Okay why is obama a good president?

The CIA and Special Op's are the ones fully responsible for taking out that scumbag.

Kudos to Obama for giving the order. It's what any president would have done.

I ll prove you wrong with your own crap "news" source:

We know, with a 70 percent level of certainty — which is huge in the world of intelligence — that in August of 2007, bin Laden was in a convoy headed south from Tora Bora. We had his butt, on camera, on satellite. We were listening to his conversations. We had the world’s best hunters/killers — Seal Team 6 — nearby. We had the world class Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) coordinating with the CIA and other agencies. We had unmanned drones overhead with missiles on their wings; we had the best Air Force on the planet, begging to drop one on the terrorist. We had him in our sights; we had done it. Nice job again guys — now, pull the damn trigger.

Unbelievably, and in my opinion, criminally, we did not kill Usama bin Laden.

You cannot make this crap up; truth is always stranger and more telling than fiction. Our government, the current administration and yes, our military leaders included, failed to kill bin Laden for no other reason than incompetence.

Read more: America Could Have Killed Usama bin Laden — But Didn't - FOX Fan - FOXNews.com

America Could Have Killed Usama bin Laden — But Didn't - FOX Fan - FOXNews.com

Obama had his "hand" on the final trigger (the go ahead for the mission), just like he did with the snipershot http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123953580718311447.html .

He made the call and he took the risk, if it went wrong it wouldn't be the shooter that would get blamed: it would be the president that gave the order.
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Bunch of right wing morons,

While Bush and the republicans failed to defend the country during 9/11 , failed to prevent our economy to crash and helped to create the biggest debt in US history this guy actually delivers: he repairs an economy that is on the brink of destruction, creates a health care system in a country with a party that is ruled by big corporations (the republicans), gets a nobel peace price for doing nothing (beat that :razz:) and while you guys are whining about how he s doing nothing he personally gives the order to get Bin Laden (the republicans also had this chance during their term, but they blew it because they didn't give the order ...)

And this one is for the US getting the mass murderer and runaway pussy :

YouTube - AC/DC - Got You By The Balls

Obama being dead has nothing to do with all of the domestic mess we have nor does it finish the job in Afghanistan nor does, well you get the message

And for the moron here above: Osama was the reason we invaded Afghanistan, plz go to school and get an IQ

You fail


Hey Munin
whats with the anger?
Bin La din being dead does not fix the massive debt we have under the oath Obama has put us on
Bin La din being dead does not create the sector that is not there to replace the housing market. Like oil production, refining, exploration, delivery
Bin La din does not prevent the president to pay for Obama care with taking 500 billion dollars from Medicare
Bin La din being dead does not prevent Obama from raising our taxes. If we raise taxes on corporations that is going to be raising our taxes
People pay taxes, not paper. Exxon is a piece of paper
settle down please and act like an adult
The CIA and Special Op's are the ones fully responsible for taking out that scumbag.

Kudos to Obama for giving the order. It's what any president would have done.

I ll prove you wrong with your own crap "news" source:

We know, with a 70 percent level of certainty — which is huge in the world of intelligence — that in August of 2007, bin Laden was in a convoy headed south from Tora Bora. We had his butt, on camera, on satellite. We were listening to his conversations. We had the world’s best hunters/killers — Seal Team 6 — nearby. We had the world class Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) coordinating with the CIA and other agencies. We had unmanned drones overhead with missiles on their wings; we had the best Air Force on the planet, begging to drop one on the terrorist. We had him in our sights; we had done it. Nice job again guys — now, pull the damn trigger.

Unbelievably, and in my opinion, criminally, we did not kill Usama bin Laden.

You cannot make this crap up; truth is always stranger and more telling than fiction. Our government, the current administration and yes, our military leaders included, failed to kill bin Laden for no other reason than incompetence.

Read more: America Could Have Killed Usama bin Laden — But Didn't - FOX Fan - FOXNews.com

America Could Have Killed Usama bin Laden — But Didn't - FOX Fan - FOXNews.com

Obama had his "hand" on the final trigger (the go ahead for the mission), just like he did with the snipershot Snipers Kill Pirates, Save Captain - WSJ.com .

He made the call and he took the risk, if it went wrong it wouldn't be the shooter that would get blamed: it would be the president that gave the order.
Why in the fuck do you think I gave him Kudos?......It was a gutsy move.

