OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Harmless to her. We have not seen anything else.

You haven't seen anything now have ya, Flake? For a "middle of the road republican" you sure seem to be up the backside of Hillary's pantsuit....yech, now I have to get that picture out of my mind.
Carlos Danger is a dead man walking...if I were him I'd steal a car and drive until I got to the pacific ocean and keep going off a pier.

1. You're one of the dumbest fucking kunts on this board seeing I am not voting for Trump!

Unlike you I can take the partisan whore blinders off but because you enjoy suckling off the government tit ( like you enjoy the down-low lifestyle ) you enjoy being the most ignorant twat on here!

2. You're the stupid ass doing a top post thread crying about the open investigation and maybe you should ask why your boy Anthony Weiner did not delete those emails on his devices?

3. As I pointed out you write about Trump daughter and then quote Howard Stern that is a shock-jock nutter, and you expect me to fall for that shit?

Now go fuck off you stupid wanker!

Idiots like you are the problem with the nation and offer no solutions at all because of your suckling off the Government tit and tell Hillary Clinton that I hope the FBI nails her corrupt ass to the point that Democrats will have no choice but to call for her resignation and throw her worthless ass under the damn jail!

Why is she corrupt. Take your time...

Of the two candidates, if any body belongs in jail it's Donald "The rip of fartist" Trump...
Crooked Hillary is going to have nightmares about the Wienermobile for the next ten years.


1. You're one of the dumbest fucking kunts on this board seeing I am not voting for Trump!

Unlike you I can take the partisan whore blinders off but because you enjoy suckling off the government tit ( like you enjoy the down-low lifestyle ) you enjoy being the most ignorant twat on here!

2. You're the stupid ass doing a top post thread crying about the open investigation and maybe you should ask why your boy Anthony Weiner did not delete those emails on his devices?

3. As I pointed out you write about Trump daughter and then quote Howard Stern that is a shock-jock nutter, and you expect me to fall for that shit?

Now go fuck off you stupid wanker!

Idiots like you are the problem with the nation and offer no solutions at all because of your suckling off the Government tit and tell Hillary Clinton that I hope the FBI nails her corrupt ass to the point that Democrats will have no choice but to call for her resignation and throw her worthless ass under the damn jail!

Why is she corrupt. Take your time...

Of the two candidates, if any body belongs in jail it's Donald "The rip of fartist" Trump...

Don't play stupid with me!

What Trump might be guilty of does not excuse Clinton for her stupidity and corrupt way of life and Wikileaks alone has done enough damage.

Hell the FBI could provide evidence to you and you and the OP'er will proclaim the FBI is lying because Clinton is innocent and then scream about past politicians and she should not be held accountable for her stupidity and corruptness...

Again for evidence review Wikileaks and before you claim they altered the emails then show where the Clinton camp proved they did and if not then fuck you too!
Bruce, everything you say about Hil and her supporters applies equally to Trump and you supporters.

We are where we are because of losers like you on both sides.
The Trump supporters are really stroking it

and the scandal meme too

What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours....:9:..
That's why you shouldn't have ridiculously early voting!

Nice seeing you around Tilly, I was just wondering if you and boedicca had crossed paths before, you're both great Ladies..
Thank you, Lumpy :smiliehug: I love her posts and yours !

Well, Thanks, Winner and :smiliehug:..
Harmless to her. We have not seen anything else.

You haven't seen anything now have ya, Flake? For a "middle of the road republican" you sure seem to be up the backside of Hillary's pantsuit....yech, now I have to get that picture out of my mind.

While Jake wears her teddy!

( I needed to help you with that disgusting picture and you're welcome! )
Don't play stupid with me!

What Trump might be guilty of does not excuse Clinton for her stupidity and corrupt way of life and Wikileaks alone has done enough damage.

Hell the FBI could provide evidence to you and you and the OP'er will proclaim the FBI is lying because Clinton is innocent and then scream about past politicians and she should not be held accountable for her stupidity and corruptness...

Again for evidence review Wikileaks and before you claim they altered the emails then show where the Clinton camp proved they did and if not the fuck you too!

All I see is a lot of bleating and screaming from Hillary haters. There is this little thing called evidence. You need it. Nobody has any. People think if the likes of Fox News say it, and Donald yells it loud enough, and his uneducated white male disenfranchised base type it on messageboards enough times it's true.

As I suspected. You hae nothing. Don't get me wrong, you might be right. I don't see any evidence. Now, Donald's bad business deals, his groping of women, his bragging.. I see plenty of that.
The only question now is Obama going to pardon Crooked Hillary for her crimes now or on election day?

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