Okay...to settle this, the church shooter could not legally own any gun...

What you posted had nothing to do with what I said, you just took it as a chance to respond in order to make a personal attack.

How about you address what I said? He illegally had a gun, flaunted it on Facebook, and no one said anything. People died.

Yes...he broke your gun laws...and murdered people...and you want to keep normal, law abiding people from being able to defend themselves from monsters like this...my post was right on target...

Not what I said at all. I've said hundreds of times on this forum I'm pro-gun and not for prohibition of guns, but your mind can't grasp a rational argument that involves tighter gun laws make sense. To you it is either the wild west or North Korea, with nothing in between.

No moron, I have frequently stated what I believe...

1) if you use a gun to commit an actual crime, rape, robbery or murder, you go to prison for 30 years.

2) if you are a violent felon who is caught with a gun, you go to jail for 30 years.

Those two items are all we need to deal with actual gun criminals...until people like you let them out.

Putting people in jail for 30 years isn't going to solve gun crime.

If you studied this you'd know that.

But letting people who commit gun crimes out on the street will?
Or will preventing the 99.999% of people who will never commit a crime with a gun from owning firearms do that?

No dippity-doo, you solve the issue by going to the source. Which obviously escapes your grasp.

Making laws harsher, and sentences longer, when we already have a fucked up criminal justice system and the largest prison population on the planet. Throwing more people into jail, for even longer sentences isn't going to solve a damn thing.
He illegally owned a gun... and posted it on his Facebook to the world and people didn't notify law enforcement. All those people are complicity in the murders he committed for not doing something. We can't expect law enforcement to be EVERYWHERE and do EVERYTHING...

Exactly you moron...that is why we need concealed and open carry laws so the people being shot at by these killers can stop them before the 5 minutes it takes the police to get there.....

As you said.....the cops can't be everywhere and do everything......

What you posted had nothing to do with what I said, you just took it as a chance to respond in order to make a personal attack.

How about you address what I said? He illegally had a gun, flaunted it on Facebook, and no one said anything. People died.
How would anyone on Facebook know he was not eligible to own a gun?

How?!!? If they are his friends on Facebook you don't think some of them were also his friends in real life? You don't think his community knew why he was discharged from the military? For beating his wife??? ALMOST everyone in this country, and especially gun owners know that you can't legally own a gun if you are convicted of domestic violence, and this guy flaunted his gun out there for everyone to see. So don't fly that bullshit flag with me.

You assume he moved back to his hometown.

Dishonorable discharges aren't posted in the newspapers.

Do you know every person in your town who has had a restraining order put on them?

Do you know every person with a domestic abuse charge?

How would anyone on Facebook know these things if he didn't tell them?

And I don't have a Facebook account but I do know it is pretty easy to have "friends" you have never met.

He posted a picture of him with a gun. Do you know when that picture was actually taken? Do you know if he bought the gun before his domestic violence charges?

If you don't know all these things you cannot expect anyone else to know them
Yes...he broke your gun laws...and murdered people...and you want to keep normal, law abiding people from being able to defend themselves from monsters like this...my post was right on target...

Not what I said at all. I've said hundreds of times on this forum I'm pro-gun and not for prohibition of guns, but your mind can't grasp a rational argument that involves tighter gun laws make sense. To you it is either the wild west or North Korea, with nothing in between.

No moron, I have frequently stated what I believe...

1) if you use a gun to commit an actual crime, rape, robbery or murder, you go to prison for 30 years.

2) if you are a violent felon who is caught with a gun, you go to jail for 30 years.

Those two items are all we need to deal with actual gun criminals...until people like you let them out.

Putting people in jail for 30 years isn't going to solve gun crime.

If you studied this you'd know that.

But letting people who commit gun crimes out on the street will?
Or will preventing the 99.999% of people who will never commit a crime with a gun from owning firearms do that?

No dippity-doo, you solve the issue by going to the source. Which obviously escapes your grasp.

Making laws harsher, and sentences longer, when we already have a fucked up criminal justice system and the largest prison population on the planet. Throwing more people into jail, for even longer sentences isn't going to solve a damn thing.

It will if we put the right people in prison. So instead of addressing the problem with the justice system you want to hold people who never have and never will commit a crime with a gun responsible for the crimes other people commit with guns

And FYI the source of gun crime isn't the gun. It's the piece of shit who commits the crime.
This is to settle the discussion on wether a dishonorable discharge is a felony, thereby banning gun ownership....

