Once again pointing out the elephant in the room

Guess it bears repeating over and over and over again, almost all government/economic systems are wonderful in theory but severely lacking in practical application. Where the theorists always fail is they always replace the true human equation with the idealized human equation based on the theory that humankind is inherently good and can ultimately work together for the common good. This has been proven throughout history to be false.

Wrong. Only communism/socialism does that. Capitalism is based on treating people as they are, warts and all.
Sure thing there Sparky....... Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies....... :eusa_whistle:
How does what I said imply that capitalism doesn't exist?
How did you get that out of what I said? :dunno:
Problem is americans want all the stuff they don't want to pay for.

They do not want to be held accountable for a free and self sufficient society, so these sell outs enable the ruling class and the machine state.

Look, I agree with all the the-public-needs-to-resist-and-withhold-consent business, but power always does whatever it can, and the american public has participated in it's own situation. And as long as the unsubstantial people think change is going to come without them having to change anything they're doing personally, here we shall squat forever.

I don't see Cliven Bundy as the model for anything.

Your post is a series of unconnected sentences, all absurd, of course, that signify no coherent idea.
Guess it bears repeating over and over and over again, almost all government/economic systems are wonderful in theory but severely lacking in practical application. Where the theorists always fail is they always replace the true human equation with the idealized human equation based on the theory that humankind is inherently good and can ultimately work together for the common good. This has been proven throughout history to be false.

Wrong. Only communism/socialism does that. Capitalism is based on treating people as they are, warts and all.
Sure thing there Sparky....... Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies....... :eusa_whistle:
How does what I said imply that capitalism doesn't exist?
How did you get that out of what I said? :dunno:
If no one is in a capitalist society, then capitalism doesn't exist, right?
Guess it bears repeating over and over and over again, almost all government/economic systems are wonderful in theory but severely lacking in practical application. Where the theorists always fail is they always replace the true human equation with the idealized human equation based on the theory that humankind is inherently good and can ultimately work together for the common good. This has been proven throughout history to be false.

Wrong. Only communism/socialism does that. Capitalism is based on treating people as they are, warts and all.
Sure thing there Sparky....... Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies....... :eusa_whistle:
How does what I said imply that capitalism doesn't exist?
How did you get that out of what I said? :dunno:
If no one is in a capitalist society, then capitalism doesn't exist, right?
How did you get that out of anything I posted? :dunno:
We are clearly dealing with a retard who thinks "consent of the governed" means every vote has to be unanimous.

It's a lie if it doesn't. "Consent of the governed" is a bullshit term. It never exists in reality.
Wrong. Only communism/socialism does that. Capitalism is based on treating people as they are, warts and all.
Sure thing there Sparky....... Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies....... :eusa_whistle:
How does what I said imply that capitalism doesn't exist?
How did you get that out of what I said? :dunno:
If no one is in a capitalist society, then capitalism doesn't exist, right?
How did you get that out of anything I posted? :dunno:

Allow me to quote:

"Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies"
Sure thing there Sparky....... Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies....... :eusa_whistle:
How does what I said imply that capitalism doesn't exist?
How did you get that out of what I said? :dunno:
If no one is in a capitalist society, then capitalism doesn't exist, right?
How did you get that out of anything I posted? :dunno:

Allow me to quote:

"Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies"
Look up. See the pretty contrails........?
That's bullshit. The only way to opt out of society is via death.

The problem is dumbasses like you thinking that they have a monopoly on society.
That's utter garbage. Our larger society allows women to become POTUS, for example. But you can choose to set up a miniculture that doesn't allow women to do anything. But that is a faux mini culture. Because the women could step out any time they want and have the freedom guaranteed by our larger culture. And if thugs in the mini culture protest, then too bad for them.

You have the same guarantees and protections as any other citizen does, even if you choose to pretend your mini culture doesn't need those things. And based on thousands of years of human history, you have no grounds for the belief that you would be better off in the midst of a larger culture that is anarchic.

I never wanted your blood money to begin with.
Then write your congressperson and have the laws changed.

Talk about garbage, your claim that you can have a "mini-culture" that doesn't comply with the rules of the dominate culture is pure idiocy.

How many Catholic priests do you know that are women in the United States?
There is no difference between a state and a street gang. T

Sure there is. Street gangs don't provide goods and services.

I like drinking clean water and driving on safe roads and knowing that the infrastructure is there that allows me to live in a civilized society. And I don't mind paying reasonable taxes to get that.

They certainly do provide goods and services. They provide drugs, prostitution and gambling, and their terms are much better than what government offers.
How does what I said imply that capitalism doesn't exist?
How did you get that out of what I said? :dunno:
If no one is in a capitalist society, then capitalism doesn't exist, right?
How did you get that out of anything I posted? :dunno:

Allow me to quote:

"Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies"
Look up. See the pretty contrails........?

Are you claiming you didn't post that?
That's bullshit. The only way to opt out of society is via death.

The problem is dumbasses like you thinking that they have a monopoly on society.
That's utter garbage. Our larger society allows women to become POTUS, for example. But you can choose to set up a miniculture that doesn't allow women to do anything. But that is a faux mini culture. Because the women could step out any time they want and have the freedom guaranteed by our larger culture. And if thugs in the mini culture protest, then too bad for them.

