Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

Dream on, and that's what you're doing.

No, i do think passing laws like this really does chase the Entitlement whiner Democrats away. They'll have to go elsewhere to kill their babies. Oklahoma will be better off in the end.
When their women start to die and their girls move away, they'll figure out the problem, maybe...

Again, when those people leave, the state will be better off. This kind of legislation really does chase folks like you out of the state. Most Oklahomans don't want Communists/Progressives there.
There aren't any there, dummy.

You sure about that? I hear there's still a bunch of em there whining about this. But maybe this will push em out? One can only dream. ;)
Those whining about it would be called people with common sense, not operating from emotions.
DOA, right from the start:

“Imagine a pregnant woman visiting her physician and saying, ‘Doctor, is my fetus
healthy?’ Or, ‘Is this a male fetus or a female fetus?’ No, she will ask, ‘How is my baby?’
And, ‘Is it a boy or a girl?’”

Scientist, Doctor, Lawyer versus average pregnant woman. Just as easy to turn 180 by saying when pregnant we say you are having a baby, not you already have one. That happens nine months later.

I fully realize your own medical credentials outweigh the author of the article's credentials. Your residency is at Johns Hopkins is it not?
Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business? Even if this law manages to pass, which I doubt, the state will then end up spending tens of thousands of dollars failing to defend it from court challenges. This issue was settled in 1973. Don't like abortion? Don't have one.

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — In a move that is unprecedented nationwide, an Oklahoma Senator has introduced a bill that would criminalize abortion as first-degree murder.

Sen. Joe Silk, R-Broken Bow, recently introduced S.B. 1118 which adds killing an unborn child to existing murder statutes.

“No person shall perform or induce or attempt to perform or induce an abortion after conception,” it reads. “A person commits murder in the first degree when that person performs an abortion as defined by Section 1-745.5 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes.”

Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

So far, I Support this bill 100%

It is going to take bills like this one to finally get the Supreme Court to reconcile the legal status of "children in the womb" as set by our State and Federal "fetal homicide " laws with the Court's previous rulings on cases like Roe v Wade.

My money is on the Court's eventual overturning of Roe.

So please tell all of us intelligent people who actually knows something about conception and pregnancy:

Why do you want to kill women?

Tell all of us what life is in an ectopic pregnancy?

There are only 2 possible outcomes for an ectopic pregnancy.

1. An abortion is performed, the woman lives and is able to get pregnant again to have a child.

2. The woman DIES.

I guess you're on the side of the woman dying.

No one is against abortion to save the life of the mother..... you lefties always do this stupid shit. We're against abortion as a means of birth control.

Not to mention we're talking about 1.9% of all pregnancies.

Don't worry, this kind of legislation chases the Communists/Progressives out of the state. It's a Win/Win for Oklahoma. If even only a few Communist/Progressive whiners decide to leave the state, Oklahoma will be better off.
Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business? Even if this law manages to pass, which I doubt, the state will then end up spending tens of thousands of dollars failing to defend it from court challenges. This issue was settled in 1973. Don't like abortion? Don't have one.

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. — In a move that is unprecedented nationwide, an Oklahoma Senator has introduced a bill that would criminalize abortion as first-degree murder.

Sen. Joe Silk, R-Broken Bow, recently introduced S.B. 1118 which adds killing an unborn child to existing murder statutes.

“No person shall perform or induce or attempt to perform or induce an abortion after conception,” it reads. “A person commits murder in the first degree when that person performs an abortion as defined by Section 1-745.5 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes.”

Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder

So far, I Support this bill 100%

It is going to take bills like this one to finally get the Supreme Court to reconcile the legal status of "children in the womb" as set by our State and Federal "fetal homicide " laws with the Court's previous rulings on cases like Roe v Wade.

My money is on the Court's eventual overturning of Roe.

So please tell all of us intelligent people who actually knows something about conception and pregnancy:

Why do you want to kill women?

Tell all of us what life is in an ectopic pregnancy?

There are only 2 possible outcomes for an ectopic pregnancy.

