Okay...to settle this, the church shooter could not legally own any gun...

a back ground check is not breaking the 2nd amendment is it?

The constitution says regulated, regulated by whom? The state governments?

our government does have the power to regulate guns

and we have the right to own a gun for protection
The same one that the Supreme Court upheld when it said that the government had the right to require that you have a special license to own a machine gun. Since it was shown on this board that these guns are effectively machine guns, a law like this would be Constitutional. Or do you really want to wait until the sane citizens finally get tired of the weekly massacres and lay down some really draconian gun laws?

What are you going to do when they don't care you are tired ... Cry about it ... :dunno:
It isn't like you could make them ... The majority of your supporters would be unarmed.

Until you can give the majority of armed citizens the ability or reason to trust the government ... There is nothing you can really do.
Think about it ... If you were a politician and close to a third of the country owns firearms ... Who would you really rather piss off?

Would it be the people that know the difference between a machine gun and an assault weapon ... Or the people that don't?

Youtube took down the video, but a gun nut posted on these boards, a demonstration of how to hold the AR 15 so it would fire like a machine gun without any mechanical assistance. And the bump stocks effectively make the semi-auto's machine guns. So, there is no difference. I have several long rifles, from .22 to .50 caliber. Hunting guns, some accurate to 600 yards. Do you consider me unarmed? Who the fuck needs a machine gun for self defense? And when I was young, no one seemed to need these kinds of weapons to defend themselves against the big bad government.
Funny I got my first semiautomatic rifle when I was 10 years old. A 17 shot .22.

Like I said semiautomatic rifles are NOT "war weapons"
a back ground check is not breaking the 2nd amendment is it?

The constitution says regulated, regulated by whom? The state governments?

our government does have the power to regulate guns

and we have the right to own a gun for protection

We do need better background checks, was his mental heath history even known, if so he could not purchase as far I know.
President Clinton's Assault Weapons Ban didn't work and was allowed to expire ... Because they weren't able to effectively define and prevent the sale of the weapons they wanted off the market.

I legally bought my first AR-15 from a licensed dealer ... During the Assault Weapons Ban.

Yeah, tell that to the victims of this year's top 3 gun related mass murders of all times...3 out of the top 5 USA's mass murders occurred THIS YEAR with automatic weapons, and then add the Orlando shooter victims....and the Sandy Hook victims

The assault rifle studies were inconclusive because they did them only 9 years after the original ban under Clinton...it was way too early to see the results but if the AR 15 etc ban had stayed in Place and not let to expire in 2004, there would have been no Sandy Hook, there would have been no Orlando night club mass murder, there would have been no Las Vegas mass murder and there would have not been this church mass murder in Texas....

These victims are DEAD, because of people like you and others on this board who opposed Clinton's ban.
President Clinton's Assault Weapons Ban didn't work and was allowed to expire ... Because they weren't able to effectively define and prevent the sale of the weapons they wanted off the market.

I legally bought my first AR-15 from a licensed dealer ... During the Assault Weapons Ban.

Yeah, tell that to the victims of this year's top 3 gun related mass murders of all times...3 out of the top 5 USA's mass murders occurred THIS YEAR with automatic weapons, and then add the Orlando shooter victims....and the Sandy Hook victims

The assault rifle studies were inconclusive because they did them only 9 years after the original ban under Clinton...it was way too early to see the results but if the AR 15 etc ban had stayed in Place and not let to expire in 2004, there would have been no Sandy Hook, there would have been no Orlando night club mass murder, there would have been no Las Vegas mass murder and there would have not been this church mass murder in Texas....

These victims are DEAD, because of people like you and others on this board who opposed Clinton's ban.
They did NOT involve automatic weapons

Please take the time to actually learn about guns before you post so you don't sound like an idiot.
can any gun nut on here give an example of any instance where a good guy with an automatic or semi automatic weapon stopped a crime from happening only because they had this type of gun to stop it?

Any example at all since 2004, that these semi automatics were used by a good gun owner to stop a crime or mass murder from occurring? surely, it would have been reported on???
can any gun nut on here give an example of any instance where a good guy with an automatic or semi automatic weapon stopped a crime from happening only because they had this type of gun to stop it?

