Olberman signs off from Countdown

you know there were discussions about what it would take for the deal to go through.

And it makes even less sense then that Comcast would want Olbermann to be gone as a precondition of the deal.

Why damage the property you're looking to purchase by insisting they get rid of their highest rated show?

No, my bet is that O either has some personal issues, or let his ego run away with him again and his current bosses saw an opportunity to get rid of him. After all, they have nothing to lose, they're about to turn over the property to someone else.

depends on who the biggies at comcast are? who are the major shareholders? the ceo? etc...

until i know more, i'll withhold judgment, but the timing seems fortuitous.

The biggies care more about ratings and profitability than any message Olbermann was putting out. And as the highest rated show in the lineup, it makes no sense to dump him because he brought the ratings and revenue for the channel.

Like you said though, we'll see.
lmao at those numbers...for any of those people..............

let alone, you debunked your own sarcasm

Yet another desperate fool who thinks he can make the ratings look less than what they are by comparing a news network to popular non-news networks. You cant compare apples with oranges. But if it helps you sleep at night go ahead. The point is that Fox News beats out everyone in the legit cable news business across the board. O'Reilly's been kicking Olbermann's ass in the ratings sice the first day he sat in on Countdown.

O'Reilly and Olbermann are not news, idiot, they're commentary.

A fact that I pointed out when I responded to you here >> http://www.usmessageboard.com/3237067-post122.html Why do you always search for an arguement that does not exist?
Does anyone honestly think it's a coincidence that one day after Comcast bought NBC that Keith is gone?

As for Keith himself, best of luck in his future projects and I'm sure he'll find plenty of work.

The people who are probably going to be most heartbroken about this are those on the right who are obsessed with Keith and Rachel. I assume their attention now will be focused squarely on Rachel until she moves on as well.

C'est La Vie.

Maddow is going to go next. MSNBC is trying to diversify. Scarborough, Olbermann, Matthews, etc, etc, Maddow............the station is nothing but white men.
....Joe Scarborough being the WHITEST!!

(i.e. whiney-ass "conservative".)


As explained up the thread...fans of Rush, Beck, etc., either need to be told what to think or seek out an echo chamber to confirm their beliefs.

Liberals don't need that.

Now that's some great comedy Ravi .. I'm impressed...:lol::lol:

Foxfans walk around with their hands stretched out in front of them like zombies wandering aimlessly.

They used mind control to force average, previously moderate, Americans to go into the voting booth and give a monumental shellacking to the Dems. Spooky stuffy right there.
left wing pundits are mocked for being irrelevant and having no audience and impact, until they are dragged out to "balance" bullshit one of the praised right wing pundits with the huge audience and impact has put out.

the mocking and the false equivalence is usually done by the same mindless hacks.

limbaugh says something outrageous?

"look at what olbermann said!"

"olberdork has 3 viewers."

Did you appreciate his "journalism"? At least Rush calls himself an entertainer. Olbermann pretended to present an unbiased perspective, when he is one of the biggest partisan hacks on the left, among many.
NPR. ;) :lol:

It might have been interesting if FOX would have held on to him, the conversation on both sides would have been interesting. Pair him up with Colmes, maybe a couple of others from the Left, giving him a chance to adapt, to dealing with having to defend his positions live. It could have been a good experience for him, in a sink or swim kind of way. I think FOX should have honored his contract.
Actually, his nightly tirades about Fox and their hosts would lead one to believe that his exit from there wasn't all sweetness and light.

I, for one, will actually miss him. His liberal temper tantrums were monumental, and he was a great person to point to as one that has a liberal mindset. He made liberals look stupid. For that alone, his presence is a loss for those on the right of the aisle. Much like Gibbs leaving. Total loss for the right.
Its a shame to lose Olbermann...

One of the few "Fair and Balanced" commentators in the media
Now that's some great comedy Ravi .. I'm impressed...:lol::lol:

Foxfans walk around with their hands stretched out in front of them like zombies wandering aimlessly.

They used mind control to force average, previously moderate, Americans to go into the voting booth and give a monumental shellacking to the Dems. Spooky stuffy right there.

Healthcare repeal before jobs and the economy? They sort of went back on their campaign promises, don't you think? The Republican leadership is sloutching back into their old spending habits and legislating for the rich. That mindset got them thrown out on their butts before.

