Olympic Arms, Inc. bans all sales to the State of New York Government

The fact that you don't understand what I'm saying doesn't reflect badly on me.

The fact that you haven't produce the link showing Olympic firearm doesn't do business within the state of New York only reflects badly on you.
Better hurry up York is going to stop oders for the new york police departments.

This is what I mean when I say you don't understand what I'm saying.

I'll try to slow it down for you.

You are making the claim that this "boycott" of NY Law Enforcement actually means something.

I am making the claim that it does not.

If you want to argue that various local law enforcement departments in NY buy guns from Olympic, it's up to you to prove it - not up to me to prove it wrong.

Even if the Bumblefuck, NY Sheriff's department did purchase guns from Olympic, it's not like there aren't hundreds of other companies that make AR15s.

So after you prove that they did have these contracts, you've still got to prove that it's anything more than a small inconvenience to sign contracts with any number of other companies.

Hey dumbass, the AR-15 is a registered trademark of Colt Manufacturing Company LLC.

Many other manufacturers make simliar .233 weapons but they can't be labeled AR-15's.

I'm tired of seeing so many ignorant people talk about a subject they have no knowledge of.
The fact that you haven't produce the link showing Olympic firearm doesn't do business within the state of New York only reflects badly on you.
Better hurry up York is going to stop oders for the new york police departments.

This is what I mean when I say you don't understand what I'm saying.

I'll try to slow it down for you.

You are making the claim that this "boycott" of NY Law Enforcement actually means something.

I am making the claim that it does not.

If you want to argue that various local law enforcement departments in NY buy guns from Olympic, it's up to you to prove it - not up to me to prove it wrong.

Even if the Bumblefuck, NY Sheriff's department did purchase guns from Olympic, it's not like there aren't hundreds of other companies that make AR15s.

So after you prove that they did have these contracts, you've still got to prove that it's anything more than a small inconvenience to sign contracts with any number of other companies.

Hey dumbass, the AR-15 is a registered trademark of Colt Manufacturing Company LLC.

Many other manufacturers make simliar .233 weapons but they can't be labeled AR-15's.

I'm tired of seeing so many ignorant people talk about a subject they have no knowledge of.

And Xerox is a trademark too - but everyone refers to all copiers as "xerox" machines.

This thread is about Olympic Arms, not Colt. If Olympic Arms doesn't make "AR15s" does that mean this whole thread is a lie?
This is what I mean when I say you don't understand what I'm saying.

I'll try to slow it down for you.

You are making the claim that this "boycott" of NY Law Enforcement actually means something.

I am making the claim that it does not.

If you want to argue that various local law enforcement departments in NY buy guns from Olympic, it's up to you to prove it - not up to me to prove it wrong.

Even if the Bumblefuck, NY Sheriff's department did purchase guns from Olympic, it's not like there aren't hundreds of other companies that make AR15s.

So after you prove that they did have these contracts, you've still got to prove that it's anything more than a small inconvenience to sign contracts with any number of other companies.

Hey dumbass, the AR-15 is a registered trademark of Colt Manufacturing Company LLC.

Many other manufacturers make simliar .233 weapons but they can't be labeled AR-15's.

I'm tired of seeing so many ignorant people talk about a subject they have no knowledge of.

And Xerox is a trademark too - but everyone refers to all copiers as "xerox" machines.

This thread is about Olympic Arms, not Colt. If Olympic Arms doesn't make "AR15s" does that mean this whole thread is a lie?

They make AR variants. do keep digging. You seem desperate.
Hey dumbass, the AR-15 is a registered trademark of Colt Manufacturing Company LLC.

Many other manufacturers make simliar .233 weapons but they can't be labeled AR-15's.

I'm tired of seeing so many ignorant people talk about a subject they have no knowledge of.

And Xerox is a trademark too - but everyone refers to all copiers as "xerox" machines.

This thread is about Olympic Arms, not Colt. If Olympic Arms doesn't make "AR15s" does that mean this whole thread is a lie?

They make AR variants. do keep digging. You seem desperate.

Of course. That's my point.

Seriously, it's like you can't even follow a simple conversation.

What exactly do you think I'm "desperate" for?
You contradict yourself. Maybe that's why you don't understand principles? Maybe you just don't have any.

Thinking that making a meaningless "stand" is stupid, and then pointing out how meaningless it is - I guess I don't see how that's a "contradiction".

It is when you said in your previous post you were laughing because they'd lose money.

Again, not seeing any contradiction.

It makes it even funnier that the "stand" they've taken can only hurt themselves.

Let me try to explain. I think boycotts in general are "stupid". But at least most of them time, a boycott will at least slightly decrease the profits of the company being boycotted.

In this case, the "boycott" only hurts the company doing the "boycotting" - which makes this situation even funnier.
I'm easily cynical enough to believe the companies making these statements/press releases aren't actually doing any business in the states they are claiming they will stop selling to.