Any example at all since 2004, that these semi automatics were used by a good gun owner to stop a crime or mass murder from occurring? surely, it would have been reported on???
It doesn't natter since the average citizen is not required to come to the aid of anyone.

In fact even cops are not required to come to your aid.
President Clinton's Assault Weapons Ban didn't work and was allowed to expire ... Because they weren't able to effectively define and prevent the sale of the weapons they wanted off the market.

I legally bought my first AR-15 from a licensed dealer ... During the Assault Weapons Ban.

Yeah, tell that to the victims of this year's top 3 gun related mass murders of all times...3 out of the top 5 USA's mass murders occurred THIS YEAR with automatic weapons, and then add the Orlando shooter victims....and the Sandy Hook victims

The assault rifle studies were inconclusive because they did them only 9 years after the original ban under Clinton...it was way too early to see the results but if the AR 15 etc ban had stayed in Place and not let to expire in 2004, there would have been no Sandy Hook, there would have been no Orlando night club mass murder, there would have been no Las Vegas mass murder and there would have not been this church mass murder in Texas....

These victims are DEAD, because of people like you and others on this board who opposed Clinton's ban.
They did NOT involve automatic weapons

Please take the time to actually learn about guns before you post so you don't sound like an idiot.
semi automatic.... does that make it all ok?
President Clinton's Assault Weapons Ban didn't work and was allowed to expire ... Because they weren't able to effectively define and prevent the sale of the weapons they wanted off the market.

I legally bought my first AR-15 from a licensed dealer ... During the Assault Weapons Ban.

Yeah, tell that to the victims of this year's top 3 gun related mass murders of all times...3 out of the top 5 USA's mass murders occurred THIS YEAR with automatic weapons, and then add the Orlando shooter victims....and the Sandy Hook victims

The assault rifle studies were inconclusive because they did them only 9 years after the original ban under Clinton...it was way too early to see the results but if the AR 15 etc ban had stayed in Place and not let to expire in 2004, there would have been no Sandy Hook, there would have been no Orlando night club mass murder, there would have been no Las Vegas mass murder and there would have not been this church mass murder in Texas....

These victims are DEAD, because of people like you and others on this board who opposed Clinton's ban.
They did NOT involve automatic weapons

Please take the time to actually learn about guns before you post so you don't sound like an idiot.
semi automatic.... does that make it all ok?
Words mean things.
can any gun nut on here give an example of any instance where a good guy with an automatic or semi automatic weapon stopped a crime from happening only because they had this type of gun to stop it?

Any example at all since 2004, that these semi automatics were used by a good gun owner to stop a crime or mass murder from occurring? surely, it would have been reported on???
It doesn't natter since the average citizen is not required to come to the aid of anyone.

In fact even cops are not required to come to your aid.
so the semi automatics have not ever helped any good gun owner to stop a crime, yet these same semi automatics have been the gun of favor in all of these recent mass murders of innocent people in USA's history?
can any gun nut on here give an example of any instance where a good guy with an automatic or semi automatic weapon stopped a crime from happening only because they had this type of gun to stop it?

Any example at all since 2004, that these semi automatics were used by a good gun owner to stop a crime or mass murder from occurring? surely, it would have been reported on???
It doesn't natter since the average citizen is not required to come to the aid of anyone.

In fact even cops are not required to come to your aid.
so the semi automatics have not ever helped any good gun owner to stop a crime, yet these same semi automatics have been the gun of favor in all of these recent mass murders of innocent people in USA's history?

Like I said it doesn't matter. No layman is responsible for preventing crime.

The fact is 1% of all murders occur in mass shooting events. Rifles of any kind , semiautomatic or not, are used in less than 2% of all murders
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Exactly you moron...that is why we need concealed and open carry laws so the people being shot at by these killers can stop them before the 5 minutes it takes the police to get there.....

As you said.....the cops can't be everywhere and do everything......

What you posted had nothing to do with what I said, you just took it as a chance to respond in order to make a personal attack.

How about you address what I said? He illegally had a gun, flaunted it on Facebook, and no one said anything. People died.

Yes...he broke your gun laws...and murdered people...and you want to keep normal, law abiding people from being able to defend themselves from monsters like this...my post was right on target...