But, it was a no-brainer. When you are a president who has proven to be an abject failure on so many levels, as Obaba has been, you take that chance to at least get some kind of positive on your failed record. It did show some guts to make that decision, however.....Fact is, the intelligence was there. The operative on the ground, according to FOX, MSNBC, and CNN made visual confirmation a week and a half ago. Once he made yet another confirmation yesterday, he gave the code word for Bin Laden, "Geronimo", and the mission launched withiin minutes.
Bunch of right wing morons,

While Bush and the republicans failed to defend the country during 9/11 , failed to prevent our economy to crash and helped to create the biggest debt in US history this guy actually delivers: he repairs an economy that is on the brink of destruction, creates a health care system in a country with a party that is ruled by big corporations (the republicans), gets a nobel peace price for doing nothing (beat that :razz:) and while you guys are whining about how he s doing nothing he personally gives the order to get Bin Laden (the republicans also had this chance during their term, but they blew it because they didn't give the order ...)

And this one is for the US getting the mass murderer and runaway pussy :

YouTube - AC/DC - Got You By The Balls

Obama being dead has nothing to do with all of the domestic mess we have nor does it finish the job in Afghanistan nor does, well you get the message

And for the moron here above: Osama was the reason we invaded Afghanistan, plz go to school and get an IQ

You fail


Hey Munin
whats with the anger?
Bin La din being dead does not fix the massive debt we have under the oath Obama has put us on
Bin La din being dead does not create the sector that is not there to replace the housing market. Like oil production, refining, exploration, delivery
Bin La din does not prevent the president to pay for Obama care with taking 500 billion dollars from Medicare
Bin La din being dead does not prevent Obama from raising our taxes. If we raise taxes on corporations that is going to be raising our taxes
People pay taxes, not paper. Exxon is a piece of paper
settle down please and act like an adult


A Navy Seal putting two slugs in Osama's head doesn't make the Hussein a good President.

He is simply a bad President who made one good decision.
Killing OBL was made easy when Clinton failed to do it when he had his chance, every-one knows that
Take nothing away from the event and who was president when the event took place

I give Obama an A for this day
As any report card
there are many other subject matters

Does this one event make up for his health care reform bill that has raised our tax rate? and that ha said to have used the 500 billion dollars he will save from Medicare

We need healthcare reform in this country desperately
I am a cancer survivor, I know
The system is broke, not the life saving part of it
the system
Killing OBL was made easy when Clinton failed to do it when he had his chance, every-one knows that
Take nothing away from the event and who was president when the event took place

I give Obama an A for this day
As any report card
there are many other subject matters

Does this one event make up for his health care reform bill that has raised our tax rate? and that ha said to have used the 500 billion dollars he will save from Medicare

We need healthcare reform in this country desperately
I am a cancer survivor, I know
The system is broke, not the life saving part of it
the system

The press is making Obama into some superhero who was simultaneously able to find a copy of his birth certificate AND decide to have OBL taken out.

I bet he was chewing gum too!!!

Killing OBL was made easy when Clinton failed to do it when he had his chance, every-one knows that
Take nothing away from the event and who was president when the event took place

I give Obama an A for this day
As any report card
there are many other subject matters

Does this one event make up for his health care reform bill that has raised our tax rate? and that ha said to have used the 500 billion dollars he will save from Medicare

We need healthcare reform in this country desperately
I am a cancer survivor, I know
The system is broke, not the life saving part of it
the system

The press is making Obama into some superhero who was simultaneously able to find a copy of his birth certificate AND decide to have OBL taken out.

I bet he was chewing gum too!!!


When it comes to his BC I think to most it makes him look worse
Why does it take this long to make it public?

any way I am not a birther. I could care less. The harm he is doing to our country a BC cannot cause

Hey Munin
whats with the anger?

It s nothing personal

The anger is because I just can't believe how much crap is spewed here on the forum: do your really fucking believe that Obama has created a debt the size of the whole US BBP in just 1 year? If so then you have no excuse for your own stupidity/naivety

Obama gives the go ahead for a top secret mission in an ally territory without that countries aproval, taking out terrorist number one just next to a big pakistany army base. He risked the helicopters with the soldiers in it to get shot down by the pakistanis (it was next to their capital, and an "illegal" invasion into their territory: they would have had every right to shoot down the helicoper) and he could have risked capture of US elite troops by extremist muslims or the pakistani army (it was a pakistani army neighbourhood with lots of high ranked pakistani officers living there) .

