On Truth Social trump demands to be reinstated...again

An afterthought. That evidence was introduced to the people. The MSM refused to cover it. Trump was thrown off of Twitter. Others were intimidated by lawsuits. The people who showed up Jan 6th were there to get an investigation. Never has the government shit on so many people ruining their lives and reputations because they refused to accept the results without one. The government owed it to those people. The only answer to anyone with any sense knows those members knew an investigation would prove fraud. And for anyone who says they did not, why was there no investigation?

Absolutely legal grievances treated like they were nothing. You SOB's ought to be shot. An expression, not a threat.
Your angry feelings and beliefs ARE NOT PROOF.
Do you have any real PROOF that supports your baseless allegations? Real proof. NOT bullshit from rightwing conspiracy crackpot websites.

Trump, and the crazies he surrounds himself with, have had their ridiculous "fraudulent elections" claims and lawsuits thrown out of courts far and wide. All trump does is whine and waste everyone's time with his bullshit lies.

It's far past time to kick the orange clown to the curb. The GOP has to get its shit together and recruit some sane candidates or they're going to keep losing elections. And whining, of course.
I have proof they violated their oath of office and that is all the proof I need. They chose to let the alleged fraud stand. That is not defending the Constitution. 200 million people watched the vote on TV. That is a lot of witnesses
Why don't I put this way for all you wannabe patriots. If we could not take 10 days to get this right and defend the Constitution we have shit on everyone who dies serving this country. You people are not patriots. You are idiots.
I have proof they violated their oath of office and that is all the proof I need. They chose to let the alleged fraud stand. That is not defending the Constitution. 200 million people watched the vote on TV. That is a lot of witnesses
You keep saying you have proof of the fraud - yet you are always unable or unwilling to show us that "proof."

So how could any thinking person believe you?
Advocating destroying the Constitution is to make war on the Constitution and the rule of law.

On this forum, in this very thread, conservatives are desperately trying to defend Trump; not one rightist has denounced Trump’s calling for the Constitution to be destroyed.

The right’s war on the Constitution and the rule of law continues.

(Dramatic background music)

Conservatives are infamous for their hypocrisy.

One has to wonder if any Republican – anyone on the right – has gone on the record denouncing Trump’s call to destroy the Constitution.

Conservatives are either floundering to defend Trump or completely silent – a silence that speaks volumes.

Okay, Saul.

147 members of Congress had factual evidence of fraud. They wanted the election investigated. When Congress refused they violated their oath of office by siding with the alleged fraudsters. End of story.
You and others on the right lying about ‘fraud’ you know doesn’t exist seemed like a good idea at the time.
He said that fraud of that type allowed for the termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Basically, he's saying that because of the fraud, it should be terminated, and that is what he wants.
Basically you're wrong. He said if elections are going to be run that way, why have laws, rules and a constitution.
So, once again, Trump was correct.......the election WAS rigged.

Next you'll try and tell me this Twitter collusion didn't happen on any other social platforms.
The Twitter files would prove interference yes. But not rigging the election itself.
The communications that are being released prove a joint effort between Twitter and the Biden campaign and DNC to suppress any news that was harmful or that would damage his chances of winning. If that was done to YOUR candidate and he lost, you hypocrites would set the nation on fire. Next time, you won't be in the streets alone.

Quit projecting. Trump is insane..
Learn to read, I do not have the time to answer questions that have nothing to do with what I said
Never saw Fox censoring debate on Twitter as it now is beginning to show the Biden campaign and others, I'm sure, did.
You should read some of Media Research's stats on LW Media's coverage of 'right wing' vs left wing' candidates.
Never saw Fox censoring debate on Twitter as it now is beginning to show the Biden campaign and others

And nobody claimed they did. So, why do you keep brining it up?

I never saw twitter get up on stage with Trump and actively campaign with him
And nobody claimed they did. So, why do you keep brining it up?

I never saw twitter get up on stage with Trump and actively campaign with him
Why? Because there is a lot of explaining to do regarding censoring on Twitter to rig an election by the left.....that's why.
Is the LW media in concert selling Biden any different?
Why? Because there is a lot of explaining to do regarding censoring on Twitter to rig an election by the left.....that's why.

It is just stupid to call it rigging. Twitter as a private entity has every right to do what they did. It is not illegal nor is it rigging anything.

Is the LW media in concert selling Biden any different?

Nope, it is not. But you only whine about the LW media doing it and never about the RW media doing so
It is just stupid to call it rigging. Twitter as a private entity has every right to do what they did. It is not illegal nor is it rigging anything.

When a political group uses and colludes with that private entity to deny an opposite political group, that is rigging
Nope, it is not. But you only whine about the LW media doing it and never about the RW media doing so
Only trouble is LW has an entire media group under their thumb selling their ideology. Fox can not compare to the level of propaganda the LW has under their control.

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