old navy going out business san francisco cause of shoplifters

Companies come and go so it is no big deal.
What companies are coming? Nordstrom, Saks, Whole Foods, Walgreens, and now Old Navy are all leaving because they are sick of getting robbed or looted. The big deal is that no companies of equal caliber or offerings as the companies that are leaving.
san francisco is over run by criminals


2000 dollars worth stuff stolen per day. the gap is headed there way. sad.
It's sad but inevitable when criminals have more protection and rights and license than do their victims.

Also it's interesting that book stores and stores that specialize in work tools, work clothing, work boots etc. aren't having the same problems with shop lifters.
Also it's interesting that book stores and stores that specialize in work tools, work clothing, work boots etc. aren't having the same problems with shop lifters.

Gee, I can't imagine why.

On a related note, you know how you can cause a LIbEral to starve to death?

Hide his food stamps under his work boots.

old navy going out business san francisco cause of shoplifters​

There are several businesses which have left the high crime areas of San Francisco. It’s not going to stop any time soon.

City leaders are blaming the businesses.

old navy going out business san francisco cause of shoplifters​

There are several businesses which have left the high crime areas of San Francisco. It’s not going to stop any time soon.

City leaders are blaming the businesses.
asset protection and detectors?

old navy going out business san francisco cause of shoplifters​

There are several businesses which have left the high crime areas of San Francisco. It’s not going to stop any time soon.

City leaders are blaming the businesses.

Wasn't it AOC who said we shouldn't complain about the shop lifting and breaking and entering because it was likely just people needing food for their babies or some such?

One of the most 'woke' places on the planet is Santa Fe NM that has been 'woke' at least since the 1980's. Whenever we did business over there we just prepared ourselves to deal with weird. They once had a mayoral candidate who campaigned on that she was channeling the spirit of a dead artist and if elected it wouldn't be her serving but rather that artist. She didn't win but she got votes.

Anyway my husband, an insurance claims adjuster, worked a major theft in a store there and mentioned to the owner he was sorry that happened to him. The guy--a typical Santa Fe progressive liberal--said he didn't blame the thief. It was our fault that guy was stealing five thousand dollar sculptures and if we were just better people it wouldn't have happened.

Sometimes I think we are past the point of no return on that kind of insanity in our society.
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Wasn't it AOC who said we shouldn't complain about the shop lifting and breaking and entering because it was likely just people needing food for their babies or some such?…

Yes. She excused looting because she said it was done out of need. Those liquor stores are important when it comes to feeding your family.
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