This president got balls to do this, if it went wrong he would have got not only the republicans burying his political grave: also the lefties would be burying Obama's political grave for his aggressive act.

He did in 1 year what the republicans failed to do in 10 fucking years! Bush and the republicans even got re-elected for promising to get Bin Laden, guess what: they failed ... and this guy delivered

It s pathetic that you guys even deny that this was a risky decision for this president to take, it shows how uninformed you really are. Invading "allied" country with nukes to kill/assasinate a man just next to a large military compound of that country is not a decision "every president would ve taken"
Last edited:

Hey Munin
whats with the anger?

It s nothing personal

The anger is because I just can't believe how much crap is spewed here on the forum: do your really fucking believe that Obama has created a debt the size of the whole US BBP in just 1 year? If so then you have no excuse for your own stupidity/naivety

Obama gives the go ahead for a top secret mission in an ally territory without that countries aproval, taking out terrorist number one just next to a big pakistany army base. He risked the helicopters with the soldiers in it to get shot down by the pakistanis (it was next to their capital, and an "illegal" invasion into their territory: they would have had every right to shoot down the helicoper) and he could have risked capture of US elite troops by extremist muslims or the pakistani army (it was a pakistani army neighbourhood with lots of high ranked pakistani officers living there) .

This president got balls to do this, if it went wrong he would have got not only the republicans burying his political grave: also the lefties would be burying Obama's political grave for his aggressive act.

He did in 1 year what the republicans failed to do in 10 fucking years! Bush and the republicans even got re-elected for promising to get Bin Laden, guess what: they failed ... and this guy delivered

It s pathetic that you guys even deny that this was a risky decision for this president to take, it shows how uninformed you really are. Invading "allied" country with nukes to kill/assasinate a man just next to a large military compound of that country is not a decision "every president would ve taken"[/QUOTE]

The Bush Deficit, the Clinton Surplus and TARP by Gregory Hilton | The DC World Affairs Blog
Deficit central

What did Obama do to make that event happen?
CIA Director Says Intel from Waterboarding Led to Bin Laden Raid - Waterboarding - Fox Nation

If you can find where I stated Obama did not do a good job with the OBL event, copy and paste it
If not chill out
He sounds a lot like the 20th century's greatest american MLK Jr when he gives speeches.

Wait that's not a reason? Then I got nuthin.

Obama's pretty MLK Jr-like speeches don't mean squat. Ever heard the expression "Actions speak louder than words"?

That could be applied to Obama, because he's not anything like MLK Jr. He screwed his voting base...hard, in a great many ways that would take too long to list here.
He isn't an especially good president IMHO. It's only the troop of crazies and toadies and half-wits vying for the right to oppose him that make him look that way.

Hey Munin
whats with the anger?

It s nothing personal

The anger is because I just can't believe how much crap is spewed here on the forum: do your really fucking believe that Obama has created a debt the size of the whole US BBP in just 1 year? If so then you have no excuse for your own stupidity/naivety

Obama gives the go ahead for a top secret mission in an ally territory without that countries aproval, taking out terrorist number one just next to a big pakistany army base. He risked the helicopters with the soldiers in it to get shot down by the pakistanis (it was next to their capital, and an "illegal" invasion into their territory: they would have had every right to shoot down the helicoper) and he could have risked capture of US elite troops by extremist muslims or the pakistani army (it was a pakistani army neighbourhood with lots of high ranked pakistani officers living there) .

This president got balls to do this, if it went wrong he would have got not only the republicans burying his political grave: also the lefties would be burying Obama's political grave for his aggressive act.

He did in 1 year what the republicans failed to do in 10 fucking years! Bush and the republicans even got re-elected for promising to get Bin Laden, guess what: they failed ... and this guy delivered

It s pathetic that you guys even deny that this was a risky decision for this president to take, it shows how uninformed you really are. Invading "allied" country with nukes to kill/assasinate a man just next to a large military compound of that country is not a decision "every president would ve taken"[/QUOTE]

I have to disagree here. First of all, Obama threw Single Payer under the bus the minute he took office, despite having campaigned for it during his POTUS Candidacy. Secondly, it's pretty clear that he's going to be keeping mercenary troops in Iraq, whether or not he does what he says he'll do and gets all combat troops out of Iraq by Christmastime. Thirdly, that healthcare "reform" bill that he passed is just a warmed-over, 20 year old, GOP-written POS legislature from the Bill Clinton era. Obama and the Democrats could've and should've gone back to the drawing board, really put their heads together and created and implemented a genuine healthcare reform bill that entailed Single Payer with Universal Healthcare/Medicare for all Americans. Did he do it? No, he and the Democrats took the easy way out and passed a paltry, warmed-over GOP Bill and called it healtcare "reform". Moreover, the Obama Administration threw abortion rights under the bus in order to get this crappy bunch of legislature passed.

