On Racism

Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.
Blacks have a decision to make, either you are an American, or you can immediately self-deport to Liberia! As for you fascist democrats, your time has run its course, you have revealed yourselves to America, you are just as much the slavers today, as you were in 1864!

Whites have a decision to make, raise your kids to respect others, and they will be respected.
That goes for all races.
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.
Blacks have a decision to make, either you are an American, or you can immediately self-deport to Liberia! As for you fascist democrats, your time has run its course, you have revealed yourselves to America, you are just as much the slavers today, as you were in 1864!

Whites have a decision to make, raise your kids to respect others, and they will be respected.
That goes for all races.

Rye Catcher is a racist. He thinks only whites need to do that.
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.
Blacks have a decision to make, either you are an American, or you can immediately self-deport to Liberia! As for you fascist democrats, your time has run its course, you have revealed yourselves to America, you are just as much the slavers today, as you were in 1864!

Whites have a decision to make, raise your kids to respect others, and they will be respected.
That goes for all races.

So, why you singling out just whites?
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.

So we just make ThoughtCrime a thing, punish anyone who thinks differently, and hope that one day unemotional robots take over to give us the perfect society you are looking for.

There will always be feelings of discomfort when it comes to things that are different to us. The issue is do we treat this low grade form of racism as the same as actual hard core racism.

Because if you do, then you have to then go after ALL forms of discomfort of others, and good luck with that.
you can't do much about racism on an individual basis but you can wring it out of the system.

Again, what degree of racism are we talking about? Everyone suffers from fear or dislike of other, even if muted and suppressed.

Lefties on this board don't like religious people, or conservatives, or gun owners. how is that any worse than low grade racism?

Systemic racism is the problem. Some people will alwys be racist but our institutions need not be
‘After examining a print-out of the tweet, Sen. Lisa Murkowski gasped: “oh lord, Ugh.”

“Why would you fan the flames?” she said of the president’s tweet. “That’s all I’m going to say.”’ ibid

Trump is fanning the flames in an effort to pander to his base and divide the American people, that’s why.
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.
maybe you should clean up the racist in your party first...

My party is walking in silent and peaceful protests, all across the United States. Your party, it seems, is represented by Death-Ninja and the set of White Supremacists. As stated, racism is both covert and overt.
i am not like you wry....i dont have a party.....both parties are bringing this country down....both parties should go straight to hell....and you are right....racism is both covert,the democrats and overt the republicans......
How do you expect an actual honest discussion when you imply blacks are the only victims of racism?
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.
maybe you should clean up the racist in your party first...

My party is walking in silent and peaceful protests, all across the United States. Your party, it seems, is represented by Death-Ninja and the set of White Supremacists. As stated, racism is both covert and overt.
i am not like you wry....i dont have a party.....both parties are bringing this country down....both parties should go straight to hell....and you are right....racism is both covert,the democrats and overt the republicans......
Are you even serious? Democratic racism, covert? Its in your face, its brazenly institutionalized and it always has been institutionalized within the democratic party! Republicans overtly racist? This on its face, is ludicrous, while there will always be individualized instances of racist comportment, the republican party itself has done more for black Americans then any other political party in US history and it is profoundly offensive to hear from fucking ingrates who know not their own history! We lost some 200 - 300 thousand men killing democrats for Blacks, only to to discover in the following century that chains cut from ankles extended to minds!

What you really mean, is republicans won't hand out freebies, or at least they have not done so, which is exactly what the race pimp reverands named Sharpton and Jackson have made careers out of with democrats! Thus the term a hand up, not a hand out! I will not even waste time litigating this, republicans have stood by black Americans repeatedly, even in the face of enormous provocations in which racist black America has singled republicans out for over a century of crimes the democratic party has perpetrated!
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.
maybe you should clean up the racist in your party first...

My party is walking in silent and peaceful protests, all across the United States. Your party, it seems, is represented by Death-Ninja and the set of White Supremacists. As stated, racism is both covert and overt.
i am not like you wry....i dont have a party.....both parties are bringing this country down....both parties should go straight to hell....and you are right....racism is both covert,the democrats and overt the republicans......
Are you even serious? Democratic racism, covert? Its in your face, its brazenly institutionalized and it always has been institutionalized within the democratic party! Republicans overtly racist? This on its face, is ludicrous, while there will always be individualized instances of racist comportment, the republican party itself has done more for black Americans then any other political party in US history and it is profoundly offensive to hear from fucking ingrates who know not their own history! We lost some 200 - 300 thousand men killing democrats for Blacks, only to to discover in the following century that chains cut from ankles extended to minds!