Dishonorable Discharge and NFA Firearms

The dishonorable discharge is based on a general court-martial conviction. This means the conviction is a felony, regardless of what the underlying offense may have been. The convicted felon is banned from possessing a firearm including Title II Firearms (a Silencer, SBR, SBS, AOW, or Machine Gun).

A person who is convicted of a crime that is punishable by imprisonment for more than one year ( including a dishonorable discharge) is prohibited from possessing a firearm. Under 18 U.S.C. 922(g), a felon who is found guilty of gun possession may serve up to 10 years in prison.

If you have been convicted of a felony or a dishonorable discharge, be careful of constructive possession. You could be guilty of being in possession of a firearm if your spouse or another family or household member has a firearm that you “could” access.

So...which gun law stopped this guy from getting his gun?
A gun dealer sold to him.
Right now we have 6 or 8 rogue groups of "psych doctors" making unethical and phony diagnoses of the President without a visit or a single scientific measurement. Even when the APA tells them it's unethical. It's not a well regulated or very scientific profession. And you can't USE that bullshit to void Civil Rights. That's a Soviet thing. Where you were "mentally ill" if you didn't LOVE Communism..

The clown that shot up the theater in Aurora was a GRADUATE in neuro psychiatry. The muslim A-hole that shot up the Army post was FREAKING ARMY PSYCH doctor. You see a pattern here? How many of the YOUNGER shooters had been treated and were not FLAGGED by their practitioners as "A Duty to Warn" case.

It's up to the "profession" to USE the power that they have NOW -- with "Duty to Warn" in their creed to FLAG those to law enforcement. Why don't we lean on THEM first???

Actually one of the metal health groups changed their policy this year allowing doctors in their group to publicly give a diagnosis of the President without seeing him.

Psychiatry group tells members they can discuss Trump's mental health

Oh cool.. The mental disease is spreading amongst the shrinks. It is NOT approved by their professional organization. That's the ONLY opinion that matters. These people are infected with mental issues.

"Physician -- HEAL THYSELF" :confused:
Anybody who knew about his weapons and that he should not have had them has murder blood guilt on them.

Until the second he killed the first person, the NRA still considered him to be a good guy with a gun.
You are quite mistaken. He was dishonorably discharged from the military and he had a history of violent behavior. The NRA would not approve of him owning guns.

Correction to the above: He had a BCD (Bad Conduct Discharge). Not a Dishonorable. My error. But the NRA would still distance itself from this guy based on his assaultive background.

Someone should find out if Insta-Check uses Military Court orders. And if they are up to date. Because they SHOULD BE there..
This is to settle the discussion on wether a dishonorable discharge is a felony, thereby banning gun ownership....

Dishonorable Discharge and NFA Firearms

The dishonorable discharge is based on a general court-martial conviction. This means the conviction is a felony, regardless of what the underlying offense may have been. The convicted felon is banned from possessing a firearm including Title II Firearms (a Silencer, SBR, SBS, AOW, or Machine Gun).

A person who is convicted of a crime that is punishable by imprisonment for more than one year ( including a dishonorable discharge) is prohibited from possessing a firearm. Under 18 U.S.C. 922(g), a felon who is found guilty of gun possession may serve up to 10 years in prison.

If you have been convicted of a felony or a dishonorable discharge, be careful of constructive possession. You could be guilty of being in possession of a firearm if your spouse or another family or household member has a firearm that you “could” access.

So...which gun law stopped this guy from getting his gun?


Then the GOVT is improperly maintaining the EXISTING INsta-Check system. Military court orders SHOULD be in the system. Had a history of domestic violence. That SHOULD have been in the system.

Ya know what? Anti-gun Leftist have a fundamental comprehension problem on the "gun problem". That is their almost religious belief that the government runs on brilliance, motivation, and competency. It's nothing CLOSE to that. The FBI fucked up a follow-up on the Charlotte Church shooter, who's purchase should NOT have gone thru.

You can make that system BIGGER and more COMPLICATED, but the Govt can't and won't maintain it and cut the ridiculous numbers of accuracy errors......
Anybody who knew about his weapons and that he should not have had them has murder blood guilt on them.

Until the second he killed the first person, the NRA still considered him to be a good guy with a gun.
You are quite mistaken. He was dishonorably discharged from the military and he had a history of violent behavior. The NRA would not approve of him owning guns.

Correction to the above: He had a BCD (Bad Conduct Discharge). Not a Dishonorable. My error. But the NRA would still distance itself from this guy based on his assaultive background.

Someone should find out if Insta-Check uses Military Court orders. And if they are up to date. Because they SHOULD BE there..

