Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
As a taxpayer, I don't want to foot the bill for some faggot who joins the military in order to get free sex change surgery. ...... :eusa_hand:

Why do you feel you paid for it? I want to cut Miltary Spending By Half.
You do know, you can tell yourself here. As you feel you're paying for thangs. Somehow?.
Do you track the money? Show me the paperwork, you personally paid for these thangs. You HATE!
So just tell yourself. Your little-paid in tax money only gets spent on thangs you approve of.
And the Dems money paid in went for the body equipment adjustments.

If he pays taxes he helped pay

What? Was his share 0.01 of 1 cent? Okay, say .02. He's a rich guy
I guess. Whining Over Nothing... In the over spending by gobmint on health services.
It a 3.7T industry per year. The gobmint provides/ funds about 1.3T of that GDP.
As a taxpayer, I don't want to foot the bill for some faggot who joins the military in order to get free sex change surgery. ...... :eusa_hand:

Why do you feel you paid for it? I want to cut Miltary Spending By Half.
You do know, you can tell yourself here. As you feel you're paying for thangs. Somehow?.
Do you track the money? Show me the paperwork, you personally paid for these thangs. You HATE!
So just tell yourself. Your little-paid in tax money only gets spent on thangs you approve of.
And the Dems money paid in went for the body equipment adjustments.

If he pays taxes he helped pay

What? Was his share 0.01 of 1 cent? Okay, say .02. He's a rich guy
I guess. Whining Over Nothing... In the over spending by gobmint on health services.
It a 3.7T industry per year. The gobmint provides/ funds about 1.3T of that GDP.

He's still paying
As a taxpayer, I don't want to foot the bill for some faggot who joins the military in order to get free sex change surgery. ...... :eusa_hand:

Why do you feel you paid for it? I want to cut Miltary Spending By Half.
You do know, you can tell yourself here. As you feel you're paying for thangs. Somehow?.
Do you track the money? Show me the paperwork, you personally paid for these thangs. You HATE!
So just tell yourself. Your little-paid in tax money only gets spent on thangs you approve of.
And the Dems money paid in went for the body equipment adjustments.

If he pays taxes he helped pay

What? Was his share 0.01 of 1 cent? Okay, say .02. He's a rich guy
I guess. Whining Over Nothing... In the over spending by gobmint on health services.
It a 3.7T industry per year. The gobmint provides/ funds about 1.3T of that GDP.

He's still paying
As a taxpayer, I don't want to foot the bill for some faggot who joins the military in order to get free sex change surgery. ...... :eusa_hand:

Why do you feel you paid for it? I want to cut Miltary Spending By Half.
You do know, you can tell yourself here. As you feel you're paying for thangs. Somehow?.
Do you track the money? Show me the paperwork, you personally paid for these thangs. You HATE!
So just tell yourself. Your little-paid in tax money only gets spent on thangs you approve of.
And the Dems money paid in went for the body equipment adjustments.

If he pays taxes he helped pay

What? Was his share 0.01 of 1 cent? Okay, say .02. He's a rich guy
I guess. Whining Over Nothing... In the over spending by gobmint on health services.
It a 3.7T industry per year. The gobmint provides/ funds about 1.3T of that GDP.

He's still paying

But true.
Why do you feel you paid for it? I want to cut Miltary Spending By Half.
You do know, you can tell yourself here. As you feel you're paying for thangs. Somehow?.
Do you track the money? Show me the paperwork, you personally paid for these thangs. You HATE!
So just tell yourself. Your little-paid in tax money only gets spent on thangs you approve of.
And the Dems money paid in went for the body equipment adjustments.

If he pays taxes he helped pay

What? Was his share 0.01 of 1 cent? Okay, say .02. He's a rich guy
I guess. Whining Over Nothing... In the over spending by gobmint on health services.
It a 3.7T industry per year. The gobmint provides/ funds about 1.3T of that GDP.

He's still paying

But true.

For him/her. It's only about the lifestyle. NOT the tax MONEY.
My tax dollars subsidize all regions in the USA and Churches and Raping the Kiddies.
I do not like that. But I'm sure him/her is fine funding that. But help a gay person, no way.
And them churches pays no taxes, mostly. A criminal gang. Living
off US tax dollars.
So if we can tax the churches and their property like everyone else's. That would be fair.
See how this works. btw. The Trans are not hurting anyone, But the churches are into evildoing
on kiddies.
Draft dodger Trump thinks he knows what's best for the military. If a transgender person is willing to lay their life down for this country, what's the problem?

While I'm a libertarian I kind of agree with this Executive Order. The military commanders have enough to deal with in terms of training soldiers and national defense. They don't need to be distracted by these kinds of inane cultural issues.

LGBT have always served and will always serve. Most accept them, no problems. It's President Trump who is mixing and stirring.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Making the Transgendered transition while actively serving in the military will cause problems. If a person wants to serve in the millitary and then transition to the opposite sex after being discharge, then no problem.

