Once Again.......Obama Bows To Chinese President

So you are saying that bowing is wrong, even though it is a time honored tradition?
Do you need plastic sheets for your beds still?

I have traveled to 28 foreign countries and met several VIP's in the far and middle east. My company briefing covered acceptable protocol when meeting foreign dignitaries. The accepted method of bowing was to keep your shoulders level, smile, and merely nod your head down while keeping eye contact. The Chinese instructor told me that a full bow indicated subservience and you lost the respect of the dignitary at that point.

Although it is about 6 years too late, Obama either needs some similar instructions or needs to pay attention if anyone in the White House knows the proper protocol.
embarrassing bowing to the communist who treats their people like slaves. the hell with their "human rights" record Democrat/progressives loves them some commies

Sorry....do you mean Nixon or Bush, like here....

If that isn't photo shopped, it looks like George Bush didn't get the protocol memo any more than Obama.
They do not understand diplomacy.

Nor do they understand basic manners.

Bowing in much of Asia is much like shaking hands in much of the west. I bow to people ten times a day in countries like Thailand, Burma or Laos, and dare say I get treated with a lot more respect as a result than some of the xenophobes here. They say travel opens the mind - this thread ably demonstrates what happens to the minds of those who stay home.

Obama almost got it right, and I respect that. He just needed to bow his head, as Bush and other US heads of state have done to show respect, but needs to quit bending at the waist.
embarrassing bowing to the communist who treats their people like slaves. the hell with their "human rights" record Democrat/progressives loves them some commies
Sorry....do you mean Nixon or Bush, like here....



If that isn't photo shopped, it looks like George Bush didn't get the protocol memo any more than Obama. At least he didn't bow at the waist as Obama does
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This from an academic with some knowledge of the Japanese and a supporter of Obama:

""The bow as he"
(Obama) "performed did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms….The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak looking American president and, again, in all ways, he unintentionally played that part."

This same academic mentions Nixon's bow:

""Yet, (and?) Nixon gets the bow right. Slight arch from the waist hands at his side."

On President Obama 8217 s Bow to the Japanese Emperor An Academic Friend Writes That Both the Left and the Right Are Wrong - ABC News

Obama continues to make this same mistake wherever he goes.

Is your omission of the full context of things a sign of your intellectual dishonesty or are you simply a dishonest person???

The 'right' is wrong about Obama's bow

His bow is neither (1) unprecedented nor (2) a sign of cultural understanding

BTW, Obama's bow at Suntory Hall was much better. Correct angle, slight bow. His hands were wrong but the physical tone was correct and appropriate

We get it, you are allergic to honesty...
I bet he's digging his new Dr Evil suit.


You idiots do know that your conservative god Putin wore the SAME DAMN THING right?


So how is Obama weak but Putin is strong for doing the same DAMN THING?

I thought all or most of the foreign leaders wore the same thing, and there is not a damned thing wrong with doing that. I would be interested in seeing a picture of that thug Putin bowing.
This from an academic with some knowledge of the Japanese and a supporter of Obama:

""The bow as he"
(Obama) "performed did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms….The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak looking American president and, again, in all ways, he unintentionally played that part."

This same academic mentions Nixon's bow:

""Yet, (and?) Nixon gets the bow right. Slight arch from the waist hands at his side."

On President Obama 8217 s Bow to the Japanese Emperor An Academic Friend Writes That Both the Left and the Right Are Wrong - ABC News

Obama continues to make this same mistake wherever he goes.

Is your omission of the full context of things a sign of your intellectual dishonesty or are you simply a dishonest person???

The 'right' is wrong about Obama's bow

His bow is neither (1) unprecedented nor (2) a sign of cultural understanding

BTW, Obama's bow at Suntory Hall was much better. Correct angle, slight bow. His hands were wrong but the physical tone was correct and appropriate

We get it, you are allergic to honesty...

Obama is so incredibly ignorant or arrogant, you pick:

Obama s gum habit lands him in sticky situation - The Washington Post
So you are saying that bowing is wrong, even though it is a time honored tradition?
Do you need plastic sheets for your beds still?
interesting you bring up plastic sheets, how often do you change yours ?

bowing is a time honored tradition? by/for whom ? certainly NOT true for red blooded Americans....., which that commie muslime illegal alien :up:
That Chinese leader's back was as straight as a board. Your fucking president is an embarrassment. The next President will have to kick some country's ass for spite just to show the world we're not wimps. Shit, Putin is planning to fly his commie jets right off the coast of America. He wouldn't try that with Reagan or 41/43.
This from an academic with some knowledge of the Japanese and a supporter of Obama:

""The bow as he"
(Obama) "performed did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms….The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak looking American president and, again, in all ways, he unintentionally played that part."

This same academic mentions Nixon's bow:

""Yet, (and?) Nixon gets the bow right. Slight arch from the waist hands at his side."

On President Obama 8217 s Bow to the Japanese Emperor An Academic Friend Writes That Both the Left and the Right Are Wrong - ABC News

Obama continues to make this same mistake wherever he goes.

Is your omission of the full context of things a sign of your intellectual dishonesty or are you simply a dishonest person???

The 'right' is wrong about Obama's bow

His bow is neither (1) unprecedented nor (2) a sign of cultural understanding

BTW, Obama's bow at Suntory Hall was much better. Correct angle, slight bow. His hands were wrong but the physical tone was correct and appropriate

We get it, you are allergic to honesty...

Obama is so incredibly ignorant or arrogant, you pick:

Obama s gum habit lands him in sticky situation - The Washington Post
So in other words, you omitted the facts of the story in order to further a lie...
Any other lies you want to present as facts???

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