What you really mean, is republicans won't hand out freebies, or at least they have not done so, which is exactly what the race pimp reverands named Sharpton and Jackson have made careers out of with democrats! Thus the term a hand up, not a hand out! I will not even waste time litigating this, republicans have stood by black Americans repeatedly, even in the face of enormous provocations in which racist black America has singled republicans out for over a century of crimes the democratic party has perpetrated!
democrats tell you what you want to hear,when you leave the room the real person comes out.....they will stand up with you and tell you how much they are with you.....but please, just dont move onto my street....republicans tell you to your face what they think of you....if you dont like it tough shit....
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.
Blacks have a decision to make, either you are an American, or you can immediately self-deport to Liberia! As for you fascist democrats, your time has run its course, you have revealed yourselves to America, you are just as much the slavers today, as you were in 1864!

Whites have a decision to make, raise your kids to respect others, and they will be respected.

Stop attempting to lecture your betters

“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X
" Promoting Self Ignorance At Large "

* Nut Jobs *

Whites have a decision to make, raise your kids to respect others, and they will be respected.
Oh , you mean that whites need to respect others by indiscriminately breeding themselves out of existence , to surrender their self determination , to surrender their individual autonomy , to abdicate any homogeneity or numerical superiority in representation that all other kindred clads maintain throughout the world , to bow down to the secular humanism and blathering stupidity that the left obviously believes is fair .

You know , white people need to become invisible as " people of color " .
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Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.
maybe you should clean up the racist in your party first...

My party is walking in silent and peaceful protests, all across the United States. Your party, it seems, is represented by Death-Ninja and the set of White Supremacists. As stated, racism is both covert and overt.

So Minneapolis just wrecked itself? It was all done by WP types?

Please tell me you don't actually believe that.

I don't believe is was all done by White Persons, but you have no evidence that all of the arson and looting was done by Black People. Of course you believe Donald Trump, the most prolific liar of the 21st Century.

The looting shots I saw were mostly black people, probably from the neighborhood, probably just going along for the ride and getting free stuff.

The senseless violence, the vandalism, seems to be younger, mixed people, mostly black bloc/anti-fa types.

The press doesn't show detailed shots of the damage and who did it because it goes against the narrative.
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.

So we just make ThoughtCrime a thing, punish anyone who thinks differently, and hope that one day unemotional robots take over to give us the perfect society you are looking for.

There will always be feelings of discomfort when it comes to things that are different to us. The issue is do we treat this low grade form of racism as the same as actual hard core racism.

Because if you do, then you have to then go after ALL forms of discomfort of others, and good luck with that.
you can't do much about racism on an individual basis but you can wring it out of the system.

Again, what degree of racism are we talking about? Everyone suffers from fear or dislike of other, even if muted and suppressed.

Lefties on this board don't like religious people, or conservatives, or gun owners. how is that any worse than low grade racism?

Systemic racism is the problem. Some people will alwys be racist but our institutions need not be

racism like any other bias isn't on/off, there are always degrees.
The OP is right on at least one point: Many people (including those who call themselves liberals) do fear young men of ethnicity X.

They fear them because even the liberal media is forced to (briefly) mention the inordinate amount of violent crime committed by an unusually large portion of their youth.

Until that stops (and I am pessimistic about such a possibility), many people (including people of ethnicity X) will be wary when meeting up with such young gentlemen.


The OP uses the word "idiot" to describe us Donald supporters. That's OK. This IS a forum for opinions, so -- as the saying goes -- no opinion can be "wrong." We idiots hope that enough idiots will join us in November to return The Donald to the Executive Mansion. He is the only high official who has not groveled at the feet of last week's Insurrection.
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.
Blacks have a decision to make, either you are an American, or you can immediately self-deport to Liberia! As for you fascist democrats, your time has run its course, you have revealed yourselves to America, you are just as much the slavers today, as you were in 1864!

Whites have a decision to make, raise your kids to respect others, and they will be respected.
That goes for all races.

Rye Catcher is a racist. He thinks only whites need to do that.

No, only white assholes like you and most of the others who have posted negative responses on this thread are racists.
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.

So we just make ThoughtCrime a thing, punish anyone who thinks differently, and hope that one day unemotional robots take over to give us the perfect society you are looking for.

There will always be feelings of discomfort when it comes to things that are different to us. The issue is do we treat this low grade form of racism as the same as actual hard core racism.

Because if you do, then you have to then go after ALL forms of discomfort of others, and good luck with that.
you can't do much about racism on an individual basis but you can wring it out of the system.

Again, what degree of racism are we talking about? Everyone suffers from fear or dislike of other, even if muted and suppressed.