Next: Obama didn't even have the gumption to tell Israel to get her troops and her rightwing Israeli Jewish settlers the hell out of West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, stop the horrific treatment and humiliation of innocent Palestinian civilians, as well as the demolition of their homes by the Israeli military, and allow the Palestinians to create their own independent sovereign nation-state alongside Israel in WB, Gaza Strip and East jerusalem. Instead, what did Obama do? The minute he took office, he began parroting AIPAC's line(s), and snuggleld up with Netanyahu, who's too conservative.

Next, Obama and Salazar allowed BP to run amok in the Gulf, drilling 100 some odd miles offshore, and about a mile deep down, causing a real oil gusher, not just a spill. This made already-bad situations in the gulf worse, and destroyed the lives, livelihoods, health, welfare and overall well-being of millions of Gulf area residents. Sure, Obama plugged up the leak, and proposed a moratorium on deep off-shore oil-drilling, but the damage was already done.

Deporting millions upon millions of illegal aliens, expanding and extending the patriot act, with its attacks on Civil Liberties, not closing Gitmo, executing an American citizen instead of trying him in a regular court of law were also pretty disgusting. So was the fact that Obama had special elite U. S. military forces go into Afghanistan and supposedly execute Osama Bin Laden. Hey, first of all, how does anyone know that we even nailed the right guy, especially since Osama Bin Laden could very well have been dead for ten years prior to that? Secondly, the fact that so many people here in the United States went out that night and partied, laughed and celebrated over this killing was rather ghoulish...and vile. What's unnerving about it is that even presumably intelligent and liberal-minded people agreed with all this! Thirdly, that kind of action on the part of our government won't win respect for the United states or the West generally. It just plays right into the hands of the people who hate the United States and the West generally and will make them hate us all the more, and Americans will be less safe at home, as well as abroad, not moreso.

Next, since the "Occupation" movements here in the United States have begun, the Obama Administration's Justice department has pretty much given the green light for other elected officials (i. e. big-city mayors, etc.) as well as police departments and other law-enforcement bodies to indiscriminantly wade into groups of peaceful demonstrators who're just exercising their rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of speech, saying what they think, beating them up and seriously injuring people without thinking twice about it.

I admittedly did not vote for Obama, because I saw all of this coming when he voted for the FISA Bill and for continued funding for our war on Iraq and Afghanistan, and because he took the exact same positions as McCain during the 2008 pre-POTUS election Foreign Policy debate. I wrote in my own ticket instead, and have no regrets.

In short, Obama screwed his voting base...hard.

Hey Munin
whats with the anger?

It s nothing personal

The anger is because I just can't believe how much crap is spewed here on the forum: do your really fucking believe that Obama has created a debt the size of the whole US BBP in just 1 year? If so then you have no excuse for your own stupidity/naivety

Obama gives the go ahead for a top secret mission in an ally territory without that countries aproval, taking out terrorist number one just next to a big pakistany army base. He risked the helicopters with the soldiers in it to get shot down by the pakistanis (it was next to their capital, and an "illegal" invasion into their territory: they would have had every right to shoot down the helicoper) and he could have risked capture of US elite troops by extremist muslims or the pakistani army (it was a pakistani army neighbourhood with lots of high ranked pakistani officers living there) .

This president got balls to do this, if it went wrong he would have got not only the republicans burying his political grave: also the lefties would be burying Obama's political grave for his aggressive act.