I guess that would be a good thing to do, but it wouldn't have stopped him from easily buying the gun in Texas. If a check stopped him from buying it from a dealer, he could have easily bought it from an individual with no check.
Right now we have 6 or 8 rogue groups of "psych doctors" making unethical and phony diagnoses of the President without a visit or a single scientific measurement. Even when the APA tells them it's unethical. It's not a well regulated or very scientific profession. And you can't USE that bullshit to void Civil Rights. That's a Soviet thing. Where you were "mentally ill" if you didn't LOVE Communism..

The clown that shot up the theater in Aurora was a GRADUATE in neuro psychiatry. The muslim A-hole that shot up the Army post was FREAKING ARMY PSYCH doctor. You see a pattern here? How many of the YOUNGER shooters had been treated and were not FLAGGED by their practitioners as "A Duty to Warn" case.

It's up to the "profession" to USE the power that they have NOW -- with "Duty to Warn" in their creed to FLAG those to law enforcement. Why don't we lean on THEM first???

Actually one of the metal health groups changed their policy this year allowing doctors in their group to publicly give a diagnosis of the President without seeing him.

Psychiatry group tells members they can discuss Trump's mental health

Oh cool.. The mental disease is spreading amongst the shrinks. It is NOT approved by their professional organization. That's the ONLY opinion that matters. These people are infected with mental issues.

"Physician -- HEAL THYSELF" :confused:

You have no problem with criminal profilers doing the same thing in order to help catch criminals...
Anybody who knew about his weapons and that he should not have had them has murder blood guilt on them.

Until the second he killed the first person, the NRA still considered him to be a good guy with a gun.
You are quite mistaken. He was dishonorably discharged from the military and he had a history of violent behavior. The NRA would not approve of him owning guns.

Correction to the above: He had a BCD (Bad Conduct Discharge). Not a Dishonorable. My error. But the NRA would still distance itself from this guy based on his assaultive background.

Someone should find out if Insta-Check uses Military Court orders. And if they are up to date. Because they SHOULD BE there..

I guess that would be a good thing to do, but it wouldn't have stopped him from easily buying the gun in Texas. If a check stopped him from buying it from a dealer, he could have easily bought it from an individual with no check.

There aren't enough Fed licensed dealers to handle all private sales. You'd have to provide separate infrastructure, Like an office in every WalMart. I've done private sales because I had 40 Match quality competition rifles to dispose of in my dad's estate. Took awhile. MOST went thru dealers. But there's a lot of camps and civic Junior Rifle Clubs that compete ALL OVER the nation that WANT these cheaper than they'd be thru a dealer commission. .

States CAN require that all private sales go thru FFLs. And it's illegal to do a private sale across state lines. What else ya want?
Right now we have 6 or 8 rogue groups of "psych doctors" making unethical and phony diagnoses of the President without a visit or a single scientific measurement. Even when the APA tells them it's unethical. It's not a well regulated or very scientific profession. And you can't USE that bullshit to void Civil Rights. That's a Soviet thing. Where you were "mentally ill" if you didn't LOVE Communism..

The clown that shot up the theater in Aurora was a GRADUATE in neuro psychiatry. The muslim A-hole that shot up the Army post was FREAKING ARMY PSYCH doctor. You see a pattern here? How many of the YOUNGER shooters had been treated and were not FLAGGED by their practitioners as "A Duty to Warn" case.

It's up to the "profession" to USE the power that they have NOW -- with "Duty to Warn" in their creed to FLAG those to law enforcement. Why don't we lean on THEM first???

Actually one of the metal health groups changed their policy this year allowing doctors in their group to publicly give a diagnosis of the President without seeing him.

Psychiatry group tells members they can discuss Trump's mental health

Oh cool.. The mental disease is spreading amongst the shrinks. It is NOT approved by their professional organization. That's the ONLY opinion that matters. These people are infected with mental issues.

"Physician -- HEAL THYSELF" :confused:

You have no problem with criminal profilers doing the same thing in order to help catch criminals...

profiling "crazies" is not a current law enforcement tactic. It's not something THEY are qualified to decide or make lists of....
Right now we have 6 or 8 rogue groups of "psych doctors" making unethical and phony diagnoses of the President without a visit or a single scientific measurement. Even when the APA tells them it's unethical. It's not a well regulated or very scientific profession. And you can't USE that bullshit to void Civil Rights. That's a Soviet thing. Where you were "mentally ill" if you didn't LOVE Communism..

