OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

Chief of European Council warns Donald Trump about lack of US allies

“Dear America, appreciate your allies, after all you don’t have that many,” Donald Tusk said after signing a joint European Union-NATO declaration on cooperation with alliance Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels.

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.

We have the same allies we have always had if the shit hits the fan and there is a serious threat to the west they line up with the U.S. as always.

Chief of European Council warns Donald Trump about lack of US allies

“Dear America, appreciate your allies, after all you don’t have that many,” Donald Tusk said after signing a joint European Union-NATO declaration on cooperation with alliance Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels.

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.

Africa was never an ally or friend. Neither was mexico. South America or Europe. Our wishy washy allies are Canada, Australia and historically Britian. Now that Britian is slipping into islam, who knows. Russia has been an ally. In WWII and in the fight against terrorism. Much more of an ally than africa, mexico or south america. Russia is our partner in the space station and supplies transportation to and from.

Those wishy washy allies were with us after 9-11.

Russia considers us main enemy number one.

You do know we are still at war with North Korea right?

Looks like after we get rid of Trump, we;re going to have to do some cleaning up of the enemy within our own country.

And as far as I'm concerned anybody that allies with Russian interests is an enemy of the United States, and should be dealt with as such.

Wow, it's hard to disagree with what you pointed out so succinctly.

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.
We can depend on our allies, all of them as they can depend on us. You think small deanie.
And who does Trump see as our allies?

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.

Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
If he was running

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.
We can depend on our allies, all of them as they can depend on us. You think small deanie.
And who does Trump see as our allies?
Every country that Obama did PLUS Israel.

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.

Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
If he was running

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.
We can depend on our allies, all of them as they can depend on us. You think small deanie.
And who does Trump see as our allies?
Every country that Obama did PLUS Israel.

That's a brilliant piss off over 1.6 billion Muslims, just to satisfy 16 million Jews.
Yes, I agree with Trump: We don't need any friends. In addition, I want Third World babies to starve. I want to breathe polluted air and drink contaminated water (I have a water filter). I want the poor to starve or leave the country. I want to end women's suffrage and want them barefoot and pregnant and back in the kitchen where they belong. I want blacks riding on the back of the bus again. I want to return to the good ole' days of Jim Crow. I want Grandma to be pushed off the cliff. I don't want poor children to get school breakfasts and lunches--let them eat cake. I can hear your paranoid mind now: "I knew it!"

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.

Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
Not sure you know what your talking about.
I'm an independent and I don't find Trump embarrassing.

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.
We can depend on our allies, all of them as they can depend on us. You think small deanie.
And who does Trump see as our allies?
From his behavior? No one. Like all successful businessmen there is only mutual interests.

It is puzzling to see Africa or Mexico on the list of allies when neither has ever been an ally or friend for that matter.

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.

Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
If he was running

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.
We can depend on our allies, all of them as they can depend on us. You think small deanie.
And who does Trump see as our allies?
Every country that Obama did PLUS Israel.

That's a brilliant piss off over 1.6 billion Muslims, just to satisfy 16 million Jews.
Now I know you don't know what you're talking about. The Muslims were pissed off before
Trump was ever elected to the presidency.

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.

Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
Not sure you know what your talking about.
I'm an independent and I don't find Trump embarrassing.

Trump might have some good, or even many good ideas.

But, to say he's got some great personality, and negotiating skills is a more than a bit bonkers.

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.

Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
If he was running
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.
We can depend on our allies, all of them as they can depend on us. You think small deanie.
And who does Trump see as our allies?
Every country that Obama did PLUS Israel.

That's a brilliant piss off over 1.6 billion Muslims, just to satisfy 16 million Jews.
Now I know you don't know what you're talking about. The Muslims were pissed off before
Trump was ever elected to the presidency.

I would've personally preferred the U.S.A stayed out of Mid-East affairs.

We've accomplished nothing much positive in the Mid-East thus far, really.

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.

Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
Not sure you know what your talking about.
I'm an independent and I don't find Trump embarrassing.

Trump might have some good, or even many good ideas.

But, to say he's got some great personality, and negotiating skills is a more than a bit bonkers.
First, I didn't say anything about his personality or talk about negotiating skills.
s.econd....the presidency isn't a personality contest.
third...there is nothing wrong with his negotiating skills, he knows we're getting screwed and
he's holding their feet to the fire.
We can depend on our allies, all of them as they can depend on us. You think small deanie.

