Olympic Arms, Inc. bans all sales to the State of New York Government

These companies that are pulling this NO SALES TO GOVERNMENT crap should all be lined up, and shot with there very own firearms they produce.
Olympic is the 3rd weapons maker that has told the state of New York to find a different supplier for their law enforcement weapons. As for losing money - maybe some day but right now all the manufacturers are backlogged and unable to keep up with the demand so I doubt they will miss on customer when they can sell to so many others.
Yes, they did have contracts with New York - they cancelled them while telling the civilian customers that they would gladly hold their orders and ship their guns at a later date to a new state if they needed time to move.

This will bring the State of New York to it's knees

What does that have to do with buying arms from a foreign source? I can't wait to hear your *logic* on this one. :)

Read it.

Thanks for the complete lack of an answer!

I have read it. Where does it say anything about no state shall buy things from a foreign source? Or do you think buying from a foreign source equates to a treaty?

Read Article. I. section 10.
You do know where to locate Article. I. section 10 don't you?
I read it.
Why don't you splain to us exactly which part forbids NY state from buying police weapons and such from a foreign source.

Either that or STFU.

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