1. An abortion is performed, the woman lives and is able to get pregnant again to have a child.

2. The woman DIES.

I guess you're on the side of the woman dying.

No one is against abortion to save the life of the mother..... you lefties always do this stupid shit. We're against abortion as a means of birth control.

Not to mention we're talking about 1.9% of all pregnancies.
Does his bill have any exceptions?

I dunno.. but I would sure hope so.
Why is it so hard for Republicans to stay out of people's personal business? Even if this law manages to pass, which I doubt, the state will then end up spending tens of thousands of dollars failing to defend it from court challenges. This issue was settled in 1973. Don't like abortion? Don't have one.

So far, I Support this bill 100%

It is going to take bills like this one to finally get the Supreme Court to reconcile the legal status of "children in the womb" as set by our State and Federal "fetal homicide " laws with the Court's previous rulings on cases like Roe v Wade.

My money is on the Court's eventual overturning of Roe.

So please tell all of us intelligent people who actually knows something about conception and pregnancy:

Why do you want to kill women?

Tell all of us what life is in an ectopic pregnancy?

There are only 2 possible outcomes for an ectopic pregnancy.

1. An abortion is performed, the woman lives and is able to get pregnant again to have a child.

2. The woman DIES.

I guess you're on the side of the woman dying.

No one is against abortion to save the life of the mother..... you lefties always do this stupid shit. We're against abortion as a means of birth control.

Not to mention we're talking about 1.9% of all pregnancies.
Does his bill have any exceptions?

I dunno.. but I would sure hope so.
Nope, no exceptions at all.
Why do Communists/Progressives hate children so much? It's so damn disturbing. But it's real simple, you wanna kill your babies, do it somewhere else. That's the message. Get over it.
So far, I Support this bill 100%

It is going to take bills like this one to finally get the Supreme Court to reconcile the legal status of "children in the womb" as set by our State and Federal "fetal homicide " laws with the Court's previous rulings on cases like Roe v Wade.

My money is on the Court's eventual overturning of Roe.

So please tell all of us intelligent people who actually knows something about conception and pregnancy:

Why do you want to kill women?

Tell all of us what life is in an ectopic pregnancy?

There are only 2 possible outcomes for an ectopic pregnancy.

1. An abortion is performed, the woman lives and is able to get pregnant again to have a child.

2. The woman DIES.

I guess you're on the side of the woman dying.

No one is against abortion to save the life of the mother..... you lefties always do this stupid shit. We're against abortion as a means of birth control.

Not to mention we're talking about 1.9% of all pregnancies.
Does his bill have any exceptions?

I dunno.. but I would sure hope so.
Nope, no exceptions at all.

Well, then that's fucked up.
Why do Communists/Progressives hate children so much? It's so damn disturbing. But it's real simple, you wanna kill your babies, do it somewhere else. That's the message. Get over it.
Why can't you have a common sense view of abortion, and what and what isn't a person?

Oklahomans don't want you killing your babies there anymore. That's the deal. Get over it.
So please tell all of us intelligent people who actually knows something about conception and pregnancy:

Why do you want to kill women?

Tell all of us what life is in an ectopic pregnancy?

There are only 2 possible outcomes for an ectopic pregnancy.

1. An abortion is performed, the woman lives and is able to get pregnant again to have a child.

2. The woman DIES.

I guess you're on the side of the woman dying.

No one is against abortion to save the life of the mother..... you lefties always do this stupid shit. We're against abortion as a means of birth control.

Not to mention we're talking about 1.9% of all pregnancies.
Does his bill have any exceptions?

I dunno.. but I would sure hope so.
Nope, no exceptions at all.

Well, then that's fucked up.
Why do Communists/Progressives hate children so much? It's so damn disturbing. But it's real simple, you wanna kill your babies, do it somewhere else. That's the message. Get over it.
Why can't you have a common sense view of abortion, and what and what isn't a person?

