On it’s first day of leading the House, Republicans………

Seeing how all you imbeciles did for the last 6 years is whine about Trump, how about you shut your dipshit mouth and spare us all your hypocrisy?
Says the hypocrite who couldn’t even answer if he’s ok with the shooting of Ashlii Babbitt or not lol.

Both sides talk shit about each other, obviously. Just seems like Republicans are more comfortable doing it from the passenger seat. There division is on full display here.
Personally, I think Jim Jordan as speaker would be a huge negative for conservativism, for Republicans. And perhaps a benefit to Democrats.....as an unintended consequence.

His style of legislating ....and communicating..... and persona will feed a narrative of mean-spirited, close-minded intransigence. Here comes...again...the "Party of No".
I would think a more moderate reasonable leader would get more done. After all, compromise is what makes Congress work, makes business work, makes society work.

I think the suggestion of Michigan's now retired well-liked and respected Fred Upton as the new speaker is a creative suggestion.
Let's hope they can never choose a speaker.

That way it will stop Congress and the federal government from fucking up more stuff
Difference is the Republicans work diligently among themselves to vote in the best leadership for their political party.
Whereas, the Democrats have a monolithic hive mentality and will vote in lockstep for the person they've been told to elect.
Anyone else notice that this morning's MAGAt talking point is that being unified is bad?
McCarthy has been doing his Victory Dance since last Summer when he was positive Republicans would win.

He has been bragging about what he will do as Speaker and even moved into the Speakers office
And now Trafficker Gaetz is sending letters to the Architect of the Capitol complaining about it. :heehee:

This is called "integrity". We arent going to allow a Nancy Pelosi speaker to turn Congress into a shitshow. Establishment politicians are very powerful and hard to defeat, but it appears that we are in fact winning this war.
Integrity? You voted in a pedo as speaker and one of your nominees this time is a pedo enabler. :heehee:
That would be awesome considering the new members of Congress cannot even get sworn in until it happens. Literally nothing can happen till there is a speaker
Lol, does not appear to be an easy route to 218. It would be hilarious. The sort of thing that would send a message to your constituency that you are incapable of running things but it will go over the heads of the Republican voter. At this point I don't think there is anything that can happen to wake those idiots up. After all there are hours upon hours of extremely violent video that today's Republicans call a normal tourist visit. Seems all we can do is sit and watch this train wreck.
You have blocked the election of a Speaker without a way out
If they stonewall and refuse to elect Kevin, then it might convince the GOP to vote for Jordan. So far its working. Jordan is getting more votes every time they vote and Kevin is getting less votes.

Is that not a "way out"?
If they stonewall and refuse to elect Kevin, then it might convince the GOP to vote for Jordan. So far its working. Jordan is getting more votes every time they vote and Kevin is getting less votes.

Is that not a "way out"?

Problem is there is a majority that are sick of concessions made to a small minority who are stonewalling the party

You don’t think you will find five Republicans out of 200 McCarthy Republicans who will not compromise?
Problem is there is a majority that are sick of concessions made to a small minority who are stonewalling the party

You don’t think you will find five Republicans out of 200 McCarthy Republicans who will not compromise?
The majority of the voter base doesnt want McCarthy. They already started with 5 who wont comprimise. Last i saw they were up to 20.
The Taliban 20 have no game plan

They keep voting for whatever “Anybody but Kevin” candidate with no progress being made overnight

They have no real demands, no legitimate alternative to McCarthy
All they have is NO
The Taliban 20 have no game plan

They keep voting for whatever “Anybody but Kevin” candidate with no progress being made overnight

They have no real demands, no legitimate alternative to McCarthy
All they have is NO
You guys REALLY want McCarthy. Then I guess you know why we dont.

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