Not what I said at all. I've said hundreds of times on this forum I'm pro-gun and not for prohibition of guns, but your mind can't grasp a rational argument that involves tighter gun laws make sense. To you it is either the wild west or North Korea, with nothing in between.

No moron, I have frequently stated what I believe...

1) if you use a gun to commit an actual crime, rape, robbery or murder, you go to prison for 30 years.

2) if you are a violent felon who is caught with a gun, you go to jail for 30 years.

Those two items are all we need to deal with actual gun criminals...until people like you let them out.

Putting people in jail for 30 years isn't going to solve gun crime.

If you studied this you'd know that.

Obviously it wont stop all gun related crimes but it sure as hell would put a huge dent in em when you consider that most who commit gun crimes are repeat offenders.
Yeah, tell that to the victims of this year's top 3 gun related mass murders of all times...3 out of the top 5 USA's mass murders occurred THIS YEAR with automatic weapons, and then add the Orlando shooter victims....and the Sandy Hook victims

The assault rifle studies were inconclusive because they did them only 9 years after the original ban under Clinton...it was way too early to see the results but if the AR 15 etc ban had stayed in Place and not let to expire in 2004, there would have been no Sandy Hook, there would have been no Orlando night club mass murder, there would have been no Las Vegas mass murder and there would have not been this church mass murder in Texas....

These victims are DEAD, because of people like you and others on this board who opposed Clinton's ban.

President Clinton's ban was an utter failure that did nothing more than double the number of AR-15's (and others) legally owned by private citizens.

The AR-15 wasn't banned ... That is the problem with legislation and the government.
I legally purchased one from a licensed dealer during the ban.
If you would like ... I can explain how that was possible ... :dunno:

It is also an example of how your trust in the government to do anything correctly/effectively is misplaced ... :thup:

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On any weekend in any inner city negro shithole in the country there are multiple shootings. The guns are 99.99999% illegally possessed.
BONOBO had eight years to do something to help. He did fuck all BC he didn't want to 'upset' his negro base.
Want to dramatically reduce gun crimes? Send 5K NG into these violent shitholes and remove the guns.
Then a week later the negro 'young men' will be using spears to kill each other over a pair of running shoes..
This is to settle the discussion on wether a dishonorable discharge is a felony, thereby banning gun ownership....

Dishonorable Discharge and NFA Firearms

The dishonorable discharge is based on a general court-martial conviction. This means the conviction is a felony, regardless of what the underlying offense may have been. The convicted felon is banned from possessing a firearm including Title II Firearms (a Silencer, SBR, SBS, AOW, or Machine Gun).

A person who is convicted of a crime that is punishable by imprisonment for more than one year ( including a dishonorable discharge) is prohibited from possessing a firearm. Under 18 U.S.C. 922(g), a felon who is found guilty of gun possession may serve up to 10 years in prison.

If you have been convicted of a felony or a dishonorable discharge, be careful of constructive possession. You could be guilty of being in possession of a firearm if your spouse or another family or household member has a firearm that you “could” access.

So...which gun law stopped this guy from getting his gun?
You Goddamned ignorant fuck. One of the posters here told how he bought an AR from a private party in a Wal Mart parking lot, no questions asked, just handed over the cash, and took possesion of the gun, ammo, and magazines. It is cocksucks like you that are directly responsible for this reign of death from the crazies. You wanted more guns on the streets, and we got more guns on the streets, and weekly mass killings. Time for a special license to have one of these guns outside of your home, with it being a felony is you are caught without it, your guns confiscated and destroyed, and you can never own or have a gun on your person again. And enforce the law, no exceptions.

Yes you ignorant goddamned fuck IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW FOR HIM TO BE IN POSSESSION OF THAT GUN!. Wow. Those laws suuuure are effective!
OK, let us find out where he got the guns. Notice the plural? And charge anyone that sold him a gun with 26 counts of murder and 20 counts of attempted murder.

If the person KNEW he was a prohibited person I am all for that. However,if they didn't know then their conscience will be their punishment.
The same one that the Supreme Court upheld when it said that the government had the right to require that you have a special license to own a machine gun. Since it was shown on this board that these guns are effectively machine guns, a law like this would be Constitutional. Or do you really want to wait until the sane citizens finally get tired of the weekly massacres and lay down some really draconian gun laws?