LG and B is vastly different than the T by the way. They hardly belong in the same group.
Congratulations to President Trump for setting up the Democrats losing in 2018 and 2020. The libs are going to make an issue of transgender rights and will be compelled by their looney base to make it front and center in the debate. The American people do not support allowing transgenders to serve in our Military because it is a mental illness and with the democrats insisting Trump allow them, they will lose the election.

WTG Mr. president!
He said he would listen to the commanders and take their advice. Obviously they thought that transgenders add nothing to military readiness or morale. Weighing the options, military ability to fight, v. trannies feeling good. Medical care for wounded vets v. sex change operations.

Trump made the right call.
If he pays taxes he helped pay

What? Was his share 0.01 of 1 cent? Okay, say .02. He's a rich guy
I guess. Whining Over Nothing... In the over spending by gobmint on health services.
It a 3.7T industry per year. The gobmint provides/ funds about 1.3T of that GDP.

He's still paying

But true.

For him/her. It's only about the lifestyle. NOT the tax MONEY.
My tax dollars subsidize all regions in the USA and Churches and Raping the Kiddies.
I do not like that. But I'm sure him/her is fine funding that. But help a gay person, no way.
And them churches pays no taxes, mostly. A criminal gang. Living
off US tax dollars.
So if we can tax the churches and their property like everyone else's. That would be fair.
See how this works. btw. The Trans are not hurting anyone, But the churches are into evildoing
on kiddies.
What part of freedom of religion don't you understand? If you can tax churches then the government can compell you to attend church so you'll pay tithes which will be taxable.
"Transgender"... WTF is THAT? The left MAKES UP words to fit any little pet PERVERSION or illegal activity they love, now it's TRANSGENDER.

I always thought there was MEN and WOMEN. When did we get this NEW gender called TRANSGENDER? What kind of FREAK is that?

Progs are such disgusting creatures.
^^ Rightard mutterings.
Because if a transgender were discovered up until 2016 they would be kicked out, there is no real data on how many there are. Estimates are from 2,000 to 15,000.

Suddenly, overnight, this is an issue. A month ago, no one thought of it. Now, suddenly, the right wants to throw thousands of well trained soldiers out of the military for, for, I forget why. I think it's just hate.

And who is going to replace these soldiers in an all volunteer force?

Army, Marines give waivers to more felons - CNN.com

Military Lowers Standards To Fill Ranks

US Army Recruitment, Oct 25 2007 | Video | C-SPAN.org
To hear the lefty Liberals tell it.

Banning transgender freakazoids from serving in the military will put our nation in great peril during a future war. ..... :cuckoo:

The military sticks with basic biology. It should not entertain fantasies of delusional fags that belong in a mental hospital.
"Transgender"... WTF is THAT? The left MAKES UP words to fit any little pet PERVERSION or illegal activity they love, now it's TRANSGENDER.

I always thought there was MEN and WOMEN. When did we get this NEW gender called TRANSGENDER? What kind of FREAK is that?

Progs are such disgusting creatures.
^^ Rightard mutterings.

Muttering? There are two sexes, male and female, determined by chromosomes. There is no changing sex, and thus "gender".

People do not have a right to join the military. It can impose whatever restrictions it wants, as long as it doesn't discriminate against people for their race or sex. It can however refuse to accept service based on behavior. Denying reality and science by pretending you're the opposite sex is clearly something the military doesn't have to waste its time and resources on.
Trans in the military are NOT good for Moral, it is unfair all the way around when it comes to having all surgeries taken care of when our own military and their families can't get any type of elective surgeries done wtf should some tranny have the right to have our tax dollars pay for a set of boobs ( when a normal woman can't get them) , why should we pay for them to get their wanker cut off. When our own military can't get the top notch lets say leg replacement, or arms etc. Screw that bs.
George Takei says Trump picked the wrong community and he'll regret it. Sure right, only thing more a bitch than liberal feminists is the community he speaks of. Sorry, but I can't see how to take them seriously.

Personally, I'd like to see a left leaning gay Vs feminist bitch-off. The feminist doesn't stand a chance, but it would be fun to watch.

Wholly shit, kind of funny, yet disturbing......
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The Big Orange Idiot is finding himself sinking deeper and deeper into the sh!t pile of his administration’s corruption.

ban has conservatives smiling from ear to ear, and has given them back that same gleeful spring in their step they get when congress votes to steal healthcare from tens-of-millions of their fellow Americans.

However, the conservatives’ denial of Big Orange’s collusion can only go so far. This ban enacted by the Big Orange Idiot will act as shot in the arm to rekindle the conservatives overwhelming hate for those who are not white conservative Christians. But its effects are only temporary.

Happily, Mueller’s investigation will soon have the conservatives entertaining everyone else, as they resume vehemently denying reality again, and proclaiming the innocence of Big Orange and his crooked cronies.

Trump's Cruel Military Ban On Transgender People Is An Attempt To Save His Base


View attachment 140743 View attachment 140744

More truth and reality for conservatives to deny.
The ban on transgendered only recognizes that the obama era experiment didn't work. The military recommended that it be discontinued.
BertramN, apply the Preparation H liberally until the pain subsides. :p

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