The clown that shot up the theater in Aurora was a GRADUATE in neuro psychiatry. The muslim A-hole that shot up the Army post was FREAKING ARMY PSYCH doctor. You see a pattern here? How many of the YOUNGER shooters had been treated and were not FLAGGED by their practitioners as "A Duty to Warn" case.

It's up to the "profession" to USE the power that they have NOW -- with "Duty to Warn" in their creed to FLAG those to law enforcement. Why don't we lean on THEM first???

Actually one of the metal health groups changed their policy this year allowing doctors in their group to publicly give a diagnosis of the President without seeing him.

Psychiatry group tells members they can discuss Trump's mental health

Oh cool.. The mental disease is spreading amongst the shrinks. It is NOT approved by their professional organization. That's the ONLY opinion that matters. These people are infected with mental issues.

"Physician -- HEAL THYSELF" :confused:

You have no problem with criminal profilers doing the same thing in order to help catch criminals...

profiling "crazies" is not a current law enforcement tactic. It's not something THEY are qualified to decide or make lists of....

What? You don't think criminal profilers are real?
Right now we have 6 or 8 rogue groups of "psych doctors" making unethical and phony diagnoses of the President without a visit or a single scientific measurement. Even when the APA tells them it's unethical. It's not a well regulated or very scientific profession. And you can't USE that bullshit to void Civil Rights. That's a Soviet thing. Where you were "mentally ill" if you didn't LOVE Communism..

The clown that shot up the theater in Aurora was a GRADUATE in neuro psychiatry. The muslim A-hole that shot up the Army post was FREAKING ARMY PSYCH doctor. You see a pattern here? How many of the YOUNGER shooters had been treated and were not FLAGGED by their practitioners as "A Duty to Warn" case.

It's up to the "profession" to USE the power that they have NOW -- with "Duty to Warn" in their creed to FLAG those to law enforcement. Why don't we lean on THEM first???

Actually one of the metal health groups changed their policy this year allowing doctors in their group to publicly give a diagnosis of the President without seeing him.

Psychiatry group tells members they can discuss Trump's mental health

Oh cool.. The mental disease is spreading amongst the shrinks. It is NOT approved by their professional organization. That's the ONLY opinion that matters. These people are infected with mental issues.

"Physician -- HEAL THYSELF" :confused:

You have no problem with criminal profilers doing the same thing in order to help catch criminals...

I DO have a problem with certain types of profiling. Particularly when it's based on rotten faulty "govt lists".

And YOU do also -- because it's YOUR political clan that won't use "Stop and Frisk" to get illegal gang weapons off the streets. Don't be a hypocrite. I'm not. I think that shaking down suspected gang members and drug dealers MIGHT be useful. Doesn't mean it extends to folks who are treated for phobias, depression, potential suicidal tendencies and 300 other "mental diseases"..
Anybody who knew about his weapons and that he should not have had them has murder blood guilt on them.

Until the second he killed the first person, the NRA still considered him to be a good guy with a gun.
You are quite mistaken. He was dishonorably discharged from the military and he had a history of violent behavior. The NRA would not approve of him owning guns.

Correction to the above: He had a BCD (Bad Conduct Discharge). Not a Dishonorable. My error. But the NRA would still distance itself from this guy based on his assaultive background.

Someone should find out if Insta-Check uses Military Court orders. And if they are up to date. Because they SHOULD BE there..

I guess that would be a good thing to do, but it wouldn't have stopped him from easily buying the gun in Texas. If a check stopped him from buying it from a dealer, he could have easily bought it from an individual with no check.

There aren't enough Fed licensed dealers to handle all private sales. You'd have to provide separate infrastructure, Like an office in every WalMart. I've done private sales because I had 40 Match quality competition rifles to dispose of in my dad's estate. Took awhile. MOST went thru dealers. But there's a lot of camps and civic Junior Rifle Clubs that compete ALL OVER the nation that WANT these cheaper than they'd be thru a dealer commission. .

States CAN require that all private sales go thru FFLs. And it's illegal to do a private sale across state lines. What else ya want?

Universal background checks are what I want, Shutdown of sites like Armslist where guns can be sold online without background checks is what I want. Reasonable gun control is what I want.
Right now we have 6 or 8 rogue groups of "psych doctors" making unethical and phony diagnoses of the President without a visit or a single scientific measurement. Even when the APA tells them it's unethical. It's not a well regulated or very scientific profession. And you can't USE that bullshit to void Civil Rights. That's a Soviet thing. Where you were "mentally ill" if you didn't LOVE Communism..

