Olberman says it all

I don't know if it was from excessive masturbation or syphilis, but Olberman went insane years ago. Given his intense anger and That English twat on HBO who drops all the f-bombs, they should get together and have a love child.
oh go grab some pussy
I'm shocked libs will show their support for Olberman in public, that's like lobbying for Pelosi to be nominated to the SCOTUS or for whack job Pocahontas to pilot a space shuttle. Goddamn libs don't you have one damn leader in your entire party who isn't a nut job?
LMAO Anyone who believes anything that has been Olberman has to say is a lot dumber than that box of rocks.

In fact, the box of rocks is MENSA material.
better to be a has been than like you a never was Olberman nailed it and republicans can't tolerate the truth
When have you and your kind ever told any truth?
You libs need to return to rehab...Olberman :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
ain't it funny blues that you laugh at the smartest guys in the room?

Olberman's a moron you idiot, the loser can't even hold a job within the liberal media that's what an imbecile he is.
you listened to what he said and you STILL call him an idiot??? Shame on you blues and you're one of the smartest anti dems out there

I have listened to Olberman before, he's a lying fuck and a whack job. Dude do yourself a favor and stop listening to that freak. Pelosi is saner.
I enjoyed Keef on Sports center. Anywhere else, not so much.
too bad ,,,real smart guy

I've met the man. He's not that smart and he's an absolute ass to boot.
did you listen to his latest ?? the man nailed it and an ass?? lol see the girl he used to date, Katy Tur??

Used to date? Well, I'm convinced! He must be a GENIUS!

I don't give a flying rhinoceros shit if he "nailed it" or not, I was addressing your assertion that he is a "real smart guy," he's not. If he "nailed it", the I would posit that even a blind squirrel finds a nut on occasion...

And don't assume I am a Trump supporter or that I approve of his Tomahawk stunt. I am not and I do not.
LMAO Anyone who believes anything that has been Olberman has to say is a lot dumber than that box of rocks.

In fact, the box of rocks is MENSA material.
better to be a has been than like you a never was Olberman nailed it and republicans can't tolerate the truth

When has Olberman ever told the truth?
not sure When has your president ? a degenerate liar Has he showed you his tax returns yet ?? Not the one from 2005?
LMAO Anyone who believes anything that has been Olberman has to say is a lot dumber than that box of rocks.

In fact, the box of rocks is MENSA material.
better to be a has been than like you a never was Olberman nailed it and republicans can't tolerate the truth

When has Olberman ever told the truth?
not sure When has your president ? a degenerate liar Has he showed you his tax returns yet ?? Not the one from 2005?

I don't want to see his tax return or yours. He has filed a financial statement that you can find if you are really interested.
LMAO Anyone who believes anything that has been Olberman has to say is a lot dumber than that box of rocks.

In fact, the box of rocks is MENSA material.
better to be a has been than like you a never was Olberman nailed it and republicans can't tolerate the truth

When has Olberman ever told the truth?
not sure When has your president ? a degenerate liar Has he showed you his tax returns yet ?? Not the one from 2005?

I don't want to see his tax return or yours. He has filed a financial statement that you can find if you are really interested.
he wants tax reform ....lets see how it affects him ...is that too much to ask

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