On This Day in 2017 a Democrat Attempted the Largest Assassination Attempt in US History

130 police were injured by your mob

How many required a trip to the hospital? How many tripped down stairs or stubbed their toes? And why are your liars on the Inquisition still lying about DEAD COPS? Why should I believe ANY of their butchered facts?

I can tell you EXACTLY how many Congresspeople were wounded and treated and almost died by that assassination attempt at the softball field by the Bernie Bro.
How many required a trip to the hospital? How many tripped down stairs or stubbed their toes? And why are your liars on the Inquisition still lying about DEAD COPS? Why should I believe ANY of their butchered facts?

I can tell you EXACTLY how many Congresspeople were wounded and treated and almost died by that assassination attempt at the softball field by the Bernie Bro.

You don’t see me defending the monster who attacked that Softball Field

I do see you defending an angry mob trying to capture members of Congress

What the FUK is the matter with you?
You should be ashamed of yourself
You don’t see me defending the monster who attacked that Softball Field

I do see you defending an angry mob trying to capture members of Congress

What the FUK is the matter with you?

Where is the evidence, they wanted to capture members of Congress as those people at that barricade where Babbit was shot had NO weapons?
None of that happened did it? Congress was back in biz at FULL staff by the evening. NO major destruction, physical harm or looting.

Show me all the historical insurrections that were mostly peaceful and disbanded within hours.

The larger issue is……What is the matter with Trump?
What was he thinking?

He was repeatedly told Mike Pence can’t overturn the States
He was repeatedly told that Congress must certify the vote

He sent his TRUMPmob anyway

YOU voted for the Asshole
I want to give them the chance to run and hide, or the opportunity to LIE.
Candycorn wasn’t honest or she simply doesn’t care to admit that she was wrong. And winkydink couldn’t be honest if his life required it. Silly libtards.
Bernie ran for the Democratic Party nomination for President.

You could have ran too for the same nomination.

And you saw how much the Democrats wanted him as their standard bearer...twice!
He was cheated out of the nomination both times
So, if he changes party affiliation to Democrap and claims he was always a Democrap then either he is a filthy fucking liar OR he is a Democrap. You’re welcome.

If he starts identifying as a Democrat, takes their money to run his senate campaigns, etc... he would be a democrat. But as I write this, Senator Sanders is an independent.

Are you really this stupid?
130 police were injured

How do you defend that?
Where or when did I ever say I defended any of the criminal conduct of some of the protestors? That’s a more relevant question.

It turns out that my lifetime opposition to criminality has a sound basis.

You guys need only apply the proper and accurate labels to things for a refreshing change of pace. Crime and violent crime? We’re against it.

But labeling a protest which partly got off the track and into the realm of some criminal behavior an “insurrection” is simply stupid dishonest hyperbolic cheesy propaganda.

Why do you engage in it?
Where or when did I ever say I defended any of the criminal conduct of some of the protestors? That’s a more relevant question.

It turns out that my lifetime opposition to criminality has a sound basis.

You guys need only apply the proper and accurate labels to things for a refreshing change of pace. Crime and violent crime? We’re against it.

But labeling a protest which partly got off the track and into the realm of some criminal behavior an “insurrection” is simply stupid dishonest hyperbolic cheesy propaganda.

Why do you engage in it?
Partly got off track?

WTF is the matter with you?
If he starts identifying as a Democrat, takes their money to run his senate campaigns, etc... he would be a democrat. But as I write this, Senator Sanders is an independent.

Are you really this stupid?
He said he was a Democrat. So the stupidity is entirely on you, chuckles.

Once again for you brain-impaired, tragic, goofball libtards: if he, himself, says he’s a Democrat, then who the fuck are you to say he ain’t? :dunno:
Partly got off track?

WTF is the matter with you?
Nothing. I know what’s the matter with you, however. You’re simply unwilling to admit the truth.

A smallish size contingent of protestors did get off track. And I have never defended their criminal behaviors. But still, the point, you just tried so hard to duck, stands.

The point is: they had no guns. They shot nobody. It clearly wasn’t and could not possibly have been an “insurrection.” And tools like you and your ilk simply refuse to concede that point. You’re not honest. Not just you, Leftwhiner. All you huffing and puffing and bloviating lefties.
Show where Trump directed her to do what she did. I don't want to see 'hearsay' or anything else other than Trump himself directly telling her to storm the capital.
You will be in for a long wait. They all say empty shit like that, and they have no willingness to defend such meaningless claims.
Show where Trump directed her to do what she did. I don't want to see 'hearsay' or anything else other than Trump himself directly telling her to storm the capital.

Because Trump is a Crybaby Loser, he created a LIE that the election was being stolen and he needed his MAGA faithful to do something to “Stop the Steal”on Jan 6

Being not too bright and a firm believer in conspiracies, Babbitt came from the other side of the country to heed his call

If not for the lies of the Crybaby Loser, Babbitt would be alive today
The point is: they had no guns. They shot nobody. It clearly wasn’t and could not possibly have been an “insurrection.”

What would have happened if they managed to catch a Mike Pence, AOC or Pelosi?

We saw what they did to Capitol Police, what would they have done with a Congress member?

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