Will it happen again? We'll see.
Foxfans walk around with their hands stretched out in front of them like zombies wandering aimlessly.

They used mind control to force average, previously moderate, Americans to go into the voting booth and give a monumental shellacking to the Dems. Spooky stuffy right there.

Healthcare repeal before jobs and the economy? They sort of went back on their campaign promises, don't you think? The Republican leadership is sloutching back into their old spending habits and legislating for the rich. That mindset got them thrown out on their butts before.

Will it happen again? We'll see.
Jamming a health care bill down the throats of Americans before jobs and the economy?

Cuts both ways.
Foxfans walk around with their hands stretched out in front of them like zombies wandering aimlessly.

They used mind control to force average, previously moderate, Americans to go into the voting booth and give a monumental shellacking to the Dems. Spooky stuffy right there.

Healthcare repeal before jobs and the economy? They sort of went back on their campaign promises, don't you think?

I'm pretty sure that making overturning the health care reform bill a top priority (right or wrong) was one of their promises.

I don't call that going back on their promises if they did what they said they would do. Disagree with the actions of it, but they said they would do it.
NPR. ;) :lol:

It might have been interesting if FOX would have held on to him, the conversation on both sides would have been interesting. Pair him up with Colmes, maybe a couple of others from the Left, giving him a chance to adapt, to dealing with having to defend his positions live. It could have been a good experience for him, in a sink or swim kind of way. I think FOX should have honored his contract.
Actually, his nightly tirades about Fox and their hosts would lead one to believe that his exit from there wasn't all sweetness and light.

I, for one, will actually miss him. His liberal temper tantrums were monumental, and he was a great person to point to as one that has a liberal mindset. He made liberals look stupid. For that alone, his presence is a loss for those on the right of the aisle. Much like Gibbs leaving. Total loss for the right.
Oh, I don't disagree with that...Given that he was the only ratings draw at CCCPNBC, it's pretty easy to conclude that his departure has more to do with him being the little Prima Donna bitch behind the scenes, more so than what went out over the air.
They used mind control to force average, previously moderate, Americans to go into the voting booth and give a monumental shellacking to the Dems. Spooky stuffy right there.

Healthcare repeal before jobs and the economy? They sort of went back on their campaign promises, don't you think? The Republican leadership is sloutching back into their old spending habits and legislating for the rich. That mindset got them thrown out on their butts before.

Will it happen again? We'll see.
Jamming a health care bill down the throats of Americans before jobs and the economy?

Cuts both ways.

Yes. Obama paid for the too much too soon decision. Will they?
There is a buzz developing that Comcast is going to push programming further to the left, and then launch a right leaning channel to compete with Fox.

Does that mean Olberman was too moderate for the new MSNBC?
it's pretty easy to conclude that his departure has more to do with him being the little Prima Donna bitch behind the scenes, more so than what went out over the air.


Olberman is notorious for being a flaming hemorrhoid on the MSNBC anus.
Healthcare repeal before jobs and the economy? They sort of went back on their campaign promises, don't you think? The Republican leadership is sloutching back into their old spending habits and legislating for the rich. That mindset got them thrown out on their butts before.

Will it happen again? We'll see.
Jamming a health care bill down the throats of Americans before jobs and the economy?

Cuts both ways.

Yes. Obama paid for the too much too soon decision. Will they?
No...It's an issue they ran on and, unlike Obunglercare, repeal has pretty broad support.
Foxfans walk around with their hands stretched out in front of them like zombies wandering aimlessly.

They used mind control to force average, previously moderate, Americans to go into the voting booth and give a monumental shellacking to the Dems. Spooky stuffy right there.

Healthcare repeal before jobs and the economy? They sort of went back on their campaign promises, don't you think? The Republican leadership is sloutching back into their old spending habits and legislating for the rich. That mindset got them thrown out on their butts before.

Will it happen again? We'll see.
If you weren't a liberal, you would understand that Obamacare repeal IS about jobs and the economy.

Open yourself up to more resources. The big picture can be very enlightening.
I'd be willing to wager anyone knocking anyone (like Maddow's) appearance is too uh........."awkward" looking to post their own appearance and should likely not speak unless willing to compare.

I'd say odds are against you. I've seen a few pics of some of the women who post here at USMB. All of them have been pretty good looking. Leads me to believe that more than likely none of the women on USMB are "awkward" or ugly. :eusa_shhh:

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