You can't quantify just how small deanturd "thinks". You're approaching negative numbers when you calculate how much agitprop he posts, which based on it's bullshit value degrades the value of reading it let alone repeating it.

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.

Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
Not sure you know what your talking about.
I'm an independent and I don't find Trump embarrassing.

Trump might have some good, or even many good ideas.

But, to say he's got some great personality, and negotiating skills is a more than a bit bonkers.
First, I didn't say anything about his personality or talk about negotiating skills.
s.econd....the presidency isn't a personality contest.
third...there is nothing wrong with his negotiating skills, he knows we're getting screwed and
he's holding their feet to the fire.

The personality of a politician in global affairs is pretty important, even if not the only factor.
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.

Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
If he was running
We can depend on our allies, all of them as they can depend on us. You think small deanie.
And who does Trump see as our allies?
Every country that Obama did PLUS Israel.

That's a brilliant piss off over 1.6 billion Muslims, just to satisfy 16 million Jews.
Now I know you don't know what you're talking about. The Muslims were pissed off before
Trump was ever elected to the presidency.

I would've personally preferred the U.S.A stayed out of Mid-East affairs.

We've accomplished nothing much positive in the Mid-East thus far, really.
Dude, you're entitled to opinion.
Who HAS accomplished anything in the middle east?
Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
If he was running
And who does Trump see as our allies?
Every country that Obama did PLUS Israel.

That's a brilliant piss off over 1.6 billion Muslims, just to satisfy 16 million Jews.
Now I know you don't know what you're talking about. The Muslims were pissed off before
Trump was ever elected to the presidency.

I would've personally preferred the U.S.A stayed out of Mid-East affairs.

We've accomplished nothing much positive in the Mid-East thus far, really.
Dude, you're entitled to opinion.
Who HAS accomplished anything in the middle east?

What's the purpose of being "Allies" with Israel, exactly?

It seems like it pisses off a lot more people, then it pleases.

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.

Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
Not sure you know what your talking about.
I'm an independent and I don't find Trump embarrassing.
If moonbats hate him that much he can't be all bad.

When you read the thread title,

OMG! Trump feels we don't need friends. We've got Russia and North Korea. Does the GOP agree?

and it stands alone as the most idiotic thing you've seen in weeks...

Do you even read the post after reading something that stupid?
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.
We can depend on our allies, all of them as they can depend on us. You think small deanie.
And who does Trump see as our allies?
From his behavior? No one. Like all successful businessmen there is only mutual interests.

It is puzzling to see Africa or Mexico on the list of allies when neither has ever been an ally or friend for that matter.
It was just a list of countries covering most of the world.
Since we are having a trade war with China, I left them off the list.
The list was actually a list of every country Trump has insulted and pissed off.
Chief of European Council warns Donald Trump about lack of US allies

“Dear America, appreciate your allies, after all you don’t have that many,” Donald Tusk said after signing a joint European Union-NATO declaration on cooperation with alliance Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels.

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.

Isn't it great when the US buys friends with our tax dollars.
Not your tax dollars, because we realize you don't pay taxes.
Let's try it again:

We used to have a lot of allies. But now, besides Russia and North Korea, who does Trump see as America's allies?

Europe? No.
Mexico? No.
Canada? No.
Australia? No.
South America? No.
Africa? (After Trump said Africa is full of sh!thole countries, I suspect not)

Who's left?

I know, Russia and North Korea. Yea, we can really depend on them.


Trump is president. Our allies are who he says they are for as long as he is president.
Who does Trump like? And that will tell you in his mind, who are allies are.

Trump's clearly not a very sound states-man, thus far, especially on the Allies, among other global affairs.

I actually think it's a bit bonkers that more Republicans don't find it embarrassing.
Not sure you know what your talking about.
I'm an independent and I don't find Trump embarrassing.

Trump might have some good, or even many good ideas.

But, to say he's got some great personality, and negotiating skills is a more than a bit bonkers.
First, I didn't say anything about his personality or talk about negotiating skills.
s.econd....the presidency isn't a personality contest.
third...there is nothing wrong with his negotiating skills, he knows we're getting screwed and
he's holding their feet to the fire.

The personality of a politician in global affairs is pretty important, even if not the only factor.
Yeah, look at Obama's personality and how little he got done.
YOU want to emphasize personality? Go right a head.

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