He did in 1 year what the republicans failed to do in 10 fucking years! Bush and the republicans even got re-elected for promising to get Bin Laden, guess what: they failed ... and this guy delivered

It s pathetic that you guys even deny that this was a risky decision for this president to take, it shows how uninformed you really are. Invading "allied" country with nukes to kill/assasinate a man just next to a large military compound of that country is not a decision "every president would ve taken"[/QUOTE]

I have to disagree here. First of all, Obama threw Single Payer under the bus the minute he took office, despite having campaigned for it during his POTUS Candidacy. Secondly, it's pretty clear that he's going to be keeping mercenary troops in Iraq, whether or not he does what he says he'll do and gets all combat troops out of Iraq by Christmastime. Thirdly, that healthcare "reform" bill that he passed is just a warmed-over, 20 year old, GOP-written POS legislature from the Bill Clinton era. Obama and the Democrats could've and should've gone back to the drawing board, really put their heads together and created and implemented a genuine healthcare reform bill that entailed Single Payer with Universal Healthcare/Medicare for all Americans. Did he do it? No, he and the Democrats took the easy way out and passed a paltry, warmed-over GOP Bill and called it healtcare "reform". Moreover, the Obama Administration threw abortion rights under the bus in order to get this crappy bunch of legislature passed.

Next: Obama didn't even have the gumption to tell Israel to get her troops and her rightwing Israeli Jewish settlers the hell out of West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, stop the horrific treatment and humiliation of innocent Palestinian civilians, as well as the demolition of their homes by the Israeli military, and allow the Palestinians to create their own independent sovereign nation-state alongside Israel in WB, Gaza Strip and East jerusalem. Instead, what did Obama do? The minute he took office, he began parroting AIPAC's line(s), and snuggleld up with Netanyahu, who's too conservative.

Next, Obama and Salazar allowed BP to run amok in the Gulf, drilling 100 some odd miles offshore, and about a mile deep down, causing a real oil gusher, not just a spill. This made already-bad situations in the gulf worse, and destroyed the lives, livelihoods, health, welfare and overall well-being of millions of Gulf area residents. Sure, Obama plugged up the leak, and proposed a moratorium on deep off-shore oil-drilling, but the damage was already done.

Deporting millions upon millions of illegal aliens, expanding and extending the patriot act, with its attacks on Civil Liberties, not closing Gitmo, executing an American citizen instead of trying him in a regular court of law were also pretty disgusting. So was the fact that Obama had special elite U. S. military forces go into Afghanistan and supposedly execute Osama Bin Laden. Hey, first of all, how does anyone know that we even nailed the right guy, especially since Osama Bin Laden could very well have been dead for ten years prior to that? Secondly, the fact that so many people here in the United States went out that night and partied, laughed and celebrated over this killing was rather ghoulish...and vile. What's unnerving about it is that even presumably intelligent and liberal-minded people agreed with all this! Thirdly, that kind of action on the part of our government won't win respect for the United states or the West generally. It just plays right into the hands of the people who hate the United States and the West generally and will make them hate us all the more, and Americans will be less safe at home, as well as abroad, not moreso.

Next, since the "Occupation" movements here in the United States have begun, the Obama Administration's Justice department has pretty much given the green light for other elected officials (i. e. big-city mayors, etc.) as well as police departments and other law-enforcement bodies to indiscriminantly wade into groups of peaceful demonstrators who're just exercising their rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of speech, saying what they think, beating them up and seriously injuring people without thinking twice about it.

I admittedly did not vote for Obama, because I saw all of this coming when he voted for the FISA Bill and for continued funding for our war on Iraq and Afghanistan, and because he took the exact same positions as McCain during the 2008 pre-POTUS election Foreign Policy debate. I wrote in my own ticket instead, and have no regrets.

In short, Obama screwed his voting base...hard.[/QUOTE]

The war in Iraq is over, we won
The single payer was not removed, it just became the mandatory payer
There have been many evil terrorist killed sense 9-11, OBL was the biggest fish, but not the only. His execution was based on information gathered during the GWB admin. I agree that the event to me was not an event to celebrate, well come to think of it for many it was I guess, I felt anger at first that the SOB and his people had caused so much hurt for so many, then relief and i hate to say it, pride (he was assassinated)

The reason we had an explosion 5000' below sea level is because the US govt will not allow us to extract oil (as well as state regulations) 5000' above sea level
How long before the Libertard panty droppers for Obama suggest a Constituitonal Ammendment to allow a President to serve more than two consecutive terms?

Remember how the right was talking about changing the law so Arnold could run?

Then they made up complete lies about Obama not being born here.

You're full of bull, no sane person I know was talking about changing the law for Arnold..

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