OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

I think all this is, is a very weak attempt to link HRC's name to Anthony Weiner to try to deflect from Trump's outed pervert tendencies, or at the least to throw some mud on HRC to try to draw her lead down a couple points.

The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance. People who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them.

The 5 Stages of Grief & Loss | Psych Central

You need your delusions so don't change. It's what makes you feel good at night.

HRC will be elected on Nov 8 and Trump will slither off to grope his daughter in his grief. So solly.

Yes it's good you know the stages of grief so you and your family can work through your very sad times. You also didn't address the OP so your post is in violation of TOS. Your post belongs in the flame zone.

The FBI has more nothing and this will be forgotten in the next few days. And poor Assange has nothing left either. But conspiracy theorists are on the edge of their seats praying for ANYTHING to save them, but the FBI isn't part of the trinity.
Even if it is one hour ....before the minute

The witch has to be brought before Justice.

The witch has to pay.
she will pay, the problem is that the nuke that lands in DC is going to take out a good number of Citizens too. the only blessing is that in this area, there will be a greater loss (if you can call it a loss) of life on the anti-American (democrats) side.
The biggest negative is that I live far enough away from DC to not be killed by the initial blast, but I am close enough to die from the fallout after suffering for weeks with un-treatable blisters.
Quite a lot of blather given that so far there is absolutely nothing incriminating here as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned.
The biggest negative is that I live far enough away from DC to not be killed by the initial blast, but I am close enough to die from the fallout after suffering for weeks with un-treatable blisters.

You're trying to cheer us up? What's gotten into you?
Rambunctious's posts do not link this to wikileaks.

There is no connection.

Nope, it was Humas use of the laptop to email Hillary that Weiner used to send dick pics to a 15 year old girl.
funny thing is that you are going to be hard pressed to find any conservative that would step up and try to pretend that this is not a problem.
If a grown man sends pictures like that to a 15 year old girl, he should hang from a rope. But, the rope only if he is still alive after leaving him in a room with the girls father for an hour or so
I think all this is, is a very weak attempt to link HRC's name to Anthony Weiner to try to deflect from Trump's outed pervert tendencies, or at the least to throw some mud on HRC to try to draw her lead down a couple points.

The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance. People who are grieving do not necessarily go through the stages in the same order or experience all of them.

The 5 Stages of Grief & Loss | Psych Central

You need your delusions so don't change. It's what makes you feel good at night.

HRC will be elected on Nov 8 and Trump will slither off to grope his daughter in his grief. So solly.

Yes it's good you know the stages of grief so you and your family can work through your very sad times. You also didn't address the OP so your post is in violation of TOS. Your post belongs in the flame zone.

The FBI has more nothing and this will be forgotten in the next few days. And poor Assange has nothing left either. But conspiracy theorists are on the edge of their seats praying for ANYTHING to save them, but the FBI isn't part of the trinity.

and a 1, and a 2, and a 3... :laugh:
The biggest negative is that I live far enough away from DC to not be killed by the initial blast, but I am close enough to die from the fallout after suffering for weeks with un-treatable blisters.

You're trying to cheer us up? What's gotten into you?
Just something I would be willing to suffer to try and insure the U.S stays the U.S instead of the third world shithole that you and your whore seem to be trying to turn it in to.
Rambunctious's posts do not link this to wikileaks.

There is no connection.

Nope, it was Humas use of the laptop to email Hillary that Weiner used to send dick pics to a 15 year old girl.
Serious stuff for Weiner, yes

As long as nothing classified was discussed from huma's Yahoo account, everything would be fine.

Hillary could have avoided all of this by simply using the state department server. She made this mess herself.
Quite a lot of blather given that so far there is absolutely nothing incriminating here as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned.
are you blind?
her crimes are being covered up (rather poorly) by the current administration.
If it was a republican that had done these exact same things you would be all over it. the difference is that conservatives would be all over him too.
does it bother you to know you have no morals?
The biggest negative is that I live far enough away from DC to not be killed by the initial blast, but I am close enough to die from the fallout after suffering for weeks with un-treatable blisters.

You're trying to cheer us up? What's gotten into you?
Just something I would be willing to suffer to try and insure the U.S stays the U.S instead of the third world shithole that you and your whore seem to be trying to turn it in to.

It's counter intuitive, isn't it?

USA is so awesome that immigrants want to come here and NOT assimilate, but change it into the shitholes they are fleeing.

It's like leaving a homeless shelter and sneaking into a mansion, then bitching at the owners of the mansion that they dont have enough lunch meat in the fridge and they expect you to help mow the lawn and help with the bills.
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I just want to say...:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Comey wiped the smug smirk right off her lying corrupt face! :eusa_clap:Hillary Clinton, the most unfit candidate for president ever.
New Email Story Is Too Little, Too Late
October 28, 2016

Ed Kilgore: “Assuming there is nothing literally incriminating in the emails (or nothing that will come out before election day, anyway), the scariest thing for the Clinton campaign involves the conventional wisdom that the candidate who can best avoid media attention down the stretch is likeliest to win. In a contest where both candidates are unpopular, the reasoning goes, you don’t want voters to head to the polls freshly reminded of what they most dislike about you.”

“The final week or so of the campaign looked like it would be dominated by ever-more-shrill statements by Donald Trump about rigged elections and the women peddling ‘fake’ accusations of sexual misconduct against him. The spotlight had largely focused away from Clinton, aside from thoughts about the prospect of her breaking the glass ceiling, which even a fair number of the people intending to vote against her might appreciate. That’s now changed, for the moment at least.”

“But the underlying ‘story’ of the emails isn’t some sort of bombshell, and the odds are that the negative attention and any lingering substantive concerns among voters will be too little, too late to make much of a difference.”
The biggest negative is that I live far enough away from DC to not be killed by the initial blast, but I am close enough to die from the fallout after suffering for weeks with un-treatable blisters.

You're trying to cheer us up? What's gotten into you?
Just something I would be willing to suffer to try and insure the U.S stays the U.S instead of the third world shithole that you and your whore seem to be trying to turn it in to.

It's counter intuitive, isn't it?

USA is so awesome that immigrants want to come here and NOT assimilate, but change it into the shitholes they are fleeing.

It's like moving from a homeless shelter into your friends mansion, then bitch at your friend that he doesn't have enough lunch meat in his fridge.
you know that is a common thing with all people.
For instance, you get people from the city that are tired of city life so they move out to places like where I live.
They might be happy for a few weeks but all of a sudden they realize that they have to get in the car and drive 7 miles just to get to a grocery store or even a 7-11, God forbid they want to go to a mall, thats damn near a half hour by car.
so they start trying to find ways to get a shopping center put in, fast food, convenience stores etc.. before you know it, they will have tried to build exactly what it was they hated so much that they had to leave.
Same with the filthy illegals, they look across the Rio Grande and think how perfect our life is, then they get here and find out that there are things they no longer have, and they want to recreate what they just left. Im pretty sure that no matter where you live you have seen something like Im explaining.
So far we have been able to fight back and keep the city out of our area, some of those transplants dont even last a year before they are trying to sell the house and move back to somewhere crowded again.
“The Director of the FBI himself stated that, ‘the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant.’ Furthermore, there is not any indication that this review involves Secretary Clinton’s own use of emails. The public interest would be served by the FBI providing the facts, rather than allowing Republicans to stoke innuendo and falsehoods 11 days away from a presidential election.”

Pelosi Statement on FBI Letter to GOP Congressional Chairmen - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

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