Oklahomans don't want you killing your babies there anymore. That's the deal. Get over it.
If you think this won't get tossed, especially with no exceptions, you're kidding yourself. This is for show, only.
Why do Communists/Progressives hate children so much? It's so damn disturbing. But it's real simple, you wanna kill your babies, do it somewhere else. That's the message. Get over it.
Why can't you have a common sense view of abortion, and what and what isn't a person?

Oklahomans don't want you killing your babies there anymore. That's the deal. Get over it.
If you think this won't get tossed, especially with no exceptions, you're kidding yourself. This is for show, only.

Maybe? But the message is clear. Oklahoma is not a Baby Killer-friendly State. Folks like you aren't welcome there. Period, end of story.
Why do Communists/Progressives hate children so much? It's so damn disturbing. But it's real simple, you wanna kill your babies, do it somewhere else. That's the message. Get over it.
Why can't you have a common sense view of abortion, and what and what isn't a person?

Oklahomans don't want you killing your babies there anymore. That's the deal. Get over it.
If you think this won't get tossed, especially with no exceptions, you're kidding yourself. This is for show, only.

Maybe? But the message is clear. Oklahoma is not a Baby Killer-friendly State. Folks like you aren't welcome there. Period, end of story.
Folks like me wouldn't stand on the border and piss on the Governor. Not worth the piss.
Why do Communists/Progressives hate children so much? It's so damn disturbing. But it's real simple, you wanna kill your babies, do it somewhere else. That's the message. Get over it.
Why can't you have a common sense view of abortion, and what and what isn't a person?

Oklahomans don't want you killing your babies there anymore. That's the deal. Get over it.
If you think this won't get tossed, especially with no exceptions, you're kidding yourself. This is for show, only.

Maybe? But the message is clear. Oklahoma is not a Baby Killer-friendly State. Folks like you aren't welcome there. Period, end of story.
Folks like me wouldn't stand on the border and piss on the Governor. Not worth the piss.

Pretty sure Oklahomans are fine with you Communists/Progressives leaving. They care about babies. Bye.
Why can't you have a common sense view of abortion, and what and what isn't a person?

Oklahomans don't want you killing your babies there anymore. That's the deal. Get over it.
If you think this won't get tossed, especially with no exceptions, you're kidding yourself. This is for show, only.

Maybe? But the message is clear. Oklahoma is not a Baby Killer-friendly State. Folks like you aren't welcome there. Period, end of story.
Folks like me wouldn't stand on the border and piss on the Governor. Not worth the piss.

Pretty sure Oklahomans are fine with you Communists/Progressives leaving. They care about babies. Bye.
This bill must have been passed for people like you? Too stupid to understand it can go nowhere at all.
Our Fetal Homicide laws say you are wrong about that.

How many women are in prison as a result of that law?

The fetal homicide laws we have which now define "children in the womb" as human beings and as "children" also make exceptions to the punitive parts of the law - to allow for abortions to continue.

So, while the debate over whether or not an abortion kills a child or not has been legally "won" - the debate about whether the exceptions being allowed for abortions to continue is Constitutional or not is still ongoing.

I don't think those exceptions will stand continual Constitutional challenges but we will see.
Humans and animals are equal in your world?

I'm a vegetarian.

The point here is that people are talking about LIFE.

Humans are ANIMALS. That's a fact.

Animals have life. Humans have life.

If you call yourself "pro-life" and then decide that animals are worth less than humans, what's to call yourself "pro-life" and say that black people are worth less than white people?

Life is precious or it's not. Which is it?
A human being is a human being, no matter what color.
An animal is an animal. I do see you comparison to humans being an animal, Obama is a jackass. Your comparison is invalid.

A human is a human
An animal is an animal
A human is an animal

This is scientific FACT.

Animal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"All animals aremotile, meaning they can move spontaneously and independently, at some point in their lives. Their body planeventually becomes fixed as they develop, although some undergo a process of metamorphosis later on in their lives. All animals are heterotrophs: they must ingest other organisms or their products for sustenance."

Sound familiar?
It's not against the law to kill an animal. It is to kill a human.
It's also not against the law for a woman to get an abortion.
As science progresses it will become against the law, like it was at onetime.

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