Oklahoma ERs packed with ivermectin overdose victims

How to explain the Left's mindless droning of "Horse dewormer"?

And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
And now you do what they told ya!
Exactly. Ivermectin works. Period.

The reasons why it works could be many fold, including eliminating parasites which act as a catalyst for bad cases of COVID-19. With today's modern diet of partially cooked food, parasites are probably very common place among Americans. They are just too arrogant to suspect they have them.

Thanks for pointing that out, evileye. Glad you can read and think for yourself.
Huh? Dunno about 'today's diet of partially cooked food'. Not something I've noticed at all. According to most physicians, parasitical infections caused by ingestion have been on the decline for the last 100 years. Trichinosis being the most common. Cook that pork, people!

While there are some parasites that cause problems in the US..none rise to the level of skewing the COVID numbers, as regards treatment.

As an aside, you would think that any sort of infection would be discovered by the initial complete physical examination that should be given before any treatment.
The fact that any sort of screening for parasitical infection was NOT given or noted..in an area with a high incidence of cases..is telling~
Ivermectin is a reasonable theraputic for COVID.

Anyone who says anything counter to that is a liar.
I think you're correct..as far as it goes...Ivermectin is a reasonable therapy for COVID. Under a Dr.'s care..and under the supposition that it's not going to do any harm, at least.

It is not a viable substitute for Vaxxing. Period.

It is not an anti-viral.

The anti-viral COVID treatments currently out there..are so much better, in every way, than Ivermectin. But if a Doc says...go for it. I suspect that most times..it's a last ditch sort of thing.
Are these idiots still deworming themselves?
All the idiots are dying off from cardiovascular problems, cancer, blood clots, and a vast array of indeterminate reasons...like my uncle, neighbor, and another distant aunt...all who died (one from kidney failure and two from cardiovascular) soon after taking the mRNA treatment. Nobody in my circle of friends and family died from coronavirus infection.

My immediate family (including an X-wife) all took ivermectin at the first signs of coronavirus infection and have never taken the mRNA treatment. We are all fit and healthy, thank you.

So the real question is, can you do math? Is the kool-aid crew still shooting that stuff up based on fake news from the mass media?
My aunt & uncle took ivermectin, then caught covid & wound up nearly dyeing in the ICU for over a week.

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