OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Quite a lot of blather given that so far there is absolutely nothing incriminating here as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned.

True--it's to throw out the red meat to the fanatics. More E-mails. The director specifically stated he knows of no SIGNIFICANT information that would incriminate Hillary Clinton, but they had to send a letter to congress to know they are looking into it.

Now when they find the email where Hillary Clinton states: "I KNEW I was doing wrong by setting up a private server" but I did it anyway, then wake me up--LOL. Because that's the difference of being charged with a crime, and not being charged with a crime.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails -

“The Director of the FBI himself stated that, ‘the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant.’ Furthermore, there is not any indication that this review involves Secretary Clinton’s own use of emails. The public interest would be served by the FBI providing the facts, rather than allowing Republicans to stoke innuendo and falsehoods 11 days away from a presidential election.”
Yeah right.....let me tell you something, this is a very big deal. Comey would never throw a wrench into the election this late in the game unless it was a big deal and involved Hillary herself. Not just Uma and Carlos Danger, It may be bad enough to deny her the White House.
“The Director of the FBI himself stated that, ‘the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant.’ Furthermore, there is not any indication that this review involves Secretary Clinton’s own use of emails. The public interest would be served by the FBI providing the facts, rather than allowing Republicans to stoke innuendo and falsehoods 11 days away from a presidential election.”
Yeah right.....let me tell you something, this is a very big deal. Comey would never throw a wrench into the election this late in the game unless it was a big deal and involved Hillary herself. Not just Uma and Carlos Danger, It may be bad enough to deny her the White House.
I am sure you believe that.

If they are going to actually hire people to disrupt voting in poor areas to help Trump I predict there will likely be violent confrontations as these fake 'poll watchers' will overstep and will actually interfere with voting.

‘Stand watch at the polls’: Conservative Nevada group hires paid ‘Election Reps’ for voter suppression
The voters will not tolerate interference from political thugs.
“The Director of the FBI himself stated that, ‘the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be significant.’ Furthermore, there is not any indication that this review involves Secretary Clinton’s own use of emails. The public interest would be served by the FBI providing the facts, rather than allowing Republicans to stoke innuendo and falsehoods 11 days away from a presidential election.”

Pelosi Statement on FBI Letter to GOP Congressional Chairmen - Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

Perhaps Comey believed the American people would be patriotic enough not to vote for Hillary when he let her off the hook the last time.. This time she's screwed for sure, accept reality....The best you can hope for now is a pardon from corrupt and lyin Obama..

If they are going to actually hire people to disrupt voting in poor areas to help Trump I predict there will likely be violent confrontations as these fake 'poll watchers' will overstep and will actually interfere with voting.

‘Stand watch at the polls’: Conservative Nevada group hires paid ‘Election Reps’ for voter suppression
The voters will not tolerate interference from political thugs.

Take a couple of Valiums and repost in the morning.


If they are going to actually hire people to disrupt voting in poor areas to help Trump I predict there will likely be violent confrontations as these fake 'poll watchers' will overstep and will actually interfere with voting.

‘Stand watch at the polls’: Conservative Nevada group hires paid ‘Election Reps’ for voter suppression
The voters will not tolerate interference from political thugs.

Take a couple of Valiums and repost in the morning.


more fun to post while on the Valium then come back and read what you wrote.
good times for sure.

If they are going to actually hire people to disrupt voting in poor areas to help Trump I predict there will likely be violent confrontations as these fake 'poll watchers' will overstep and will actually interfere with voting.

‘Stand watch at the polls’: Conservative Nevada group hires paid ‘Election Reps’ for voter suppression
The voters will not tolerate interference from political thugs.

Take a couple of Valiums and repost in the morning.


more fun to post while on the Valium then come back and read what you wrote.
good times for sure.
You are posting on Valium? That makes sense now. Read what you just wrote.

If they are going to actually hire people to disrupt voting in poor areas to help Trump I predict there will likely be violent confrontations as these fake 'poll watchers' will overstep and will actually interfere with voting.

‘Stand watch at the polls’: Conservative Nevada group hires paid ‘Election Reps’ for voter suppression
The voters will not tolerate interference from political thugs.

Take a couple of Valiums and repost in the morning.


more fun to post while on the Valium then come back and read what you wrote.
good times for sure.
You are posting on Valium? That makes sense now. Read what you just wrote.

show me where I said I was, or STFU and admit that once again you are a liar.
You just cant help yourself from lying can you.
oh wait, first admit you are a liar, then STFU. ( had the request out of order )
New Email Story Is Too Little, Too Late
October 28, 2016

Ed Kilgore: “Assuming there is nothing literally incriminating in the emails (or nothing that will come out before election day, anyway), the scariest thing for the Clinton campaign involves the conventional wisdom that the candidate who can best avoid media attention down the stretch is likeliest to win. In a contest where both candidates are unpopular, the reasoning goes, you don’t want voters to head to the polls freshly reminded of what they most dislike about you.”

“The final week or so of the campaign looked like it would be dominated by ever-more-shrill statements by Donald Trump about rigged elections and the women peddling ‘fake’ accusations of sexual misconduct against him. The spotlight had largely focused away from Clinton, aside from thoughts about the prospect of her breaking the glass ceiling, which even a fair number of the people intending to vote against her might appreciate. That’s now changed, for the moment at least.”

“But the underlying ‘story’ of the emails isn’t some sort of bombshell, and the odds are that the negative attention and any lingering substantive concerns among voters will be too little, too late to make much of a difference.”
Pure subterfuge. Hillary is imploding while Jesus wants to make America great again.


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