Oklahoma Will Charge Those Who Install Their Own Solar Panels

Liberals want everything to be free. The Utility companies didn't built that......

The utility companies didn't build it.. The homeowner did. Why should homeowners be punished for providing their excess energy to the grid?

Why should the utilities be forced to pay more for the electricity they get from homeowners than they can sell the electricity for?
Typical maintenance needs for inverters:

1. Clean cooling fans; replace as needed (for units having fans). If no fans, regularly clean heat sinks and ensure no combustible materials have been piled on them. Especially if other people have access to the equipment area.

2. Replace electrolytic capacitors at the end of their service life

3. Monitor voltage, current and frequency and adjust as required according to manufacturer instructions.

4. Regularly check all electrical connections to prevent heating and possible fire hazard.

As to the associated solar panels:

1. Regularly check mounting devices for security (so they don't blow away).

2. Regularly clean glass surfaces, especially where birds are numerous. Wear proper mask to avoid diseases carried in birdshit.

3. Check all electrical connections.

4. As part of #1 above, check that orientation has not shifted; correct as necessary.

5. In season, gently remove snow and ice from the panels. Fun if they're on your roof which, of course, is also subject to snow and ice.

Battery storage:

Regularly check all electrical connections for security (tightness) and corrosion. Monitor rate of charge/discharge and verify capacity. Replace as needed. In the case of wet cell storage (not much common anymore) regularly check level and condition of electrolyte. Correct as necessary.

Solar is excellent in the right application and in the hands of someone who takes the trouble to learn how to use and care for it.

When you maintain systems located where they are absolutely the best game in town for electrical power you'll need an appropriate vehicle like the one I used prior to retiring:


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The issue is that Republicans are protecting big business profits at the expense of the little guy. Your 'power companies don't have a back-up plan' doesn't fly.

I didn't say they don't have a backup plan, I said they can't plan on you. They have to keep other sources of power online, ready to gear up every single time you turn on your vacuum cleaner in order to compensate for the fluctuations form your house. The problem here is that you think the backup plan is free. That is because, despite your claim to actually be a business owner, you never had to figure out how things work in the real world.

You're funny. Anything to defer the fact that the folks you voted are fucking with the middle class again. Nice try though.

One of the things I am proud of is that, in my entire life, not a single person I voted for was a member of either political party.
So, 'The poor, and to a greater extent the middle class subsidizing the rich has always been a Republican objective'.

How's that deregulation working out for you?


Subsidizing the rich has always been the goal of the government. It really doesn't matter which party is in charge, the government always subsidizes the rich via the middle class. That is because, despite all the harping from the class warriors, the middle class has most of the wealth in this country.

Sure. That's why the dems have been on the forefront of deregulation.

Have you noticed how few rich people are in favor of deregulation of any type?
OMG, I guess the Right is desperate to fight solar power. :cuckoo:

Oklahoma Will Charge Customers Who Install Their Own Solar Panels | NationofChange

Oklahoma residents who produce their own energy through solar panels or small wind turbines on their property will now be charged an additional fee, the result of a new bill passed by the state legislature and expected to be signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin (R).

it is weird that is a regressive tax

when a surcharge is added to someone that is going to sell green electricity

back to power company

but is perfectly acceptable to tax and regulate small business and farmers

out of existence
I thought the GOP hated gubmint intervention into private lives and property?
I'm so confused! :confused:

why should other customers have to pick up the tab

for the new infrastructure costs to send

the electricity safely back to the grid
Wrong. There is no maintenance, there will be failure. That's why I have a 25 year warranty.

That is the single most hilarious thing I have ever read, thanks for the laugh.

List the maintenance for an OutBack Power Inverter. This should be good.

Which model?

You should learn what RTFM means, there is always maintenance, even if they don't let people who can't think do it.


"The measure directs utilities to recover the costs of providing electrical infrastructure to homes or businesses with solar panels or small wind turbines, The Oklahoman reported (Solar advocates worry about Oklahoma legislation for surcharge | News OK ) Saturday. The costs would be determined through a rate tariff filed with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission."

Oklahoma solar, wind energy users worry about legislation that would add fee to utility bill - Seymour Tribune

That's total BULLSHIT.

When a person places alternate devices on his/her house, everything is included and installed by the solar/wind company. The ONLY thing the utility does is connect to the grid (which is the utilities requirement) which costs you $125.00 for 5 minutes work. I've been there, bought it, had it installed, and am reaping the benefits.

This is nothing more than Oklahoma Republicans fucking the little guy.

it is not that simple over the course of the grid

the utility company has to install anti back feeding devices and monitoring

for instances where the grid goes down

Subsidizing the rich has always been the goal of the government. It really doesn't matter which party is in charge, the government always subsidizes the rich via the middle class. That is because, despite all the harping from the class warriors, the middle class has most of the wealth in this country.

Sure. That's why the dems have been on the forefront of deregulation.

Have you noticed how few rich people are in favor of deregulation of any type?

Koch Brothers.
Typical maintenance needs for inverters:

1. Clean cooling fans; replace as needed (for units having fans). If no fans, regularly clean heat sinks and ensure no combustible materials have been piled on them. Especially if other people have access to the equipment area.

