Okay why is obama a good president?

1) He brought a new spirit to Washington (1)
2) He ended the failed policies of George W Bush(2)
3) He proposed bold new initiatives for the economy(3)
4) He brought hope and change to millions.(4)

1)New spirit=hyper partisanship complete with demonizing opponents as "the enemy."

2)Like, well. We'll get back to you on which policies he ended. He continued the successful ones, though.

3) If tripling the national debt in 2 years isn't bold, I don't know what is.

4) Now millions of people are hoping for a job instead of the hundreds of thousands under Bush. And if you liked your health care plan, has he got a change for you!
For me, the verdict is still out. Did he help get our troops out of Iraq like I wanted? Yes. Unfortunately, he sent them directly to Afghanistan, which I perceive as a lost cause. He took part in shady backroom deals during the Healthcare overhaul debate, which he said he wouldn't do. He also caved to the GOP and the extreme right on said Healthcare legislation and we ended up with a watered down bill that doesn't do much for "the people". He spent money lobbing missiles into Lybia, which I feel is stupid and something we do not need to be involved in, nor can we afford. He caved to the GOP and extended the Bush era tax cuts, which I disagreed with.
However, overall, I approve of his actions/inactions in foreign policy affairs (North Korea, Iran, Syria, etc). He is wanting to spend money on Americans for a change, as opposed to spending money either bombing the shit out of, or helping to build other countries. Again, the verdict is still out for me.
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You realize that he simply followed Bush's timetable for the Iraq withdrawal, right? If Bush had been elected to a third term the troops would still be following the same withdrawal schedule.
You realize that he simply followed Bush's timetable for the Iraq withdrawal, right? If Bush had been elected to a third term the troops would still be following the same withdrawal schedule.

YOU realize that had Obama not promised to have a scheduled withdrawal as POTUS while he was on the campaign trail, Bush (nor McCain) would NEVER have come up with one, right? Bush was trying to help McCain's losing campaign any way he could. Public opinion wanted a timetable. McCain knew this and Bush knew this. Simple as that.
I would say that OBAMA is a good president because he follows the pattern set by most U.S. Presidents by basically saying things that everybody allready knows. U.S. Presidents are not expected to "Rock the Boat" when they get into office. They do not have as much power as most Americans think they do. The real power in America is way behind the scenes. The Presidents are constantly getting calls and taking orders from people the average American has never even head of and scarcely know exist.
Nobel Peace Prize winner!

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You realize that he simply followed Bush's timetable for the Iraq withdrawal, right? If Bush had been elected to a third term the troops would still be following the same withdrawal schedule.

YOU realize that had Obama not promised to have a scheduled withdrawal as POTUS while he was on the campaign trail, Bush (nor McCain) would NEVER have come up with one, right? Bush was trying to help McCain's losing campaign any way he could. Public opinion wanted a timetable. McCain knew this and Bush knew this. Simple as that.

Sounds more like a political opinion to me.
You realize that he simply followed Bush's timetable for the Iraq withdrawal, right? If Bush had been elected to a third term the troops would still be following the same withdrawal schedule.

YOU realize that had Obama not promised to have a scheduled withdrawal as POTUS while he was on the campaign trail, Bush (nor McCain) would NEVER have come up with one, right? Bush was trying to help McCain's losing campaign any way he could. Public opinion wanted a timetable. McCain knew this and Bush knew this. Simple as that.

Sounds more like a political opinion to me.

So....Bush coming out with a timetable after Obama had promised to implement one, and after McCain had stated that he didn't care if troops stayed in Iraq for 100 years or more, was coincidental?
Because he has turned the economy that Bush created (near depression) arround

I don't believe the POTUS has the authority, nor the power to "turn an economy around", nor do I believe the POTUS should be blamed for "destroying" one. Please tell me specifically, what Obama has done, by himself to turn our economy around.
YOU realize that had Obama not promised to have a scheduled withdrawal as POTUS while he was on the campaign trail, Bush (nor McCain) would NEVER have come up with one, right? Bush was trying to help McCain's losing campaign any way he could. Public opinion wanted a timetable. McCain knew this and Bush knew this. Simple as that.

Sounds more like a political opinion to me.

So....Bush coming out with a timetable after Obama had promised to implement one, and after McCain had stated that he didn't care if troops stayed in Iraq for 100 years or more, was coincidental?

You and I will never know what was going on with Bush and a timetable.
It wasn't the best idea to have one published so the terrorists could adjust.
For me, the verdict is still out. Did he help get our troops out of Iraq like I wanted? Yes. Unfortunately, he sent them directly to Afghanistan, which I perceive as a lost cause. He took part in shady backroom deals during the Healthcare overhaul debate, which he said he wouldn't do. He also caved to the GOP and the extreme right on said Healthcare legislation and we ended up with a watered down bill that doesn't do much for "the people". He spent money lobbing missiles into Lybia, which I feel is stupid and something we do not need to be involved in, nor can we afford. He caved to the GOP and extended the Bush era tax cuts, which I disagreed with.
However, overall, I approve of his actions/inactions in foreign plicy affairs (North Korea, Iran, Syria, etc). He is wanting to spend money on Americans for a change, as opposed to spending money either bombing the shit out of, or helping to build other countries. Again, the verdict is still out for me.

Status of Forces Agreement, 2008 - Wikisource
The time table for the Iraq war ending was a Bush event
Obama-care was passed on the premise that we will save 500 billion dollars on Medicare, right
Why do you think we need higher taxes?
at least your honest about your feelings
Sounds more like a political opinion to me.

So....Bush coming out with a timetable after Obama had promised to implement one, and after McCain had stated that he didn't care if troops stayed in Iraq for 100 years or more, was coincidental?

You and I will never know what was going on with Bush and a timetable.
It wasn't the best idea to have one published so the terrorist could adjust.

Do you agree that Bush had made NO mention of a timetable prior to what I consider his giving McCain an "out" for his campaign, by implementing one?

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