On it’s first day of leading the House, Republicans………

Thank you for making my point. .. :thup:
The Republicans have their political wrangling out in the open so the public can see why they've made this person their choice for leadership.
Whereas, the Democrats do everything behind closed doors and in secret. Thus, making sure the rank and file members of their political party have no input into the selection process.
You dont get up to the airline counter and start debating your destination with your family. You decide where you are going and then you tell everyone where your family is going for vacation. What a joke of a party.
The person who leads congress in the impeachment of Joe Biden and the prosecution of his crime syndicate is very important. Better not to rush it.

Excellent point

How the FUK can Republicans expect to conduct something as complex as a Presidential impeachment when they can’t do a simple task like choosing a Speaker.
You really think a weak leader like McCarthy can get a four vote margin to agree on impeachment?
Excellent point

How the FUK can Republicans expect to conduct something as complex as a Presidential impeachment when they can’t do a simple task like choosing a Speaker.
You really think a weak leader like McCarthy can get a four vote margin to agree on impeachment?

We'll see. I'm more interested in the investigations into Biden's crimes against humanity, which would lead to his arrest rather than impeachment.
Over half of the McCarthy dissenters have voted for a third time. None have changed their vote, and their side even picked up one. Again, it appears McCarthy will lose his third bid for the speakership.

Hey! I got an idea
Lets have another vote!
How the FUK can Republicans expect to conduct something as complex as a Presidential impeachment when they can’t do a simple task like choosing a Speaker.
You really think a weak leader like McCarthy can get a four vote margin to agree on impeachment?
I don’t want them doing investigations. I don’t want them doing impeachment. Hell, I don’t want them doing ANYTHING. Their purpose is to ensure that NOTHING happens in the Government.
Pelosi asked what she thinks of Republican attempts to replace her

They are off to a great start
Yes they are. I can only hope this group of 19 or 20 individuals can stand firm. McCarthy is as much a worthy Speaker of the House as Satan would be…. Not worthy at all. He has no Conservative values or Ideology. He’s a spineless RINO at best.
They've had months to prepare for this moment. It should be a formality for a well-run organization. Making the sausage in public is embarrassing and shows the utter lack of strategy employed by republicans. They get elected on grievance politics then wilt into psychopaths when in office.
Lol, every one saw this coming. It is pretty hilarious. Bet it does not get done today. Bet it does not get done for weeks.
THOSE are the Republicans I could see myself possibly supporting for POTUS in 2024 or beyond.
But you see, those 20 or so GOP'rs.....are holding out as a negotiating tactic to get another airport in their district, or defense contractor, or their father-in-law a fat Air Force supply contract, or pardons from someone.
Poster Anathema....it's all transactional. '
Give me this. I'll give you that.'

McCarthy is as much a worthy Speaker of the House as Satan would be…. Not worthy at all. He has no Conservative values or Ideology. He’s a spineless RINO at best."

That's an interesting take on today's events.
So, poster Anathema.... there are (I think) 222 Reps on the GOP side....which one do you want as the Speaker?

Or would you prefer Hakeem Jeffries?
Vote and Vote and Vote and cannot choose a leader

A simple formality that has been performed for hundreds of years.
But Republican Congressmen can’t put aside their self interest to do what is best for the party.

They can’t lead a party, why should they expect to lead the country?
Voting for Republicans is the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over again expecting different results.

Republicans are incapable of governing, incapable of putting the country first – interested only in pursuing the same failed, wrongheaded rightwing agenda.
it appears McCarthy will lose his third bid for the speakership.
He did.

And now Republicans have given up.

“House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy again failed to garner enough votes to win the speakership after a third ballot – as a once-in-a-century fight to elect the next House speaker continues to unfold.

The House has adjourned until noon ET on Wednesday.”

Poster Anathema....it's all transactional. 'Give me this. I'll give you that.'
True. However, when you look at the things that group is asking for… most of it isn’t pork (at least from what I hear). Most of it is procedural changes to reduce the pork and the ease of continuing many of the unconstitutional policies that have plagued our government for decades.
That's an interesting take on today's events.
So, poster Anathema.... there are (I think) 222 Reps on the GOP side....which one do you want as the Speaker?
I don’t want any of them. I despise politicians. Especially the ones who really want to be politicians. They’re only slightly better than the career public servants/politicians. Anyone who WANTS to be in elected office is unfit to serve so far as I’m concerned.
That's an interesting take on today's events.
So, poster Anathema.... there are (I think) 222 Reps on the GOP side....which one do you want as the Speaker?

Or would you prefer Hakeem Jeffries?

Jeffries is only six votes away

He has a better chance than any of the pigheaded Republicans

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