Lefties on this board don't like religious people, or conservatives, or gun owners. how is that any worse than low grade racism?

Systemic racism is the problem. Some people will alwys be racist but our institutions need not be

racism like any other bias isn't on/off, there are always degrees.

You're really dumb. Racism is active, it is lynching, it is discriminating and it is pathological hate.
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.
Blacks have a decision to make, either you are an American, or you can immediately self-deport to Liberia! As for you fascist democrats, your time has run its course, you have revealed yourselves to America, you are just as much the slavers today, as you were in 1864!

Whites have a decision to make, raise your kids to respect others, and they will be respected.
That goes for all races.

Rye Catcher is a racist. He thinks only whites need to do that.

No, only white assholes like you and most of the others who have posted negative responses on this thread are racists.
Black Lives Matter is a racist black shakedown racket, targeting weak politicians, and industry for cash, which is exactly what race pimps such as Obama, Sharpton and Jackson taught them to do. I have no idea whether most blacks reflect this type of disgusting racism, I like to think they do not, nonetheless it is indisputable that if you embrace BLM then you are very definitely racist scum!
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.

So we just make ThoughtCrime a thing, punish anyone who thinks differently, and hope that one day unemotional robots take over to give us the perfect society you are looking for.

There will always be feelings of discomfort when it comes to things that are different to us. The issue is do we treat this low grade form of racism as the same as actual hard core racism.

Because if you do, then you have to then go after ALL forms of discomfort of others, and good luck with that.
you can't do much about racism on an individual basis but you can wring it out of the system.

Again, what degree of racism are we talking about? Everyone suffers from fear or dislike of other, even if muted and suppressed.

Lefties on this board don't like religious people, or conservatives, or gun owners. how is that any worse than low grade racism?

Systemic racism is the problem. Some people will alwys be racist but our institutions need not be

racism like any other bias isn't on/off, there are always degrees.

You're really dumb. Racism is active, it is lynching, it is discriminating and it is pathological hate.

Just like that Jesse Smollett was lynched by whiteys right?
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.

So we just make ThoughtCrime a thing, punish anyone who thinks differently, and hope that one day unemotional robots take over to give us the perfect society you are looking for.

There will always be feelings of discomfort when it comes to things that are different to us. The issue is do we treat this low grade form of racism as the same as actual hard core racism.

Because if you do, then you have to then go after ALL forms of discomfort of others, and good luck with that.
you can't do much about racism on an individual basis but you can wring it out of the system.

Again, what degree of racism are we talking about? Everyone suffers from fear or dislike of other, even if muted and suppressed.

Lefties on this board don't like religious people, or conservatives, or gun owners. how is that any worse than low grade racism?

Systemic racism is the problem. Some people will alwys be racist but our institutions need not be

racism like any other bias isn't on/off, there are always degrees.

You're really dumb. Racism is active, it is lynching, it is discriminating and it is pathological hate.

That is extreme racism. Again, do we lump everyone who has occasional racist thoughts but doesn't act on them in with the KKK types?

Because if you want to do that, you just became the KKK's best recruiter.
Not the Emancipation Proclamation nor any Amendment or statutory law has never made a dent in racism and other forms of bigotry in our country; only when hate and fear of black men are no longer passed down from parent to child will acceptance be possible.

Anyone familiar with the postings on this message board cannot deny that racism exists today, covertly and even overtly in the comments of the supporters of Trump, and those who vote for GOP members of Congress.

It's time for patriots to acknowledge that all people have certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the nation's leader strives to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

It's past time for all of us to enjoy equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice, something denied by the establishment to Native Americans, Chinese and Japanese, The Irish, migrants from Mexico and other American nations seeking a better and safer life; and to blacks, many of whom are descendants of slaves who had been in the United States before it was created.

So we just make ThoughtCrime a thing, punish anyone who thinks differently, and hope that one day unemotional robots take over to give us the perfect society you are looking for.

There will always be feelings of discomfort when it comes to things that are different to us. The issue is do we treat this low grade form of racism as the same as actual hard core racism.

Because if you do, then you have to then go after ALL forms of discomfort of others, and good luck with that.
you can't do much about racism on an individual basis but you can wring it out of the system.

Again, what degree of racism are we talking about? Everyone suffers from fear or dislike of other, even if muted and suppressed.

Lefties on this board don't like religious people, or conservatives, or gun owners. how is that any worse than low grade racism?

Systemic racism is the problem. Some people will alwys be racist but our institutions need not be

racism like any other bias isn't on/off, there are always degrees.

In individuals yes is government systems there either is or there isn't and in this country there definitely is

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