2. Replace electrolytic capacitors at the end of their service life

3. Monitor voltage, current and frequency and adjust as required according to manufacturer instructions.

4. Regularly check all electrical connections to prevent heating and possible fire hazard.

As to the associated solar panels:

1. Regularly check mounting devices for security (so they don't blow away).

2. Regularly clean glass surfaces, especially where birds are numerous. Wear proper mask to avoid diseases carried in birdshit.

3. Check all electrical connections.

4. As part of #1 above, check that orientation has not shifted; correct as necessary.

5. In season, gently remove snow and ice from the panels. Fun if they're on your roof which, of course, is also subject to snow and ice.

Battery storage:

Regularly check all electrical connections for security (tightness) and corrosion. Monitor rate of charge/discharge and verify capacity. Replace as needed. In the case of wet cell storage (not much common anymore) regularly check level and condition of electrolyte. Correct as necessary.

Solar is excellent in the right application and in the hands of someone who takes the trouble to learn how to use and care for it.

When you maintain systems located where they are absolutely the best game in town for electrical power you'll need an appropriate vehicle like the one I used prior to retiring:

I haven't touched mine in almost two years. Runs like a champ.
I thought the GOP hated gubmint intervention into private lives and property?
I'm so confused! :confused:

why should other customers have to pick up the tab

for the new infrastructure costs to send

the electricity safely back to the grid

What new infrastructure?

the utility companies will provide their own sources

to insure that there is not back feeding

during power outages for example

the contactor that is held in by the utility power company

then they have to be aware of people that improperly

matching the system to the main

a closed breaker would back feed and possible be stepped up at a transformer
why should other customers have to pick up the tab

for the new infrastructure costs to send

the electricity safely back to the grid

What new infrastructure?

the utility companies will provide their own sources

to insure that there is not back feeding

during power outages for example

the contactor that is held in by the utility power company

then they have to be aware of people that improperly

matching the system to the main

a closed breaker would back feed and possible be stepped up at a transformer[/QUOTE

The solar contractor does all the new infrastructure.

Again, it's about stuffing the pockets of the big guys with the little guys money.
What new infrastructure?

the utility companies will provide their own sources

to insure that there is not back feeding

during power outages for example

the contactor that is held in by the utility power company

then they have to be aware of people that improperly

matching the system to the main

a closed breaker would back feed and possible be stepped up at a transformer[/QUOTE

The solar contractor does all the new infrastructure.

Again, it's about stuffing the pockets of the big guys with the little guys money.

the utility company has to do their own

plus the sellers are using the power companies lines to sell through

which needs its own maintenance
When Arizona approved the same bill there were outcries and protesting over a fee of 4.90 cents a month to cover their use of the grid. This is what they argued to Arizona to approve the fee.

I just read this statement and it seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Solar customers need the electricity grid 24 hours a day. They connect to and rely on this system of poles, wires, substations, power plants, and other equipment to help ensure they have the power they need whenever they need it – at night, when it’s cloudy, or when it’s so hot, they need excess power to run their air conditioners. Solar customers also use the grid to send power back into the system when their panels generate more energy than their home needs.

Net metering is a rate structure that was designed to help stimulate the rooftop solar market. Under these rules, solar customers pay little or nothing to support the grid. Those costs are shifted to non-solar customers. As more people install solar on their homes, it becomes more important that everyone who uses the grid pays their fair share for the costs of keeping the grid operating.

Arizona has taken an important step in the right direction by acknowledging that the costs of the grid should be spread more fairly among all customers, but further reform is needed. By creating the right balance, we can ensure a future in which more and more Arizonans will benefit from both rooftop solar and a reliable grid.

This was one comment on the article;

“The net-metered customer does not share equally in the overhead costs associated with the grid or other services provided by the utility, producing a very substantial 'cross-subsidy' funded by all other utility customers who must pay proportionately more in rates.”

What am I missing, I don't see why this is awful.
Typical maintenance needs for inverters:

1. Clean cooling fans; replace as needed (for units having fans). If no fans, regularly clean heat sinks and ensure no combustible materials have been piled on them. Especially if other people have access to the equipment area.

2. Replace electrolytic capacitors at the end of their service life

3. Monitor voltage, current and frequency and adjust as required according to manufacturer instructions.

4. Regularly check all electrical connections to prevent heating and possible fire hazard.

As to the associated solar panels:

1. Regularly check mounting devices for security (so they don't blow away).

2. Regularly clean glass surfaces, especially where birds are numerous. Wear proper mask to avoid diseases carried in birdshit.

3. Check all electrical connections.

4. As part of #1 above, check that orientation has not shifted; correct as necessary.

5. In season, gently remove snow and ice from the panels. Fun if they're on your roof which, of course, is also subject to snow and ice.

Battery storage:

Regularly check all electrical connections for security (tightness) and corrosion. Monitor rate of charge/discharge and verify capacity. Replace as needed. In the case of wet cell storage (not much common anymore) regularly check level and condition of electrolyte. Correct as necessary.

Solar is excellent in the right application and in the hands of someone who takes the trouble to learn how to use and care for it.

When you maintain systems located where they are absolutely the best game in town for electrical power you'll need an appropriate vehicle like the one I used prior to retiring:

I haven't touched mine in almost two years. Runs like a champ.

Are you one of the idiots who never changes engine oil in your car? Do you ever change the HVAC filter in your house?

Do you get pissed off when your neglect causes early failure?
Is there a logical reason why middle income folks support the oil & gas industry so strongly?

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