understand the difference between "effective leader" and "good person" ? unless you do, this is a waste of time.
Hopefully, you won't persist in obfuscating.

*blows candles*

Morality is not black and white. If saying that is obfuscating, then so be it.


but you didn't address the question. is dumb donald the putin sycophant right or is decades of US policy, as expressed by ryan correct?

try to address the actual question.

do you understand the difference between "effective leader" and "good person" ? unless you do, this is a waste of time.

depends on what you think is "effective".

me? i think someone who murders his political opponents may be "effective" but shouldn't be leader.

do you understand *that*?

or do you have a man crush on putin, too?
ya...ok...but you didn't address the question. is dumb donald the putin sycophant right or is decades of US policy, as expressed by ryan correct?try to address the actual question.
Yes. Yes he is.

Now that I did something you're completely incapable of doing (telling the truth about all politicians - not just the side you hate) I'll ask you the question everyone knows the answer to but the left just can't bring themselves to admit: Is Hitlery Clinton the megalomaniac sociopath as expressed by all rational Americans and history has proven her to be?
depends on what you think is "effective". me? i think someone who murders his political opponents may be "effective" but shouldn't be leader. do you understand *that*? or do you have a man crush on putin, too?
So obviously you would never support Hitlery Clinton then, correct? Have you seen the sea of dead bodies left in her political wake? If she's not actually a murder, she apparently causes people so much grief and stress that they can't help but commit suicide to get away from her (can't say I blame them - I would too).
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Trump will not be an effective leader, and he is not a good person.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally? Do you know his family? Have you worked in one of his companies? Have you talked to any of his thousands of employees?

Do you think that turning a few million into a few billion requires effective leadership? Do you think putting women and minorities in high ranking positions is good leadership?

You are a victim of the biased media and dem lies. Find the truth, it will set you free.

Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt human being to ever run for any public office in this country. She has never led anything effectively, including her marriage, the state dept, or the whitehouse kitchen staff. She is a terrible human being, not fit to clean toilets in a prison.
Hopefully, you won't persist in obfuscating.

*blows candles*

Morality is not black and white. If saying that is obfuscating, then so be it.


but you didn't address the question. is dumb donald the putin sycophant right or is decades of US policy, as expressed by ryan correct?

try to address the actual question.

do you understand the difference between "effective leader" and "good person" ? unless you do, this is a waste of time.

depends on what you think is "effective".

me? i think someone who murders his political opponents may be "effective" but shouldn't be leader.

do you understand *that*?

or do you have a man crush on putin, too?

Its simple, unlike Obama, Putin puts his country first and is doing what he can to help HIS country. NO, I don't approve of his methods or his KGB background. But that's not what is being discussed. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend? Do you have a girl crush on Hillary? Do you dream about a lesbian relationship with her and Huma?
Hopefully, you won't persist in obfuscating.

*blows candles*

Morality is not black and white. If saying that is obfuscating, then so be it.


but you didn't address the question. is dumb donald the putin sycophant right or is decades of US policy, as expressed by ryan correct?

try to address the actual question.

do you understand the difference between "effective leader" and "good person" ? unless you do, this is a waste of time.

depends on what you think is "effective".

me? i think someone who murders his political opponents may be "effective" but shouldn't be leader.

do you understand *that*?

or do you have a man crush on putin, too?

Its simple, unlike Obama, Putin puts his country first and is doing what he can to help HIS country. NO, I don't approve of his methods or his KGB background. But that's not what is being discussed. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend? Do you have a girl crush on Hillary? Do you dream about a lesbian relationship with her and Huma?

So funny how treasonous rightwingnuts will idolize Putin so long as they think it makes president Obama look bad.

You're such pathetic hacks
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*blows candles*

Morality is not black and white. If saying that is obfuscating, then so be it.


but you didn't address the question. is dumb donald the putin sycophant right or is decades of US policy, as expressed by ryan correct?

try to address the actual question.

do you understand the difference between "effective leader" and "good person" ? unless you do, this is a waste of time.

depends on what you think is "effective".

me? i think someone who murders his political opponents may be "effective" but shouldn't be leader.

do you understand *that*?

or do you have a man crush on putin, too?

Its simple, unlike Obama, Putin puts his country first and is doing what he can to help HIS country. NO, I don't approve of his methods or his KGB background. But that's not what is being discussed. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend? Do you have a girl crush on Hillary? Do you dream about a lesbian relationship with her and Huma?

So funny how treasonous rightwingnuts will idolize Putin so king as they think it makes president Obama look bad.

You're such pathetic hacks

you are an idiot. your posts verify that.

Effective Leaders:

Ineffective Leaders:
Clinton (both)
Hiro Hito
Kim Jung Un

Think about it, you might understand, but I doubt it.
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So funny how treasonous rightwingnuts will idolize Putin so king as they think it makes president Obama look bad. You're such pathetic hacks
So funny how treasonous progressive wing-nuts worshipped Obama for bowing down to Putin and trying to ingratiate himself to Putin, but then lose their fucking mind over the fact that Trump already has the relationship with Putin that Obama desperately wanted and progressives equally desired. You are such a pathetic partisan hack jillian.
How funny to watch Redfish, Correll, and Patriot, all Atl Right, run around in circles huffing and puffing.

