OMG, Another Undisclosed Meeting

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Trump talked to Putin after dinner.

I bet those fuckers talked about all kinds of shit.

This has Fake News Network all up in arms. There can only be some nefarious reason for this encounter. The White House only disclosed it today so he must have been hiding it on purpose.

The rats have totally lost it. Russian dressing poured on the fruit salad press.
Trump talked to Putin after dinner.

I bet those fuckers talked about all kinds of shit.

This has Fake News Network all up in arms. There can only be some nefarious reason for this encounter. The White House only disclosed it today so he must have been hiding it on purpose.

The rats have totally lost it. Russian dressing poured on the fruit salad press.
Top story on both Fox News and the Wall Street Journal.

Trump and Putin had second, undisclosed conversation during G-20 summit

Trump and Putin Met for Second Time at G-20, White House Says
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Trump talked to Putin after dinner.

I bet those fuckers talked about all kinds of shit.

This has Fake News Network all up in arms. There can only be some nefarious reason for this encounter. The White House only disclosed it today so he must have been hiding it on purpose.

The rats have totally lost it. Russian dressing poured on the fruit salad press.
Top story on both Fox News and the Wall Street Journal.

Trump and Putin had second, undisclosed conversation during G-20 summit

Trump and Putin Met for Second Time at G-20, White House Says

This shit is getting beyond a joke. Now there's Congressmen demanding to be told what was said.

As fucked in the head as these libtardos are getting their bat shit crazy teachers will be conducting nuclear bomb drills.
please tell me your opinion about Fox News having this as their top story right now.
Fox is being turned by the new owners, I see Carlson, Dobbs, Judge Jenine Pirro, and for sure Hannity out the door soon. It's okay though Trump will hone his Twitter skills, and probably open a THE PREZ facebook account and kick ass.
I wouldn't be surprised if Putin asked Trump about the two compounds they own, the Dupont mansion on Long Island, NY and the other one in Centreville, Maryland. Obama shut both homes down and ordered 35 Russians to leave the US on suspicion of spying. Putin would like those properties back as they are used by Russian diplomats. I suspect that because this was done by Obama, President Trump may reverse it as a gesture of good will. We'll see.

As there is no 'Russiagate' it would probably be a smart move because it would drive the liberals crazy and there is nothing that would benefit Trump more than to expose the sheer lunacy of this witch hunt they've been orchestrating. The more they fall apart the stronger Trump looks to Americans and the world.
Hell if we are going to do that I want to hear every word oshitass said the day he said to tell VLAD he would have more flexibility after the next election!!! I would bet there was a long talk about dismantling OUR MILITARY in more ways than one so the russian military would have vastly superior strength. If we are going to grill Trump for a dinner talk WE REALLY need to grill the entire staff of oshitscum for 10 years.
please tell me your opinion about Fox News having this as their top story right now.

Don't give a shit. Haven't watched Fox since O'Reilly was canned.

I've been watching the fruit loops on CNN because I've seen all the Yogi Bear cartoons and I like to watch snowflakes become unhinged. Ya, I know, mom told me I shouldn't laugh at retards.
Trump talked to Putin after dinner.

I bet those fuckers talked about all kinds of shit.

This has Fake News Network all up in arms. There can only be some nefarious reason for this encounter. The White House only disclosed it today so he must have been hiding it on purpose.

The rats have totally lost it. Russian dressing poured on the fruit salad press.
OMG, Another Undisclosed Meeting....There can only be some nefarious reason for this encounter.

They may have discussed perfectly innocuous and acceptable things. They also may not have. It's all but certain we aren't ever going to know as the only people there were Trump, Putin and Putin's translator.

The problem isn't that they talked. The problem is that Trump is the POTUS and that means that to the extent the discussion involved business of the U.S. government, he has an obligation to disclose, in a timely manner, that the conversation took place, what the topic was, and what agreements, decisions, ideas, etc. were specifically exchanged/agreed upon. One doesn't get to do the business of the U.S. as POTUS and not tell the country about it.

Donald Trump, for as long as he's POTUS, is not a private citizen and the U.S. is not his privately held company. Indeed, given his refusal to segregate himself from his businesses, he can't even just chat with his adult kids without engendering questions about whether what he talked about be ethical.
Trump talked to Putin after dinner.

I bet those fuckers talked about all kinds of shit.

This has Fake News Network all up in arms. There can only be some nefarious reason for this encounter. The White House only disclosed it today so he must have been hiding it on purpose.

The rats have totally lost it. Russian dressing poured on the fruit salad press.
OMG, Another Undisclosed Meeting....There can only be some nefarious reason for this encounter.

They may have discussed perfectly innocuous and acceptable things. They also may not have. It's all but certain we aren't ever going to know as the only people there were Trump, Putin and Putin's translator.