What are you going to do when they don't care you are tired ... Cry about it ... :dunno:
It isn't like you could make them ... The majority of your supporters would be unarmed.

Until you can give the majority of armed citizens the ability or reason to trust the government ... There is nothing you can really do.
Think about it ... If you were a politician and close to a third of the country owns firearms ... Who would you really rather piss off?

Would it be the people that know the difference between a machine gun and an assault weapon ... Or the people that don't?

Youtube took down the video, but a gun nut posted on these boards, a demonstration of how to hold the AR 15 so it would fire like a machine gun without any mechanical assistance. And the bump stocks effectively make the semi-auto's machine guns. So, there is no difference. I have several long rifles, from .22 to .50 caliber. Hunting guns, some accurate to 600 yards. Do you consider me unarmed? Who the fuck needs a machine gun for self defense? And when I was young, no one seemed to need these kinds of weapons to defend themselves against the big bad government.

Proving how little you know about guns, and how little respect you have for the COTUS.
This is to settle the discussion on wether a dishonorable discharge is a felony, thereby banning gun ownership....

Dishonorable Discharge and NFA Firearms

The dishonorable discharge is based on a general court-martial conviction. This means the conviction is a felony, regardless of what the underlying offense may have been. The convicted felon is banned from possessing a firearm including Title II Firearms (a Silencer, SBR, SBS, AOW, or Machine Gun).

A person who is convicted of a crime that is punishable by imprisonment for more than one year ( including a dishonorable discharge) is prohibited from possessing a firearm. Under 18 U.S.C. 922(g), a felon who is found guilty of gun possession may serve up to 10 years in prison.

If you have been convicted of a felony or a dishonorable discharge, be careful of constructive possession. You could be guilty of being in possession of a firearm if your spouse or another family or household member has a firearm that you “could” access.

So...which gun law stopped this guy from getting his gun?

I would think that if they outlaw murder all of these tragedies could be avoided.

Just say'in.
Putting people in jail for 30 years isn't going to solve gun crime.

If you studied this you'd know that.
Link to back that up?

The United States has over 2.1 million people in prison... and the number is growing. The next closest is China at 1.6 million.

The U.S. has a total population of around 325 million... China is 1.4 BILLION.

Locking people up in jail and throwing away the key isn't working, and hasn't for several years. All it does is cause more problems, including an endless cycle of younger generations following the foot steps of their parents into jail.

In order to solve the issue, you have to go further into the source of the problem... being proactive rather than reactive. You educate people better, you give more help with mental illness and substance abuse, and provide other programs to help people generate their own ability to live.

Highest to Lowest - Prison Population Total | World Prison Brief
Your link doesn't back up your claim.

It doesn't back my claim that putting people in jail doesn't work? :lmao:

Despite the U.S. being the most FREE country in the world, we have the largest prison population in the world... by a MILE. What's wrong with that picture?
That's not what I said. Go back and look at what I was responding to. Pay attention.

I don't think you have a point, and that's the point. Your mind is already made up and closed to new information so you just will continue to ask for me to give more... thus trolling.
He illegally owned a gun... and posted it on his Facebook to the world and people didn't notify law enforcement. All those people are complicity in the murders he committed for not doing something. We can't expect law enforcement to be EVERYWHERE and do EVERYTHING...

Exactly you moron...that is why we need concealed and open carry laws so the people being shot at by these killers can stop them before the 5 minutes it takes the police to get there.....

As you said.....the cops can't be everywhere and do everything......

What you posted had nothing to do with what I said, you just took it as a chance to respond in order to make a personal attack.

How about you address what I said? He illegally had a gun, flaunted it on Facebook, and no one said anything. People died.
How would anyone on Facebook know he was not eligible to own a gun?

How?!!? If they are his friends on Facebook you don't think some of them were also his friends in real life? You don't think his community knew why he was discharged from the military? For beating his wife??? ALMOST everyone in this country, and especially gun owners know that you can't legally own a gun if you are convicted of domestic violence, and this guy flaunted his gun out there for everyone to see. So don't fly that bullshit flag with me.

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