On Truth Social trump demands to be reinstated...again

My opinion is there was no excuse for Congress not to take 10 days to investigate the election.

Yes, I know that is your opinion. One you are free to hold. So far no court agrees with you.

Our Constitution says free and fair elections. It is our representatives responsibility to show people it was free and fair when asked to do so. The people are the boss, remember? Correct?

They do not need to bow to ever whim of a rabid minority of people, that is not their job. The people are their boss and I am very happy they did not waste 10 more days.
That was just the lack of merit. That court also found a lack of standing...

(1) Mr. Brunson lacked constitutional standing because his claimed injury was not concrete and personal to him but only the same as any citizen, and (2) Eleventh Amendment sovereign immunity barred the claims against the defendants, who were sued in their official capacity only, and Mr. Brunson failed to identify any statute or other express provision that unequivocally waives that immunity for his claims.

Remember, when FruitLoops posts something, he's out of his fucking mind.

I was surprised the SC took the case, the only reason has to be to put an end to it and any like it in the future.
The lower court is now irrelevant. And why would a law be passed that protects treason? Kind of defeats the purpose.That argument has been beaten in court and that is why the case is where it is at.

In post #309, I posted the lower court's findings for lack of merit. In post #318, I posted their findings for lack of standing.

That is the first thing the Supreme Court is going to review

Now it's your turn to explain the legal theory for why you think the Supreme Court would reject those findings...
My opinion is there was no excuse for Congress not to take 10 days to investigate the election. Our Constitution says free and fair elections. It is our representatives responsibility to show people it was free and fair when asked to do so. The people are the boss, remember? Correct?

Of course there was an excuse. The time for investigations had passed. They should have called for such an investigation at least 10 days before the deadline to certify the election.

Shit, those Senators who called for a vote on it didn't even need to do that. It was all just a delay tactic. The fact of the matter is Republicans controlled the Senate. They could have started their own investigation at least 10 days before the deadline to certify the election.
I never claimed anything was thrown out of court. That is what you have been doing, you moron.

I never said you claimed that, FruitLoops. You're in denial of that. But it’s true -- every court which heard it, threw it out. I'm still waiting for your legal theory for why you think the Supreme Court won't do the same.

Seems you're clueless, just as I've been pointing out.
Yes, I know that is your opinion. One you are free to hold. So far no court agrees with you.

They do not need to bow to ever whim of a rabid minority of people, that is not their job. The people are their boss and I am very happy they did not waste 10 more days.
They were not bowing by doing their duty which was clear. That duty was to investigate the fraud. Two witnesses is all that is needed.
Not relevant. What the SC says will be.


You're beyond clueless.

FruitLoops, of course that's relevant. That's the first order of business that will be reviewed by the Supreme Court starting on January 6th.

You're beyond clueless.

FruitLoops, of course that's relevant. That's the first order of business that will be reviewed by the Supreme Court starting on January 6th.
That is not what the case is about. The case is did those members violate their oath of office, which they clearly did.
Of course there was an excuse. The time for investigations had passed. They should have called for such an investigation at least 10 days before the deadline to certify the election.

Shit, those Senators who called for a vote on it didn't even need to do that. It was all just a delay tactic. The fact of the matter is Republicans controlled the Senate. They could have started their own investigation at least 10 days before the deadline to certify the election.
The time for investigation had passed? Is that why election records and data are by law required to be held for 22 months after the election? Try again you stupid troll.
They were not bowing by doing their duty which was clear. That duty was to investigate the fraud. Two witnesses is all that is needed.

If there really was such a duty, why didn't the Republican-led Senate open an investigation on December 20th, 2020?
If there really was such a duty, why didn't the Republican-led Senate open an investigation on December 20th, 2020?
One more time, this is not about the Republican Senate. Do you see them mentioned in the petition? Yes or no Einstein?
So, then you are saying that even the SOCTUS is not relevant.

I did not say that. You are saying violating the oath of office is not. How do you arrive at that conclusion? There are no excuses in the Constitution. If you can find one please point it out.
That is not what the case is about. The case is did those members violate their oath of office, which they clearly did.


No, you retard. Again, the part you don't understand...

The Supreme Court is an appellate court. A lower court threw the case out due to lack of merit and lack of standing.

The plaintiff appealed to the Supreme Court to review that lower court's findings. Before the Supreme Court can review the substance of the lawsuit, they have to first determine if the lower court's findings were correct or not.

You're utterly clueless as to how these things work yet you're still shaking your pom-poms for things you don't understand.

Even worse for you, you've already declared you won't accept their findings unless they rule the way you want even though you don't understand the process.

No, you retard. Again, the part you don't understand...

The Supreme Court is an appellate court. A lower court threw the case out due to lack of merit and lack of standing.

The plaintiff appealed to the Supreme Court to review that lower court's findings. Before the Supreme Court can review the substance of the lawsuit, they have to first determine if the lower court's findings were correct or not.

You're utterly clueless as to how these things work yet you're still shaking your pom-poms for things you don't understand.

Even worse for you, you've already declared you won't accept their findings unless they rule the way you want even though you don't understand the process.
I know an investigation by Congress was called for by members of Congress who represent a lot of people. True or false?

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