You have the same guarantees and protections as any other citizen does, even if you choose to pretend your mini culture doesn't need those things. And based on thousands of years of human history, you have no grounds for the belief that you would be better off in the midst of a larger culture that is anarchic.

I never wanted your blood money to begin with.
Then write your congressperson and have the laws changed.

Talk about garbage, your claim that you can have a "mini-culture" that doesn't comply with the rules of the dominate culture is pure idiocy.

How many Catholic priests do you know that are women in the United States?

That's because the dominate culture allows it. It also allows you to buy a red car, so the appearance of red cars on our streets isn't evidence that people can flout the government.
How did you get that out of what I said? :dunno:
If no one is in a capitalist society, then capitalism doesn't exist, right?
How did you get that out of anything I posted? :dunno:

Allow me to quote:

"Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies"
Look up. See the pretty contrails........?

Are you claiming you didn't post that?
Nope, stating positively you didn't get it...... and letting you run with your "interpretation"...... :thup:
We are clearly dealing with a retard who thinks "consent of the governed" means every vote has to be unanimous.

No mate, you are the retard promoting the bullshit idea that silence equals consent.

If you are silent when it comes time to vote, that is YOUR fault. You bet your ass silence equals consent.

No it doesn't, douche bag, and that still doesn't get you around the issue of whether I have consented when I vote "no."
If no one is in a capitalist society, then capitalism doesn't exist, right?
How did you get that out of anything I posted? :dunno:

Allow me to quote:

"Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies"
Look up. See the pretty contrails........?

Are you claiming you didn't post that?
Nope, stating positively you didn't get it...... and letting you run with your "interpretation"...... :thup:

Then explain it, moron, because I don't know what other explanation for it there is.
If you don't like the system our Founders created, you are in the wrong country.

I am in the right country. The place I was born in.

You clearly don't like here. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Comparing yourself to a rape victim now, are you? Wow! What a fucking creep!

Of course, the retard fails to comprehend the argument.

If silence equals consent, like you just argued, then the standard should apply in all situations.

You get to vote. Not voting is NOTHING like being raped, creepo. It's the worst false analogy ever.

You are consenting to whatever everyone else decides. There's the social contract you asked for, dipshit.

Unlike a rape victim, you are free to leave any time you wish, retard. See ya!

Oh, there it is. The classic run away argument.

So the government can rape you, kill your family, and degrade your humanity. It is all okay because you can leave at any time :lmao:

Still comparing yourself to a rape victim? Seriously? You aren't just a loser, you are one ignorant creep.

What, you're still here? Why haven't you started packing? Do you LIKE being raped?

I guess so.

Typical redneck asshole.
How did you get that out of anything I posted? :dunno:

Allow me to quote:

"Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies"
Look up. See the pretty contrails........?

Are you claiming you didn't post that?
Nope, stating positively you didn't get it...... and letting you run with your "interpretation"...... :thup:

Then explain it, moron, because I don't know what other explanation for it there is.
That's because you can't see past your own nose. Now who's the moron? :rofl:
We do not have a system of "taxation without consent". Your argument is built on a false premise, and thus collapses.

We absolutely due have a system of taxation without consent. Your contention is built on a false assertion, and thus collapses.

*eagerly awaits run off into the woods argument*
Those who create taxes are elected by us......that is representation and consent. If you cannot get a majority to vote the way you want them to, well....you aren't very convincing.
Only a goosestepping douche bag believes that to be consent. It wouldn't pass for consent in any courtroom in America.
Allow me to quote:

"Guess people aren't people in capitalist societies"
Look up. See the pretty contrails........?

Are you claiming you didn't post that?
Nope, stating positively you didn't get it...... and letting you run with your "interpretation"...... :thup:

Then explain it, moron, because I don't know what other explanation for it there is.
That's because you can't see past your own nose. Now who's the moron? :rofl:

Still don't want to explain it, I see.

Time to write you off as a useless moron.
And that falls apart the first time marauders who don't want to be part of your town come through, kill your family and take off

What if the economics of force are in favor of the civilized and not this hypothetical band of marauders"?

Nestor Mahkno led an anarchist army 100,000 strong. Pretty sure bandits were not a huge concern for Ukrainian anarchists.

I'm not talking about an army. Say it was four guys. So, you get home, your family is dead. Your move. So?

How many people were killed in Orlando despite the existence of our army?
The economics of force were not on their side. An army of 100,000 had no chance against a half dozen armies with several million troops combined between them.
So he was stupid. Thanks.

How was he stupid?

I respect him for fighting. The black army lasted three years and made a lasting impact. You still have people today telling the stories of the infamous Calvary riding into battle hoisting banners saying "Liberty or death!" and "Freedom for the working man!"

The Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine actually led had a direct influence on the CNT anarchist rebellion in Catalonia. Every revolution emboldens the movement and the spirit of the struggle.
So how long did those anarchists last? One failed effort spawned another?

Cities and towns existed for 6000 years before the state came into existence.

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