On Debbie Wasserman-Shultz specifically; On the New York Media in General


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
The following article still qualifies as "Speculation".

"Last week the Washington Examiner reported that Hina Alvi, the wife of Debbie Wasserman Schultz's now-infamous former IT staffer Imran Awan, had struck a deal with federal prosecutors to return to the U.S. where she currently faces charges of conspiracy and bank fraud. The deal with prosecutors mandates a return to the U.S. during the "last week of September 2017" and is structured so that she will not be arrested in front of her children.

Now, if you're the cynical type, then it might have struck you as somewhat odd that Alvi would agree to return from Pakistan, the place to which she successfully fled specifically to avoid the charges she now seems to be embracing.

But, at least according to Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) who appeared on Fox News recently, there may be more to Alvi's return than meets the eye as he predicts that the Awans could be working on a broader immunity deal with prosecutors in return for a "significant" and "pretty disturbing" story about Debbie Wasserman Schultz."

Rep. Franks Predicts Awans Will Get Immunity For "Significant, Disturbing Story" About Wasserman Schultz | Zero Hedge



But, the Average American...the Heartland American...the Actual American Citizen---not Coastal Bolsheviks, Illegals and those educated in rotting cities run by Democrats & their corrupted Teachers Unions for more than 40 years---will have noticed that "Speculation" has different categories.

Specifically, when it hurts a Republican, any unnamed source will do; but when it is potentially an embarrassment to someone who ran the whole Democratic Party---then there must be unabashed Proof.

Also, any absurdity qualifies for Main Stream Media "Speculation" when a Republican is involved, such as the Democratic-Paid-For Dossier claiming Trump watched some prostitutes in Russia urinate on a bed Obama once slept in----that "Speculation" was everywhere on the "News".

But, the obviously tightening noose on Debbi Wasserman-Shultz...featuring some real Indictments on people she and a number of other Democrats employed in highly sensitive roles....not so much.

The people in the Heartland recognize the Game that is being played by the New York Media; they realize that the New York Media is nothing more than the Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Party...and that of course explains why the New York Media polls down there with Head Lice and Cockroaches.

But, the New York Media is still extremely powerful; not because the Citizens trust it at all, but because the Republican Caucas in Congress, which is filled with Pussies, who are scared shit-less of it--because they are Cowards.

They need to catch up with the American People on that matter.

And CNN, and lying Brian Williams, and the rest of those New York Cockroaches better gird their loins---because ration and reason tell us that Debbie Wasserman Shultz, and maybe some other of their overly protected Marxists/Democrats----are likely going down.

America looks forward to more "News" on this developing scandal than they are currently getting.

It will be a sweet day for America. Draining the damn Swamp and all.

I can't wait to see that corrupt bitch go to prison.

She is a lying corrupt piece of shit and everyone knows it.

If the WIKILEAKS emails are fake, where are the real ones so we can compare?

There was no release of the REAL emails because the Wikileaks emails are authentic.

That's why DWS resigned and Donna Brazil's was fired by CNN.

DWS should be prosecuted for obstruction of justice at a minimum.

What is this? She is demanding the Chief of Police give back a piece of evidence in a criminal investigation. She threatens him if he doesn't comply with her wishes.

It's on fucking video.

I can't wait to see that corrupt bitch go to prison.

She is a lying corrupt piece of shit and everyone knows it.

If the WIKILEAKS emails are fake, where are the real ones so we can compare?

There was no release of the REAL emails because the Wikileaks emails are authentic.

That's why DWS resigned and Donna Brazil's was fired by CNN.

DWS should be prosecuted for obstruction of justice at a minimum.

What is this? She is demanding the Chief of Police give back a piece of evidence in a criminal investigation. She threatens him if he doesn't comply with her wishes.

It's on fucking video.

That's a very telling video. She is worried as hell about what's on that computer, that's for sure.
Jeff Sessions is a good man, maybe too much of a plodder; maybe made a mistake letting the Obama Bureaucracy and the New York Media hustle him into a recusal, so they could appoint their Deep State Bitch, Mueller, as Special Counsel.

But, Sessions better be all over this single compelling issue:

Why did the Democratic Party refuse to turn over their computer to the F. B. I. so they could actually see if "The Russians" hacked it; and why did the F. B. I. let them get away with not turning it over?
"Wasserman Schultz broke her public silence on Awan last week, portraying herself as the victim of "right wing media" attacks rooted in anti-Muslim bigotry aimed at Awan and the IT group."

Blowback from staffer scandal burns Wasserman Schultz


Its the best the Haint can come up with. Does "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" ring a bell?

How About "Islamophobia"?

She may as well claim:

"The Deplorables did it!"

She needs to lawyer up and hope the lawyer can do better.

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