OMG LOGIC, Cause/Effect and Guns! Federalism


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Guns do not cause crime. Gun violence is an effect of crime.

What is causing crime? The United States keeps narcotics illegal and doesn't police its borders. This causes a lot of crime. The United States politicians will not fix this problem since its very profitable for the private prisons.

More than 1 in every 100 Americans are behind bars. $$$

Also, this is drain on the tax payer and the local community.

However, your loving government is telling you that guns cause crimes. Gun violence is the effect of crime.

Cause is not equal to effect.

Think of why we repealed Prohibition, wasn't Prohibition causing crime?

On the issue of Federalism (for the morons who keep pointing to the UK).

You can only compare the UK to areas of the United States that have Gun Control, like Chicago.

You cannot compare the United States directly to any other country.

We have a reigning governmental structure known as FEDERALISM.

The laws and Constitution of each State is vastly DIFFERENT from the laws and Constitution of every other State.

Also, within each State, the laws of each city and town are moderately DIFFERENT from the laws of every other city and town.

Also, keep in mind, that many federal laws (that are govern the whole nation), are executed differently in different states, especially when significant devolution procedures have been written into that law.

Countries, like the UK, are UNITARY governments. The variance in local laws are microscopic in places like the UK. Moderate differences in law are only seen between rural and urban regions.


This means, when you compare the laws of a UNITARY government, to the laws of the United States, are you no better off comparing Apples to a Smorgasbord.

In order to compare a UNITARY government to the United States, you should only consider Cities and towns that are governed by the same or very similar laws. Sometimes you MIGHT be able to compare them to an entire State, however, you can NEVER compare them to the entire Union.




Here's another silly one:
"There are no accounts of a mass shooting being prevented by an armed citizen."

Well you see, if a mass shooting is prevented, then no one died, or only a very small number died. As such, it won't be called a mass shooting, and won't even make it beyond local news (if it makes news at all).
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What about the part that says " A well regulated militia being necessary to a free state the right of the people...

If we are to accept the idea that every citizen is part of the citizens militia then why are they not "well regulated"?

Well regulated would include training, testing, licensing, review. Arms would be registered, properly stored and monitored. That's what the military does, if it good enough for that "militia" it should be good enough for the "citizens militia".

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