OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

On MSNBC transgender Rachel "Blinky" Maddow opened up discussing boners! :p What is up with MSNBC and FOX's transgender Megyn Kelly's fascination with sex organs!
On MSNBC transgender Rachel "Blinky" Maddow opened up discussing boners! :p What is up with MSNBC and FOX's transgender Megyn Kelly's fascination with sex organs!

Well, duh. They each want a surgically attached one of their own.
This is such a fucking yawnfest. A few emails from another source -- emails not sent by Clinton, emails not revealed by wikileaks, emails that the Clinton campaign weren't even aware of, have become "pertinent" to the investigation.

I expect mass suicide by the resident rightists here when Comey makes his next speech, announcing that she once again, isn't guilty of anything.

A "yawnfest" you leftist twerps can't seem to mask your hysteria about.
And BTW, if the Clinton campaign had been "aware" of them, they'd have disappeared like the two boxes of them did a couple weeks ago. Face it schmuck, your fat old criminal's ass is in chunks tonight.
Let's not also forget, the Hillary campaign will have something up its sleeve. Expect it to hit about Thursday I reckon...
Only democrats would reach across party lines to put GOP-igs in their cabinets...thanks Obama...see what happens every time you try to please white people?

replace "white" with black and ponder your racism...

She's become one of the biggest racist hacks on a female Asschaps.

There's quite an abundance of racists lefties around here, I figure the ratio is about 50 Dem. racist to 1...
If they are going to actually hire people to disrupt voting in poor areas to help Trump I predict there will likely be violent confrontations as these fake 'poll watchers' will overstep and will actually interfere with voting. ‘Stand watch at the polls’: Conservative Nevada group hires paid ‘Election Reps’ for voter suppression
The voters will not tolerate interference from political thugs.
Take a couple of Valiums and repost in the morning.
more fun to post while on the Valium then come back and read what you wrote. good times for sure.
You are posting on Valium? That makes sense now. Read what you just wrote.
show me where I said I was, or STFU and admit that once again you are a liar. You just cant help yourself from lying can you. oh wait, first admit you are a liar, then STFU. ( had the request out of order )
You are a druggie and a liar. Sociopaths like you can't help what they are, because you people believe you are entitled and other people are stupid for working to make something of their lives. Any thugs, left or right, who try to intimidate at the voting polls, will probably be very, very sorry they tried to do so.
Uno Momento

What we know now: the emails did not come from Clinton, they were not on her server, they were not among those withheld for privacy purposes, and the emails are not a "game changer" according to Justice Department sources.
"Justice dept sources" lol

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The emails are not from Hillary, not from her server.....which is the issue of investigating the chic, but from others discussing the weenie guy?????? As voiced, the FBI had better come up with more shit to put out or else as TRUMP HIMSELF HAS SAID REPEATIVILY, THE FBI IS CORRUPT...LOLOLOLO

Should this effect the election, which it shouldn't because if your down with Hillary as with Trump, nothing will effect your vote. The only thing it's gonna do is energize those to push even harder for their candidate.


The investigation was reopen because of newly discovered evidence. i know you don't care about the law and believe everything Clinton has done and will do is just perfectly fine, but I prefer the FBI to do their damn job and not be influenced by President Obama or Bill Clinton...

So let them investigate and let see what they find but I am sure if they find something you will proclaim it is bogus and claim it is some witch hunt because you're the typical partisan nutter that believe those like Clinton can do no wrong...

Check the years when Trump made his comment about his daughter because the one I know about is not when she was ten you sick disgusting fucktard!
Stern said and I quote, your daughter looks like a good piece of ass....and Trump agreed....Listen, bitch.....don't be sending for me when its your guy on a public stage bragged about his dick size....and trust me, that's wasn't 10 fuckin years ago. As for the investigation, as Trump put it, the FBI is corrupt or is that only when it serves his purpose they're which is it?

1. You're one of the dumbest fucking kunts on this board seeing I am not voting for Trump!

Unlike you I can take the partisan whore blinders off but because you enjoy suckling off the government tit ( like you enjoy the down-low lifestyle ) you enjoy being the most ignorant twat on here!

2. You're the stupid ass doing a top post thread crying about the open investigation and maybe you should ask why your boy Anthony Weiner did not delete those emails on his devices?

3. As I pointed out you write about Trump daughter and then quote Howard Stern that is a shock-jock nutter, and you expect me to fall for that shit?

Now go fuck off you stupid wanker!

Idiots like you are the problem with the nation and offer no solutions at all because of your suckling off the Government tit and tell Hillary Clinton that I hope the FBI nails her corrupt ass to the point that Democrats will have no choice but to call for her resignation and throw her worthless ass under the damn jail!

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