The clown that shot up the theater in Aurora was a GRADUATE in neuro psychiatry. The muslim A-hole that shot up the Army post was FREAKING ARMY PSYCH doctor. You see a pattern here? How many of the YOUNGER shooters had been treated and were not FLAGGED by their practitioners as "A Duty to Warn" case.

It's up to the "profession" to USE the power that they have NOW -- with "Duty to Warn" in their creed to FLAG those to law enforcement. Why don't we lean on THEM first???

Actually one of the metal health groups changed their policy this year allowing doctors in their group to publicly give a diagnosis of the President without seeing him.

Psychiatry group tells members they can discuss Trump's mental health

Oh cool.. The mental disease is spreading amongst the shrinks. It is NOT approved by their professional organization. That's the ONLY opinion that matters. These people are infected with mental issues.

"Physician -- HEAL THYSELF" :confused:

You have no problem with criminal profilers doing the same thing in order to help catch criminals...

I DO have a problem with certain types of profiling. Particularly when it's based on rotten faulty "govt lists".

And YOU do also -- because it's YOUR political clan that won't use "Stop and Frisk" to get illegal gang weapons off the streets. Don't be a hypocrite. I'm not. I think that shaking down suspected gang members and drug dealers MIGHT be useful. Doesn't mean it extends to folks who are treated for phobias, depression, potential suicidal tendencies and 300 other "mental diseases"..

You are talking about the wrong type of profiling. I'm not sure what political clan you are putting me in since I don't have one. BTW those are called Terry Stops. They are authorized in the court ruling Terry v. Ohio.

Now let's just cut to the chase, give me ONE time EVER that Trump admitted being wrong. ONCE where he took responsibility and didn't blame someone else.

He could of in the case of the Central Park 5... after they were proven innocent by DNA, but he STILL insists they are guilty.
Until the second he killed the first person, the NRA still considered him to be a good guy with a gun.
You are quite mistaken. He was dishonorably discharged from the military and he had a history of violent behavior. The NRA would not approve of him owning guns.

Correction to the above: He had a BCD (Bad Conduct Discharge). Not a Dishonorable. My error. But the NRA would still distance itself from this guy based on his assaultive background.

Someone should find out if Insta-Check uses Military Court orders. And if they are up to date. Because they SHOULD BE there..

I guess that would be a good thing to do, but it wouldn't have stopped him from easily buying the gun in Texas. If a check stopped him from buying it from a dealer, he could have easily bought it from an individual with no check.

There aren't enough Fed licensed dealers to handle all private sales. You'd have to provide separate infrastructure, Like an office in every WalMart. I've done private sales because I had 40 Match quality competition rifles to dispose of in my dad's estate. Took awhile. MOST went thru dealers. But there's a lot of camps and civic Junior Rifle Clubs that compete ALL OVER the nation that WANT these cheaper than they'd be thru a dealer commission. .

States CAN require that all private sales go thru FFLs. And it's illegal to do a private sale across state lines. What else ya want?

Universal background checks are what I want, Shutdown of sites like Armslist where guns can be sold online without background checks is what I want. Reasonable gun control is what I want.

If any trades are being interstate on a site like Armslist -- the BATF SHOULD be aware of it. It's not legal. Talk to them.. What do you KNOW about this site? Other than the HuffPo told you it was a bad thing..
You are talking about the wrong type of profiling. I'm not sure what political clan you are putting me in since I don't have one. BTW those are called Terry Stops. They are authorized in the court ruling Terry v. Ohio.

Yet -- they are OPPOSED by leftist politicians and their clan..

Could care less about sweating about Trump. I'm not a big fan. (Of COURSE you "don't have a political clan" --- yet he rents a cottage and an empty barn in your head -- :badgrin:)
You are talking about the wrong type of profiling. I'm not sure what political clan you are putting me in since I don't have one. BTW those are called Terry Stops. They are authorized in the court ruling Terry v. Ohio.

Yet -- they are OPPOSED by leftist politicians and their clan..

Could care less about sweating about Trump. I'm not a big fan. (Of COURSE you "don't have a political clan" --- yet he rents a cottage and an empty barn in your head -- :badgrin:)

That is a horrible attempt at a troll post.

I'm not against Terry Stops, but I am however against the abuse of them, like when officers are found to stop 90%+ of only minorities compared to whites despite the fact that they are such a small portion of the population.

So... you going to get me an example of Trump admitting he was wrong on ANYTHING? I mean if he doesn't have some kind of mental defect it should be easy to find something on him at some point in his life where he admits to making a mistake, and not blaming it on someone else.

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