I'm also cynical enough to believe that the people who are adamant that this is a principled stand, rather than a contrived attempt at getting advertising, would have a completely different opinion if it were a different product/seller.

I'm also cynical enough to believe that the people who are sure this is nothing but grandstanding for free advertising would have a completely different opinion if it were a different product/seller.

And hey, why must these things be mutually exclusive? Maybe this is a principled act that works as good advertising, or good advertising that has the advantage of following principles?
I'm easily cynical enough to believe the companies making these statements/press releases aren't actually doing any business in the states they are claiming they will stop selling to.

I'm also cynical enough to believe that the people who are adamant that this is a principled stand, rather than a contrived attempt at getting advertising, would have a completely different opinion if it were a different product/seller.

I'm also cynical enough to believe that the people who are sure this is nothing but grandstanding for free advertising would have a completely different opinion if it were a different product/seller.

And hey, why must these things be mutually exclusive? Maybe this is a principled act that works as good advertising, or good advertising that has the advantage of following principles?

You can only assume that what you think is true
Anti gun nutters seem to be so butt hurt by this thread, it's laughable.
And Xerox is a trademark too - but everyone refers to all copiers as "xerox" machines.

This thread is about Olympic Arms, not Colt. If Olympic Arms doesn't make "AR15s" does that mean this whole thread is a lie?

They make AR variants. do keep digging. You seem desperate.

Of course. That's my point.

Seriously, it's like you can't even follow a simple conversation.

What exactly do you think I'm "desperate" for?

You go after any thread that shows the government may lose access to their little play toys., You really seem desperate.
I'm easily cynical enough to believe the companies making these statements/press releases aren't actually doing any business in the states they are claiming they will stop selling to.

I'm also cynical enough to believe that the people who are adamant that this is a principled stand, rather than a contrived attempt at getting advertising, would have a completely different opinion if it were a different product/seller.

I'm also cynical enough to believe that the people who are sure this is nothing but grandstanding for free advertising would have a completely different opinion if it were a different product/seller.

And hey, why must these things be mutually exclusive? Maybe this is a principled act that works as good advertising, or good advertising that has the advantage of following principles?

You can only assume that what you think is true
Anti gun nutters seem to be so butt hurt by this thread, it's laughable.

Why do you think that we are "butt hurt" because a gun manufacturer isn't selling guns? There is no evidence that they have ever sold anything to the agencies they purport to deny sales to now. Who cares? NY agencies will probably continue to get their arms from a host of other manufacturers like they already are doing. There is no shortage of them after all. You nutters are making a big deal over nothing.
I'm easily cynical enough to believe the companies making these statements/press releases aren't actually doing any business in the states they are claiming they will stop selling to.

I'm also cynical enough to believe that the people who are adamant that this is a principled stand, rather than a contrived attempt at getting advertising, would have a completely different opinion if it were a different product/seller.

I'm also cynical enough to believe that the people who are sure this is nothing but grandstanding for free advertising would have a completely different opinion if it were a different product/seller.

And hey, why must these things be mutually exclusive? Maybe this is a principled act that works as good advertising, or good advertising that has the advantage of following principles?

You can only assume that what you think is true
Anti gun nutters seem to be so butt hurt by this thread, it's laughable.

Why do you think that we are "butt hurt" because a gun manufacturer isn't selling guns? There is no evidence that they have ever sold anything to the agencies they purport to deny sales to now. Who cares? NY agencies will probably continue to get their arms from a host of other manufacturers like they already are doing. There is no shortage of them after all. You nutters are making a big deal over nothing.

I'm pretty sure I have explained that a couple of times nutter.
Oh I am so thrilled.


I have no words except I am so grateful that someone is taking action. And thanks for posting this.

If the government is banned from getting firearms or parts for repairs where will it go to get supplied?
Probably some foreign source, which is where the Berettas Bratton bought when he was Chief of NYPD's Transit Police came from. This is no problem for governments.
Olympic is the 3rd weapons maker that has told the state of New York to find a different supplier for their law enforcement weapons. As for losing money - maybe some day but right now all the manufacturers are backlogged and unable to keep up with the demand so I doubt they will miss on customer when they can sell to so many others.
Yes, they did have contracts with New York - they cancelled them while telling the civilian customers that they would gladly hold their orders and ship their guns at a later date to a new state if they needed time to move.
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Oh I am so thrilled.


I have no words except I am so grateful that someone is taking action. And thanks for posting this.

If the government is banned from getting firearms or parts for repairs where will it go to get supplied?
Probably some foreign source, which is where the Berettas Bratton bought when he was Chief of NYPD's Transit Police came from. This is no problem for governments.

The city of buffalo can't go to a foreign source

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