Olberman says it all

LMAO Anyone who believes anything that has been Olberman has to say is a lot dumber than that box of rocks.

In fact, the box of rocks is MENSA material.
better to be a has been than like you a never was Olberman nailed it and republicans can't tolerate the truth

Olberman could not nail himself.
Olberman tried to jack off but somehow ended up with a stick up his ass. Some claim it was a moment of genius others aren't sure it wasn't intentional and his desired outcome. In other words nobody knows what this idiot is doing. Least of all is probably him.
LMAO Anyone who believes anything that has been Olberman has to say is a lot dumber than that box of rocks.

In fact, the box of rocks is MENSA material.
better to be a has been than like you a never was Olberman nailed it and republicans can't tolerate the truth

Still LMAO. Olberman has never made it anywhere he's been.

If you think he nailed it then it just shows how ignorant you are.
LMAO Anyone who believes anything that has been Olberman has to say is a lot dumber than that box of rocks.

In fact, the box of rocks is MENSA material.
better to be a has been than like you a never was Olberman nailed it and republicans can't tolerate the truth

When has Olberman ever told the truth?

I agree. The man is nothing but a lefty looney tune and always has been.
Judging by the overwhelming success of the man and his boundless credibility, we should listen right?


We have a man sitting in the WH who's whole presidency is questionable. He constantly says things that have been proven a lie.

And you want to discuss credibility ?
Judging by the overwhelming success of the man and his boundless credibility, we should listen right?:lmao:
We have a man sitting in the WH who's whole presidency is questionable. He constantly says things that have been proven a lie. And you want to discuss credibility ?
The two points can exist in the same space.

You're both right.

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