Once again pointing out the elephant in the room

Trying to make yourself look wise and intelligent isn't working......... :rofl:

I simply note the facts.
Facts? Is that what you're telling yourself....... :lmao:

(as long as you continue to be a moron I will continue to treat you accordingly) :thup:

The lengths you go to avoiding an answer to a simple question are extraordinary.
Simple? You're the one who made it difficult and continues to make it difficult. :dunno:

How am I making it difficult? what could be easier than you explaining what you meant? How do you even imagine that I'm supposed to divine what you intended?
By actually reading what I said and not reading into what I said.........
I'll relent as you obviously haven't a clue.
I was pointing out the difference between socioeconomic models and reality (human application of those models), basically you said that only applied to socialist/communist systems. How are capitalist system models perfect? Are the people in those system God like? Not human? :dunno:
I simply note the facts.
Facts? Is that what you're telling yourself....... :lmao:

(as long as you continue to be a moron I will continue to treat you accordingly) :thup:

The lengths you go to avoiding an answer to a simple question are extraordinary.
Simple? You're the one who made it difficult and continues to make it difficult. :dunno:

How am I making it difficult? what could be easier than you explaining what you meant? How do you even imagine that I'm supposed to divine what you intended?
By actually reading what I said and not reading into what I said.........
I'll relent as you obviously haven't a clue.
I was pointing out the difference between socioeconomic models and reality (human application of those models), basically you said that only applied to socialist/communist systems. How are capitalist system models perfect? Are the people in those system God like? Not human? :dunno:
I asked you to explain it so I wouldn't have to read anything into what you said. If my interpretation is wrong, then your statement is nonsensical. You don't' want to explain it because you know it was idiotic.
Facts? Is that what you're telling yourself....... :lmao:

(as long as you continue to be a moron I will continue to treat you accordingly) :thup:

The lengths you go to avoiding an answer to a simple question are extraordinary.
Simple? You're the one who made it difficult and continues to make it difficult. :dunno:

How am I making it difficult? what could be easier than you explaining what you meant? How do you even imagine that I'm supposed to divine what you intended?
By actually reading what I said and not reading into what I said.........
I'll relent as you obviously haven't a clue.
I was pointing out the difference between socioeconomic models and reality (human application of those models), basically you said that only applied to socialist/communist systems. How are capitalist system models perfect? Are the people in those system God like? Not human? :dunno:
I asked you to explain it so I wouldn't have to read anything into what you said. If my interpretation is wrong, then your statement is nonsensical. You don't' want to explain it because you know it was idiotic.
Wrong. It was because I was trying to give you the opportunity to reread it and figure it out utilizing rational application. You refused so I simply gave you what you deserved, ridicule.
That's bullshit. The only way to opt out of society is via death.

The problem is dumbasses like you thinking that they have a monopoly on society.
That's utter garbage. Our larger society allows women to become POTUS, for example. But you can choose to set up a miniculture that doesn't allow women to do anything. But that is a faux mini culture. Because the women could step out any time they want and have the freedom guaranteed by our larger culture. And if thugs in the mini culture protest, then too bad for them.

A miniculture?

Is that miniculture still constrained to the system established by the larger state? Yeah, it is.

And based on thousands of years of human history, you have no grounds for the belief that you would be better off in the midst of a larger culture that is anarchic.

Thousands of years of history are why you should support anarchism.

Then write your congressperson and have the laws changed.

Uh, dumbass, have you been listening?

My voice is worthless to them. Even if the illusion of this being a majority driven system is correct, the majority of Americans are stupid submissive bastards.
Majority vote is not consent, especially when I vote against the majority. Bootlickers like you have been trying to push the myth that it is since the invention of democracy.

You know, I argue a lot about the moral legitimacy of majority vote politics, but the reality is that has never existed. Not even once.
A lot of times it's easier to accept a trite cliche than do the freaking work. Spooner may have been able to turn a slick phrase that resonates in low information minds but in reality he was an angry and perhaps incoherent hypocrite. Spooner wanted to form his own mail delivery service but the enterprise failed because the federal government assumed responsibility for the mail. He lived before the freaking IRS was even a thought and apparently he liked living in the greatest country in the world but he didn't like taxes. What people like Spooner forget is that the Founding Fathers created a system (for the first time in history) where the people can fire their leaders every two, four and seven years. The problem isn't taxes, it's the media which has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party and the people who instinctively want change but strangely enough are afraid of it when they really get a choice.

Nothing substantive stated.

You are just issuing generic attacks used against anarchists and trying to apply them to a very notable anarchist figure. We got hundreds of anarchist philosophers. Just try and discredit them all.

I have noticed that every conversation with Ringel05 becomes a back and forth where he puts your intellectual honesty in question, which is ironic given it is obvious deflection from the arguments.
I simply note the facts.
Facts? Is that what you're telling yourself....... :lmao:

(as long as you continue to be a moron I will continue to treat you accordingly) :thup:

The lengths you go to avoiding an answer to a simple question are extraordinary.
Simple? You're the one who made it difficult and continues to make it difficult. :dunno:

How am I making it difficult? what could be easier than you explaining what you meant? How do you even imagine that I'm supposed to divine what you intended?
By actually reading what I said and not reading into what I said.........
I'll relent as you obviously haven't a clue.
I was pointing out the difference between socioeconomic models and reality (human application of those models), basically you said that only applied to socialist/communist systems. How are capitalist system models perfect? Are the people in those system God like? Not human? :dunno:

I have noticed that every conversation with Ringel05 becomes a back and forth where he puts your intellectual honesty in question, which is ironic given it is obvious deflection from the arguments.
Nope; you seem to be an "anarchist" who worships the Written Word even though it never translates into reality due to human intervention.
Nope; you seem to be an "anarchist" who worships the Written Word even though it never translates into reality due to human intervention.

It is not clear what you are talking about.

Everything I advocate is a thousand times more intelligent than the positions you morons support.
Nope; you seem to be an "anarchist" who worships the Written Word even though it never translates into reality due to human intervention.

It is not clear what you are talking about.

Everything I advocate is a thousand times more intelligent than the positions you morons support.
And that's why nobody understands you...you're simply TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO inteligunt.
Let's us know when you become even remotely interesting...

Recycled talking points and attack rhetoric are the only things that interest you mindless tools.

Get back to me when you want to become educated on how you have been commoditized and enslaved by a machine.
By a Free Trade Machine that YOU worship.

My support of it signifies that I do not suck ruling class dick, in contrast to moronic tools like you.

Somehow you got twisted into being an anti consumer piece of shit.

Are you on drugs?

Was this attack supposed to accomplish something?

Stop wasting the worlds time.
By a Free Trade Machine that YOU worship.

My support of it signifies that I do not suck ruling class dick, in contrast to moronic tools like you.

Somehow you got twisted into being an anti consumer piece of shit.

Are you on drugs?

Was this attack supposed to accomplish something?

Stop wasting the worlds time.
Unfettered Free Trade has brought us to where we are.
But don't worry, Uncle Friedman has taken care of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.
Unfettered Free Trade has brought us to where we are.

Oh really?

When have we ever had unfettered free trade even once in US history? It certainly was not before the Great Depression.

But don't worry, Uncle Friedman has taken care of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

You only have baseless conjecture on your side.

Last conversation I repeated a series of questions over a dozen times, and you deflected from answering them every single reply.
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Uh, dumbass, have you been listening?
Yes, I been reading your whines about how sad you are that you're a failure. You can't build a coalition to push your agenda. So you think we ought to defer to you, so you can simply establish a new government by decree.

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