The problem isn't that they talked. The problem is that Trump is the POTUS and that means that to the extent the discussion involved business of the U.S. government, he has an obligation to disclose, in a timely manner, that the conversation took place, what the topic was, and what agreements, decisions, ideas, etc. were specifically exchanged/agreed upon. One doesn't get to do the business of the U.S. as POTUS and not tell the country about it.

Donald Trump, for as long as he's POTUS, is not a private citizen and the U.S. is not his privately held company. Indeed, given his refusal to segregate himself from his businesses, he can't even just chat with his adult kids without engendering questions about whether what he talked about be ethical.

They were talking about grandkids and golf. Just chit chat like Billdo and Lynch.
Trump talked to Putin after dinner.

I bet those fuckers talked about all kinds of shit.

This has Fake News Network all up in arms. There can only be some nefarious reason for this encounter. The White House only disclosed it today so he must have been hiding it on purpose.

The rats have totally lost it. Russian dressing poured on the fruit salad press.
OMG, Another Undisclosed Meeting....There can only be some nefarious reason for this encounter.

They may have discussed perfectly innocuous and acceptable things. They also may not have. It's all but certain we aren't ever going to know as the only people there were Trump, Putin and Putin's translator.

The problem isn't that they talked. The problem is that Trump is the POTUS and that means that to the extent the discussion involved business of the U.S. government, he has an obligation to disclose, in a timely manner, that the conversation took place, what the topic was, and what agreements, decisions, ideas, etc. were specifically exchanged/agreed upon. One doesn't get to do the business of the U.S. as POTUS and not tell the country about it.

Donald Trump, for as long as he's POTUS, is not a private citizen and the U.S. is not his privately held company. Indeed, given his refusal to segregate himself from his businesses, he can't even just chat with his adult kids without engendering questions about whether what he talked about be ethical.

They were talking about grandkids and golf. Just chit chat like Billdo and Lynch.
Maybe. Maybe not.
Breaking Update!

A second secret meeting never took place. It's all fake news as the glorious leader himself explains.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Fake News story of secret dinner with Putin is "sick." All G 20 leaders, and spouses, were invited by the Chancellor of Germany. Press knew!
Breaking Update!

A second secret meeting never took place. It's all fake news as the glorious leader himself explains.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Fake News story of secret dinner with Putin is "sick." All G 20 leaders, and spouses, were invited by the Chancellor of Germany. Press knew!
thats not what he was saying.
2 world leaders a meeting for world leaders... Holy Crap - stop the presses! :p

Liberals have lost their damn minds. Because of their un-proven conspiracy theories they are now trying to declare meeting with the leader of another country - with Putin - to be illegal / an Impeachable offense...because they say so.

As much as the LIB are desperate to believe it President Trump isn't dumb enough to think the 'meeting', in front of dozens of world leaders would somehow be a 'secret'.
Putin speaks very good english BTW. He refuses to speak it in public.
Both Putin and Trump are acutely aware that EVERY FUCKING WORD they exchanged was very likely recorded at the dinner.
What is great news is the LIB MSM are quickly running out of any credibility they might have had.
And President Trump is the one bringing their LIB bullshit agenda to an end.
President Trump's 'base' is standing solid with him.
When all this bullshit blows up in the LIB MSM's and DEMs face President Trump's approval ratings are going to go through the roof with independents.
Trump talked to Putin after dinner.

I bet those fuckers talked about all kinds of shit.

This has Fake News Network all up in arms. There can only be some nefarious reason for this encounter. The White House only disclosed it today so he must have been hiding it on purpose.

The rats have totally lost it. Russian dressing poured on the fruit salad press.
good god - clinton and lynch got busted hard in an "undisclosed" meeting and the left flat didn't give a flying shit but these things now piss them off?

my apathy is growing hard for their "concerns".
please tell me your opinion about Fox News having this as their top story right now.

Fox is pointing out that the BIASED MSM is making this news out of this "Really serious, big story"!!!

To show how truly lemming like, ignorant biased MSM is, I did a search on NEWS.. on Google:
"Trump had 2nd meeting with Putin"
already 132,000 NEWS results!
The idiot MSM reporters don't do ANY work... they just repeat what they heard as "NEWS"!

Here is an example: Trump held previously undisclosed meeting with Putin at G-20, White House says

During the course of the dinner, all the leaders circulated throughout the room and spoke with one another freely," the official said in part in an extensive statement. "President Trumpspoke with many leaders during the course of the evening. As the dinner was concluding, President Trump went over to Mrs. [Melania] Trump, where he spoke briefly with President Putin."
Trump held previously undisclosed meeting with Putin at G-20, White House says

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