Okay why is obama a good president?

How long before the Libertard panty droppers for Obama suggest a Constituitonal Ammendment to allow a President to serve more than two consecutive terms?

Remember how the right was talking about changing the law so Arnold could run?

Then they made up complete lies about Obama not being born here.

You're full of bull, no sane person I know was talking about changing the law for Arnold..

I have no idea why TM does that. The left comes up with this stuff and there are times the press will report on it
As we approach the November election with a another year with no budget signed into law and the jobs number finally getting back to 08 levels along with a 1.7% GDP
whats the left thinking?
1) He brought a new spirit to Washington (1)
2) He ended the failed policies of George W Bush(2)
3) He proposed bold new initiatives for the economy(3)
4) He brought hope and change to millions.(4)

1)New spirit=hyper partisanship complete with demonizing opponents as "the enemy."

2)Like, well. We'll get back to you on which policies he ended. He continued the successful ones, though.

3) If tripling the national debt in 2 years isn't bold, I don't know what is.

4) Now millions of people are hoping for a job instead of the hundreds of thousands under Bush. And if you liked your health care plan, has he got a change for you!


I have a primrose path for you
well no good replies to discuss
that is really sad for the left as I see it
n fact, Obama has utilized covert drone strikes five times more than former President Bush did. And while the use of drones has become a major component in the so-called “war on terror,” not every member of Congress is on board with the administration’s use of these aerial assault vehicles. Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinich (pictured, right of drone), along with 25 other members of Congress, recently submitted a critical letter to the White House demanding information on the use of drones.
26 Congressmen Send Obama Critical Letter on Drones
Nobel Peace Prize winner!


He didn't earn that.

No.. he really didn't!

Ha.. I like Mitt's quote..

"Tonight I'd ask a simple question: If you felt that excitement when you voted for Barack Obama, shouldn't you feel that way now that he's President Obama?" Romney said. "You know there's something wrong with the kind of job he's done as president when the best feeling you had, was the day you voted for him."
Because he has turned the economy that Bush created (near depression) arround

23 Million Out of work Americans would question that.

From 01 through 08 we created millions of jobs when 4-5% UE was the norm
Still, Walker was quick to remind us that the CES is the far more accurate measurement of employment because it tracks a large number of employers in a state rather than the more narrow survey called the Current Population Survey (CPS). Fair enough. According to the CES data , the employment numbers during the period commencing in June 2001 through January, 2008 were as follows:

June 2001: 132,047,000 people employed
January 2008: 137,996,000 people employed
Total Increase: 5,949,000 more people employed.

If we use the alternate survey measurement, the Current Population Survey (CPS), which, as noted above, collects data via a smaller survey of individuals and families and produces the numbers used to deliver us the monthly unemployment rate—a measurement Scott Walker considered less reliable and subject to revision by the CES results— the numbers appear a bit better.

June 2001: 136,873,000 people employed
January 2008: 146,407,000 people employed
Total Increase: 9,534,000 more people employed

yes we lost millions in 09
no where near 6 0r 9 million

The Truth About The Bush Tax Cuts And Job Growth - Forbes
Nobel Peace Prize winner!


He didn't earn that.

No.. he really didn't!

Ha.. I like Mitt's quote..

"Tonight I'd ask a simple question: If you felt that excitement when you voted for Barack Obama, shouldn't you feel that way now that he's President Obama?" Romney said. "You know there's something wrong with the kind of job he's done as president when the best feeling you had, was the day you voted for him."

Problem for Mitt is nobody has EVER had that excitement for him......and never will
you can have your peace prize as he uses more drones than any other president ever

Beats a million boots on the ground

It does, but how can one be a man of peace doing this?

As the Leader of the Free World there are responsibilities for global peace keeping. We have nothing to gain financially from invading Afghanistan. What we have gained is we have eliminated a threat to global peace

But Obama did not receive his Nobel Peace Prize for political peace. The Nobel Committee in the last 50 years has also awarded for racial peace, environmental and humanitarian croon

As the first elected black leader of a formerly racist superpower, Obama made quite an accomplishment in 2009 and deserved his prize
He's simply the smartest man to ever hold the job. He has to fight racism every day of his life, and only a man as great as he is would be able overcome that.
Beats a million boots on the ground

It does, but how can one be a man of peace doing this?

As the Leader of the Free World there are responsibilities for global peace keeping. We have nothing to gain financially from invading Afghanistan. What we have gained is we have eliminated a threat to global peace

But Obama did not receive his Nobel Peace Prize for political peace. The Nobel Committee in the last 50 years has also awarded for racial peace, environmental and humanitarian croon

As the first elected black leader of a formerly racist superpower, Obama made quite an accomplishment in 2009 and deserved his prize

Race has nothing to do with it
that is an excuse
world leadership has no lace for that outdated and dealt with agenda
Saddam as well as OBL along with many more evil people in this world will not allow peace. BHO has not changed any of the agenda GWB ut in place to deal with these animals, yet W was a criminal, BHO is a Nobel

That is just wrong
He's simply the smartest man to ever hold the job. He has to fight racism every day of his life, and only a man as great as he is would be able overcome that.

dude the man was elected the president of this great country and you still claim he is fighting racism?
Think man
GWB was the most hated president ever by the media and the left
Palin has been treated like no other, to include her entire family
Race has nothing to do with BHO performance as the president, and you need to move-on
"minorities" are guaranteed equal rights in the work place for 40 years
you really think that card will make BHO failures go away?

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