The money issues will be the military, social services, and infrastructure. Hillary will be awful and Comrade Trump twice as awful.

but you didn't address the question. is dumb donald the putin sycophant right or is decades of US policy, as expressed by ryan correct?

try to address the actual question.

do you understand the difference between "effective leader" and "good person" ? unless you do, this is a waste of time.

depends on what you think is "effective".

me? i think someone who murders his political opponents may be "effective" but shouldn't be leader.

do you understand *that*?

or do you have a man crush on putin, too?

Its simple, unlike Obama, Putin puts his country first and is doing what he can to help HIS country. NO, I don't approve of his methods or his KGB background. But that's not what is being discussed. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend? Do you have a girl crush on Hillary? Do you dream about a lesbian relationship with her and Huma?

So funny how treasonous rightwingnuts will idolize Putin so king as they think it makes president Obama look bad.

You're such pathetic hacks

you are an idiot. your posts verify that.

Effective Leaders:

Ineffective Leaders:
Clinton (both)
Hiro Hito
Kim Jung Un

Think about it, you might understand, but I doubt it.

Your idea of what is effective versus ineffective is warped and based on your personal politics and bears no rational relationship to reality.

Luckily the opinion of an uneducated toon like you is also not reflective of any reality.
How funny to watch Redfish, Correll, and Patriot, all Atl Right, run around in circles huffing and puffing.

The money issues will be the military, social services, and infrastructure. Hillary will be awful and Comrade Trump twice as awful.

you are so FOS, jakey boi. but continue the bullshit and waste your vote on pothead Johnson. your foolish views are of no consequence here or anywhere else.
do you understand the difference between "effective leader" and "good person" ? unless you do, this is a waste of time.

depends on what you think is "effective".

me? i think someone who murders his political opponents may be "effective" but shouldn't be leader.

do you understand *that*?

or do you have a man crush on putin, too?

Its simple, unlike Obama, Putin puts his country first and is doing what he can to help HIS country. NO, I don't approve of his methods or his KGB background. But that's not what is being discussed. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend? Do you have a girl crush on Hillary? Do you dream about a lesbian relationship with her and Huma?

So funny how treasonous rightwingnuts will idolize Putin so king as they think it makes president Obama look bad.

You're such pathetic hacks

you are an idiot. your posts verify that.

Effective Leaders:

Ineffective Leaders:
Clinton (both)
Hiro Hito
Kim Jung Un

Think about it, you might understand, but I doubt it.

Your idea of what is effective versus ineffective is warped and based on your personal politics.

no, its based on the definition of the words and the actions, successes, or failures of the people listed.

your partisan blindness has blanked out your few working brain cells, its quite sad really.

but you didn't address the question. is dumb donald the putin sycophant right or is decades of US policy, as expressed by ryan correct?

try to address the actual question.

do you understand the difference between "effective leader" and "good person" ? unless you do, this is a waste of time.

depends on what you think is "effective".

me? i think someone who murders his political opponents may be "effective" but shouldn't be leader.

do you understand *that*?

or do you have a man crush on putin, too?

Its simple, unlike Obama, Putin puts his country first and is doing what he can to help HIS country. NO, I don't approve of his methods or his KGB background. But that's not what is being discussed. Why is this so hard for you to comprehend? Do you have a girl crush on Hillary? Do you dream about a lesbian relationship with her and Huma?

So funny how treasonous rightwingnuts will idolize Putin so king as they think it makes president Obama look bad.

You're such pathetic hacks

you are an idiot. your posts verify that.

Effective Leaders:

Ineffective Leaders:
Clinton (both)
Hiro Hito
Kim Jung Un

Think about it, you might understand, but I doubt it.

Let's see....
PUTIN THUG: Kill his political opponents, no freedom of speech, control the media, prices are sky rocketing, Russians are leaving the country at alarming rate, population by birth is declining, invade his neighboring country, supporting dictator and terrorist supporter Assad, killing civilians in Syria major supplier of arms to Iran, worth $200 billions.
And that's nice of you that you call Hitler and Putin are both good dictators that Trump adore so much.
So it's fair to say that we can call Adolf Trump.
Lying, racist, bigot Trump will not be a good leader.

Obama: approval rating at 58%. Good job Obama
Let's see....
PUTIN THUG: Kill his political opponents, no freedom of speech, control the media, prices are sky rocketing, Russians are leaving the country at alarming rate, population by birth is declining, invade his neighboring country, supporting dictator and terrorist supporter Assad, killing civilians in Syria major supplier of arms to Iran, worth $200 billions.
Let's see...

Why did Obama present a "reset" button to Vladamir Putin if he's the vicious, oppressive dictator that you now claim? And more importantly - why did you progressives support that idiocy by Obama? And...if having a friendship with Putin is what you so deeply desired (as all of you clearly did), why aren't you praising Donald Trump for cultivating the exact relationship with Putin that you people so desperately desired?

Idiotic partisan hack.

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